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or in graphite, where there are two kinds of bonding, and the plane of cleavage cuts across all the longer distances from centre to centre. In calcium fluoride the centres of calcium atoms are closer together than they are in the metal itself in spite of the interposition of the fluorine atoms; and in calcium oxide they are still closer. The change in the type of the bonding has altered the value of the radius.

There is also the very interesting but still more unsettled question of the mutual orientation of the bonds between an atom and its neighbours. It is, of course, the carbon atom which is the occasion of this problem in its most pressing form. In the diamond the exactly tetrahedral arrangement of bonds is associated with great rigidity, which implies great stiffness of orientation. The analysis of the structure of graphite has lately been carried by Bernal to a stage very near completion, but the only point in any doubt is unfortunately the very one as to which certainty would be welcome. Has the great weakening of one bond interfered with the relative orientation of the other three? Debye thought that the structure was trigonal, and that the atoms were arranged in layers which were like the layers of diamond, except that they were flattened out without a sideways. extension of the network. This would involve a closer approach of carbon atom centres from 1.54 A.U. to 1.45 A.U. ; against which no obvious objection can be offered, but it would be interesting to know how it happened. Hull believed the structure to be hexagonal, and that the layers remained as in the diamond. Bernal, having found some good graphite crystals to which the single crystal methods could be applied, finds that Hull is correct as to the hexagonal structure, but inclines to the belief that the layer is flattened. In the latter case, we must suppose that the carbon atom has three very strong bonds almost coplanar with the carbon, and one weak bond at right angles to this plane.

The question arises in another form in the investigations of the long carbon chains by Piper and others, and especially by Muller and Shearer. If the chains are formed by the linking of carbon atoms together in such a way that the junctions of one atom to its two carbon neighbours are inclined to one another at the tetrahedral angle of 109°28′, as in diamond, then there are three possible forms of chain. In one of them, each two carbon atoms imply an increase of 2.00 A.U. in the length of the chain, and, in a second, an increase of 2.44 A.U. In these two cases the carbon atoms of a chain can lie in a plane. With one exception, all the cases examined show one or other of these two rates of increase. The third form of chain is a spiral, for which the growth of each single atom added is 1.12. In one case this rate of increase is found to hold: it is that in which the chain contains a benzene ring. This agreement between calculation and experiment shows with some force that the relative orientation of the bonds is maintained. Even when two or four hydrogens are stripped from the chain at various points, so as to leave a double or triple bond between consecutive carbon atoms, to adopt the ordinary chemical language and theory, no measurable change is found in the length of the chain. This does not mean that there is no change in the distance between neighbours: such a change would be small and might escape detection. But it does mean that there is no great change in the general straightness of the chain, such as might be expected from any large change in the mutual orientation of the bonds between the carbon atom and its neighbours.

In calcite the three oxygens which surround a carbon atom must lie in one plane. It is supposed, however, that in this case the bonds are electrostatic the carbon atom has lost its four valency electrons, and with them its powers of tetrahedral orientation.

Now if we can discover the extent to which an orientation is maintained under different conditions we are provided with one more guiding principle in our attempt to discover the structure of the crystal which contains carbon atoms. And, of course, the organic compounds centre round the carbon atom and its tetrahedral structure.

The question of orientation in respect to other atoms is more obscure, but it is clearly one of importance. There must be some reason why ice has such an open structure, and here the oxygen atom is largely concerned. In the ruby the oxygen atom has no plane of symmetry in relation to its neighbours. In organic substances the great emptiness of the structure implies that atoms are attached to one another at points which have definite positions on the surfaces of the atoms and are limited in number. And, generally speaking, the consideration of organic crystal structure is against any idea that atoms and molecules are to be treated as spheres surrounded by uniform fields of electric force, except in certain cases where by loss or gain of electrons an atom has been reduced to the outer form of one of the rare gases. They must have highly irregular fields, having forms which more or less resist any change. The weak bonds which hold molecule to molecule in the organic substance are not due to electron sharing as in diamond, or to ionisation as in rock-salt, but to an intermingling of stray fields belonging to definite positions on the surfaces of the molecules.

Our attempt to discover the effect of orientation is part of a general attempt to discover the field of force of the atom, which is naturally a very difficult matter. But if we can learn only a few rules, even empirical rules, we are so much the further on our way.

Yet another obvious and most important source from which help may be obtained is to be found in chemistry itself. Although the chemist has had no means until now of measuring distances and angles, he has been able to build up a wonderful edifice of position chemistry. An atom A of a molecule is certainly linked, it may be to B, and not to C; or again, of a number of atoms of the same nature and contained in the same molecule, so many must be alike, and so many may be different.

The chemist has, for example, come to the conclusion that the naphthalene molecule is a double benzene ring, and the anthracene a triple benzene ring. The X-ray observations show that one of the sides of the unit cell of the latter crystal is longer by 2.5 A.U. than the corresponding side of the other, all other dimensions of the two cells being very nearly the same. The width of the hexagonal ring in the diamond is 2.5 A.U., so that on the one hand the chemical evidence suggests that the length of the molecule is parallel to that edge of the two cells which shows differing values, and on the other the X-ray conclusions give material support to the chemical view. Let us take another example from basic beryllium acetate, Be O(C,H2O2)6• The substance is remarkable for the ease with which it sublimes into a vapour consisting of whole molecules, from which we may infer that the molecule does not suffer much change in the process. The relative positions and mutual alliances of the atoms are nearly the same when the molecule is free as when it is built into the solid. From the

X-ray evidence we learn that the molecule has four intersecting trigonal axes. We must place the unique oxygen at the centre of a regular tetrahedron, and the four beryllium atoms at its corners. Each of the six acetate groups must be associated with one of the tetrahedron edges, and in such a way that the four trigonal axes are maintained. This necessitates, as crystallographic theory shows, the existence of a dyad axis through the middle points of each pair of opposite edges of the tetrahedron. The CHO2 groups must be added so as not to interfere with the existence of these axes. If they are placed correctly for the trigonal axes, each of them has a dyad axis of the kind mentioned. All this agrees with the chemical evidence as partly stated in the formula, which implies :1. That there is one oxygen differently situated to the rest.


2. That the four beryllium atoms are all alike.

3. That the acetate groups are all alike.

Further, chemists would say that the carbon atoms are not alike; in that case, they must both lie on the dyad axis, since if they did not they would necessarily be symmetrically placed with respect to that axis and would be equivalent. On the other hand, the oxygen atoms in the acetate group cannot lie on the axis if, as is probable, they are equivalent to one another. They must be placed symmetrically with respect to the dyad axis. As to the hydrogens, we must assume either that they do not count, which is not at all unlikely, or that they are not all alike. It is impossible to place eighteen hydrogen atoms so that the group has four intersecting trigonal axes and that every hydrogen is like every other. The molecule has no plane of symmetry, the fault lying with the oxygens. It could not be due to the hydrogens because there are marked differences in the intensities of reflection of pairs of planes, which differences would not exist if there were planes of symmetry, and would be small if due to dissymmetry in the positions of hydrogens only. It is by reasoning along such lines as these that X-ray evidence and chemical evidence can help each other. Many other instances might be given; indeed, no complex crystal can be studied with success without calling in the assistance of chemical arguments.

A fourth example of the connection between arrangement and properties is to be found in the recent work by W. L. Bragg on the indices of refraction of crystals. It has been found possible to calculate the indices of refraction of calcite, given the dielectric capacities of calcium, carbon and oxygen atoms separately. The difference between the two principal refraction indices is almost entirely due to a difference between the dielectric capacities of a set of three oxygen atoms, at equal distances from one another, when placed :

1. So that the plane in which they lie contains the direction of the field.

2. So that this plane is perpendicular to the field.

If we are able to calculate the refractive indices on these data, then it must be possible to find conditions governing the arrangement of the atoms, when we know the composition of the crystal and its refractive indices. For instance, the near equality of the refractive indices of potassium sulphate implies that the dielectric capacity of the SO, group is much the same in all directions, and this is in agreement with the hypothesis that the

oxygen atoms are grouped in some sort of tetrahedral fashion about the sulphur atom.

There are still other connections between structure and properties which we begin to understand, and can use in proportion to our understanding. The cleavage plane, and the occurrence of certain faces in preference to others are connected with the nature of the bonds and the size of the spacings. We are not surprised to find that in bismuth, or graphite or naphthalene, the cleavage plane cuts across the ties which we should expect to be the weakest of those that bind the molecules together; or again, that natural faces follow the planes that are richest in atoms or molecules and may be assumed to contain relatively large numbers of linkages. In naphthalene the cleavage plane passes between the ends of the molecules, where the ẞ hydrogens are, and where there is a deficiency in the number of scattering centres, as the X-rays indicate by the strengths of several orders of the (001) reflection. The other faces found on the crystal cut across the ties at the positions of the a hydrogens.

There are many other connections between the structure and other properties of a substance, such as dielectric capacity, rigidity, and compressibility, conductivity both thermal and electric, magnetic constants. In fact, the only properties of solid bodies which are not directly and obviously related to crystal structure are those, few in number, that depend on atomic characteristics alone, such as weight; and the absorption coefficients for a, ß, y and X rays, all the rays which involve high quantum energies. With few exceptions every aspect of the behaviour of a solid substance depends on the mode of arrangement of its atoms and molecules. have, therefore, an immense field of research before us, into which the X-ray methods have provided an unexpected and welcome entrance.


They tell us directly, as I have said, the number of molecules in the crystal unit cell, and the mode of their arrangement with such determination of lengths and angles as are required to define the mode of arrangement in full. They leave us then to ally our new knowledge to all that we possess already as to the physical and chemical properties of substances. By this comparison we hope in the end to determine the position of every atom, and explain its influence through its nature and position upon the properties of the substance. It is the chemistry of the solid that comes into view, richer in its variety even than the chemistry we have studied for the past century, and possessing an importance which is obvious to us all. Every side of scientific activity takes part in this advance, for all sciences are concerned with the behaviour of matter.






[blocks in formation]

It should be premised that in this account of the relationship of the State to chemistry in Great Britain, an attempt has been made to limit it to a description of the more or less direct assistance given by that science to various departments as they came into being or took form. Only in recent years, and as a result of the war, has there been a direct recognition of a corresponding obligation on the other side.

It is obvious that it is to the universities, and, as was the case to a greater extent in the past, to private workers, that the great advances made by British chemists are due. Departmental requirements have, of course, reaped the advantage of these advances, but examples of important contributions to chemical knowledge emanating from the departments themselves are not lacking. The collected story of their connection with the activities of the State may be worth reciting, if it should show the development of its appeal to chemistry, and illustrate the gradual breakdown of the view held by the chief of the tribunal before which Lavoisier came, that the State has no need for chemists.'

We will find that their employment in an official capacity was in the first instance in connection with the State's pressing necessities, such as its defence, the regulation of its currency, and the collection of its revenue, all of them subjects warranting the maintenance of equipment and staff.

As the need for safeguarding the nation's health, well-being, and the quality of its food supply became recognised, legislation followed, frequently

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