indigent, 166, 167; from the case of projectors, 167-173; from the case of the simple and inexperienced, 173, seq.; laws against usury only aggra- vate the distress of the unfortunate, 178, seq.; compound interest, laws and prejudices with respect to, are equally ill-founded as those concern- ing simple interest, 193-195; see Usury.
Interpolations from Notes, see Bridges. Ireland, population of, i. 99, seq; 245;
on the diet of the Irish peasantry, 101; rate of interest in, 415; neglected education of the lower orders in, bad effect of, ii. 334.
Irish, their rules as to the succession of land, ii. 197.
Ivernois, (Sir Francis D',) on Pinto and the public debt, ii. 218.
JEFFERSON, (Thomas,) quoted as to Education in America, ii. 337; his Notes on Virginia, quoted as to the necessity of legislative checks, 433,
Jenkins, (Henry,) his testimony in re-
gard to the hospitality of the Catholic clergy, ii. 259, 260.
Jenyns, (Mr. Soame,) quoted on the ne- cessity of machinery and the consoli- dation of farms, as effects of taxation, i. 196, seq. Jews, did they invent bills of exchange? i. 41; in regard to their Usury, ii. 149, 150. Johnson, (Dr. Samuel,) alleged as to the meaning of the word Economy, i. 10; his dogmatical assertion in regard to education quoted, 52.
Jones, (Sir William,) quoted as to Me- nu's, or the ancient Hindoo doctrine touching usury, ii. 152, 153, 187; re- ferred to in his Commentary upon Isæus, 197.
Journals, influence of these periodical publications in the enlightenment of the people, ii. 343. Judicial Power, ii. 351, 352. Juvenal, quoted in regard to the luxury of the Romans, i. 147; as to the love of money increasing with the posses- sion of money, 446.
KAEMPFER, quoted as to the proportion of the sexes in Japan, but his fact controverted, i. 90.
Kames, (Henry Home, Lord,) quoted as to the pairing instinct of animals, i. 77; referred to as to the rise of the lower orders in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, 113; adduced as to the history and policy of Entails, ii. 203; against the English Law of Settlement, as creating a great differ- ence in the price of labour in different parishes, 266; defended on this point against certain English critics, 267, 268; adduced in reference to the Scottish Poor-laws, 297; quoted as to the kingdom of Siam, 392, 393. Kent, state of its agriculture adduced in reference to the influence of manufac- tures, i. 168.
Kent, (Mr.,) quoted against large farms, i. 125, seq.; adduced as to the quan- tity of land necessary for the support of a horse, 250.
Kidders, who are they? ii. 56. King, (Mr. Edward,) adduced as to the
Utility of the National Debt, ii. 218. King, (Mr. Gregory,) as a statistical inquirer, i. 215-217; his estimate of the numbers of the population in the several ranks, professions, and occu- pations, 240; as to the relative pro- portion of wheat consumed about the era of the Revolution, 368; referred to in regard to the Corn Laws, ii. 84; in regard to the proportion between the price and produce of corn, 134, seq., 138. Kingdom, see Monarchy.
LABOUR of slaves, i. 37; Productive and Unproductive, on, in general, 253-332; the relative doctrines of the Econo- mists of the school of Quesnai con- trasted with those of Smith, 255, seq., 269, seq.; labour and land, these as sources of wealth contrasted, 256, seq.; labour productive and unproduc- tive, with special reference to the Economists, 258, seq., 268, seq., 294, 297; apology for their use of these terms, 290; human, can be employed to increase the fund of natural produce only in two ways, by adding to the quantity, or by altering the form of this produce; the first, by Agricul- ture the second, by Manufactures, 259, seq.; distinction of useful and of productive, 264, seq.; of productive and of stipendiary, 265; labour pro-
ductive, Smith's doctrine of, ib.; ad- ditional illustrations of this distinc- tion, 270, seq.; Smith at one with the Economists with respect to the fact, 270; how far he agrees with, how far he differs from, them as to doctrine, 271; barren or unproductive and pro- ductive, distinction of, according to Smith, 274, seq., 285, seq.; according to the Economists, 274; according to Grey, 275; according to the Au- thor, 275, seq.; on the circumstances which render it more effective, 309- 332; on the division of, 310-316; on the use of machinery as a substitute for, 316-332; division of, its moral effects, 330, seq; result of the rea- sonings on its division, 331; correc- tion of certain expressions in relation to, 332; does the amount of labour constitute the real measure of the exchangeable value of commodities, as held by Smith? 353, seq.; wages of, the five circumstances, according to Smith's doctrine, on which they vary, ii. 11; a circumstance causing great inequalities in the wages of agricultural labourers, both in Eng- land and Scotland, viz., the prejudices and ignorance of this order of men, 268. See Wages.
Labour and Stock, three circumstances, according to Smith, which ought principally to be attended to in deter- mining their distribution, ii. 12, seq.; the first of these, ib.; the second, 20, seq.; the third, 21.
Lagrange, on the proportion between consumption and population, i. 219, seq. Land, free commerce of, naturally con- ducive to Agriculture and Population, i. 151; Land and Labour, as sources of wealth, contrasted, 256, seq.; land- ed property, peculiar circumstances regulating its price, 423, seq.; com- merce of, on the policy of subjecting this to the regulation of law, 195-210; free commerce in, expedient, 202; impediments to, 202, seq.; in certain circumstances, restraints may be ex- pedient, 203; taxes upon, 225-247: land-tax proportioned to the rent, of two kinds: 1° according to a fixed rule or canon, 225-234; Land-tax of England, (falling under this head,) origin and history of, 225 232; the English land-tax affects all personal estates, except property in the funds,
and stock necessary for agriculture, 228; method of rating this tax, ib.; policy of this tax considered, 228-232; defects of the English land-tax, 229, seq.; advantages of the same tax, 231, 232; land-tax of Scotland, 232- 234;-2° according to the actual rent, 234-243; Venetian tax, of this class, 234; advantages and disadvan- tages of this kind of land-tax, 235, seq.; exclusive land or territorial tax, approved of by the Economists in ge- neral, and in particular by Quesnai, by Mirabeau the elder, by Dupont, by Turgot, 237, (see also, i. 296, seq. ;) in opposition to this project are arrayed Necker, Pinto, Hume, Sir James Steuart, Smith, and Arthur Young, ib., (see also, i. 301;) land-tax pro- portioned not to the rent, but to the produce, 243-247; church-tithes, an example of this, 243; other instances in China, Bengal, and ancient Egypt, 246; all land-taxes fall ultimately upon the landlord, 243; taxes on the pro- duce of land may be drawn either in kind or in money, 247. See Terri- torial Tax.
Languages, the analogy of, explains what is politically constitutional or unconstitutional, ii. 423, 424. Lauderdale, (Earl of,) adduced, i. 299, 301; as to the division of labour, 315; Notes on the Bullion Report, ad- dressed to, 431, seq.; his pamphlet on the Irish Bank quoted, 434, 442; his doctrine of Paper Currency criti- cised, 452; adduced, ii. 217; his work on Political Economy recommended for study, 459.
Laverdi, (M. de,) referred to as emanci-
pating the French corn trade, ii. 63. Lavoisier, on the proportion between consumption and population, i. 219, seq; adopted the fundamental prin- ciples of the Economists, 289. Law, (Mr. John, of Lauriston,) his opi- nion as to the intrinsic value of gold and silver, i. 341, seq.; Locke de- fended against, ib.; seems to renounce the doctrine for which he had con- tended, 344; his doctrine of value, 355; touching the rate of interest, 398; vindicates a complete liberty in regard to the interest of money, ii. 157, 158; was he the first to do this? 159.
Laws,-1 as to their origin, 2° as to their tendency, i 22; positive laws,
two classes of, taken by Goguet, 57,
Leases of farms, history of, i. 114-118;
progress of, in England, 115, 116; in Scotland, 116, 117; registers of, a project of the Author for taxation, ii. 235, 239, 241.
Legislative Power, ii. 351, 352; advan tages of its division in the British Constitution, 428-430; a secondary advantage from this division, in that it establishes a sort of balance in the Constitution, 430, 431; division of the legislature vindicated against foreign political writers, 460, seq. Leibnitz, alleged as calling the theory of money a semi-mathematical specu- lation, i. 14.
Letrosne, see Trosne.
Lewis, (John,) extract from his History of the Translations of the Bible, shewing the prevalence of Beggary even under the Papacy, ii. 260, seq. Liancourt, (M. de la Rochefoucauld,) his Report on Beggary adduced, i. 199; his recommendation of potatoes as a cheap and nutritious diet, ii. 143. Liberty, (Political,) contrasted with Happiness, i. 23.
Libraries, effects of, in the cultivation of the people, ii. 346, seq. Life, expectation of, by what principles regulated, i. 225, seq.; what circum- stances to be attended to in its esti- mation in reference to town and country, sex, &c., 230, seq. Liquors, (intoxicating,) their cheapness encourages inebriety, ii. 317. Liverpool, (Earl of,) referred to in his Treatise on the Coins of this Realm, i. 334; quoted as to gold being now and here the measure of value, 347, seq.; Author's doubts as to this opi- nion, 348.
Livy, quoted as to the legislative power in the Roman republic, ii. 435. Locke, his notions as to political liberty,
i. 23; as to land and labour, in so far as they are the sources of national wealth, 256; quoted from his Consi- derations on the Lowering of Interest, &c., in regard to an exclusive terri- torial tax, ii. 238, 298, seq.; his opi- nion as to the imaginary value be- stowed on the precious metals, fitting them for the purposes of exchange, 341; his doctrine on this point de- fended against Law, 341, seq.; as to the precious metals constituting the
measure of value, 347; coincides with our Author as to Corn constituting the best measure of value, 362, seq.; coincidence of his opinion with that of Montesquieu in regard to the value of the precious metals, 373, see also 362, seq., and 389; his doctrine touching the rate of interest, 398; on his theory touching the circum- stances determining the price of land, 424; strictures upon this doc- trine, ib.; his opinion on interest and usury, ii. 159; anti-usurious laws, how far nugatory? 189, 190, seq.; a Report of his in 1697, adduced in re- gard to the relief of the poor, 270; influence of his Treatise on Educa- tion, 343.
Lolme, see De Lolme. London, proportion of Births to Burials in, i. 228, seq.; what is necessary to be here attended to in our statistical estimates, 229; population of, 244, seq.
Lucretius, quoted as to the priority of concubinage to marriage, i. 70. Lycurgus, his political perspicacity praised, ii. 414, 416.
M'CULLOCH, (Mr. J. R.,) his Literature of Political Economy referred to by the Editor, i. 333.
Machiavel, quoted as to the history of all republics, ii. 372. Machinery, as a substitute for human labour, on its advantages and disad- vantages, i. 188-198, 316-332; in particular, its advantages, 193, seq. Mackie, (Mr. William,) on the compa- rative nutritious power of fertile land in raising animal or vegetable food, i. 109-111, 249; as to the average quantity of land necessary for the support of a horse, 250; adduced as to the policy of bounties on the expor- tation of corn, ii. 114, 115. Macpherson, (David,) against the ba-
lance of trade, ii. 23, seq., 28, seq. Males, their lives more brittle than those of females, i. 90.
Malthus, (Rev. Mr.,) adduced as to the progress of Population, i. 62 ; as to the ratio of its progress, 64; as to the evil effects of an injudicious legal provi- sion for the poor, 202; his Essay on the Principle of Population, adduced and praised, 203; recommended for study in the conclusion of the Course
of Political Economy, ii. 458; on productive and unproductive labour, 283; adduced in relation to the Eco- nomists against Smith, 290; in re- gard to the policy of a bounty on the exportation of corn, ii. 114; quoted on the Corn Trade, 118-120; ad- duced as to the price of corn, 137; thinks it expedient to trust the relief of the poor to voluntary charity, 276; against a compulsory assessment for this purpose, 278, seq.; proposes a gradual abolition of the English Poor-Laws, 280, 281; on Savings Banks, 313; adduced, 333. Man, by nature social, on this Aristotle and the Pseudo-Pythagoreans, i. 18; his rudest state not the most natural, 73, 86.
Mandeville, (Dr. Bernard,) referred to in general on the effects of the divi- sion of labour, i. 311; quoted parti- cularly on the same subject, 323. Mantuanus, (Baptista Spagnoli,) on the dependence of civilisation (or the arts) on labour, i. 309.
Manufactures, influence of, on Popula- tion and Agriculture, i. 152-183; may be injudiciously encouraged, 159, seq.; Manufactures and Agri- culture, on their relative claims to the attention of the statesman, 201, seq.; progress of, during the eighteenth century, 237, 238; dependence of, upon Agriculture, 260.
Margites, (the Pseudo-Homeric,) quoted
as to the Division of Labour, i. 311. Marino, Republic of, noticed, ii. 357. Marriage, compared with Concubinage in reference to Population, 67-82; is it of natural or municipal law? 69, seq.; is of natural law, 79; marriages will take place where and when they ought, 199; proportion of Marriages to Births and Deaths, 220, seq. Marsden, quoted in regard to the pro- portion of the sexes born in Sumatra,
Marshall, (Mr. William,) referred to in regard to the artificial fattening of cattle, i. 111; quoted on the good qualities of the Kentish yeomanry resulting from Gavelkind, ii. 199, 200; adduced in regard to intem- perance in the use of malt liquors,
Martial, referred to touching the facility of divorce in Imperial Rome, i. 82. Maryland, the various useful expedients
in this State to choose fitting sena- tors, ii. 433.
Maseres, (Mr. Baron,) adduced as to tithes, ii. 245.
Menu, in India sanctioned usury at a date of indefinite antiquity, ii. 152, seq., 187.
Merchants, Mercantile or Commercial Interest, nature and effects of, i. 404, seq.
Metals, precious, see Gold, Silver, &c. Metayer, what kind of tenant in France? i. 113, seq.
Métrologie a work of M. Paucton, i. 217-219, &c.
Meunier, (M.,) adduced in regard to the difficulty of a valuation, ii. 242. Middleton, (Mr.,) quoted against tithes, i. 123, seq.; referred to on the popu- lation of England and Wales, 243; on that of London, 244, 245. Middleton, (Rev. Conyers,) quoted as to the connexion of knowledge and happiness, ii. 349.
Milk, as an economical article of food, recommended, ii. 142.
Millar, (Prof. John,) of the varying in- fluences of the Crown upon the House of Commons, ii. 450.
Mirabeau, (Marquis de, the father,) ad- duced as to population, i. 65, 209, 430; in favour of large farms, 127; quoted in this respect, 129; adduced as to productive and unproductive labourers and their subdivisions, 274; his writings praised, 289; referred to in favour of a territorial tax, 301, ii. 237; his Ami des Hommes recom- mended in the conclusion of the Course on Political Economy, ii. 458. Mirabeau, (Marquis de, the son,) quoted as to the influence of Manufactures in a political relation, i. 176, seq. Moderation, the principle of aristocracy, what does it mean in the language of Montesquieu? ii. 379-382.
Modesty, in woman not factitious, i. 75. Moheau, (M., author of Récherches, &c.,) adduced as to the effect of cli- mate on Population, i. 61; as to the proportion of the Sexes born in France, 88; on the average number of inhabitants to a house in France, 217; as to the rate of the consump- tion of bread in France, 218; as to the proportion between consump- tion and population, 219; as to
that between births and inhabitants in France, 222, see 223; his work on
Population commemorated in the con- clusion of the Course on Political Economy, ii. 458.
Monarchy, on, simply and in general, ii. 353; on, in special, 386-401; its corruption Tyranny, or Despotism, 384; Absolute, the only form of go- vernment for which there is a word in the Persian language, 389; in some absolute monarchies the prince is viewed as proprietor of all lands, and as heir to all his subjects, 391; how tempered by a hereditary nobi- lity, 407; or by different ranks, ib. See Despotism.
Money, as the circulating medium, i. 333-425; on the origin and use of, 333-349; circumstances which re- commend gold and silver as the fittest materials for coin, 334, seq.; relation of bullion or coined metals to a paper currency, 346, seq.; prices, real and nominal, 349-371; on what principle shall the value of money, at different times, be estimated? 352, seq.; does the amount of labour afford the real measure of the exchangeable value of commodities, as held by Smith? 353; this doctrine combated, 353, seq.; as to the effect of a slow and rapid cir- culation of, 379, seq.; as the standard of value, 390-396; interest of, 396- 425; value of, employed in two dif- ferent senses, 408, seq.; Commerce of, should it be regulated by law? on, in general, ii.146-195. See Capital, Usury. Monied Interest, what? i. 405, seq. Monogamy, compared with Polygamy
in reference to Population, i. 82-92; favoured by the near proportion of the sexes, 90.
Monopoly, patents of, by Queen Eliza-
beth, ii. 17; in general withdrawn by James I., but some granted, 17-19, seq.; case of the London Company for the Manufacture of Flour, Meal, and Bread, 96-100.
Montesquieu, adduced in regard to the advantages of political wealth, i. 35; quoted as to the introduction of bills of exchange by the Jews, 41; as to the exceptional Polygamy of the ancient Germans, 84; wrong in his reliance on the authority of Kaempfer that more females than males are born at Bantam, 90, 91; quoted on the effect of employing machinery as a substitute for manual labour, 189; his opinion controverted, 190; his
speculation in regard to the value of the precious metals in different ages and countries, 372, 376, seq.; his doctrine touching the rate of interest, 398, 432, 445; alleged touching the exaction of interest by the Jews, ii. 150; adduced as to the Roman laws of succession, 197; holds that it would be better to trust the relief of the poor to voluntary charity, 275; on the division and distribution of political powers, 352; his discrimination of the simple forms of government, in general, 352-354; on the mode of voting in republics, 358, 359; on the distribution of property in republics, 359, 360; how he explains that the Roman people had no disputes about the executive authority, 369; how he explains the result of a sudden and exorbitant authority conferred upon a citizen in a democracy, 369, 370; as to the inconveniences of democra cies and aristocracies, and how these may be remedied, 373, 374; quoted as to the nobility in an aristocratical government, 377; what aristocracies are the best, 378; what does Modera- tion mean as the principle of aristo- cracy, 379-381; that the nobles should in an aristocracy be prohibited from every kind of commerce, 383; in fact, all vain distinctions of birth (even pri- mogeniture) should be there abolished, 383, 384; shows the necessity for a Vizier in an Absolute Monarchy, 390; quoted as to the savages of Louisiana cutting down a tree for the sake of its fruit, affording an emblem of despotic government, 393; on Fear, his prin- ciple of Despotism, 394, seq.; ad- duced as to the impossibility of any stable order of succession in a despot- ism, 397; what he supposes a mon- archical government to comprise, 407; what he means by Honour as the principle of Monarchy, 408; by Vir tue, as the principle of Democracy, ib.; how he distinguishes Monarchy from Despotism, 408, 409; indirectly lauds the constitutional limitations of the English Government, 409; quoted in regard to Monarchy, 410, 411; an apology for his inaccuracies, 410, 412; on the division of the English Legis- lature, 440.
Morals, are these improved by the in- tellectual cultivation of a people? ii. 345, seq.
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