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Livros Livros

The American Economic Review, Volume 97

2007 - 1184 páginas
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges; and the Hand book of the American Economic Association.
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The American Economic Review, Volume 97

2007 - 1056 páginas
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The American Economic Review, Volume 97

2007 - 1184 páginas
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges; and the Hand book of the American Economic Association.
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The American Economic Review, Volume 97

2007 - 1040 páginas
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The American Economic Review, Volume 96

2006 - 604 páginas
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges.
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The American Economic Review, Volume 96

2006 - 1168 páginas
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges; and the Hand book of the American Economic Association.
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The American Economic Review, Volume 96

2006 - 952 páginas
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The American Economic Review, Volume 96

2006 - 1040 páginas
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges; and the Hand book of the American Economic Association.
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The American Economic Review, Volume 96

2006 - 952 páginas
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The American Economic Review, Volume 95

2005 - 1118 páginas
Includes annual List of doctoral dissertations in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges; and the Hand book of the American Economic Association.
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