III. the mint, you get back fixty-two fhillings, con- CHA P. taining a pound weight of the like ftandard filver. In France, a duty of eight per cent. is deducted for the coinage, which not only defrays the expence of it, but affords a fmall revenue to the government. In England, as the coinage cofts nothing, the current coin can never be much more valuable than the quantity of bullion which it actually contains. In France, the workmanship, as you pay for it, adds to the value, in the fame manner as to that of wrought plate. A fum of French money, therefore, containing a certain weight of pure filver, is more valuable than a fum of English money containing an equal weight of pure filver, and muft require more bullion, or other commodities, to purchase it. Though the current coin of the two countries, therefore, were equally near the ftandards of their respective mints, a fum of English money could not well purchase a fum of French money, containing an equal number of ounces of pure filver, nor confequently a bill upon France for fuch a fum. If for fuch a bill no more additional money was paid than what was fufficient to compenfate the expence of the French coinage, the real exchange might be at par between the two countries, their debts and credits might mutually compenfate one another, while the computed exchange was confiderably in favour of France. If less than this was paid, the real exchange might be in favour of England, while the computed was in favour of France. THIRDLY, BOOK THIRDLY, and laftly, in fome places, as at Amfterdam, Hamburgh, Venice, &c. foreign bills of exchange are paid in what they call bank money; while in others, as at London, Lifbon, Antwerp, Leghorn, &c. they are paid in the common currency of the country. What is called bank money is always of more value than the fame nominal fum of common currency. A thoufand guilders in the bank of Amfterdam, for example, are of more value than a thousand guilders of Amfterdam currency. The difference between them is called the agio of the bank, which, at Amsterdam, is generally about five per cent. Suppofing the current money of the two countries equally near to the standard of their respective mints, and that the one pays foreign bills in this common currency, while the other pays them in bank money, it is evident that the computed exchange may be in favour of that which pays in bank money, though the real exchange fhould be in favour of that which pays in current money; for the fame reason that the computed exchange may be in favour of that which pays in better money, or in money nearer to its own ftandard, though the real exchange fhould be in favour of that which pays in worse. The computed exchange, before the late reformation of the gold coin, was generally against London with Amfterdam, Hamburgh, Venice, and, I believe, with all other places which pay in what is called bank money. It will by no means follow, however, that the real exchange was against it. Since the reformation of the gold coin, it has been in favour of London even with C H A P. thofe places. The computed exchange has generally been in favour of London with Lisbon, Antwerp, Leghorn, and, if you except France, I believe, with most other parts of Europe that pay in common currency; and it is not improbable that the real exchange was fo too. Digreffion concerning Banks of Depofit, particularly concerning that of Amfterdam. THE currency of a great state, such as France tirely of its own coin. IN BOOK IN order to remedy the inconvenience to which IV. this disadvantageous exchange must have sub The jected their merchants, fuch small states, when BEFORE 1609 the great quantity of clipt and worn foreign coin, which the extenfive trade of Amfterdam brought from all parts of Europe, reduced the value of its currency about nine per cent. below that of good money fresh from the the mint. Such money no fooner appeared than CHA P. it was melted down or carried away, as it always is in fuch circumftances. The merchants, with plenty of currency, could not always find a fufficient quantity of good money to pay their bills of exchange; and the value of those bills, in fpite of feveral regulations which were made to prevent it, became in a great measure uncertain. In order to remedy these inconveniencies, a bank was established in 1609 under the guarantee of the city. This bank received both foreign coin, and the light and worn coin of the country at its real intrinfic value in the good ftandard money of the country, deducting only fo much as was neceffary for defraying the expence of coinage, and the other neceffary expence of management. For the value which remained, after this fmall deduction was made, it gave a credit in its books. This credit was called bank money, which, as it reprefented money exactly according to the standard of the mint, was always of the fame real value, and intrinfically worth more than current money. It was at the fame time enacted, that all bills drawn upon or negotiated at Amsterdam of the value of fix hundred guilders and upwards fhould be paid in bank money, which at once took away all uncertainty in the value of those bills. Every merchant, in confequence of this regulation, was obliged to keep an account with the bank in order to pay his foreign bills of exchange, which neceffarily occafioned a certain demand for bank money. BANK |