The wounds which now each moment bleed, Each moment then shall close, And tranquil days shall ftill fucceed To nights of calm repose. O fairy elf! but grant me this, This one kind comfort fend; And fo may never-fading bliss So may the glow-worm's glimm'ring light To fome new region of delight, And be thy acorn goblet fill'd With heav'n's ambrofial dew; From sweetest, fresheft flow'rs diftill'd, And what of life remains for me I'll pass in fober ease; Content but half to please. N ODE ΤΟ ADVERSIT Y. GRAY. DAUGHTER of Jove, relentless pow'r, Thou tamer of the human breast, The bad affright, afflict the best! Bound in thy adamantine chain, The proud are taught to taste of pain, With pangs unfelt before, unpitied and alone." When first thy Sire to fend on earth What forrow was thou bad'ft her know, And from her own she learn'd to melt at others woe. ODE TO ADVERSIT Y. Scar'd at his frown terrific, fly Self-pleasing Folly's idle brood, Wild laughter, noise, and thoughtless joy, Light they difperfe; and with them go The fummer-friend, the flatt'ring foe; By vain prosperity receiv'd, 55 To her they vow their truth, and are again believ'd. Wisdom in fable garb array'd, Immers'd in rapt'rous thought profound. And Melancholy, filent maid With leaden eye, that loves the ground, Still on thy folemn steps attend: Warm charity, the general friend, With juftice to herself severe, And pity, dropping foft the fadly-pleafing tear. O, gently on thy fuppliant's head, Nor circled with the vengeful band (As by the impious thou art seen) With thund'ring voice, and threat'ning mien, Despair, and fell Disease, and ghafly Poverty. 56 O DE TO ADVERSITY. Thy form benign, oh Goddess, wear, Thy philofophic train be there To foften, not to wound my heart. Exact my own defects to fcan, What others are to feel; and know myfelf a man. ODE DISTANT ON A PROSPECT, O F ETON COLLEGE. YE E distant spires, ye antique tow'rs, Where grateful science still adores And ye, that from the stately brow Of Windfor's heights th' expanfe below Of grove, of lawn, of mead survey, Whose turf, whofe shade, whofe flow'rs among, Wanders the hoary Thames along His filver-winding way. Ah happy hills! ah pleasing shade! Ah fields belov'd in vain! Where once my careless childhood stray'd, A ftranger yet to pain! I feel the gales that from ye blow, A momentary blifs bestow; As waving fresh their gladfome wing, GRAYI |