Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice (Second Edition)W. W. Norton & Company, 04/02/2009 - 384 páginas Historic preservation, which started as a grassroots movement, now represents the cutting edge in a cultural revolution focused on “green” architecture and sustainability. This is the only book to cover the gamut of preservation issues in layman’s language: the philosophy and history of the movement, the role of government, the documentation and designation of historic properties, sensitive architectural designs and planning, preservation technology, and heritage tourism, plus a survey of architectural styles. It is an ideal introduction to the field for students, historians, preservationists, property owners, local officials, and community leaders. Updated throughout, this revised edition addresses new subjects, including heritage tourism and partnering with the environmental community. |
11 | |
27 | |
Architectural Styles Contextualism and Design Guidelines | 63 |
The Legal Basis for Preservation | 121 |
Designation of Historic Properties | 135 |
Historic Districts and Ordinances | 169 |
Intervention Approaches Documentation and Technology | 189 |
Preservation Economics | 237 |
Preservation Planning | 269 |
Sustainability and Partnering with the Environmental Community | 299 |
Heritage Tourism Cultural Landscapes and Heritage Areas | 321 |
Notes | 337 |
Further Reading | 345 |
Degree and Certificate Programs in Historic Preservation | 356 |
365 | |
Outras edições - Ver tudo
Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and ... Norman Tyler,Ted Ligibel,Ilene R. Tyler Pré-visualização limitada - 2009 |
Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice Norman Tyler Pré-visualização limitada - 2000 |
Historic Preservation 2e: An Introduction To Its History Principles And Practice Norman Tyler,Ted J Ligibel,Ilene R Tyler Pré-visualização indisponível - 2009 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
activities agencies American approach approval architects Center century changes church city’s community’s conservation construction context contextual design cost cultural landscape demolition designated historic documentation downtown easement economic elements environmental established example exterior façade federal funding Greek Revival green building guidelines Heritage Areas Heritage Corridor Heritage interpretation historic buildings historic district commission Historic Preservation Act Historic Preservation Program historic properties historic resources historic significance historic structures House important integrity interior investment land located Main Street masonry materials ment Milwaukee City Hall National Historic Landmark National Historic Preservation National Park Service National Register National Trust Native American neighborhoods older buildings ordinance organizations original Penn Central Transportation percent period Preservation Technology preservationists property owners recognized rehabilitation represent residents restoration revitalization Richardsonian Romanesque roof SHPO tax credit theater tion toric Trust for Historic typically U.S. Supreme Court urban York