Front cover image for The Authentic Heart : An Eightfold Path to Midlife Love

The Authentic Heart : An Eightfold Path to Midlife Love

The richest, most fulfilling love of your life is yet to come! "The Authentic Heart offers practical, wise, and compassionate guidance for midlife love."--Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart and After the Ecstasy, the Laundry "The Authentic Heart is a groundbreaking, insightful, warmly written book that I highly recommend to anyone wanting more loving, joyful relationships. John Amodeo addresses with great clarity, wisdom, and practicality the key steps that are necessary for building authentic, mature, loving connections--not only with others, but also with oneself."--John Bradshaw, New York Times bestselling author of Healing the Shame that Binds You "Just what millions want to know--not only how to make love last but how to make lasting love new again and again. This warmhearted and clearheaded book is full of practical wisdom."--Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., and Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., authors of Conscious Loving and The Conscious Heart As you enter midlife, you may feel that something you've always longed for has never happened. Frustrated, you may give up on love or cling to young images of romantic love, hoping that another person will furnish happiness. You may experience a growing sense of depression, anxiety, or cynicism. But as psychotherapist and relationship expert Dr. John Amodeo explains, authentic love takes time and maturity. At midlife, you hold the extraordinary potential to become more fully awake and alive in your relationships than ever before. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Amodeo helps you rediscover love at its best. You'll learn how to overcome the psychological obstacles that have kept you from developing satisfying relationships. And you'll learn the eight enriching steps that release your authentic self for the fullness of genuine connection. Whether you're seeking true love for the first time or wish to deepen
eBook, English, c2001
Wiley, New York, c2001
1 online resource (305 pages)
9780471437871, 0471437875
The Authentic Heart
The First Step: Prepare Your Understanding: From Young Love to Mature Love
1 New Beginnings
2 Comparative Love 101
The Second Step: Identify the Shame That Keeps Love Away
3 The Nature of Shame
4 Your Inner Critic: The Voice of Shame
The Third Step: Summon the Courage to Affirm the Authentic You
5 Getting to Authenticity
6 Celebrate Your Authentic Self
The Fourth Step: Respect Yourself through Boundaries
7 Boundaries as a Foundation for Intimacy
The Fifth Step: Practice Self-Soothing and Self-Connection
8 The Softening Ingredient
9 Focusing: A Path to Befriending Yourself
10 Spiritual Self-Soothing
The Sixth Step: Respect Others through Kind Conversation
11 Gentle Honesty
12 Speak and Connect from Your Authentic Heart
The Seventh Step: Build Trust through a Process Commitment
13 Being Committed to the Process
14 The Key Ingredients of Trust
The Eighth Step: Deepen Your Understanding of Love and Sexuality
15 The Ingredients of Love
16 A Deepening Sexuality
Conclusion Toward a Mature Spirituality
A Guide to Resources
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