TV Living: Television, Culture and Everyday Life

Routledge, 04/01/2002 - 328 páginas

TV Living presents the findings of the BFI Audience Tracking Study in which 500 participants completed detailed questionnaire-diaries on their lives, their television watching, and the relationship between the two over a five year period.
Gauntlett and Hill use this extensive data to explore some of the most fundamental questions in media and cultural studies, focusing on issues of gender, identity, the impact of new technologies, and life changes. Opening up new areas of debate, the study sheds new light on audiences and their responses to issues such as sex and violence on television. A unique study of contemporary tv audience behaviour and attitudes, TV Living offers a fascinating insight into the complex relationship between mass media and people's lives today.

No interior do livro


Television and everyday life
News consumption and everyday life
Transitions and change
Companionship guilt and social interaction
Video and technology in the home
The retired and elderly audiences
Life In Retirement
What do men and women actually watch?
Should we still classify soap operas as womens Programmes?
Catering for men with sport and sex?
The representation of homosexuality
A change of gender
Perceptions of violence
Bad language sex and nudity and issues of taste
Studying violence and taste

Elderly peoples relationship with television
The elderly on watching television
Summary of key findings
Further methodological details

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Acerca do autor (2002)

David Gauntlett is Lecturer in Social Communications at the Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds. He is the author of Moving Experiences: Understanding Television's Influences and Effects and Video Critical: Children, The Environment and Media Power, and edits the website
Annette Hill is Senior Lecturer in Mass Media at the Centre for Communication and and Information Studies, University of Westminister. She is the author of Shocking Entertainment: Viewer Response to Violent Movies and is editor of the journal Framework.

Informação bibliográfica