Here refts his head upon the lap of earth, He gave to Mis'ry all he had, a tear; He gain'd from Heav'n ('twas all he wish'd) a friend. No farther feek his merits to difclofe, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, LYTTLETON. Ат AT length escap'd from ev'ry human eye, From ev'ry duty, ev'ry care, That in my mournful thoughts might claim a share Ye lawns gay-fmiling with eternal green, Oft have you my Lucy feen! But never shall you now behold her more: Oft Oft would the Dryads of these woods rejoice For her despising, when she deign'd to sing; The sweetest fongfters of the spring: The woodlark and the linnet pleas'd no more, And every shepherd's flute Was caft in fcorn away, While all attended to her sweeter lay. Ye larks and linnets, now refume your fong: Again thy plaintive story tell; For death has stopp'd that tuneful tongue, Whose music could alone your warbling notes excel. In vain I look around O'er all the well-known ground, My Lucy's wonted footsteps to defcry; Where oft in tender talk We faw the fummer fun go down the sky; Nor where its waters glide Along the valley, can she now be found: Can aught of her espy, But the fad facred earth where her dear relics lie. G O shades of Hagley, where is now your boast? Your bright inhabitant is loft. You she preferr'd to all the gay reforts And flower-embroider'd vales, From an admiring world she chose to fly. And banish'd every paffion from her breast; Whose holy flames with energy divine The conjugal and the maternal love. Sweet babes! who, like the little playful fawns, Who now your infant fteps shall guide? O wretched father! left alone, To weep their dire misfortune, and thy own! How shall thy weaken'd mind, opprefs'd with woe, And, drooping o'er thy Lucy's grave, Perform the duties that you doubly owe! Now she alas! is gone, From folly and from vice their helpless age to save? Where were ye, Muses, when relentless fate From these fond arms your fair difciple tore; From these fond arms, that vainly ftrove With hapless, ineffectual love, To guard her bofom from the mortal blow? And bade her raptur'd breast with all your spirit glow? Befet with ofiers dank, Nor where Clitumnus rolls his gentle ftream, Nor yet where Meles or Iliffus ftray. |