The hero in our four months' woe, The mind of Cromwell claimed his own, Broke forth in joy, as through them glowed Old Greece was young, and Homer true, God's Gospel cheered the sacred cause, Which makes His Right our covenant, Oh, sad for him whose light went out Boston Transcript, April, 1861. APOCALYPSE. 7 APOCALYPSE.* BY CLARENCE BUTLER. STRAIGHT to his heart the bullet crushed, A sudden spasm rent his frame, Which in a moment ceased, and then Saul stood apart a little space, Thus, like a king, erect in pride, Raising his hands to heaven, he cried, "All hail the Stars and Stripes!" and died. Died grandly; but, before he fell, Was granted to him, and his eyes, Looked forward through the centuries, * After the bombardment and evacuation of Fort Sumter, the 6th Regiment of Massachusetts militia was the first that moved to the defence of Washington. It was attacked on the 19th of April by a mob in the streets of Baltimore, and two of its members killed and eight wounded; one of the former, Luther C. Ladd, cheered the flag with his dying breath. And saw the seeds that sages cast Saw how the souls of men had grown, Saw how, by sorrow tried and proved, Saw Treason crushed, and Freedom crowned, And clamorous faction gagged and bound, Gasping its life out on the ground; While over all his country's slopes Increased, with power that comprehends Saw how, throughout the vast extents That, from beyond the farthest seas, And how, of all her trebled host THE MASSACHUSETTS LINE. Because they grew so equal there Wherefore the martyr, gazing clear He, marking how her high increase Greeted, in one transcendent cry Saluting, with most proud disdain So, lifted with prophetic pride, THE MASSACHUSETTS LINE. BY ROBERT LOWELL. AIR:-" Yankee Doodle." I. STILL first, as long and long ago, Give her the post right next the foe; 9 She was the first to give her blood II. She never faltered for the right, III. In peace her sails fleck all the seas, God and her true hands give her? Hers first it is to front the Mob, IV. God bless, God bless the glorious State! Give her the Right, and let her try, And then, who can, may press her; She 'll go straight on, or she will die; God bless her! and God bless her! Duanesburgh, May 7, 1861. |