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Graz.-The Chair of General and Austrian Public Law at the University of Graz was filled during the year 1893 by the election of Dr. Edmund Bernatzik, * Professor at Basle. In addition to works already noted in the ANNALS, Professor Bernatzik has written :

“Republik und Monarchie." Pp. 52. Freiburg, 1892. "Das System der Proportional Vertretung." buch XVII. Pp. 393-426.


Schmoller's Jahr

Berlin.-Professor Max Sering, who, in addition to being Professor of Economics at the Agricultural Institute, has at the same time been Privat-dozent at the University, has recently been promoted to the rank of Extraordinary Professor at the latter institution. He was born January 18, 1857, at Barby, in the Prussian province of Saxony, and attended the Gymnasium of Madgeburg 1867 to 1872, and the Imperial Lyceum of Strassburg from 1872-76. In the latter year he commenced his university work which occupied the years 1876-79 at the universities of Leipzig and Strassburg. In 1881 he took the degree of Doctor of Political Science at Strassburg. From 1879 to 1882 Dr. Sering was Referendar in the Judicial and Administrative service of Alsace-Lorraine, and in 1882 of Berlin. In the following year, 1883, he made a visit to the United States and Canada to study our agricultural conditions on a commission from the Prussian Government. In 1883 he became Privat-dozent at the University of Bonn, where, in 1885, he became Extraordinary Professor. In 1889 he accepted a call to the Agricultural Institute of Berlin, as Professor of Economics. Professor Sering is Secretary of the Verein für Sozialpolitik. His writings have been as follows:

"Geschichte der preussisch-deutschen Eisenzölle." Leipzig, 1882. “Die Konkurrenz der nordamerikanischen Landwirthschaft. Landwirthschaft, Kolonisation, und Verkehrswesen in der Ver. Staaten und Britisch Amerika." Leipzig, 1887.

Arbeiter Ausschüsse in der deutschen Industrie." Leipzig, 1889. "Innere Kolonisation im östlichen Deutschland." Leipzig, 1893. "Beobachtungen auf einer nordamerikanischen Studienreise." Landwirthschaftliche Presse, 1883-84.

Arbeiterfrage und Kolonisation in den östlichen Provinzen Preussens." Ibid., 1892.

"Erhebungen über die Lage des Kleingewerbes in Baden." Conrad's Jahrbuch, 1889.

* See ANNALS, Vol. ii. p. 116. July, 1892.

"Die soziale Frage in England und Deutschland." Schmoller's Jahrbuch.

In Conrad's Handwörterbuch, the articles: "Arbeitseinstellungen in Grossbritannien;" “Arbeitseinstellungen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika:" "Getreidehandel in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika;" "Heimslättenrecht;" "Rentengüter."

Erlangen.-Professor Hermann Rehm, late of Giessen, has accepted and entered upon the duties of a Professorship of Public and Administrative Law, German Constitutional and Legal History at Erlangen. Dr. Rehm was born at Augsburg, April 19, 1862, and after preparation at the Gymnasium at Nuremberg, entered 1880 the University of Munich. Here he remained until 1884, and took in 1886 the degree of Doctor of Laws. From 1885 to 1888 he was in the practice of law; but in the summer of 1891 became Privat-dozent at Munich. Hence he was called in the fall of 1891 to Marburg as Extraordinary Professor. In 1892 he became ordinary Professor at Giessen. Professor Rehm has published the following works besides a large number of smaller articles:

"Die rechtliche Natur des Staatsdienstes nach deutschen Staatsrecht." Annalen des deutschen Reiches 1884 and 1885. Pp. 264. "Das Bayerische Notariatsgesetz." First edition, Pp. 200, 1888. Second edition, Pp. 218, 1893.

“Die rechtliche Natur der Gewerbskonzession." Pp. 87, 1889. "Der Rechtsbegriff der Arbeiterversicherung."

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"Der Erwerb von Staats und Gemeindeangehörigkeit in geschichtlichen Entwickelung nach römischem und deutschem Staatsrecht." Annalen des deutschen Reiches 1892. Pp. 195.

"Der Mitgleidschaftserwerb in der evangelischen Landeskirche und landeskirchlichen Ortsgemeinde Deutschlande." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht 1892. Pp. 155.

"Die jüngste Reform des bayerischen Heimatsrechtes." Archiv für öffentliches Recht. 1893. Pp. 50.

Further, the following articles, in the "Handwörterbuch" of Professor Conrad: "Bodensee," "Eheschliessung," "Freizügigkeit," "Glücksspiel," "Heimatsrecht," "Passwesen,” “Passrecht.”

Giessen.-Dr. Karl F. Heimburger has been appointed Ordinary Professor of Public and International Law at the University of Giessen. He was born at Lahr, Baden, August 27, 1859 After a school education at the Gymnasium of Karlsruhe, he entered 1877 the University of Lausanne. Hence he went in 1878 to Leipzig, and in 1881 to Heidelberg, where in 1882 he received the degree of Doctor of Laws. In

1888 he became Privat-dozent at Heidelberg. Professor Heimburger is a member of l'Institut de Droit international, Société d'Histoire diplomatique, the American Academy of Political and Social Science and other learned societies. Besides numerous contributions to leading legal periodicals, Professor Heimburger has published :

"Die Reform der Verwaltungsrechtsprechung und der Kompetenzkonflikte in Italien." Pp. 80. Vienna, 1886.

"Der Erwerb der Gebietshoheit. Eine Staats und völkerrechtliche Studie I Teil." Pp. 155. Karlsruhe, 1888.

Hermann von Schulze-Gävernitz, Eine Biographie." (In Badische Biographien). Karlsruhe, 1891.

Halle. The death is announced of Dr. Hugo Eisenhart, Extraordinary Professor of Economics at the University of Halle. He was born January 8, 1811, at Wolmirstedt in the Prussian Province of Saxony. Since 1840 he was connected with the University of Halle, from 1840-56 as Privat-dozent, and since 1856 as Extraordinary. He retired some years ago from active academic work. Professor Eisenhart published 1: :

"Philosophie des Staates oder Allgemeine Sozialtheorie." 2 vols. Leipzig, 1843-44.

"Der Begriff des Adels in Staate." Stuttgart, 1852.

"Die gegenwärtige Staatenwelt in ihren natürlichen Gliederung und ihren leitenden Grossmächten." Leipzig, 1856. "Kunst der Besteuerung." Berlin, 1868.

"Geschichte der Nationalökonomie." Jena, 1881. Second edition,


Kiel. Dr. Wilhelm Hasbach, formerly of Königsberg, has been appointed Ordinary Professor of Political Economy at the University of Kiel. He was born August 25, 1849, at Venanen in the Rhine Province, and attended the Realgymnasium at Cologne before pursuing university studies at the Academy of Münster and the universities of Bonn, Tübingen and Berlin. In 1875 he passed the State examinations at Bonn, and 1878 secured the degree of Doctor of Political Science at Tübingen. In 1884 he became Privat-dozent at the University of Greifswald, and since 1887 he has been Extraordinary Professor at Königsberg. Professor Hasbach's writings include :

"Iago in Shakespeare's Othello." Archiv für neuere Sprachen, 1876. "Die Beziehungen der Platonischen Aesthetik zur Aesthetik Schopenhauers." Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 1880.

"Die Reform des englischen Parlaments." Grenzboten, 1882. "Das englische Arbeiterversicherungswesen." Pp. 447. 1883.

“Ein Beitrag zur Methodologie der National ökonomie." Schmoller's Jahrbuch, 1885.

"Eine andere Gestaltung des Studiums der Wirthschaftswissenschaften." Schmoller's Jahrbuch, 1887.

"Larochefaucalt und Mandeville." Schmoller's Jahrbuch, 1890. "Die allgemeinen philosophischen Grundlagen der von François Quesnay und Adam Smith begründeten politischen Oekonomie." Pp. 177. 1890.

"Untersuchungen über Adam Smith und die Entwickelung der politischen Oekonomie." Pp. 440. 1891.

"Recent Contributions to Economic History in Germany." Economic Journal, 1891.

"Les fondements philosophiques de l'économie politique de Quesnay et Smith." Revue d'Economie politique, 1893. Also in German in the periodical Deutsche wörte, 1893.

The articles “Arbeiterversicherung" and "Grossbritannien," in Conrad's Handwörterbuch.

Leipzig.-Dr. Karl Eugen Rieker has been appointed Extraordinary Professor of Ecclesiastical and International Law, in the legal Faculty at Leipzig. Professor Rieker was born March 27, 1857, at Urach in Württemberg. After preparation at the evangelical theologi. cal seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren, he studied at the University of Tübingen, from 1875 to 1879. From 1881 to 1884 he was a teacher at the Theological Seminary at Tübingen, and from 1884 to 1890 he was engaged in pastoral work at Brackenderm in Württemberg. During this period, 1887, he obtained the degree of licentiatas theologiæ at Tübingen, and in 1891 he received the degree of Doctor of Law at Leipzig. In the same year he became Privat-dozent in the Legal Faculty at Leipzig. Professor Rieker has published :

Die evangelische Kirche Würtembergs in ihrem Verhältniss zum Staat." Pp. 151. 1887.

Die rechtliche Natur des evangelischen Pfarramts." Pp. 67. 1891. "Die rechtliche Stellung der evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands, in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung bis zur Gegenwart." Pp. 488. 1893.

Die rechtliche Natur der modernen Volksvertretung." Pp. 60. 1893.

Marburg.-Dr. Karl Rathgen has been appointed Extraordinary Professor of Political Economy at the University of Marburg. He was born December 19, 1856, at Weimar. After passing through the gymnasium at Weimar, he studied law and political science at the universities of Strassburg, Halle, Leipzig and Berlin. In 1881 he obtained the degree of Doctor of Political Science at Strassburg. In 1882 he was appointed Professor of Political Science at the Imperial University of Tokio, Japan, which position he held eight years. In 1892 he became Privat-dozent at the University of Berlin and in the winter semester 1892-93 supplied at Marburg in place of Professor Paasche, who was absent. In September of the current year he received the appointment as Professor at Marburg. His publications


Japans Volkswirthschaft und Staatshaushalt." Schmoller's Forschungen. Vol. x. Pp. 800. 1891.

“Die Entstehung der Märkte in Deutschland." Pp. 68. 1881. "Der deutsche Handel in Ostasien." Schmoller's Jahrbuch. 1885. “Die Entwickelung des Handels zwischen Europa und China." Schmoller's Jahrbuch. 1892.

"Ergebnisse der amtlichen Bevölkerungs statistik in Japan. Mitthelungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur und Völkerkunde Ostasiens." 1887.

"Moderne Handelspolitik." Preussische Jahrbücher. 1892. "Japanisches Verkehrswesen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin." 1892.

"Märkte und Messen." Article in Conrad's Handwörterbuch.

Stuttgart.-At the Technical High School at Stuttgart, Dr. Hermann Losch became Privat-dozent for Statistics and Political Economy in July last. He was born January 16, 1863, in Murrhardt in Württemberg and was educated in the Latin school, and later in the Protestant Seminaries of Maulbronn (1877-79) and Blaubeuren (1879–81). He studied • at Tübingen from 1881 to 1885 and took in 1887 his degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Tübingen, with a dissertation upon Condorcet. From 1885 until 1888, he was in the service of the Church Administration in Württemberg as Pfarramtsverweser, and School Inspector. The winter semester of 1888-89 he spent at the University of Berlin, and in the same year accepted a position as secretary to a member of the Imperial Parliament, Gustav Siegle, Deputy from Stuttgart. Since assuming the work of Privat-dozent, he has accepted a position as Finanz assessor in the Württemberg Statistical Office without relinquishing his teaching. He has been active in the Verein für Sozialpolitik, acting as secretary at the Session of Berlin in 1883.

Dr. Losch's publications include :

Volksvermögen, Volkseinkommen und ihre Verteilung." Heft. I Bd. vii. von Staats und Socialwissenschaftlichen Forschungen. Pp. 110. 1887.

“Sozialismus und Reichsstatistik." Schmoller's Jahrbuch. 1889.

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