Imagens das páginas
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"E Pluribus Unum"

United States National Hymn......


Overtures from Richmond

All we ask is to be Let Alone..

Tardy George...

The Cumberland

On Board the Cumberland.....

Marching Along..

A Yankee Soldier's Song

The Irish Picket

Words that can be sung to the "Hallelu-

jah Chorus".


The River Fight

The Ballad of the Crescent City

New Orleans won back

The Varuna

The New Ballad of Lord Lovell

Gineral Butler..

Rhode Island to the South

The Picket Guard....

The March of the Regiment..

The Loyal Democrat

Three Hundred Thousand More.

The Day of God.........

The Battle Autumn of 1862..

The Cripple at the Gate

Wanted-A Man.....


My Maryland

Boston Hymn

Treason's Last Device

Larry's Return from the War

At Port Royal

Left on the Battle Field

In Louisiana

Song of New England Spring Birds

The Wood of Chancellorsville

Song of the Copperhead

At Gettysburg...

How are you, General Lee...

Hymn for 4th of July, 1863

Left on the Battle Field

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