Imagens das páginas

apartments together in the Rue de Rivoli, twenty long to dance, and with whom young

and are going to give balls. No wonder, therefore, that girls dressed as you were last night, if they were as ugly as sin, would be a great catch to any body going to give balls-not to mention the particularly striking appearance of your brother. Of course I understand the thing perfectly." "And you will leave cards to-day, mamma, won't you?" inquired the two young ladies in a breath.

ladies verging towards thirty are thankful to dance, if they can get nothing better. The sisters of a young man of this class are soon taught to know the value of such a brother. They have no need to fear, in going into a ball-room where there are strangers, that they shall be greeted with cold examining glances, or find any difficulty in obtaining an eligible vis-à-vis among the young beauties they find there. They have only to persuade him to let them "arm him with the freedom of a" sister during a few turns up and down the more a man of the world than your father, room, and their invitation to the set is seyoung as he is. I want your opinion, Ed-cured, beyond the danger of a single disward, about visiting Lady Morton and La-senting voice. Agatha and Maria Roberts dy Foreton. I suppose you have heard all were by no means dull girls; they saw and the gossip about them? What do you felt all this by a sort of natural instinct, think? Is there any objection?"

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Why, yes, I suppose we had better not delay it, if we mean to get to the first ball. But here comes Edward; he is ten times

even before experience had taught them the

"Objection? Why, no, ma'am. What full value of its effect, and it is no wonder objection can there possibly be to visiting therefore that his judgment respecting the two ladies of rank, who have taken a mag- propriety of immediately calling upon Lanificent apartment in the most fashionable dy Morton and Lady Foreton was received quartier of Paris, and who have given out that they intend to receive?"

by them as conclusive.

"Now then, namma, I suppose you will have no further scruples?" said Maria. The Robertses were a very happy family

The son and heir of the Roberts family had always been a person of consequence in the domestic circle, but his importance in one respect. There was great uniformwas now increasing daily, and might very ity of opinion amongst them, arising from literally be said to grow with his growth, that sympathy of tastes and feelings which and strengthen with his strength. The is the best security for domestic harmony

on all questions of conduct. Mrs. Roberts nodded her assent, saying with a smile, as she looked at the pretty figure of her son, while he supported his elbow on the low chimney-piece,

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Young men are sure to be the best judges on such questions as these. We will leave the cards when we go out after luncheon for our walk in the Tuileries."

budding hair beginning to be visible upon his upper lip, and which it had been one of his best delights to shave during the last year of his university studies, had been suffered to grow since the second day of his residence in Paris; and being of a dark color was rapidly assuming the impressive aspect of a moustache. His mother, and perhaps his sisters too, watched the growth of this manly appendage with satisfaction almost equal to his own; and, in fact, it really was very important to them all. The youth, as I have said, was well-looking; Among many new acquaintance made his sisters had, before they left London, and making at Paris, Mrs. Roberts had inured his brain to the exercise of waltz- found one old one. This was a certain

ing, by pretty incessant morning practice, Mrs. Bretlow, who might indeed be called during the last vacation, in the Baker-street an old acquaintance, inasmuch as the intidrawing-room, and the skill thus acquired macy now renewed between the ladies had had now been well-nigh brought to perfec- existed before either of them had been martion by assiduous daily practice in the pri- ried. As to all the various twistings and vate rooms of the most accomplished pro- turnings in Mrs. Bretlow's destiny, which fessor in Europe. His style of dress too had ended in her becoming a childless widwas really as good as the inexperienced ow, resident in Paris, they matter not. imitation of so young a scholar could rea- When Mrs. Roberts discovered her old sonably be expected to make it; and take friend, by happening to sit next her at the him for all in all, he was precisely the sort English church, and catching sight of her of youth with whom young ladies under name in her prayer-book, she found her in apparently easy circumstances, living in a neat apartment au troisième in the Faubourg du Roule, and enjoying the entrée to many French houses of considerable fashion, if not of the highest "quartier St. Germain" rank. Both the ladies were delighted by the unexpected meeting, which

say, that Madame de Soissonac was a good deal talked of. This phrase, if used in England respecting a young and pretty married woman, means, I believe, invariably, that she has been incorrect in her conduct as a wife;-but in France it means no such thing; one remarkable difference

afforded Mrs. Bretlow the satisfaction of between the two countries being, that the hearing a great deal about old acquaint- theme which is first brought under discusance whom she had lost sight of for many sion with us, when scandal is the business years, and which eventually gave to Mrs. of the hour, is the last alluded to: whereas Roberts and her family an opportunity of it is neveralluded to at all by our neighseeing much more of French society than bors. No, nobody talked about Madame de they could ever have done without it. Soissonac's lovers, but a great many peoComplaints are often made by English ple talked about her extravagance, her travellers, and not without reason, of the horses, her carriages, her dresses, and difficulty of getting into French society in above all, of the absurd, and every-way-deParis; and assuredly it is no great wonder testable vanity of which she and her husthat it should be difficult, as were it other- band had been guilty in prefixing de before wise, that is to say, were the French to their name. But not for this were the open their doors freely to the English, they salons of Madame de Soissonac the less would speedily be so surrounded by for- brilliantly filled; and well might our Engeigners as to leave little room in their sa-lish friends rejoice at the thrice happy loons for any thing else. And this is quite chance which had opened these salons to enough to account for the difficulty, with- them. Pretty looking, always well-dressed, out having recourse to any other cause. and with very little, or at any rate, very

Certain it is that when, by the advantage of
a sufficient introduction, French doors are
opened to us, nothing can exceed the amen-
ity and good breeding with which we are
received. The Roberts family (with the
exception of Mr. Roberts himself) were in
ecstasies, when an introduction, managed
very skilfully by Mrs. Bretlow, obtained an
invitation to an evening party at one of the
gayest houses of the Chaussée d'Antin aris-

Madame de Soissonac was an exceeding

short-lived insular shyness to obscure their
good gifts, the Miss Robertses, as well as
their portly mamma, soon became constant
guests at this gay mansion; nor was their
daily improving brother less fortunate; and
so effectually did the charming hostess ex-
ert herself to bring the young strangers ad-
vantageously forward, that their partners at
her weekly balls were always among the
most distinguished persons present.
this honor and happiness they might none
of them perhaps have been fully aware with-


Jy pretty and elegant-looking young wo-out the assistance of their good friend and man, whose husband, a rich manufacturer original patroness, Mrs. Bretlow, who natof Lyons, appeared never so well pleased as urally took some credit to herself for havwhen the magnificent set of rooms which ing so speedily and effectually launched the he had furnished on his marriage were party into Parisian society. But what was crowded with guests. But, notwithstand- her triumph compared to that of Mrs. Robing this expensive hospitality, he did little erts? Who but herself, as she regularly or nothing himself towards bringing togeth- asked her family collectively and individer the gay crowds which he delighted to ually every morning-who but herself

see parading through the rooms his lavish expenditure had decorated. All that part of the business was left to his wife, and it was impossible that he could have been blessed by the possession of a helpmate more admirably calculated to fulfil all his wishes in this respect than was Madame de Soissonac. Of course it was morally impossible that any pretty young woman occupying so enviable a situation could escape the tax always levied upon those who are conspicuous in any way; that is to

could have contrived to make so much of reading a name (which she had never heard mentioned for the last twenty years) in a prayer-book?

But why, oh, why is it the fate of humanity that no blessing ever visits it without being followed by a concomitant evil? Before the introduction of the Roberts family to Madame de Soissonac, they had been delighted, flattered, gratified in the highest degree, by having been invited to the English embassy two Friday evenings out of the six that they had been in Paris. But had passed since the arrival of his family in

now they began not only to think, but to say aloud to all who would listen to them, that "the manner in which the English were neglected at the embassy, was perfectly disgraceful!"

"May it not be," said a French lady who was upon one occasion the recipient of this complaint, "may it not be that the number of English in Paris is so great as to render it impossible for Lady G- to receive them all every time her rooms are open?"

"All?" replied Miss Agatha, with great indignation. "All the English? Nobody of course expects that Lady G


invite all the English. But people like ourselves, who move in the very first circles of Paris society, may certainly expect to be among those who are invited."

"Always?" said the French lady, with a gentle smile.

"Yes, madame, certainly, always; why not? Why, s'il vous plait, should our names ever be omitted when the weekly list is made out? It is impossible but that we should

Paris, had not been an idle interval for him. Never had he omitted an opportunity of pushing into intimacy every casual introduction which seemed in any way to promise a profitable result; and Mrs. Roberts had very soon the extreme gratification of knowing that her son might every day be seen walking arm-in-arm on the Boulevard Italien with sundry dissipated young countrymen, who, whatever might have been their "standing" in St. James's-street, considered themselves, or at least insisted upon it that all Paris ought to consider them, as specimens of the highest class of English. From these new friends and associates, Mr. Edward Roberts learned much. It is always a source of great satisfaction to young men of this description when they meet with a young countryman fresh from college, to whom they may display, with all the superiority of experience, the as yet unopened volume of Paris dissipation; and many a youth who has patroled the streets of Paris for a month, will assume the office of cicerone to a new comer, with the air of a man

consider it as little short of positive imper- who has passed his life among the scenes he tinence. We none of us, I assure you, scru- describes. Among all the themes discussed ple to say so-not to mention the extraor- between Edward Roberts and his young dinary want of hospitality shown by their countrymen, there was none to which he listnever having once asked us to dinner. Iened with so much interest as to the accounts

really should like to ask them what they think they are sent here for? Coming, too, with such introductions as we did, it is perfectly unpardonable !"

Perhaps it is not very extraordinary that the lady to whom this was said, was heard to observe afterwards, that although she had always fanciedadistinguished diplomatic appointment furnished the most agreeable as well as the most dignified situation that could be offered, she certainly did not covet that of ambassador from St. James's to the Tuileries, although there were many reasons which might make it rank as the most desirable in the world.

" Mais il faut avouer," she added, "que les Anglais sont bien drôle."

they gave of their success in all affairs of gallantry. Their histories were all of the veni, vidi, vici kind; and certainly if their statements were correct, the fathers, husbands, and brothers of France would do well to close their doors forever against the too fascinating attractions of our English youth.

"Upon my soul you seem to have had capital fun here," returned the juvenile Roberts to the series of interesting anecdotes to which he had been listening; "and the best part of the joke is, that the ladies being all married, there is no danger of being desired to 'declare your intentions,' which must, I think, without any exception, be the horridest bore in the world."

"Bore?" reiterated the youngest of seven sons, who had the honor of having a baronet for their father. "I believe it is a bore, and so you might say if you were in the army, and stuck down in Irish country quarters as my brother Tom was last year. But in this blessed city you may make love just as much as you like without any sort

Nor were these heart-burnings respecting the ingratitude of the ambassador and ambassadress of England towards their distinguished countrymen theonly evilsthat followed upon the pleasures enjoyed in the splendid salons of Madame de Soissonac. It must not be supposed that Mr. Edward Roberts was a degenerate son of his high-spirited mother; on the contrary, he inherited a good of mischief following. Of course you know deal both of her noble self-confidence and it must be to married women. Nobody high-minded ambition. The gay weeks that

here, indeed, ever dare take any notice of girls (unless they are English)."

"Well! any thing is better than being called to account by a musty-fusty old father, merely because one has paid a girl the compliment of admiring her," replied the hourly-improving Edward Roberts. "But I suspect," he added, "that it must be necessary to know a little what you are about before you make downright positive love to a married woman. She would be likely to kick up a row, wouldn't she, if she did not happen to like you?"

something more concerning the object of it, than he had as yet found any opportunity of acquiring. With this view he made a morning visit to his mother's old acquaintance, Mrs. Bretlow, at the hour when she was known to be at home to her friends, hoping that by making Madame de Soissonac the subject of conversation to the sort of circle he was likely to find there, he might hear something which might throw such a degree of light upon her character as might enable him to decide for or against her claims to becoming the idol of his affections. But essentially French as young Mr. Roberts flattered himself he was becoming, his calculations upon this occasion were very completely English. It might have been very possible, even for so young a practitioner as Mr. Edward Roberts, to have set the morning gossips of a London

"Kick up a row, my dear fellow?" returned one of his accomplished companions. "Much you seem to know about the matter. I give you my sacred honor, Roberts, that I have never known a married Frenchwoman yet, under five-and-thirty, who did not as decidedly expect me to make love to her, as one of our English girls expects drawing-room sufficiently upon some absent

to be asked to dance at a ball when a man fair one, as to have produced such hints as has desired to be introduced to her. Nay, he wished to hear if any such could by

moreover, I tell you that if you do not make love to them you will speedily be sent to Coventry, as a stupid English bête not worth the civility of a bow."

A few such conversations as the above, carried far enough in some instances to merit the name of confidential communications, went far towards removing some of the old-fashioned English prejudices which young Mr. Roberts had brought out with

possibility have been uttered. But they manage those things very differently in France. All persons who really know any thing of French society, must be aware that such gossip as that for which our young man was hoping, is precisely the very last which he, or any one else, would be likely to hear. What may be the cause or motive for this, I will not pretend to say, nor could the discussion of the question be of

him; and he was the more easily induced any possible use to us, whereas it is just to attempt putting these continental theo- possible that the relating Mr. Edward's ries in practice from the strong innate con- notions upon the subject may, and to him sciousness of superior attractions, which therefore let us return. He found at Mrs. the openly expressed admiration of his mother and sisters had generated. In short, Mr. Edward Roberts determined not to waste his time any longer as he had done; but to select, without further delay, such an object for his vows, as might render his residence in Paris as enchanting to him, as he was assured it had been to his more experienced friends. He would have found no difficulty whatever in making this choice (for he really thought Madame de Soissonac one of the most captivating women he had ever seen) had it not been for some trifling doubts, which, despite all the eloquence he had listened to, still hung about him, as to the certainty of his success. It was not that he questioned the truth of his friend's statements in general, and still less did he

Bretlow's much such a party as he expected, and no greater difficulty than he anticipated in making Madame de Soissonac the subject of conversation. Every one seemed to agree that her salon was one of the most agreeable in Paris, and she herself very charming, although one thought she was un petit peu too thin; and another that she was un petit peu too pale, &c., &c.; but every one acknowledged that she was perfectly elegant, and that her toilet was irreproachable. Now all this Mr. Edward Roberts knew perfectly well before, and he therefore determined to take courage, and at once to hazard a question, the answer to which would go far towards deciding his future conduct. Our young man, it must be observed, had already made no

doubt his own chance of success in particu- inconsiderable progress in the French lanlar; but he thought he should like, before guage, and with a little occasional assisthe committed himself by an open declara-ance from his friend Mrs. Bretlow, he contion of his passion, to learn, if possible, trived to take his share in the conversation, and at length screwing his courage to the enviable station of his chère amie, than he important point he had in view, he man-dressed himself " by the card," not the aged to ask very intelligibly, whether the shipman's," but the shopman's, and brush

fair lady they were speaking of had not been a good deal talked of in Paris?

"Mais, oui, oui!" exclaimed two or three voices at once; and one lady in a tone of considerable authority, added, "That unless it were, perhaps, in the very highest circles, she had never known any one more talked of than Madame de Soissonac."

"Assurement!-mais assurement!" was replied by two or three of the circle, and so distinctly that Edward Roberts felt quite sure, without asking Mrs. Bretlow any questions on the subject, of his having comprehended perfectly what they said.

Had a young Frenchman made up his mind as decidedly as our young Englishman now did, to make a declaration of love to Madame de Soissonac, it is rather more than probable that he would have sought the earliest opportunity of finding that charming person alone. But had any such course of proceeding been proposed to our young tyro, he would certainly have replied that he knew better than that. In truth, though by no means particularly diffident, the young Englishman thought it would be necessary to pave the way to this decisive interview by a series of those delicate initiatory attentions with which young gentlemen on this side the channel are apt to make evident to all, what those on the other prefer communicating to one alone.

Accordingly young Mr. Roberts determined to commence his attack upon the heart of the charming Madame de Soissonac precisely in the same style that he would have adopted at home, had he, with the full consent of the parents on both sides, commenced paying his addresses to the lady he intended for his wife. The unsophisticated young man conceived, in the simplicity of his heart, that what were received as delicate attentions on one side of the water, must of necessity be received as delicate attentions on the other, and little did he guess that the only indication by which a spectator having some connaissance des choses, could ever be led to suspect that M. un tel was on particularly good terms with Madame une telle, would be the total avoidance on the part of the gentleman of every attention whatever. No sooner, therefore, had our young Englishman made up his mind on the subject, and decided positively that Madame de Soissonac, and no other, should for the time being be elevated to the

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ing his hair and tying his cravat with a tender anxiety that proved he was very much in earnest, he set forth " alone in his glory," to call upon her. Her carriage was at the door, but nevertheless he was admitted, and found the fair object of his intended vows in the act of reading aloud to half-a-dozen visitors a jeu d'esprit that had just been added to the collection in her album. She gently bent her head in salutation as the young man entered, but made no pause in her lecture. Had he been French instead of English he could not have understood very much of an epigram of which he only heard half; he did not, however, allow himself to be disconcerted by this, but showed his handsome white teeth as cordially as the rest of the party, when the lady ceased. But this was not all he did. The party he had found there, consisting of two ladies and four gentlemen, were all, as well as their fair hostess, standing, for, in fact, they were just about to separate, the carriage of madame having been announced. But not for this did the young lover deem it necessary to change his purpose of not suffering another day to elapse without making Madame de Soissonac aware of her conquest; for in fact he was beginning to feel a good deal ashamed of not having paid her this compliment before. He, therefore, while the rest of the party were making their lively remarks on the lines they had heard, glided round to the other side of the table around which the party were standing, and seating himself on the sofa from whence Madame de Soissonac had just risen, he extended his hand to take the manuscript volume she held in hers, and looking up in her face with a smile at once tender and familiar, said, " Laissez moi voir done."

Madame de Soissonac colored slightly, and withdrawing the book, replied, "Pardon, Monsieur," locking at the same time its little golden padlock with a jewelled key which decorated the watch chain suspended from her fair neck.

"Madame va sortir," said one of the gentlemen present, taking up his hat and preparing to depart.

"Si, si; il faut dire adieu," said more than one voice, and a general movement announced their intention of taking leave. But young Mr. Roberts kept his ground, or rather his sofa, depositing his hat under the table in a manner which spoke very dis

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