and selfish system by which they seek to enforce That these are their principles, as a body, it CONTENTS. CONTENTS. The Effects of the Pastoral and Martial Character of the Saxons on the State of The Change produced in the Country by the Introduction of the Feudal System, and its Effects on Agriculture, from the Conquest The Conversion of Land to the Growth of raw Produce, as an Object of Commerce, on the breaking up of the Feudal System; from the Union of the Houses of York The forced Exportation of Grain, by Means of a Bounty, from the Revolution to the The Decline of the Exportation of Grain, and the Increase of Agricultural Produce, Manufactures, and Trade, from the Be- ginning of the Reign of his present Majes- Occasional Bounties on the Importation of Grain, and the further Enhancement of Price, during the still more rapid Im- provement of the Country; from the Con- |