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" ... doth not only make men unable to pay their debts, and continue the maintenance of trade, but their debts daily increasing, they are forced to sell their lands and stocks at very low rates, to forsake the use of merchandize and trade, and to give over... "
An Inquiry Into the State of National Subsistence: As Connected with the ... - Página 33
por William Turner Comber - 1808 - 382 páginas
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 24

1828 - 964 páginas
...for a year, doth not only make men unable to pay their debts, and continue the maintenance of trade, but their debts daily increasing, they are forced...members of the commonwealth, to the great hurt and hinderance of the same." Now for the effects which were believed to flow from this reduction of interest....
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A Treatise on the Law of Usury

Sir Robert Buckley Comyn - 1817 - 326 páginas
...their debts, and continue the maintenance of trade, but their debts daily increasing, they are inforced to sell their lands and stocks at very low rates,...merchandize and trade and to give over their leases and farmes, and so become unprofitable members of the commonwealth, to the great hurt and hindrance of...
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A defence of our laws against usury; by the author of The Bank of England ...

Richard Groom (writer on economics.) - 1826 - 52 páginas
...and continue the maintenance of their trade, but their debts daily increasing, they •were enforced to sell their lands and stocks, at very low rates,...leases and farms, and so become unprofitable members to the common-wealth, to the great hurt and hinderance of the same. These facts and opinions would...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 24

1828 - 1520 páginas
...for: a year, doth not only make men unable to pay their debts, and continue the maintenance of trade, but their debts daily increasing, they are forced...members of the commonwealth, to the great hurt and hinderance of the same." Now for the effects which were believed to flow from this reduction of interest....
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Political Fragments

Robert Forsyth - 1830 - 234 páginas
...they are forced to sell their lands and stocks at very low rates, to forsake the use of merchandise and trade, and to give over their leases and farms,...members of the commonwealth, to the great hurt and hinderance of the same.' ' Be it therefore enacted, that from and after the year 1625, no one shall...
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Political Fragments

Robert Forsyth - 1830 - 244 páginas
...for a year, doth not only make men unable to pay their debts, and continue the maintenance of trade, but their debts daily increasing, they are forced...and stocks at very low rates, to forsake the use of merchandise and trade, and to give over their leases and farms, and so become unprofitable members...
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The history of banking in Ireland

James William Gilbart - 1836 - 164 páginas
...merchandize, and that the high rate of interest made men unable to pay their debts ; that consequently they are forced to sell their lands and stocks become unprofitable members of the commonwealth. 1709. Was passed an "Actf for the better payment of inland bills of exchange, and for making promissory...
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The Monthly Review

1836 - 640 páginas
...merchandize, and that the high rate of interest made men unable to pay their debts ; that consequently they are forced to sell their lands and stocks become unprofitable members of the commonwealth. " 1709. 'Was passed an ' Act for the better payment of inland bills of Jxchange, and for making promissory...
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Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society

Cork Historical and Archaeological Society - 1893 - 284 páginas
...merchandize, and that .the high rate of " interest made men unable to pay their "debts; that, consequently, they are forced " to sell their lands and stocks at...become unprofitable " members of the commonwealth." An act of 1709 (8 Anne, cap. n) legislates in respect of notes issued by "any banker, goldsmith, merchant,...
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Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum: Acts and ordinances from 9th ...

Great Britain - 1911 - 1484 páginas
...their Debts, and continue the maintenance of Trade, but their DebtB daily increasing, they are enforced to sell their Lands and Stocks at very low Rates, become unprofitable Members of the Commonwealth : Be it therefore Enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority thereof, That no No perem...
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