1st Vice President, Abbie Taber, Sioux City; 2d Vice-President, Letitia McNally, Independence; Treasurer, Miss Anna Killeen, Dubuque; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ida C. Neff, 720 Wellington St., Waterloo; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Floy A. Strayer, Waterloo; Auditor, Miss Louise Raffauf, Dyersville. Next meeting in Des Moines, June, 1910. Maryland State Board of Examiners of Nurses. 1211 Cathedral St., Baltimore.-President, Miss Mary C. Packard, R.N.; Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Nannie J. Lackland, R.N.; Miss Marie Gorter, R.N., Miss Mary E. Lent, R.N., Miss Elizabeth G. Price, R.N. Maryland State Association of Graduate Nurses. -Honorary President, Miss M. Adelaide Nutting, Columbia University, New York City; President, Miss Georgina C. Ross, John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.; Vice-Presidents: Miss Nettie L. Flanagan, Miss Elizabeth G. Price; Treasurer, Miss Nannie J. Lackland; Secretary, Miss Sarah F. Martin, 1211 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. Michigan State Board of Registration of Nurses.-President, Miss Elizabeth G. Flaws, Grand Rapids; Vice-President, Mrs. Elizabeth Tacey, Detroit; Secretary, Dr. F. W. Shumway, Lansing. Michigan State Nurses' Association.-President. Mrs. G. D. Switzer, Ludington; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. E. L. Parker, Lansing; 2d VicePresident, Miss Margaret Moore, Jackson; Recording Secretary, Miss Irene Van Pelt, Kalamazoo; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. C. Apted, 40 Ransom St., Grand Rapids; Treasurer, Miss Agnes G. Deans, Detroit. Next meeting in Port Huron, June 28, 29, 30, 1910. Board of Examiners of Nurses for the State of Minnesota.-President, Miss Edith P. Rommel, R.N., Minneapolis; Treasurer, Miss Bertha Johnson, R.N., St. Paul; Secretary, Miss Helen M. Wadsworth, R.N., 1502 Third Ave., S., Minneapolis; Miss Grace Watson, R.N., Minneapolis; Dr. Jennette M. MacLaren, St. Paul. Minnesota State Nurses Association.-President, Mrs. Alexander R. Colvin, 623 Grand Ave., St. Paul; 1st Vice-President, Miss Mary Wood, Associated Charities, St. Paul; 2d Vice-President, Miss Adda Knox, St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth; Treasurer, Miss Grace Holmes, 235 Prescott Ave., St. Paul; Secretary, Miss Marie R. Jamme, 2133 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis; Assistant Se retary, Miss Edith Rommel, Minneapolis., Nebraska State Examining Board.-Preside Victoria Anderson, Methodist Episcopal Hospit Omaha, Nebraska; Secretary, Anna E Har wick, Nebraska Orthopedic Hospital, Linco Nebraska. Nebraska State Association of Graduate Nurs -President, Miss Nancy L. Dorsey, 2305 S. 3 St., Omaha; Vice-President, Miss Carrie Lo Majestic Flats, Omaha; Treasurer, Miss Ma Ducker, Methodist Hospital, Omaha; Secreta Miss Lillian B. Stuff, Lincoln. Next regular meeting in Lincoln, January, 19 New Hampshire State Board of Nurse Exa iners.-Chairman, Miss Blanche M. Truesd R.N., Cottage Hospital, Portsmouth; Secreta Miss Augusta C, Robertson, R.N., Elliot Hospit Manchester. Graduate Nurses' Association of New Ham shire.-President, Miss Della Streeter, R.N., Co cord; 1st Vice-President, Miss Ethelyn Dutch R.N., Concord; 2d Vice-President, Miss Eli beth Heiniman, R.N., Nashua; Secretary a Treasurer, Miss A. C. Robertson, R.N., Ma chester; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Car M. Hall, R.N., Concord; Members of Boar Blanche Montross Truesdell, R.N., Portsmout Miss Ida F. Shepard, R.N., Hanover; Miss Mab Potter, R.N., Manchester. Missouri State Nurses Association.-Preside Miss Charlotte B. Forrester, Box 803, Kans City, Mo., 1st Vice-President, Miss L. E. Keele St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City; 2d Vice-Pres dent, Miss Louise Dierson, 506 Lake Ave., S Louis; Treasurer, Miss Mary E. Stebbins, 4 N. Taylor Ave., St. Louis; Recording Secretar Miss Anna Love, 506 Lake Ave., St. Loui Corresponding Secretary, Miss Eva M. Ros berry, 1208 Wyandotte St., Kansas City; Chai man Ways and Means Committee, Miss Me Shipley, 923 E. 9th St., Kansas City; Chairma Arrangements Committee, Miss Annie Gillis, 12 Dillon St., St. Louis; Chairman Credential Com mittee, Mrs. D. W. Whitmer, 916 E. 8th S Aansas City. Next meeting in St. Joseph, 1910. New Jersey State Nurses' Association.-Presi dent, Miss Bertha J. Gardner, 30 Tracy Avenu Newark, N. J.; 1st Vice-President, Miss Mar garet Hickey; 2d Vice-President, Miss Ros Schmoker; Secretary, Miss Elizabeth J. Higbid Please report promptly all inaccuracies that you may detect on this page. letters R. N. wherever they apply. Do not fail to use the In Disease What Shall the Patient Eat? PRACTICAL Dietetics By W. GILMAN THOMPSON, M.D. THE GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO., 33 West 42d Street, New York 341 Graham Avenue, Paterson, N. J.; Treasurer, Miss Beatrice M. Bamber, City Hospital, Perth Amboy. Ohio State Association of Graduate Nurses.President, Miss M. H. Pierson, Columbus; Ist Vice-President, Miss Katherine Mapes, Toledo; 2d Vice-President, Miss E. A. Doe, Columbus; 3d Vice-President, Miss E. M. Ellis, Cleveland; 4th Vice-President, Miss E. P. Crandall, Dayton; 5th Vice-President, Miss M. H. Greenwood, Cincinnati; 6th Vice-President, Miss Olive Fisher, Cleveland; Treasurer, Miss M. A. Lawson, Akron; Secretary, Miss M. L. Johnson, 501 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Oklahoma State Association of Graduate Nurses.-President, Rae L. Dessell, R.N., 106 E. 5th St., Oklahoma City; Treasurer, Mrs. Marg. Morrison, R.N., Guthrie; Secretary, Martha Randall, R.N., 106 E. 5th St., Oklahoma St., Oklahoma City. Next meeting in Muskogee, October, 1910. Oregon State Nurses' Association.-President, Miss Jennie V. Doyle, 675 Glisan St., Portland; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Mabel Keifer, 374 Third St., Portland; Treasurer, First National Bank, Portland. Meets on last Wednesday of each month at 2:30 P.M., at Medical Building, Park and Alder Sts., Portland. Annual meeting in January. Pennsylvania Board of Nurse Examiners.President, William S. Higbee, M.D.; SecretaryTreasurer, Albert E. Blackburn, M.D., 3813 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Graduate Nurses' Association of the State of Pennsylvania.-President, Miss Roberta M. West, City Hospital, Wilkes-Barre; Ist Vice-President, Miss Elizabeth B. Reid, West Penna. Hospital, Pittsburg; 2d Vice-President, Miss Lydia A.. Giberson, 108 No. Woodstock St., Philadelphia; Treasurer, Mr. William R. McNaughton, 245 Emerson St., Pittsburg; Secretary, Miss Annie C. Nedwill, St. Timothy's Hospital, Philadelphia; Directors: Mrs. M. I, Moyer, Miss Caroline V. Perkins, Miss Nellie A. Cummskey, 915 No. 15th St., Philadelphia; Miss Ida F. Giles, 3336 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg. Rhode Island Association of Graduate Nurses. -President, Miss Abby E. Johnson; 1st VicePresident, Miss Elizabeth F. Sherman; 2d VicePresident, Mrs. .H. P. Churchill; Treasurer, Miss Lottie A. Beckwith; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Rhoda G. Packard, Rehoboth, Mass.; Recording Secretary, Miss Sarah C. Barry; Directors: Miss Mary S. Gardner, Miss M. J. MacPherson, Miss L. C. Ayres, Miss A. G. Dexter. Annual meeting March, 1910. Texas Board of Nurse Examiners.-President, Mrs. Forrest M. Beatty, R.N., 1220 Hemphill Street, Fort Worth; Secretary, Clara L. Shackford, John Sealy Hospital, Galveston. Texas State Nurses' Association.-President, Mrs. Forrest M. Beaty, 507 Taylor St., Fort Worth; Secretary and Treasurer, Miss A. Louise Dietrick, El Paso Gen. Hosp., El Paso. The next meeting is to be held in 1910. South Carolina State Nurses' Association.— President, Miss L. V. Jones, R.N., Roper Hospital, Charleston; 1st Vice-President, Miss S. M. Furman, Sumter; 2d Vice-President, Miss E. C Lartigue, Columbia; Treasurer, Miss A. E. Coogan, Charleston; Secretary, Miss L. M. Davis, Sumter Hospital, Sumter. Next meeting in Sumter, October, 1910. The Tennessee State Nurses' Association.— President, Miss Lena A. Warner, 112 North Belvedere Boulevard, Memphis; Secretary, Mrs. D. T. Gould, Nashville. Washington State Board of Examiners.-President, Mary Keating, 2020 Mallon Avenue, Spokane; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. A. W. Hawley, 718 East Howell Street, Seattle. Washington State Graduate Nurses Associa tion.-President, Miss M. C. Burnett, 1522 Riverside Ave., Spokane; 1st Vice-President, Miss Laura MacMillan, R.N., 414 Boren Ave., Seattle; 2d Vice-President, Miss Anna Juergens, County Hospital, Tacoma; Treasurer, Mrs. Etta B. Cummings, 3311 8th Ave. S., Tacoma; Secretary, Miss Mary McMaster, 1522 Riverside Ave., Spokane; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. S. E. Myers, Walla Walla; Councillors: Miss M. S. Loomis, Miss Cora Gillespie, Mrs. A. W. Hawley, Seattle; Mrs. Etta B. Cummings, Miss Margaret Campbell, Tacoma; Miss M. F. Heustis, Miss Anna Bartelle, Spokane; Miss Ella Wilkinson, Bellingham; Miss Grace Halver, Walla Walla. Next annual meeting in Spokane, June, 1910. Wyoming State Nurses' Association.-PresiIdent, Miss Martha A. Converse, Rock Springs; Secretary, Mrs. Amy E. Miller, 116 Coffeen Ave., Sheridan, Please report promptly all inaccuracies that you may deteet on this page. Do not fail to use the letters R. N. wherever they apply. EFFICIENT COMBINATION DIOVIBURNIA, NEUROSINE 2-1 IN NEURASTHENIC UTERINE DISEASES, NON-DESCRIPTIVE CASES AND WHEREVER ANTISPASMODIC AND NEUROTIC IS REQUIRED. FREE.-Perpetual Visiting Book 128 pages, full size bottle of Dioviburnia Neurosine and Germiletum furnished free to Physi cians paying express charges. Formula and literature, alone, if desired, by mail. DIOS CHEMICAL CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. BY PROF. DR. CARL VON NOORDEN Authorized American Edition, Translated Under the Direction of BOARDMAN REED, M.D. It is due to the disorders of metabolism and nutrition that degenerative changes cut short the activities of so many men and women in middle life-that senility and death itself come prematurely to a very large proportion of mankind. In this series of monographs these disorders are considered in a manner which is at once scientific and practical. OBESITY: The Indications for Reduction Cures The conclusions as to the appropriate diet, regimen and therapeutic measures for its cure are very NEPHRITIS The author's handling of the subject is bold and original. He prescribes a therapy, the effec- COLITIS (Colica Mucosa) Small 8vo, 112 pages, $1.00 This valuable monograph contains the most clear-cut and satisfactory directions for the treatment THE ACID AUTOINTOXICATIONS Small 8vo, 64 pages, 50 Cents One cannot manage successfully cases of diabetes and other obscure chronic diseases without some SALINE THERAPY Small 8vo, 80 pages, 50 Cents The influence of the sodium chloride waters on the digestion, as well as in gout, diabetes and other FOR SALE BY THE GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO., 33 W. 42d St., New York New York State Board of Nurse Examiners.-President, Miss Annie Damer, Yorktown Heights, New York; Inspector, Miss Anna L. Alline, 132 Lancaster St., Albany; Secretary, Miss Jane E. Hitchcock, R.N., 265 Henry St., New York City. Examination at New York, Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo, June 28-July 1, 1910. New York State Nurses' Association.-President, Mrs. C. V. Twiss, R.N., 419 West 144th St., New York City; 1st Vice-President, Miss Anna L. Alline, R.N., Albany, N. Y.; 2d Vice-President. Miss Frida L. Hartman, R.N., New York; Treasurer, Miss Lina Lightbourne, R.N., Superintendent of the Hospital of the Good Shepard, Syracuse; Secretary, Mrs. Grace A. Knight Schenck, R.N., 114 East 71st St., New York City; Trustee 3 years, Mrs. H. D. Burrill, R.N., Syracuse: Trustee 1 year, Miss Mary A. Samuel, R.N., New York. Annual meeting in Rochester, October, 1910. Board of Examiners of Trained Nurses of North Carolina.-Dr. C. A. Julian, Thomasville; Dr. Oscar McMullen, Elizabeth City; Miss Cleone E. Hobbs, R.N., Wilson; Miss Maria P. Allen, R.N., Morgantown; Miss Ann Ferguson, R.N., Statesville. North Carolina State Nurses' Association.President, Miss Constance E. Pfohl, R.N., Winston-Salem; 1st Vice-President, Miss Maria P. Allen, R.N., Morgantown; 2d Vice-President, Miss E. May Williams, R.N., Davidson; Treasurer, Miss Birdie Dunn, R.N., Raleigh; Directors: Miss Ella McNichols, R.N.. Charlotte, and Miss Mary L. Wyche, R.N., Watts Hospital, Durham; Secretary. Miss Mary Sheetz, R.N., 412 So. Main St., Winston-Salem., Oklahoma State Board for Examination and Registration of Nurses.-President, Martha Randall, R.N., 106 East 5th Street, Oklahoma City; Secretary, Mrs. Margaret H. Walters, Muskogee; Miss Rae L. Dessell, R.N., Oklahoma City; Mrs. Marg. Momson, R.N., Guthrie; Miss Mabel Garrison, Oklahoma City. Graduate Nurses' Examining Board of Virginia. -Secretary. Mrs. Leah deLancey Hanger, 409 Waverley Boulevard, Portsmouth. Graduate Nurses' Association of Virginia.Honorary President, Miss S. H. Cabaniss, Nurses Settlement, 108 North 7th St., Richmond; President Miss Ethel Smith, Protestant Hospital, Norfolk; 1st Vice-President, Miss Elizabeth Moreman, Lynchburg; 2d Vice-President, Miss Daisy Moore, Kings Daughters Hospital, Staunton; 3d Vice-President, Miss Woodward, Danville; Treasurer, Miss Ruth I. Robertson, Superintendent St. Luke's Hospital, Richmond; Secre tary, Miss Annie Gully, 108 No. 7th St, Richmond. West Virginia Board of Examiners for NursES. -Dr. Thomas M. Haskins, Wheeling; Dr. Alonzo Andrews, Martinsburg; Dr. Geo. Lounsbury, Charleston; Dr. L. V. Cuthrie, Huntington; Dr. C. M. Scott, Bluefield. Graduate Nurses' Association of West Virginia. -President, Mrs. Harriet Camp Lounsbury, RN, 1119 Lee St., Charleston; Vice-Presidents: Miss 5. Williams, R.N., Parkersburg: Miss Morierty, R.N., Wheeling; Mrs. Carpenter, RN. Wheeling; Mrs. Maude Kendal, R.N., Fairmont: Miss Alpha Millette, R.N., Glendale; Miss Vernon, R.N., Fairmont; Mrs. Deegan, R. N., Wheeling; Treasurer, Miss Loretta McPhail, 1240 Lynn St., Parkersburg; Secretary. Mrs. M. F Dudley, R.N., Wheeling. Next meeting in Charleston, 1910. Wyoming Nurses' Examining Board.-Secretary, Mrs. Amy E. Miller, Sheridan, NON-REGISTRATION STATES. STATE ORGANIZATIONS. The Idaho State Nurses' Association.-President, Lillian Long, St. Luke's Hospital, Boise: Secretary, Lulu Hall, Room 410, Overland Building, Boise. Kentucky State Association of Graduate Nurses -President, Miss Mary R. Shaver, Good Samar itan Hospital, Lexington; Treasurer, Mrs. May Thompson, West Maxwell Street. Lexington; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Amelia A. Milward, 234 Second Street, Lexington; Recording Secretary, Miss Harriet Cleek, 476 East Main Street, Lexington. Louisiana State Graduate Nurses' Association. -President, Miss Katherine Dent, New Orleans Sanitarium, New Orleans; Vice-Presidents: Miss S. Lawrence and Miss J. McCray, 1517 Antonine St., New Orleans; Treasurer, Miss Katherine Dent, 1403 Terpischore St., New Orleans; Directors: Miss C. Goodwin, Miss A. Bali, Mrs. L Breaux, 1517 Antonine St., and Miss M. Seddon, 1403 Terpsichore St., New Orleans; Secretary. Miss Rosa Fitchett, New Orleans Sanitarium. New Orleans. Massachusetts State Nurses' Association.President, Miss Mary M. Riddle, Newton Hospital, Newton Lower Falls; 1st Vice-President, Miss Mary E. Shields, Boston; 2d Vice-President, Miss Clara D. Noyes, New Bedford: Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth J. Tisdale, 9 Haviland St., Boston; Recording Secretary, Miss Esther Dart, Stillman Infirmary, Cambridge; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Jane F. Riley, 24 Charlesgate East. Boston. Please report promptly all inaccuracies that you may deter on letters R. N. wherever they apply. Preis pauze. Do not fail to use the |