Media Freedom and Right to Information in Africa

Centro de Estudos Internacionais, 20/07/2015 - 136 páginas
This e-book is the result of a panel organized in the Fifth European Congress of African Studies (ECAS 5) that took place in Lisbon in June 2013. We thought of organizing this panel on “Press Freedom and Right to Information in Africa” since the question of freedom, especially press freedom, is presently extremely important in all African countries. However, it is not yet well known, both in the academic context and by the public.

Acerca do autor (2015)

Ana Margoso,  Jornal Agora

Órgão de imprensa onde trabalhou: Jornal de Angola, Jornal Agora, Semanário A Capital, chefe de redacção do Semanário Cruzeiro do Sul, revista Vidas, director Executiva da Bumbar Media & IT, Semanário Novo Jornal. Actualmente trabalha para o Jornal Agora. Foi distinguida pela Woman Watch 2014 e pelo MISA Regional da África Austral. Membro do Júri do prémio Maboque de jornalismo, um prémio anual de iniciativa privada que todos os anos distingue os melhores do jornalismo angolano.

Miguel de Barros, Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa da Guiné-Bissau (INEP)

Sociólogo e Investigador Associado ao Estudo Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas da Guiné-Bissau (INEP), do Núcleo de Estudos Transdisciplinares de Comunicação e Consciência da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (NETCCON.ECO.UFRJ) e ainda membro do Conselho para o Desenvolvimento de Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais em África - CODESRIA.

Fátima Tchumá Camará, Radiodifusão Nacional da Guiné-Bissau

Jornalista e Mestre em Comunicação, Cultura e Tecnologias de Informação pelo Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). Jornalista na Radiodifusão Nacional da Guiné-Bissau.

Ready Wilson Lima, Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais

Graduated in Sociology (ULHT and FCSH-UNL, Portugal), PhD student in Urban Studies (FCSH-UNL and ISCTE-IUL, Portugal), associate researcher in the workgroup Globalization and Development – CesA, ISEG-ULisboa (Portugal) and assistant visiting professor at the ISCJS (Cape Verde). Their recent publications are “Rappers cabo-verdianos e participação política juvenil”, in Revista Tomo (2012); “Delinquência juvenil coletiva na Cidade da Praia: uma abordagem diacrónica”; Jovens e trajetórias de violências. Os casos de Bissau e da Praia (2012); and “Rap kriol(u): o pan-africanismo de Cabral na música de intervenção juvenil na Guiné-Bissau e em Cabo-Verde”, in REALIS – Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PosColoniais (with M. Barros) (2012).

Mário Moisés da Fonseca, Escola de Comunicação e Artes, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Master’s Degree in Social Politics and Strategic Direction for Sustainable Territorial Development from the Universidade di Bologna (Italy); a Diploma in Journalism from Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique). Mário is an Assistant Lecturer of Journalism at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane and author of “Il ruolo della stampa indipendente nella presa di decisioni politiche in Mozambico: il caso dei giornali Zambeze e Savana (The role of the independent press in the political decision-making in Mozambique: the case of newspapers Zambeze and Savana); (2010) La critica sociologica; Pisa – Roma; and Imprensa e o Poder Político em Moçambique; Rhodes Journalism Review; 2013.

Júlio Mateus Manjate, Escola de Comunicação e Artes, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Diploma in journalism from Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM – Mozambique). He is a Trainee Assistant Lecturer at Communication and Arts School (ECA – UEM), and senior journalist at the main daily newspaper in Mozambique – Notícias.

Tilo Grätz, Institut für Ethnologie

Studied Social Anthropology, History and African Studies in Berlin.
He holds a PhD from Bielefeld University (1998), and obtained his habilitation degree (postdoctoral qualification) in Social Anthropology at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in 2008. He has been working as a Research Fellow in various research projects in Halle, Hamburg and Siegen and held teaching positions at Universities in Frankfurt/Oder, Leipzig and Berlin. Currently, he is a research fellow at the ZMO and adjunct professor at the Institute for Social Anthropology, Free University of Berlin. Recent publications include New media entrepreneurs in Africa, Journal of African Cultural Studies (2013), Call-In Shows on Intimate Issues in Benin, African Studies Review (2014).

Luca Bussotti, Centro de Estudos Internacionais (CEI-IUL ), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL )

PHD in Sociology of Development at the University of Pisa (Italy, 2001). He has been professor of Sociology at the same university (2002-2006), then Visiting Professor at the University of Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique, 2006-2011). In 2011 he obtained a Marie-Curie fellowship position at the Centro de Estudos Internacionais of ISCTE-IUL, where currently is working as a researcher. His investigation focuses on Mozambique, especially political power, the relationship between State and the press, community radios and the violation of human rights by Mozambican State. He also studies African philosophy, in the version proposed by Afrocentricity.

Informação bibliográfica