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The alphabetical arrangement of the subject matter is modified in some instances by the grouping
of related topics under such headings as Agriculture, Aviation, Congress, Europe, Finance, League of
Nations, Railroads, Soldiers, United States, and War. So far as space permits, cross-indexing of topics
to general headings has been used. For material involving various countries, it will be best to look
under the name of the nation. Pictures of interesting personalities are grouped under the heading,

Letters in parentheses signify nature of article, as (C) contributed article; (Ed.) editorial;
(L) "leading article" (digested from another source); (il.) illustrated; (R) book review.

Pp. 1-112, July; pp. 113-224, August; pp. 225-336, September; pp. 337-448, October; pp. 449-
560, November; pp. 561-672, December

[blocks in formation]

French condition good (Ed.), 358.

Irrigation on the Nile (C., il.), 607.

Oat crop (Ed.), 247.

Potato crop (Ed.), 247.

Produce prices slump (Ed.), 471.

Western Canadian prospects (C.), 191.
Wheat forecasts (Ed.), 23, 133, 215.

Aland Island question in dispute (L.), 317; (L.),

Alexander, King of Greece, dead (C.), 599.
American eagle dying out (L., il.), 208.
Andrews, Roy Chapman, goes to Asia (L., il.).

Argentine oil problems (L.), 321.

Argentine sugar production (L.), 88.

Asian expedition searches for "missing link" (L.),


Asquith, Mrs., autobiography (L., il)., 549.
Austrian reconstruction problems (C.), 58.

Army air service (C., il.), 281.

Before Christ? (L.), 432.

Commercial flying in the future (C., il.), 75.
Navy air service (C., il.), 399.
Naval flying forecast (C., il.), 391.
New York to Paris in a day (L.), 217.
Postal mail planes and routes (C., il.), 625.

BARRETT, John, retires from Pan-American Union
(Ed.), 357.

Bass, John F., writes a great book (Ed.), 568.
Belgian reconstruction (L.), 441.

Bolivia's German army advisers (L.), 667.
Bolshevism (See also "Russia"):
Analyzed (Ed.), 472; (C.), 497.

Compared with French Revolution (L.), 538.
Failure in France (C.), 604.

Gorky, Maxim, associated with (L., il.), 437.
In England (L., il.), 429, 541.

In Italy (L.), 322.

In Russia (Ed.), 355.

International revolution subsidies (L.), 544.
Victories in Poland (C.), 259.

Bonus (See "Soldiers").

Book trade (See "Commerce").

Books, The new, 109, 220, 333, 445, 557, 668.
Boy Scouts represent us in Europe (C., il), 174.
British (See also "Ireland"):

Asiatic and African affairs (C.), 514.
Demobilized soldiers (C.), 302.

Egyptian independence promised (Ed.), 354.
French relations (L.), 546.

India prospers (Ed.), 355.

Japanese alliance discussed (L.), 205.

Labor in politics (Ed.), 243; (L., il.), 429, 541.
League of Nations attitude now (L.), 199.

Lloyd George a dexterous politician (Ed.), 243;
(Ed.), 472; (C.), 511.

Manchester University's expansion (L., fl.),

Moslem unrest in the Empire (Ed.), 354.
Nile irrigation (C., il.), 607.

Press parliament in Canada (C., il.), 278.
Railroads bankrupt? (L.), 550.

Russian trade problems (Ed.), 134, 243; (C.),
53, 513.

View of American navy progress (L., il.), 210.
View of New York labor situation (L.), 207.
Zionist movement in Palestine (L.), 100.
Bryan, William Jennings. Democratic policies at
San Francisco (C., il.), 42.

Budget (See "Canada").

Business (See "Industry," "Commerce,"



CALIFORNIA and the Japanese problem (Ed.), 456.

Budgetary revision (C., il.), 188.

In harmony with United States (Ed.), 454.
Ontario's farmer government (L., 11.), 548.
Press parliament at Ottawa (C., 11.), 278.
Religious differences (Ed.), 455.

St. Lawrence River development (L.). 93.
West Indian relations (C.), 69; (Ed.), 21.
Western prospects (C.), 191.
Carranza (See "Mexico").

Cartoons, 29, 142, 253, 364, 479, 590.
Census (See "Government").
Central American neighbors

(C., il.), 193.

Cestre, Charles. France: The Country of Com-

mon Sense (C.), 604.

Chilean nitrate industry (L., il.), 103.

China faces famine (Ed.), 355.

Christian missions coöperate (L., il.), 552; (L.).


[blocks in formation]


Hygiene of the School

Collins, Paul V. The Lumber Famine (C., il.),


Alaskan opportunities (C., il.), 385.
Book trade in Latin America (L.), 108.
Central American trade prospects (C., il), 193.
Europe's struggle for raw materials (Ed.), 493.
Foreign trade and America (Ed.), 359.
Germany's Latin American trade (L.), 209.
Oil problem in Argentina (L.), 321.
Shipping agreement with Germany (Ed.), 359.
Shipping rivalry world-wide (L., il.), 663.
Sugar production in Argentina (L.), 88.
West African opportunities (L.), 102.

Adjournment for summer (Ed.), 3.
Caliber of personnel (Ed.), 3.

Criticized by President Wilson (Ed.), 18.
Direct action methods with (Ed.), 6; (C.), 72.
Japanese congressional Junket (Ed.), 128.
Kenyon committee's campaign fund investiga-
tion (Ed.), 8, 348.

League deadlock reviewed (Ed.), 233, 577.
Mercantile Marine act (Ed.), 22.

Problems for December session (Ed.), 576.
Senatorial election contests (Ed.), 349.
Soldier bonus fails (Ed.), 5.

War power repeal fails (Ed.), 5, 18.

Cotton (See "Agriculture").

Country life improvement methods (Ed.), 463.
Craven, Capt. Thomas T. Our Navy's Air Ser-
vice (C., il.), 399.


Educational projects of General Wood (L.),

Election of President (Ed.), 357
Debt to Roosevelt (L.), 314.
Sugar price slump (Ed.), 471.

Czechoslovak reconstruction (C.), 59.

DABNEY, Charles W. (C., il.), 411.

Davison, Henry P. A Plan to Help Europe (C.),

Day, David T. The Oil Famine and the Remedy
(C., il.), 291.

Direct Action, on Congress (C.), 72.

Dramatic art taught by motion pictures (L.),

EAGLE becoming extinct (L., il.), 208.
Earthquakes in California (L., il), 218.

Consolidated school systems (C., il.), 179, 183,

Cuban methods of General Wood (L.), 438.
French language and human culture (L.), 539.
History of American expansion (C., 11.), 507.
Iowa rural school improvements (C., il.), 179.
Language influences national life (Ed.), 455.
Manchester University's expansion (L., il.),

New York rural school improvements (C., il.),

Notable college presidents (C., il.), 409.
Pennsylvania rural school policy (C., il.), 185.
Rural school improvements (Ed.), 131.
School crisis (Ed.), 130; hygiene (C., il.), 416.
Soldier wounded taught trades (C.), 302.
Teaching by "movies" (L.), 107.

Woman suffrage history (C.), 380.

Egbert, Howard. Cox, Democratic

(C., il.), 149.


Electrification of Eastern States (L., il.), 555.

Ely, Richard T. What Is Bolshevism? (Ed.),

472; (C.), 497.

Esthonian problems (C), 60.


American plan to help (C), 56.

Balkan peace problems (C.), 55.

Border and political tangles (Ed.), 20.
Coal problems (Ed.), 134.

Exchange rate low (C.), 405.
Financial situation (C.), 49, 54.
Fuel economies (L.), 320.

Hythe financial conference (C.), 54.
Land hunger and war (Ed.), 460.

Poland saved from the Reds (C.), 371.
Problems and leaders (Ed.), 471.
Reconstruction problems (C.), 57.

FAR EAST (See "League," "Treaty").
Farming (See "Agriculture").

Federal Reserve bank (See "Finance").

Fess, Simeon D. The Republican Candidate, Sena-
tor Harding (C., il.), 35.


America's new credit position (Ed.), 578.
Banks and mills of New England (C.), 528.
Bond offerings in America (Ed.), 357.
Central American opportunities (C., il.), 193.
Chinese consortium loan (Ed.), 133.
Credit strain serious (Ed.), 23; (L.), 427.
European situation (C.), 49, 54.
Federal Reserve bank meets inflation (Ed.), 23.
Fiat money troubles of France (L.), 96.
Foreign exchange depreciated (C.), 405; trade
problems (C.), 56; (Ed.), 578.

Government financial conditions (Ed.), 247.
Price reductions rapid (C.), 169, 532; (Ed.),

Prices of lumber (C., il.), 521; produce (Ed.),
471; securities (Ed.), 584.
Public Utilities (C.), 638.

Railway (See "Railroads").

Workingmen's banks in France (L.), 442.

Finland and the Aland Islands (L.), 317, 652.
Finley, John H. Improving Rural Schools in
New York (C., il.), 183.

Flume (See "Italy").

Food shortage causes (Ed.), 464.
Foreign exchange (See "Finance").

Forest preservation on the Pacific (L., il.), 87.

Banks proposed for workingmen (L.), 442.
British relations (L.), 546.

Constitution and new President's changed func-

tions (Ed.), 471; (L.), 537.

Fiat money troubles (L.), 96.

Floats bonds in America (Ed.), 358.
Industrial recovery (Ed.), 358.

Italian relations (L.), 324.

Language and culture (L.), 539.

Poland and the Reds (C.), 373; (L.), 543.
Radio station most powerful (L., il.), 218.
Reparation claims (L.), 203.

Revolution compared with Russian (L.), 538.
Statue of Lafayette (L., il.), 101.
Triumph over Industrial Reds (C.), 604.
View on German indemnity (L.), 319.
View on Socialism (L.), 656.

Frederick, J. George. Bringing the Price Balloon
Down (C.), 169; The Public and the Price
Collapse (C.), 532.

GAS, natural, wasted in United States (L.), 94.

And Russo-Polish war (C.), 266.
And the Poles (L.), 545.

Army experts in Bolivia (L.), 667.
Coal problem (Ed.), 134.
Elections (C.), 49.

Indemnity problems (L.), 319, 424.

People's party and its leader (L.), 84.
Politics (L.), 85.

Pre-war corruption (L.), 92.

Shipping alliance with United States (E.), 359.
Trade with Latin America (L.), 209.

Giolitti, Giovanni (See "Italy").

Goldsmith, Robert. Boy Scouts-Delegates of

Democracy (C., il.), 174.

Gorgas, General William C. (L., il.), 313.
Gorky (See "Bolshevism").

Administration problems for President-elect
(Ed.), 578.

Alaskan development policies (C., il.), 385.
Census figures analyzed (Ed.), 451, 461.

Faulty system of installations (Ed.), 575.
Financial condition improved (Ed.), 247.
Interstate Commerce Commission raises rail-
road rates (Ed.), 132, 245.

Nineteenth (woman suffrage) Amendment is
ratified (Ed.), 227.

President, changed conception of functions
(Ed.), 237.

Sedition laws (L.), 431.

State Department's view on Russia (Ed.), 244.
Vice-President to go into Cabinet? (Ed.), 239.
Greece wars on turkey (Ed.), 134; (C.), 159.
Greek succession problems (C.), 599.
Guayaquil transformed (L.), 312.

HADLEY, Arthur Twining (C.), 409.
Hall, G. Stanley (C., il.), 410.

Harding, Gov. W. L. Remaking Country Schools
in Iowa (C., il.), 179.

Harper, Ida Husted. The American Woman Gets
the Vote (C.), 380.

Hayler, Guy Wilfrid. Town-planning Actualities
(C. il.), 633.


Hospitals (See "Soldiers").

Housing conditions in town and country (Ed.),
462, (C., il.), 521, 633.

Hughes, Hugh J.

The Outlook in Western Can-

ada (C.), 191.
Hungary signs the peace treaty (C.), 55.
Hygiene in the schools (C., il.), 416.

IMMIGRATION in the present year (C., il.), 618.
Indemnity (See "Treaty," "Germany").

Coal famine serious (Ed.), 131.

Cotton demand increasing (L., il.), 211, 665.
Effect of rail rate increases (Ed.), 247.
Electrification of Eastern States (L., il.), 555.
Flying as a future industry (C., il.), 75.
French conditions improve (Ed.), 358.
Fuel economies in Europe (L.), 320.
Gas, natural, wasted (L.), 94.

Labor solution in shop committee plan (C., il.),
412, 516.

Lumber famine (C., il.), 521.

Mills and banks of New England (C.), 528.

Oil shale a future source of fuel (C., il.), 291.
Poison gas protection in peacetime (L., il.), 331.
Population movement to towns and cities (Ed.),

Production and consumption (L.), 427.
Reabsorption of soldiers in Britain (C.), 302.
Redwood preservation (L., il.), 87.

Street railways and fares (C.), 638.
Town-planning facts (C., il.), 633.
United States resources (Ed.), 453.


American political issue (Ed.), 126, 353.
Black and Tans (L., il.), 651.

British premier's policy (Ed.), 472, (C.), 515,
(Ed.), 580.

Civil war a guerilla affair (Ed.), 133.

Dominion government proposed (Ed.), 243.

English hatred causes (L.), 435.

Home Rule bill passes (Ed.), 580.

Hunger strikes ended (Ed.), 580.

Independence arguments (L., il.), 97, (Ed.),

Irish Crimes bill passes Commons (Ed.), 242.

Labor takes a hand (Ed.), 134.

MacSwiney's hunger strike (Ed.), 353; death
(Ed.), 581.

Religious differences acute (Ed.), 455.
Republic predicted (L.), 434.

Sinn Fein courts in Ireland (L.), 307, (L., il.),

Sinn Fein worse under military rule (Ed.), 133.

And Switzerland (L., il.), 657.

Adriatic settlement (Ed.), (L.), 324, 472, 581.
Bolshevist menace (L.), 322.

Industrial evolution (Ed.), 356.

Industrial turmoil (Ed.), 356.

New Premier, Giovanni Giolitti (L., il.), 323,
(Ed.), 356.

Relations with France (L.), 324.

Solves her problems (Ed.), 472, (C.), 595.


Alliance with British discussed (L.), 205.
Ambassador's diary (L.), 430.

Expansion westward (Ed.), 460.

In America (Ed.), 456.

Japan and America (L.), 309.

Leadership in Far East (L.), 309.

Jews in Palestine (L.), 100.

Jugoslavs (See "Adriatic" under "Italy").

[blocks in formation]


Conditions sound in France (C.), 604.

Methods and power in England (L., 11.), 429,

Banks in France proposed (L.), 442.

In New York as viewed by British visitor (L.),

Not a voting unit (Ed.), 572.
Policy changing (C., il.), 516.

Lafayette statue presented to France (L., il.), 101.

Latvia, a new republic (C.), 60, (L., il.), 662.
Lauck, W. Jett. The New Immigration (C., il.),


Leading Articles, 83, 198, 307, 421, 587, 644.
League of Nations:

Adriatic (See "Italy").

Aland Islands question up (L.), 652..
Allied domination in (Ed.), 567.

America will not hold aloof (Ed.), 234, 563.
Assembly meets at Geneva (Ed.), 581.

British take new view (L.), 199.

Candidates for membership (Ed.), 581.
Danzig question up again (Ed.), 582.
Deadlock at Washington reviewed (Ed.), 118,
233, 339.

Financial conferences (C.), 54.
French reparation claims (L.), 203.
German indemnity (L.), 319.

Monroe Doctrine to live (Ed.), 577.
Navies of Britain and America (L., il.), 210.
Near East problems (Ed.), 134, (C.), 159.
Poland renascent (C.), 491.

Political issue in presidential campaign (Ed.),
117, 232, 345, 565, (L.), 421.
Progress (L.), 422.

Riga armistice (C.), 486.

Russian policy changing (Ed.), 244.
Switzerland joins (L.), 202.
What it can do (L.), 201.
World court plans (L.), 658.
Lescarboura, A. C.

(C., il.), 75.

Shall We Fly Tomorrow?

Lima and the Peruvian centennial (L., il.), 666.
Lincoln portrait discovered (L., il.), 204.

Lind, Jenny, centennial (L., il.), 556.

Lithuanian reconstruction problems (C.), 60, 377
Louvain University now (L.), 440.
Low, A. Maurice.

(C.), 176.

The Women at San Fransicco

[blocks in formation]

Walpole town-planning development, 634.

World radio communication from Bordeaux, 219.
Maine State Centennial (C., il.), 62.

Mayflower tercentenary (C., il.), 297, 301.
Merchant marine (Ed.), 22.


Carranza's fall (Ed.), 21.

Conditions better (Ed.), 242.

Elections quiet (Ed.), 357.

President Alvaro Obregon (Ed.), 357, (L., il.),

Miller, E. E. The Cotton Country's Way Out
(C.), 642.

Mine gas protection (L., il.), 331.
Missions coöperate (L., il.), 552, 654.
Mitchell, Brigadier-General William C.:
Our Army's Air Service (C., il.), 281.
Aviation over the water (C., il.), 391.
The Air Mail Service (C., il.), 625.
Montenegro's troubles (L., il.), 98, (L.), 443.
Morris, George Perry.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Feeling not intense (Ed.), 17.

Forecasts (Ed.), 236.

Fund methods (Ed.), 346.

Kenyon Committee investigates funds (Ed.),

Methods contrasted (Ed.), 346.

Progress of (Ed.), 465.

Senatorial contests (Ed.), 349.

Western campaign situation (Ed.), 352.

Christensen, Parley P., nominated by Farmer-
Labor party (Ed.), 130.

Coolidge, Calvin, Republican vice-presidential
candidate (Ed.), 14, (C., il.), 269, (Ed.),

Cox, James M., Democratic nominee (L.), 83,
(Ed.), 121, (C., il.), 149.

Cox as a campaigner (Ed.), 346; fund charges
(Ed.), 348; Irish views (Ed.), 353.
Cox's speech of acceptance (Ed.), 238.
Harding, Warren G., Republican nominee
(Ed.), 12; (C., il.), 35.

Harding's views, on business (L.), 644; on
Ireland (Ed.), 353; on League (Ed.), 345,

Harding Cabinet rumors (Ed.), 579.
Harding gains in public favor (Ed.), 466.
Harding's speech of acceptance (Ed.), 238.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Democratic vice-presi-
dential candidate (Ed.), 127, 240, (C., il.),

Democratic party-

Convention forecast (Ed.), 20.

Aspirants for nomination (Ed.), 120.
Balloting at San Francisco (Ed.), 120.
Cleavage in party (Ed.), 236.

Cummings' keynote speech (Ed.), 116.
Failure (Ed.), 234.

In victory and defeat (Ed.), 571.

National convention (Ed.), 115, 119, 121.
Policies at San Francisco (C., il.), 42.
Solid South problems (L.), 325.
Two-thirds rule (Ed.), 15.

Economy practiced by Republicans (Ed.), 19.

Flukes of former years (Ed.), 231.

Forecasts (Ed.), 351.

Presidential primaries (Ed.), 6, 9.

Returns emphatic (Ed.), 563.

Hughes' defeat in California (Ed.), 231.


Bonus for soldiers (Ed.), 127.
California issues (Ed.), 458.

Economic questions dominant (Ed.), 126.
Foreign affairs (Ed.), 234.

Irish question not at issue (Ed.), 125, 353.
Labor questions (Ed.), 125.

League of Nations, Harding and Taft (L),

League question ready for settlement (Ed.),

League of Nations (Ed.), 116, 466.

League prospects in hands of either candi-
date (Ed.), 232, 342.

Parties, not personages, the issue (Ed.), 126,

Party issues changing (Ed.), 570.

Tariff views entirely changed (Ed.), 570.
Minor Parties-

Committee of Forty-eight (Ed.), 129.
Farmer-Labor convention (Ed.), 129.

[blocks in formation]

California's senatorial contest (Ed.), 470.
Clark, Champ, defeated (Ed.), 575.
Election results in Illinois (Ed.), 574.
Election results in New York (Ed.), 574.
Iowa's Senator, Mr. Cummins (Ed.), 470.
Maine election results (Ed.), 351.
Missouri senatorial candidates (Ed.), 469.
State contests (Ed.), 467.

State politics and the national election (Ed.),

State primary results (Ed.), 241.

Wisconsin struggle tense (Ed.), 468, 575.
Powell, Lyman P. Calvin Coolidge (C., il.), 269.
Prendergast, William A. Our Central American

Neighbors (C., il.), 193.

Progress (Ed.), 3, 115, 227, 339, 451, 563.

Dodged by politicians (Ed.), 124.

Drys win at Chicago (Ed.), 124.

Grand Rapids data (L.), 649.

Political effect almost nil (Ed.), 572.
Volstead reëlected (Ed.), 575.

Wets at San Francisco (Ed.), 124.

Public utilities and rates (C.), 638.

Putnam, George Haven. Franklin Delano Roose-
velt (C., il.), 274.

RADIO station at Bordeaux most powerful (L., il),


British near bankruptcy? (L.), 550.

Car efficiency increased (Ed.), 246, 583.
Esch-Cummins act a campaign issue (Ed.),

Farmer and car shortage (L., il.), 214.
Freight congestion (Ed.), 131.

Interstate Commerce Commission and new rates
(Ed.), 132.

New Pan-American route (L., il.), 325.
Property values fixed (Ed.), 245.

Rates increased under the new law (Ed.), 132,

Returns disappointing (Ed.), 582.

Service to be better (Ed.), 246.

Short haul problems (L.), 90.

Under the new regime (Ed.), 582.
Valuation vagaries (Ed.), 23.

Record of Current Events, 24, 135, 248, 360, 473,


Referendum in Sweden (L.), 439.

Religious differences in Canada and Ireland
(Ed.), 455.

"Resolute's" skipper, Charles Francis Adams
(L., il.), 330.

Review of Reviews function among periodicals
(Ed.), 339.

Roosevelt eulogized by Cuban (L.), 314.
Roosevelt, stories of (L., il.), 419.

Root, Elihu, analyzes the League (Ed.), 569.

Rowe, Leo S., new head of Pan-American Union
(Ed.), 357.


Anti-Bolshevik failure of Kolchak (L., 11.). 308.
Anti-Bolshevist failure of Wrangel (L., il),
433; (C.), 603.

Polish War (C.), 51, 259; (Ed.), 243, 339, (L.),

Relations with America (L.), 86; (Ed.), 244.
Trade prospects with England (C.), 53; (Ed.),
134, 243.

Under the Soviet yoke (L.), 206; (Ed.), 355.

ST. LAWRENCE navigation plans (L.), 93.
Scandinavian relations (L.), 648.
Schools (See "Education").

Schurman, Jacob Gould (C., il.), 410.
Seattle's new labor policy (C., il.), 516.
Shaw, William B.

Three Centuries of American

Expansion (C., il.), 507.

Shipping and trade (Ed.), 578; (L., il.), 663.
Shop committee plan (C., il.), 412.

Simonds, Frank H., a rare genius (Ed.), 568.
Simonds, Frank H.:

Europe's Unrest of Today (C.), 49.
Greek versus Turk (C.), 159.

Polish Disaster-The Red Triumph (C.), 259.

The Saving of Poland (C.), 371.
The Armistice of Riga (C), 486.
Italy and the Near East (C.), 595.
Smith, Edgar F. (C., il.), 410.

Smythe, William E. Alaska's Place in the Sun
(C., il), 385; The Struggle for the
(C., il.), 607.

Socialist defeat in Sweden (L., il.), 647.

Bonus bill fails in Congress (Ed.), 5.
Bonus measures in States (L.), 426.
Hospitals and the States (C.), 534.
Spanish army (L.), 660.

United States (Continued):
Asiatics (See "Japanese").
At The Hague (Ed.), 452.
Attitude toward Mexico (Ed.), 21.
California earthquakes (L., il.), 213.
Canadian relations harmonious (Ed.), 454.
Centennial history of Maine State (C., il.), 62.
Colby's note on Russia (Ed.), 244.

Colby's South American visit (Ed.), 576.
Conservation of redwood trees (L., il.), 87.
Cotton planting (C.), 642; production


Creditor, instead of debtor, nation (Ed.), 578.
Eastern electrification project (L., il.), 555.
English the American language (Ed.), 455.
Expansion in 300 years (C., il.), 507.
Immigration problems (Ed.), 456, 465; (C., il.).

In Cuba (Ed.), 452.

Industrial condition (See "Industry”).
Japanese (See under).

Navy progress-British view (L., il.), 210.
Nebraska farmer coöperatives (L.), 216.
Negro problem (Ed.), 456.

Oil famine, and remedy (C., il.), 281.
Panama Canal development (L., il.), 328.
Pilgrim tercentenary (C., il.), 297, 301.
Population in Pacific States (Ed.), 456.
Presidential elections expensive (L.), 646.
Relations with Russia (L.), 86; (Ed.), 244.
Rural population decline (Ed.), 461.
Rural school improvements in States
131; (C., il.), 179, 183, 185.


Street railway problems (C.), 638.

Stead, W. T., eulogized by Lord Fisher (L., il.),

[blocks in formation]

TERCENTENARY of American settlement (C., il.),

Tercentenary of the "Mayflower" (C., il.), 297,

Thomas, E. H. Christy. The "Shop Committee❞
Cure for Industrial Unrest (C., il.), 412.
Seattle's New Labor Policy (C., il.), 516.
Thwing, Charles F. Some notable College Presi-
dents (C., il.), 409.

Town-planning facts (Ed.), 463; (C., il.), 633.
Townshend, General Sir Charles, in Mesopotamia
(R., il.), 307.


Albanian difficulties (C.), 164.

Coal problems (L.), 320.

Franco-British-American relations (C.), 494.
French reparation claims (L.), 203.

German indemnity payment policy (C.), 166;
(L.), 424.

Greek Problems (C.), 601.

Imperialistic profits (Ed.), 577.

Indemnity claims increasing (C.), 54; (C.),

Little Entente (C.), 598.

Reservation deadlock reviewed (Ed.), 341.
Russo-Polish Armistice and peace terms (C.),
375, 486.

Spa conference (C.), 166.

Turkish complications (Ed.), 134; (C.), 159.


Air Service (See "Aviation").
Allen and sedition laws (L.), 431.

Americanization movements (Ed.), 455.


Taxes, and their relation to freight rates (Ed.).

Waste of natural gas (L.), 94.

Western development (Ed.), 452.

[blocks in formation]

Greece wars on Turkey (Ed.), 134; (C.), 159.
Russo-Polish war (C.), 259, 371.

Unpreparedness costly (Ed.), 453.

War waste (Ed.), 453.

West Africa (See "Commerce").
West Indies (See "Canada").

Weygand, French General, saves Poland (Ed.),

Wheat (See "Agriculture").

White, William Allen, at San Francisco (L., il.).

Williams, Talcott. Banks and Mills of New Eng-

land (C.), 528.

Wilson, P. W. Lloyd George and his Problems
(C.), 511; The Tercentenary of the "May-
flower" (C., il.), 297.


Entry as voters (Ed.), 229.

Forecast of political action (Ed.), 229.

Immigrants (C., il.), 619.

In New York (Ed.), 469.

In politics at San Francisco (C., il.), 176.
Senator Wadsworth

Yorkers opposing

(Ed.), 469.

Pilgrim mothers (L., il.), 653.
Political efforts (Ed.), 572.

Register as voters (Ed.), 470.

Suffrage an accomplished fact (Ed.), 227
(C.), 380.

Suffrage leaders victorious (C.), 380.

Suffrage welcomed (Ed.), 125.

Tennessee ratifies suffrage as thirty-sixth Stat
(Ed.), 227.

Wood, General Leonard, and Cuban education
(L.), 438.

World court movement (L.), 658.
Wrangel (See "Russia").

YELLOW FEVER stopped at Guayquil (L.), 812.

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