Imagens das páginas
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"Like the threads of a giant web ALL AMERICA CABLES radiate out from New York commercially enmeshing Central and South America."




Main Cable Office

89 Broad Street, New York


"Montevideo!" (See the mountain !), said the Spanish adventurers as they sailed into the beautiful harbor. And today the first thing the commercial traveller sees is the mountain; then his eye is filled with the hustle and bustle of the harbor life. Uruguay, though smallest in size, ranks among the leading American Republics, and Montevideo, its chief harbor is always filled with a procession of ships unloading manufactured goods and loading beef, mutton, hides, wool and cereals for world wide consumption.

Twenty-five days away from us by mail, Montevideo keeps in touch with the world's markets, and the other cities of the Americas through the All America Cables.

All America Cables is one of the great forces behind the development of commerce, and friendships between the peoples of our Western Hemisphere. It is the only direct and only American owned means of communication.



To insure rapid, direct and accurate handling of your cables to
Montevideo, and all points in Uruguay, mark them "Via All
These words are transmitted free of charge by all
telegraph and cable companies.



Our Triple Responsibility

The three great purposes of the Bell telephone organization, the three united interests which the management must ever keep in the fore-front, are: service to the public, justice to the employees, security to stockholders.

Service to the public must be as continuous, dependable, and perfect in speech transmission, under all conditions and during all emergencies, as it is humanly possible for science and skill to produce.

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Justice to employees requires









their careful training for the
work expected of them, agree-
able and healthful working
conditions, adequate pay, an
opportunity for advancement,
cordial relations between man-
aging and other employees, and
every facility for properly per-
forming their duties.

Security to stockholders de-
mands earnings to provide divi-
dends with a margin for safety
and the stability of market value
which goes with a large number
of shareholders with a small
average ownership.


One Policy


One System

Universal Service

And all directed toward Better Service

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of "red-blooded Americans

One in every

Scientists say

three-rich or poorsuffers from malnutrition

ED-BLOODED American"in that phrase historians and biographers have summed up the attributes of strength in many an American pioneer and leader. Red blood is a synonym of health and vigor; it is the nourisher of human life. The pale cheeks and pallid lips of millions of Americans to-day, the lack of vitality and vim so often complained of, indicate, authorities say, a deficiency of certain food elements our blood and body tissues need. The 16 vital elements Sixteen natural food elements are needed to keep the normal human being strong and well.

And in the wheat grain Nature provides all of these elements in more nearly the proper proportion than any other food, save possibly milk.

The calcium, which is the largest constituent of strong bones and the solid enamel of the teeth. And phosphorous, absolutely essential to the nerves and brain.

In our foods of protein, starches, sugars and fats we must also have these organic mineral elements. They're vital

The 16 vital elements
of nutrition


Hydrogen Nitrogen Carbon







Manganese Potassium

Phosphorus Iron
Calcium Iodine

Each grain of wheat contains
these sixteen vital elements.
Read how many of them are
lost in modern methods of
wheat preparation.

Only when we get a suffi-
cient supply of all these ele-
ments are we filled with that
abundant vitality of "red-
blooded Americans."

But many of the most important of these are lost in the modern methods of wheat preparation, through the removal. of the six outer layers of the grain, commonly called the bran.

The iron, for instance, which makes that part of the red corpuscles in the blood which carries life-giving oxygen to every cell in the system.

to health and growth. So Nature put them in the whole wheat grain.

A delicious whole

wheat food

[blocks in formation]

Its steaming fragrance awakens sluggish appetites in young and old. With cream and sugar it makes a vital energy ration of luscious nut-like flavor.

If you have been feeling below normal in energy and vim -try Pettijohn's.

If you suffer from congestion of the intestinal tract, give this food with its natural bran laxative a chance to set you right.

If you have a child who does not radiate health in the sparkle of the eye, in the color of the cheeks and the full development of his body-try Pettijohn's. Give him a chance to become a real "Red-blooded American."

Your grocer has Pettijohn's-or will gladly get it for you. Make tomorrow's breakfast of this delicious sixteen-vital-elements food.

Made by the Quaker Oats Co., 1621-P Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

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Through the Bankers Trust Company's foreign service arrangements have been made so that travelers holding "A.B.A" Cheques may exchange them, on arrival in Europe, for other "A.B.A" Cheques stamped with their equivalent in sterling, francs or lire, etc., based upon the current exchange rate.

"A-B-A" Cheques are issued in denominations of $10,
$20, $50 and $100, and are put up in convenient
leather wallets at almost any bank in the United
States and Canada.

For full information write to


New York City


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