Imagens das páginas


42 a; Licenses, 16 b, 41 c; Orders in
Council, Eng. retaliation for, 16 b, 40 a, 58 c,
93 c, 391 c.

Contraband: and Neutral states in Inter-
national Law, 16 bd.

Contract: Breach of, remedy for, and specific
performance, 452 d, 453 a; Law of, 402 d;
Roman Law of, 66 c; of Sale, 347 b; substi-
tute for Status, 65 c; and Tort, liab. under,
compd., 551 c.

Conversion of National Debt: 3 d, 272 d-
273 a; A. SMITH on, 421 be; and South Sea
Co., 447 cả.

Convertibility of State Notes: 779 bc, 780
cd; Suspension of, 779 c.
Co-operation in Agriculture, Artél in Russ.,
342 c; in Agric., on Small Holdings, 763
c; Industrial, Russ. Sch. on, 342 cd; co-
operative Industry, R. OWEN and, 49 a,
50 ab, 432 b; Mir in Russ., 21 d; E. V.
NEALE, 12 c-13 a; U. RABBENO on, 735 a;
Socialism and, 775 c; H. SPENCER on, 778 b;
W. THOMPSON on, 536 d; J. WARREN on,
а. Co-operative Banking, F. H.
SCHULZE - DELITZSCH, 366 a.—Co-operative
Farming, Ralahine experiment, W. PARE on,
60 d; F. WRIGHT'S Nashoba experiment, 701 d,
811 d-812 b.

Coparceners, inher. by: 59 d, 203 a.
Copartnership: South Metropolitan Gas Co.,
history and working of system, 790 cd; Trade
disputes, as a preventive to, 790 cd; work-
men shareholders and directors, 790 d.
COPERNICUS, N., on reform of Curr.: 144 b.
Copyhold Demesne tenants, origin of, 85 d,
625 bc.



Corn compulsory reserves of, Greniers d'abon-
dance, 79 a.- -Corn Laws, Earl of SHEFFIELD
on, 391 a; A. SMITH on, 416 d, 417 a.-
Corn Laws, Repeal of, Sir R. PEEL, 87 d.

-Price of Corn, and deficient Harvests, C.
DAVENANT on, 498 bc; and Tithes, 787 cd,
788 c.

Corporation compd. with Partnership, 69 b.
Cossa, L., on BASTIAT'S expl. of Value, 720 c.
Cost: J. ROOKE, 746 a; Comparative, doctrine
of, R. TORRENS on, 789 d, 790 a.

Cost of Living: Index Numbers, 801 c-802 d.
Cost of Production: theory of, Alpriori applica-
tion of P. E., 146 d, 147 a; and Price, 140 c,
200 d; and Rent, 284 cd; and Value, 146 d,
220 bc, 607 cd.

Cotton dealings in, illustn. of Futures, 212 a.


-Cotton Industry, effect of fluctuations in
Exchange, 212 a; peculiar Position of, 211,d;
Wages in, 189 d; in U.S. A., development by
D. A. TOMPKINS, 789 abc.
County Councils: and Small Holdings, 761 d,

762 abcd, 763 acd; and Unemployment, 725 b.
Credit: J. LAW and development of syst.,
145 a; W. POTTER on syst. of, 177 be; Specu-
lative, effect on prices, 198 d, 199 a. — -Credit,
depreciation of Currency and, 780 ab.-
Credit, Instrument of, cheques Not Negoti-
able, 25 b; Telegraphic transfers, 526 c.
Crises study of, by M. PANTALEONI, 710 cd;
Crisis of 1810-11, S. PERCEVAL, 93 b.
Currency: N. COPERNICUS on, 144 b; based on


Labour, R. OWEN's proposal, 50 d; G.
W. von LEIBNIZ on, 56 b; Sir I. NEWTON on
valuations of guinea, 19 bcd; and banking,
G. W. NORMAN on, 23 d; Sir R. H. I. PAL-
GRAVE on, 708 ac, 709 a; PTOLEMY OF LUCCA
on, 239 d; D. RICARDO on, 308 c; and credit,
Russ. Sch. on, 341 cd; Tabular syst., W.
S. JEVONS on, 509 b, 510 cd, 511 a; artificial
appreciation of, G. A. TESAURO on, 531 d;
Sir C. TROTTER on, 583 b; Unit of account,
599 c; Vellon, 614 d; M. E. L. WALRAS,
proposal to steady prices, 654 a; R. H.
WALSH on, 656 a; G. WILSON on, 669 bc.-
Currency, the War and inflation and de-
preciation of, 708 c, 709 a, 779 c-781 a; perils
of deflation, 780 cd; report of Econ. and Fin.
Section of League of Nations Secretariat on,
779 d-780 b.- Currency Doctrine or prin-
ciple, J. WHEATLEY on, 665 a.- -Currency,
Paper, Fr., 303 c; based on Land, J. SWAN
on, 502 d; H. THORNTON on, 537 c.-Cur-
rency, Paper, U.S. A., disorganisation of, after
1811, H. NILES on, 700 a; after 1836, C.
RAGUET on, 739 c; Civil War period, S. NEW-
COMB and, 698 bc; G. OPDYKE and, 702 d-
703 a; Resumption, U.S.A., 298 b-299 a;
Soft money, U.S.A., 443 c; L. SPOONER'S
system, 778 d-779 a.-Currency, Paper, State
Notes, 779 b-781 a; Treasury Note, 792
cd.-Currency and P. E., ARISTOTLE'S
theory, 143 c; Dialogue Eryxias, 115 d, 116
a; Fiduciary syst., 143 d; Free Trade de-
duced fr. nature of money, 144 cd; Hard
Money syst., 143 d; J. LAW and syst. of
credit, 145 a; J. LOCKE and Quantity
theory, 144 c; Precious metals, scarcity of,
in Middle Ages, infl., 144 a.- -Currency,
Quantity theory of, 244 a; J. LOCKE on,
144 c; stated by S. NEWCOMB, 699 b; dis-
carded by J. SCHOENHOF, 753 cd; contested
by H. WHITE, 807 d, 808 a.
Curves: Income, V. PARETO's, 711 b, 712 a-
713 b; Population, 729 a; Production,
729 bc; Supply and Demand, 489 b, 492 c,
497 d, 498 a; Trade, A. MARSHALL'S pre-
sented by M. PANTALEONI, 709 d.


Custom compd. with Prescription, 186 d.
Customary Acres, F. SEEBOHM's study of, 756 c.
Customs duties: Bonded warehouses, 657 b;
Eng. and Eur. countries, 522 b; Hist. of,
517 d; Prisage and Recta prisa, 205 b,
272 c; A. SMITH on, 420 d, 421 a; U.S.A.,
R. J. WALKER on, 650 cd; Sir R. WALPOLE'S
reform of, 652 a. -Internal Customs and
Tolls, Fr., 17th and 18th centy., 104 b.

Darien Co.: 78 cd.


Darwinism and T. R. MALTHUS' theory of
Population, 166 b; and Socialism, 769 d;
Survival of the Fittest, 500 abcd.
DAVENANT, C.: Price and deficient harvest,
498 bc.

Death Duties: Estate, 523 d; Probate, ad-
ministration, and inventory, 208 c; A. SMITH
on, 420 c; Succession, 523 c.
Death-rate and Birth-rate, "interdepend-
ence" of, 727 bc; "corrected rate," 727 a;



decline in U. K., European, compared with,
727 b; English, 1923, lowest known, 728 c;
New Zealand, 727b; Old Age Pensions and
decline in, 716 d.

Debasement of Coin: Ireland, 204 d; N.
43 ac.

Debenture: Negotiable, 15 b.

Débouchés: J. B. SAY's theory, 358 bc.
Debt Speciality and Contract, 452 cd.-
National Debt, U.K., Aggregates, 1915-
1923, 693 cd; assets against, 693 d; Burden
of, 3 a, 694 b; Evolution of, 2 cd; Floating,
3 d-4 a; Funded, statistics of reduction,
3 cd, 272 d; Sir R. GIFFEN and reduction of,
694 ab; G. J. GOSCHEN'S operation, 3 d;
Hist. of, 3 bc; S. READ on, 266 a; Reduction of,
1895-1914, 693 ab; necessity of Repayment,
2 d, 272 d; A. SMITH on, 421 bc; the War
and, 693 bc, 694 b.-Debts, Public, Con-
version of, 421 bc, 447 d, 694 b; and Fund-
ing syst., 4 bc; S. SIMPSON on funded,
U.S.A., 760 a. -Debts, public, Privileges
over other secs., 290 bc; Rentes or int. on,
289 b-290 c.-Redemption of National
Debt, Statistics 1882-1914, 272 d; Sinking
Fund, 3 d-4a, 272 d-273 a, 405 a-408 a, 760 d.
Decentralisation: C. M. RAUDOT on, 265 b.
Decimal syst.: C. W. PASLEY on, 73 d.
Decl. of Paris: Blockade, effective, 58 bc;
Neutrality, 16 b.

Deductive Meth.: W. BAGEHOT on, applicable
only to advanced societies, 135 cd; A. COMTE'S
crit. of, 171c; and Econ. Man, 133 c;
necessity of combination with Inductive,
133 bd; and Observation, 133 d; S. N.
PATTEN, 716 a; N. G. PIERSON, 723 d; D.
RICARDO, 305 a; W. N. SENIOR on, 134 a,
378 d, 379 a; H. SIDGWICK on, 758 cd;
compd. with Synthesis, 507 abc; A. WAGNER,
864 b.

Deferred payments: Tabular stan., 509 b.
Definitions econ., application of Relativity to,
279 cd; H. SIDGWICK on, 758 d.
Deflation, Currency, perils of, 780 cd.
DEFOE, D.: on Self-int., 374 d.
Demand: Demand Curves and Numerical
determination of the Laws of Utility, 28 a.

-Demand, Law of, and Utility, Dimin., 490
cd.-Demand and Supply, illustr. by Curves,
489 b, 492 c, 497 d, 498 a; Law of, 279 a;
V. PARETO'S treatment of laws of, 711 b.
Demesne tenants, origin of Copyhold: 85 d,

625 bc.

Depopulation 16th cent., 455 a; Span. Polí-
ticos on, 450 bc.

Depreciation of Currency, the War and,
779 c-781 a.

DE QUINCEY, T.: on Utility, 602 a.
Development: and relativity, W. BAGEHOT on,
277 d; leading principle in Historical Meth.,
136 cd, 276 d; theory of and Positivism, 172
a, 432 b; W. ROSCHER'S theory, 277 b, 324 d,
325 a, 326 a.

Diffic. of Attainment: and Dimin. returns,
140 b, 147 a.

Dîme Royale: P. VAUBAN's project, 612 d,
613 a, 628 a.

Dimin. Returns, law of: 140 b; J. E.

CAIRNES on, 145 d; and Diffic. of attain-
ment, or Cost of Prodn., 140 b, 147 a;
S. N. PATTEN on, 716 ab; and Rent, 283
bcd; and Value, 607 d; Sir E. WEST on,
663 bc.
Discommodity: Labour regarded as, 382 a;
Negative quantities, 14 d, 382 a.

Discount, Rate of: high, and stringency, 1906-
1907, 781 abcd, 782 ab.

Discoveries, geographical, infl. on Trade:
214 a.

Distance in time: J. RAE on, 250 d.
Distribution and Exchange, 496 a; theories
of H. SIDGWICK on, 758 cd.-Distribution,
Sir G. RAMSAY on, 260 bc; and Rent of Land,
288 d; W. THOMPSON on, 536 c.
District Council area as new administrative unit,
725 c.

Dividend and Preference Shares, 185 a.
Dock and Bonded warehouses, 657 c.
Doctrinaire: and Laissez-faire, 146 a.
"Dole," the: 797 bc.

Domesday Book: Eng. Manor in, 755 cd.
DOUBLEDAY, T., on law of Population: 166 a.
Drapier's Letters, J. SWIFT, and W. Wood's
patent: 19 c, 505 abcd, 652 c, 672 d.
Drawbacks: A. SMITH on, 416 c.
DUNOYER, C. inf. on A. L. PERRY, 720 c.
Dutch E. Ind. Co.: 273 b, 561 d.

Duty: on Inhabited house, hist. of, 582 a.

Earnings of Management: first investigated
by H. K. E. von MANGOLDT, 285 cd.

E. Ind. Co.: 36 cd, 68 b, 72 ab, 151 b, 275 d,
333 d, 334 c, 561 d; A. SMITH on, 417 d, 418
d; compd. with Turkey Co., 595 b.
Eastland Co.: 275 cd, 621 b.
Economic Econ. life, W. SMART on, 765 c-
766 a. Econ. Man, conception of by De-
ductive economists, 133 c; S. N. PATTEN on,
715 d. Econ. Organisation, and Civilisation,
Village communities, 622 ab, 755 cd.
Economics: Art of P. E., H. SIDGWICK on,
759b; History interpreted by, S. N. PATTEN
on, 715 abd; politics and, M. PANTALEONI,
710 a; Sociology and, A. E. F. SCHÄFFLE,
749 d; W. D. SUMNER, 783 be; pure theory,
711 b. Econ., Sci. of, W. NEWMARCH on
progress of, 18c; T. PATERSON on physical and
mental elements in, 78 b.-Econ. sci., Meth.
of, Analytical, 507 abc; J. G. COURCELLE-
SENEUIL on, 377 b.-Econ. sci., Abstract
meth., compd. with Historical, 533 d.-
Econ. sci., Deductive Meth., appl. to ad-
vanced societies, W. BAGEHOT on, 135 cd;
A. COMTE's crit. of, 171 c, and Econ. Man,
133 c, 715 d; necessity of combination with
Inductive, 133 bd; and Observation,
133 d; N. G. PIERSON, 723 d; D. RICARDO
on, 305 a; J. RUSKIN, crit. of doctrines and
method, 747 bcd, 748 a; W. N. SENIOR, 134
a, 378 d, 379 a; H. SIDGWICK on, 758 cd;
compd. with Synthetic, 507 abc; A. WAGNER,
804 b.- -Econ. sci., Historical Meth.,
compd. with Abstract, 533 d; Necessity of,
135 b, 142 c; W. ROSCHER on, 324 c; G.
SCHMOLLER, 752 cd, 753 a; H. F. von STORCH,


479 bc. Econ. sci., Inductive Meth.,
Necessity of, 134 b-135 b.-Econ. sci.,
Mathematical Meth., complement of His-
torical Meth., 142 d; W. S. JEVONS, 136 d;
Negative quantities, 14 d, 15 a; G. ORTES,
44 be; M. PANTALEONI, 709 d, 710 a;
V. PARETO, 711 b; G. PEACOCK, 82 d;
calculus of Probabilities, 208 ab; Scope of,
137 a; G. SILIO, 395 a; A. A. WALRAS, 652
d; M. E. L. WALRAS, 653 be; Weighted
observations, 662 cd.-Econ. sci., Statis-
tical Meth., 467 b-469 b; and Social Sci.,
431 bc. Econ. sci., Synthetic Meth.,
506 d; compd. with Analytical, 507 abc;
compd. with Deductive, 507 abc.-Economic
thought, Environment and, S. N. PATTEN,
715 cd; and Social reform, 766 c-767 b.
Economy National dist. fr. provincial, 4 d.
EDEN, Sir F. M.: Poor Law, 156 c.
Edgeworth, F. Y.: on N. G. PIERSON, 723 d.
Education: Agricultural, U.K., A. SMITH on,
419 abc.-Education, free, compulsory, J.
RUSKIN on, 747 d.

Egoism: H. SIDGWICK on, 758 b.

Eight Hours Day: J. RAE on, 738 d; on Rail-
ways, 743 cd.

Emigration U.K., 1911, and the Continent,
727 c; need for, 728 be; Unemployment
and, 728 bc, 796 b; J. VIRGILIO on, 629 d;
and colonisation, E. G. WAKEFIELD on, 648 ab.
Eminent Domain: S. PUFENDORF on, 241 b.
Empiricism: W. D. SUMNER, 782 d-783 a.
Employers: compd. with Capitalists, 210 d;
B. PRICE on, 188 d; F. A. WALKER on, 649 d.
Employers' Liability: 808 abcd, 809 ab.
Endowments: A. SMITH on, 419 abc.
ENGEL, E. Workmen's Budgets, 676 b, 677 a-
678 c.

ENGELS, F. modern Socialism and, 776 c.
English School of P. E., Classical infl. on

S. NEWCOMB, 698 d; attacked by G. OPDYKE,
702 d; infl. on A. L. PERRY, 720 bc; N. G.
PIERSON and, 723 c.

Enterprise: one of Agents of Prodn., 214 d,
215 a.

Entrepreneur and fluctuations in Exchange
since 1873, 210 d; J. B. SAY on, 358 b.
Entrepreneur, Functions of, and Positivism,
172d; F. A. WALKER on, 649 d.
Environment: economic thought and, S. N.
PATTEN, 715 c; Heredity and, and Popula-
tion, 728 abc.

Éphémérides: Articles by A. R. J. TURGOT,

592 a.

Equilibrium of Supply and Demand, 490 d,
493 a-494 a; and Price, 200 ab.
Error: Unbiassed, 792 bc.

Ethics and econ., Span. Sch. on, 451 d.—
Ethics, conn. with Art. of P. E., Charity,
138 d; in Distr., 138 a; theory of Fair
Price, 138b; theory of Liberty, 138 a; P. P.
MERCIER DE LA RIVIERE on, 104 d, 138 a;
Socialism, 138 c.-Ethics, conn. with Sci.,
econ., 137 d, 139 a, 145 c; T. R. MALTHUS
on Population, 145 c; D. RICARDO on Rent,
145 cd; Wages, quest. of, 145 d, 146 a; F.
A. WALKER on Labour, Mobility of, 145 d;
Ethics, Methods of, H. SIDGWICK on, 758 b.


Evolution: Social, econ. rel. of to scientific
meth., 432 b; P.E. a record of, 765 b.-
Evolution, in relation to Population, 728
ab; statistical basis of, 729 d-730 a; Evolu-
tion, Econ., Theory of, 432 b.
Exchange: and Distr., 496 a; and Parity of
value, 63 bc; Sci. of, or Catallactics, 664
a; G. D. TURBOLI on, 590 b.-Exchange or
Bourse, Parquet, 64 cd. Exchange,
Foreign, Fluctuations in, since 1873, and Pro-
duce Clearing, 210 c-211 b; Currency
depreciation and, 780 ab.-Exchange, the
Rupee, 746 c-747 b; Exchange, Value in,
determined by Diffic. and Utility, 609 ab;

J. RUSKIN on, 747 c.

Exchequer: Exchequer Bond, and Conversion
of Brit. National Debt, 3 d, 4 a, 464 a;
Exchequer, Closing of, by Charles II., effects,
3 c; State Notes, 3 d, 464 a.— -Exchequer,
Medvl.. Pells, Clerk of, 88 b, 527 b; Pipe
rolls, 110 b-111 a; nomination of Sheriff,
392 cd; Tellers, 527 b.-Exchequer, Mod.,
dist. fr. Treasury, 578 cd.

Excise: Eng. and Continental countries, 522 c;
New Impost, 17 a; Permit, 95 b.-Excise
Scheme of Sir R. WALPOLE, econ. Merits, 652
b; A. SMITH'S approval, 652 b; Unpopularity,
652 b.

[blocks in formation]

Fabian Society: Socialism, 769 ab.
Factory: dist. fr. Workshop, 679 cd.-
Factory Acts, H. FAWCETT on, 297b; Foreign
countries, 297 a; Hist. and effects, 147 d, 299
bc, 344 c, 679 c; W. S. JEVONS on, 297 c; R.
OASTLER, 28 d; Sir R. PEEL, 87 d; and
Restrns. on Labour, 296 c, 297 ab; L. R.
VILLERMÉ on, 626 d.-Factory Syst., New-
BURY, JACK OF, 16th centy. anticipation of, 17
b; R. OWEN on, 48 a.

Fallacies, econ. J. SWIFT on, 504 cd.

Family Endowment: 768 a.

Famine G. B. SEGNI on, and Ital. corn trade,
372 a; C. di TAPIA on, 515 d.

FAWCETT, H.: on Factory Acts, 297 b;
Restrns. on Labour, 297 b; Retaliation, 300 a.
Federation, commercial, in Brit. Empire:
Mr. Hofmeyr's proposals, 691 c.
Feudalism: Sc. Thirlage, 534 d.-Feudal
Incidents, Aid, 427 a, 513 c; Escheat, 513
c; Marriage, 427 a; Primer seisin, 202 b;
Relief, 280 bcd, 427 a; Wards, 427 a, 657 a.
Fiat Money and Currency depreciation,

780 ab.

Final Degree of Utility: E. von BÖHM-
BAWERK and W. SMART on, 764 d; compd.
with Total Utility, 606 d-607 b.
Finances: Athenian, XENOPHON on, 812 bd-
813 ac.-Finances, Brit., W. PITT's reform



of, 111 d; Earl of STAIR on, and Amern.
war, 455 c.—— -Revenue: Customs, 522 b;
Excise, 522 c; Stamp duties, 521 c, 523
c.-Finances, Colonial and Indian, Debts,
public, 3 b.-Finances, Fr., Indirect
taxation, 522 bc; Monopolies, State, 522 d;
J. NECKER'S attempt at reform, 14 abc;
Paulette and sale of offices, 79 d-80 b;
position of A. J. du P. RICHELIEU, 310 d,
311 ab; A. R. J. TURGOT and reform of, 591
bcd, 592 cd, 593 cd. - Finances, Ger.
Empire, Revenue: Stamp duties, 523 c.-
Finances, Italy, Q. SELLA's reform of, 376 e,

-Finances, Medvl., Dialogus de Scaccario,
280 d; Purveyance, 242 ab; Queen_gold,
246 c.- -Finances, Netherlands, Taxa-
tion, syst. of, 521 c.- -Finances, Prussia,
Taxation, 519 d, 521 C.- -Finances :
Russ. G. CANCRIN, 340 a.-Finances, Spain,
Políticos on, 452 ab.-Rules of taxation:
Distribution, Economy, Elasticity, and
Productivity, 518 c.--Finances, U.S.A.,
Taxation, plans of, 519 c.

Firm, legal and mercantile conceptions of: 70 b.
Food: Consumption, S. N. PATTEN's theory,
716 a; and Population, A. L. PERRY, 720
d; Prices of, changes in, 801 b-802 d;
Prices of, Workmen's Budgets, 676 c,
677 ab.

Food Supply of the United Kingdom: import
duties on, 786 abcd.

FORBONNAIS, F. V. de, on Protn., opponent of
Physiocrats: 108 ab.

FOURIER, C. syst. of Phalanges, 49 a, 432 b; on
Right to labour, 311 d, 312 a.
FRANKLIN, B.: on Population, 163 d.
Freehold Socage, 426 d.

Free Trade: in corn, F. GALIANI on, 103 d;
W. HUSKISSON's Reciprocity Bill, 267 d;
deduced from nature of Money, 144 cd; S.
NEWCOMв on, 699 b; V. PARETO on, 711 d;
N. G. PIERSON on, 123 c; W. PATERSON on,
78c; A. L. PERRY on, 720 d; and Physio-
crats, 105 cd; W. PITT's commercial treaty,
111 d; party in Ger., founded by J. PRINCE-
SMITH, 203 d; A. STRUZZi on, 482 bc; C.
RAGUET on, 739 be; W. D. SUMNER on, 783 a;
T. VIOLET on, 628 d-629 b; D. A. WELLS on,
806 b; Free Trade and Reciprocity, 268 a.
Friendly Societies and National Health In-
surance, 694 d, 695 ah.

Funding syst., and National or public Debt,
4 bc, 272 d-273 a.

FUSTEL DE COULANGES, N. D.: on Manor, 622
d, 623 a.

Future Goods: compd. with Present, 187 d,
214 c.

[blocks in formation]

Gavelkind, inher. by: 59 d, 203 a.
Geometrical Ratio, and T. R. MALTHUS'
doctrine of Population: 164 c.

GEORGE, H., and work of J. PICKERING: 722 d.
German Sch. of P. E.: A. E. F. SCHÄFFLE,

749 cd; G. SCHMOLLER, 752 d.

GIFFEN, Sir R., and reduction of National Debt:
694 a.

Gilds: origin of Jnt.-Stk. syst., 72 a; in New-
castle-on-Tyne, vend, etc., 276 a, 313 b, 615 a-
616 a; Gilds, Craft, or Corporations, syst.
of, and Partnership, 67 d, 68 a, 72 a; and
Restrns. on Labour, 297 d; and prize com-
petition of Academy of Verona, 1789, 551 b,
632 a. Gilds, Fr., abolished by A. R. J.
TURGOT, 593 a.--Gilds, Ger., or Zünfte, K.
A. von HARDENBERG and abolition of, 473 d ;
Hist. of, 691 d. -Gild Merchant, rel. to
Market, 461 a.— -Gild Socialism, 775 d.
Glut, universal, possibility of: affirmed by T. R.
MALTHUS, 45 d.


Gold: Over-prodn. of, B. PALISSY on, 56 a;
Prodn., A. SOETBEER and E. Suess on future
of, 148 c, 441 a; Protn. and fall in gold
prices, 235 b; Stan. of fineness, 457 bc.-
Gold, Appreciation of since 1873, 395 d.—
Gold, Discoveries of, W. NEWMARCH on, 18b;
P. J. STIRLING on, 477 d, 478 a.-Drain
of, in 1906, 782 ab; in 1907, 781 a-782 ab;
in 1914, 782 c.-Gold as Stan. or measure
of value, 457 d; Hist. of, 19th centy., 395 bc;
increased use of, 782 d.

Goods: Consumption and prodn., 212 d;
Future compd. with present, 187 d, 214 c;
of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order, and Prodn., instr.
of, 212 d, 216 b, 250 c.

GOURNAY, J. C. M. V. de, and Laissez Faire :
105 a.

Government: J. BODIN on theories of, 29 c;
S. PUFENDORF on, 241 b; W. ROSCHER on,
325 d; J. J. ROUSSEAU on, 330 b, 331 a;
V. L. von SECKENDORFF on, 370 d, 371 a; Sir
J. SINCLAIR on, 403 a; A. SMITH on, 418 be;
A. YOUNG on, 688 b.


Graphic Meth. appl. by W. PLAYFAIR to
financial Statistics, 116 c.

GRASLIN, L. F. de: opponent of Physiocrats,
345 b.

GRAUNT, J. rel. to Sir W. PETTY, 99 cd.
Greenland Co.: 595 b.

Greniers d'abondance: and F. PATRIZI, 79 a.
GRESHAM, Sir T.: Gresham's Law, example in
Revolution, Fr., 304 a; Span. Sch. on,
450 ab.

Gross and Net: Physiocrats on, 222 a; A.
SMITH on, 222 bc, 414 c.

Guardians of the Poor: abolition recommended,
725 abc; for relief of Jewish poor, 726 bed,
751 b.

HALES, J., 16th-centy. economist: 455 a.
HAMILTON, A.: on Protn. and manufacture,
234 b.

Hanseatic League: Hist. and position of, 275 c.;
and Steelyard, 471 d; and Trade, foreign,
regulns. of 559 d, 560 d; and Victual
Brethren, 621 be.

HARDENBERG, K. A., Prinz von; and abolition of


Gilds, 473 d; and Peasant proprietors,
473 c.

HARRINGTON. J., Oceana: 603 a.

Health Insurance; see National Health In-
surance; Ministry of Health and, 694 d,
695 a.

HEARN, W. E.: Plutology, 118 c.
Hedonism: and Self-int., 375 b.
HEGEL, G. W. F.: infl. on Ger. Socialism, 21 d.
Heredity and environment, and Population,
728 abc; and Evolution, statistical basis of,
729 d.

HERMANN, F. B. W.: on Productive Labour,
219 c.

HILL, Sir R., and Penny Postage: 175 a.
Historical Meth.: compd. with Abstract
meth., 533 d; and princ. of Development
and Relativity, 276 d; Necessity of, 135 b,
142 c; G. D. ROMAGNOSI, 321b; W. RoSCHER
on, 324 c; and Statics, social, and social
Dynamics, 466 b; H. F. von STORCH, 479 bc.
Historical Sch.: K. KNIES and theory of
Relativity, 277 be; and Laissez-faire, 146 c;
319 a; points of Diff. from W. ROSCHER, 326 d,
327 a; W. ROSCHER and principle of Rela-
tivity, 277 bd, 325 b; G. SCHMOLLER, 752 cd,
753 a.
History: Economic interpretation of, S. N. PATTEN,
715 abd; W. ROSCHER on, 326 bc; A. L. von
SCHLÖZER on functions of, 362d; philosophy of,
and Social Sci., 429 a.- -Econ. Hist., rel. to
scientific Meth., 136 abc; K. W. NITZSCH on,
23 ab; J. E. T. ROGERS on, 11 b, 319 d, 397 d.
-Econ. Hist., rel. to Theory, 532 d-534 b.
HOBBES, T.: infl. on Sir W. PETTY, 101 c; on
Property, 104 c, 231 d; Social Contract,
427 bc, 428 a.

Homestead Laws: 722 b.

Hours of Labour: Eight Hours Day, J. RAE on,
738 d; on Railways, 743 cd.—and Wages,
798 ac, 799 note to Table.

Housing Problem: Jewish poor and, 726 ab.
Hudson's Bay Co.: 376 b.
Humanism: F. PATRIZI, 79 a.

HUME, D. on Population, anc. compd. with
mod., 163 bc.

Hundred unit of Local Gov., 554 b.

HUSKISSON, W. on Navigation Acts, 10 a;
and Tariff revision, 267 d.

Hypothesis; an assistance to Observation, 31 a.

Ideal Commonwealths: F. BACON's New Atlantis,
602 d, 603 a; E. CABET's Icarie, 603 bc; T.
CAMPANELLA'S Civitas Solis, 603 a; Econ.
value of, 603 cd; J. HARRINGTON'S Oceana,
603 a; D. HUME'S Perfect Commonwealth,
603 a; Sir T. MORE'S Utopia, 602 d; MOR-
ELLY'S Basiliade, 603 b; PLATO'S Republic,
113 d-115 a, 602 c; and mod. Socialism,
604 a.

Immigration into Australia, restricted, 728 c;
Alien, compd. with Emigration, 727 c; into
France, 727 b; into U.K., Checks on, effect
on Jewish poor, 725 d-726 a.Into U.S.A.,
1870-1890, 810 b; restricted, 728 c.
Imports controlled by tariff, 791 bd.-Im-
port Duties, New subsidy of tonnage and


poundage, 17 a, 548 a; Prices and, 791 bd.
-Imports and Exports, Eur. and Amer.,
Official Values, 33 bc.

Impôt Unique: Dîme Royale, S. le P.
VAUBAN'S, 612 d, 613 a; and Produit Net,
222 b; F. QUESNAY on, 222 b; Span. Sch. on,
451 ab.

Impressment: W. Nor and Ship-money, 27 c,
393 b.

Income: Net, conception of, 222 c, 414 c.-
Distribution of, Pareto's Law, 711 b, 712 a-
713b; W. SMART on, 765 cd.

Income Tax: Austria, 522 a; Holl, property-
tax, 521 c; Prussia, general and comple-
mentary, 521 c; Switz., property-tax, 521 bc,
522 a; U.S. A., 521 bc, 522 a.- -Income
Tax, Differential, in Italy, 522 a; progressive,
F. E. de PARIBU on, 61 a.-Income Tax
in U.K., early Hist., 521 d; Pareto's Law
applied to, 712 c, 713 a; Sir R. PEEL and,
87 bd; and W. PITT's Triple Assessment,
582 c.
Increasing Returns, Law of: and Exchange,
value in, 608 a; W. N. SENIOR on, 378 bc.
Increment, the Unearned: W. OGILVIE on,

34 b.

Index Numbers: illustn. of Prices, 19th
centy., 192 d, 193 a, 194 bed, 196 bd; of
Prices, 1897-1924, 732 bcd-733 b; G. P.
SCROPE on, 369 c; A. SOETBEER on, 442 d;
and Unit of Value, 599 d; of Wages,
Nominal and Real, 1850-1924, 800 bd, 801 a;
and Wages, purchasing power of, 642 d,
801 c-802 d; Workmen's Budgets, 676 c.
Index Numbers and Tabular Standard of
Deferred payments, based on Labour, 509 d.
India: closing of Mints, 1894, 335 ab.
India Companies, Eng.; see Companies.
India Companies, Fr.: 508 b.
Indifference, law of, W. S. JEVONS': 307 d.
Individualism: extreme form of, Anarchism,
478b; D. G. RITCHIE on, 745 ab; compd. with
Socialism, 769 c, 773 b, 774 b; opposed to
Solidarity, 104 d, 445 ab; H. SPENCER on,
777 d, 778 a; Bishop of Stepney on, 773 b;
Bishop Westcott on, 769 c.

Inductive Meth.: and Deductive Meth.,
necessity of combination, 133 bd; Necessity of,
134 b-135 b.

Industrial Colonies: Holl., Beggar colonies,
51 b.

Industrial diseases: Workmen's Compensa-
tion, 808 d.

Industry: Industry, Captains of, J. RUSKIN
on, 747 b; control of, by workers, Syndicalism,
775 c, 776 bc, 783 c-784 a; syst. of, and Russ.
Sch., 342 c.-Domestic Syst. of Industry,
and Sweating, 503 b.-Pre-Roman In-
dustry in Brit., Bronze age, earlier Celts,
186 b; Iron age, later Celts, 186 c; New Stone
age, Iberians, 186 a.

Inflation: effects of, 780 bc; a temptation to
Governments, 779 c; Sir R. H. I. PALGRAVE
and, 708 c, 709 a; U.S.A., 1862-79, 298 cd,
698 bc, 700 a, 702 d-703 a.
Inheritance Code Napoléon compelled sub-
division, 203 b; Co-parceners, 59 d, 203 a;
Escheat, 513 c; Gavelkind, 59 d, 203 a;

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