Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

Names of persons noticed in the Dictionary appear, in the index, in small capitals, as J. S. MILL;
titles of other articles in heavy type, as Value; foreign words, not being titles of articles, and names
of books, in italics, as Villa, Wealth of Nations. A colon indicates the end of the index-heading:
individual references are separated by a semicolon; groups of references by.

* An asterisk signifies that the article is in two parts, of which one is in the Appendix.

In each reference the number indicates the page, while the letter indicates a division of that page;
a and b referring to the upper and lower halves of the left-hand column, c and d to the upper and
lower halves of the right-hand column. Thus Abstract Method: compd. with Historical, 533 d.
refers to page 533, the lower half of the right-hand column. The diagram subjoined shows the method

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Abstract Method: compd. with Historical,
533 d.

Accumulation: J. RAE on effective desire of,
250 d, 251 a.

Acworth, Sir W. Government or State
Railway Company policy due to, 742 bc.
Administration: Sci. of, L. vom STEIN on,
474 bc.

Advowsons and Patronage, 79 bc.

African Companies, Early: 275 d, 418 d.
Agnati: 65 d.

Agricultural Holdings: Acts, 529 c, 411 c-
412 a, 762 abc; Land Settlement (Facilities)
Act 1919, 762 abc, 763 d; Large and small
compd., 295 b; Small Holdings Acts, 1892,
1907, 1908, 411 c-412 a, 761 c-764 a; com-
pulsory purchase and hiring, 761 d, 762 a;
co-operation, 763 c; functions of Min. of
Agric. and County Council, 761 d, 762 abcd,
763 abcd; statistics, 761 b, 762 ac; tenancy
or ownership, 763 abc.


Agriculture: Sc., G. ROBERTSON on, 315 c;
Span., decline of, and Mesta, 574 a; Teutonic,
TACITUS On, 511 d; Transhumance, migrations
of cattle, 573 d, 574 a; T. TUSSER'S 500
Points, 596b; VARRO on, 6126; J. WORLIDGE
on, 680 ac; A. YARRANTON on, 681 d; A.
YOUNG on, 84 b, 685 bcd, 687 d, 688 cd..
Agriculture, Anglo-Saxon: Hide, 629 c;
F. SEEBOHM on, 755 b-756 b.- -Min. of Agri-
culture, and Small Holdings, 761 d, 762
abcd, 763 abcd. -Agriculture, Conversion
of Arable to Pasture, 15th and 16th centy.,
560 d. Agriculture, Co-operation in, 763
c.-Agriculture, Ind., Ryot, 343 d, 344 ac;
Tribal, 581 a.-Agriculture, Intensive
Cultivation, and Rent, 283 d.-Agricul-
ture, Medvl., 755 d, 756 a; Lammas or
communable lands, 538 d; importance of
Plough-team, 118 a; Precariæ, 181 b,
287 a, 383 a, 625 a; Virgate, 439 c, 625 a,
629 c; Week-work, 287 a, 383 a, 439 c,
662 bc; Yardland, 681 a.— -Agriculture,
Roman Slave system, 385 c; Tributarius,
581 d; Villa, 755 d, 756 a. -Agriculture,
Systems of: Manor, 273 b, 755 d, 756 a;
Mir, 21 d; Open field, 755 d; Three-field,
1 d, 118 b, 538 bc, 629 c; Tribal, or Celtic,
581 bc, 755 c, 756 a; Two-field, 538 cd,
629 c; Village communities, Eng., F. SEE-
BOHM on, 755 b-756 a; India and Java, 621 d-
624 a, 690 b.-Agriculture, Wages in,
changes in, 1850-1924, 798 bd-799 d; Index
Numbers for, 800 bcd.

Aliens: Immigration, checks on, and effect on
Jewish poor, 725 d-726 a; Naturalization
of, 5 d, 695 d-697 c; Intermediate class, 6 b;
under Merc. Syst., 6 ab, 629 a; U.S.A.,
effects on Eur. countries, 6 c-7 c.
Allowance Syst. Poor Law, ill effects: 156 c.
Altruism and Self-Interest: 375 b.
Amortisation: J. de WITT on, 670 d.
Analytical Meth., and Synthetic: 507 abc.
Anarchism: extreme form of Individualism,
478 b; compd. with Nihilism, 21 c; J.
PROUDHON, 237 c; compd. with Socialism,
431 d, 769 a, 770 b, 775 d; Max STIRNER
(C. SCHMIDT), 478 b; Syndicalism and,
784 ab.

ANDERSON, J., on Rent: 145 c, 288 a.
Annuity: E. B. SUGDEN on, 486 b; Tontine,

548 bc. Annuity, Life, J. de WITT on, 671
a. Terminable Annuities, Hist. of, 407 b,
530 d, 531 a; Not negotiable, 530 bc;
compd. with Perpetual, 531 b.

Apprenticeship: and Restrns. on Labour,
298 a; Statute of, 563 c; and Trade Unions,
298 a, 563 c, 572 d.

A priori meth.: 146 a.

AQUINAS, ST. THOMAS: on Int. and Usury,
528 b, 765 a.

Arbitration: Boards of, on Railways, 743 bc;
Conseils de Prud'hommes, 239 bc, 558 d;
Referee, 273 c.

ARISTOTLE: conception of Econ. Sci., 113 d,
143 cd; Money, 143 c; defence of Property,
231 b; on origin of Society, 114 a; Wealth,
21 bc, 102 c.

Arithmetic, Political: Sir W. PETTY, 99 b;
study of Population, department of P. E., 163
a; L. A. J. QUETELET, 247 d; J. P. SÜSSMILCH,
502 b.

Armed Neutrality, and English Trade: 39 d,

58 b.

Artél: 342 c.

Assignat: in Revolution, Fr., an Inconvert-
ible Curr., 303 cd.

Ateliers Nationaux: and Right to Labour,
312 a, 432 c; and Socialism, 432 c; and
P. E. THOMAS, 535 a.

ATTWOOD, T.: on evils of Resumption, 50 c.
Australia: restrictions on Immigration in, 728 c.
Austrian Sch. : infl. on S. N. PATTEN, 714 d,
715 d; W. SMART's exposition of teaching of,
764 d-765 b; and Value, 608 cd, 714 d.
Average: Maritime, and Adjustment, Aver-
age, 64 d; in Statistics, 792 bd; use and
misuse, 468 d.



BABBAGE, C. Machinery and Tool, econ. func-
tions of, 549 b; Manufacture, 292 b; Re-
sidual and waste products, 292 b.
Babington-Smith Committee, recommendations
of: 747 ab.

BACON, F.: New Atlantis, 602 d, 603 a.
BAGEHOT, W.: 710 b; P. E. as deductive sci.,
appl. to advanced societies, 135 cd, 277 cd;
P. E., Postulates of, transferability of
capital and labour, 148 cd.

Balance of Trade: N. BARBON on, 528 c; W.
von SCHRODER on, 365 b; A. SMITH on, 416
ab; Sir J. STEUART on, 476 a.
Bankers, medvl., or royal usurers: Jews, 462 a;
Lombards, 462 a; Staple merchants, 462 a;
Taula de Cambi, Barcelona, 516 cd; Tem-
plars, Fr., 527 d.

Banking: Charitable montes, 15th centy., and
monts de piété, 82 a; Co-operative, 366 a;
Bank of Genoa, 690 c; Joint stock, amalgama-
tion of English, 26 b, 735 d; Land banks,
Ger., 251 cd, 366 a; Sir R. H. I. PALGRAVE
on, 708 ab; M. PANTALEONI's work for reform,
710 b; E. v. PHILIPPOVICH on, 721 d; N. G.
PIERSON and, 722 cd; Post-office banks,
175 d, 731 bcd; G. RAE on, 735 bcd; C.
SAINT-AUBIN on, 345 a; F. SEEBOHM on,
755 a; State bank, A. YARRANTON on, 682 a;
Sir J. STEUART on theory of, 476 a; A.
WAGNER on, 803 cd; Sir B. E. WALKER and,
804 d-805 ac; Banks, G. A. ZERBI on, 690 c.

[ocr errors]

Bank Act of 1844, suspn. of, and Crisis
of 1847: W. NEWMARCH on, 18 a; and Sir
R. PEEL, 87 bc; H. SPENCER on, 778 c;
T. TOOKE on, 548 d, 549 a.- - Bank of
England, hist. of Reserve in, 291 ac; Reserve
of gold, need of increase, 782 b; drop in
Reserve during stringency of money mar-
ket, 781 a-782 c; Rest, 295 bc; D. RICARDO'S
crit. of, 308 d; Suspension of specie pay-
ments by, 501 abc.-Bank of Eng., Founda-
tion of, W. PATERSON, 78 c. -Bank Note
Circ., Advantages of, 26 b; Hist. of, 26 abc;
disappearance of last country bank entitled to
issue notes, 26 bc.-Bank Note, One Pound,
G. J. GOSCHEN's proposal 1892, 35 d; Irel.
and Scot., 35 C.-- -Banking Company
Public Trustee, 734 a.- -Banking Reserve,
proportion to Deposits, 291 c; D. RICARDO
on, 291 a.-Banking, U.S.A., Bank Act,
1863, 792 ab; S. SIMPSON and, 760 c; Banks
and the Treasury, 792 abc.- -State Banks,
U.S.A., issue of notes by, C. RAGUET on,
739 c; L. SPOONER on, 778 d-779 a.
Bankruptcy: Eng. law of, 238 c, 239 b; Official
receiver, 33 b; Onerous property, 36 a.
BARBON, N.: on Balance of Trade, 528 c.
Barter and Truck syst., 583 d, 586 a.
BASTIAT, F.: infl. on A. L. PERRY, 720 bcd;
doctrine of Services, 96 c.


Benini, Prof. on Pareto's Law, 712 d.
BENTHAM, J.: Poor Law, 158 a; Prison
Labour, 207 d; Property, 232 a; infl.
on D. RICARDO, 305 a; infl. on F. WRIGHT,
811 c.

Bequest: chief Eur. countries, 669 a; Feudal
law, 668 b; Roman Law, 667 c.

Bill: Council, Ind., 746 cd, 747 a; Ex-

chequer, 3 d, 4 a, 464 a; drawn at Sight,
394 d; Treasury, 3 d, 579 b.-Bill of
Exchange, Drawer dist. fr. Maker of Pro-
missory Note, 228 b; Negotiable Instr.,
15 ab; Noting of, 27 a; Order, payable to,
39 bc; Payee, 82 c; Procuration by sig-
nature, 209 a; Protest, 236 d; Qualified
acceptance, 244 a; Recourse, 272 a; Stamp
duties on, 456 b, 523 c; Usance, 600 d.
Bimetallism: and Sir I. NEWTON, 19 d; G.
SCARUFFI on, 360 c; E. SEYD on, 389 d;
W. D. SUMNER, 783 a; F. A. WALKER, 650 a;
L. F. M. R. WOLOWSKI, 672 ab.


Biology and Economic Science, J. RUSKIN
on, 747 c; and social development, A. E. F.
SCHÄFFLE on, 750 a; and Socialism, 769 d.
Birth-rate: U.K., decline in, 726 d, 727 a;
compd. with Continent, 727 ab; with New
Zealand, 727 b; and Death-rate, "interde-
pendence' of, 727 bc; in different social
groups, 727 d; late marriage and, 727 d;
restriction of births, arguments for, 728 bcd;
R. D. OWEN on, 707 c.

Black Death: and Prices, 190 d, 191 a; and
Rent, Labour, 85b; and Wages, 191 a.
BLANC, J. J. L.: and Ateliers Nationaux, 312
a, 432 c.

Bland Act: 807 c.

Blind, the, Pensions for: 716 a, 768 a.
Blockade in International Law: Effective,

and Decl. of Paris, 58 be; Paper, 58 bc.
BODIN, J.: on Gov., 29 c.
BÖHM-BAWERK, E. von: J. RAE (1796-1872), a
forerunner of, 736 cd; J. RAE (1845-1915)
and W. SMART, followers of, 738 b, 764 d-
765 a; on Final Utility, 764 d; on Interest,
764 d-765 a.

Bolshevism: 775 b, 776 ac, 784 a.

Bonded warehouses: and Dock, 657 c; Ware-
housing syst., 657 b.

Bottomry, loan on: and Respondentia bonds,
293 d.

Bounties on Corn, C. SMITH on, 424 d; Fr.
Prime, 201d; A. SMITH on, 416 cd.
Bowley, A. L.: application of Pareto's Law
to Income Tax, 712 c; income, expenditure
and size of family, Workmen's Budgets,
679 b.

Brands, State reguln. of Trade: 188 d.
Bryce, Lord: on H. SIDGWICK, 758 d-759 a.
Bubbles: South Sea, 447 d; Tavereel, 516 d.
Budget: and Finances, Brit., 497 b; Labour

Party's, 775 d; Supplementary estimate,
488 a; Workmen's or Family, 674 6-679 c,
801 bcd.
Bullion: high Price of, D. RICARDO on, 308 bc.
-Bullion Committee, D. RICARDO, 305 a;
N. VANSITTART, 611 d.-Bullion, Exportation
of, T. MUN on, 144 b.
Bureaucracy and Labour, 772 cd.

CABET, E. Communism and Icarie, 603 bc.
CAIRNES, J. E: denied indep. existence of Art of
P. E., 130 c; law of Dimin. returns, 145 d;
Laissez-faire, 296 c; debt to F. L. OLMSTED.
701d; Personal Services, 96 d; Residual
and waste products, 291 d; Sub-Contract,
483 d; Wages Fund, 638 d.


Call: Stk. Ex., 39 a, 121 d, 242 c, 542 a.
Cameralistic Sci.: J. F. von PFEIFFER, 102 b;
C. THOMASIUS, 535 b; F. B. WEBER, 661 b.
CAMPANELLA, T., Civitas Solis: 603 a.
Canals: Continent, 791 ab; England, Royal
Commission, 791 a; Railways, competition
with, 791 ab; U.S. A., 791 a.

Canon Law on Property, origin of, 231 c.
Canon Law of Interest and Partnership,
68 c.

CANTILLON, R.: infl. on Physiocrats, 105 d, 209 c.
Capital Abstinence theory of, W. N. SENIOR
on, 377 d-378 b; among Agents of Prodn.,
214 bcd; Employment of, A. SMITH on, 415 a;
J. S. MILL on, 564 d; S. NEWCOMB on,
699 a; Personal, power of services, 382 d;
Positive theory of, 171 b; Productive,
216 d; J. RAE's theory of, 736 d; Syndi-
calism and, 783 d, 784 ad; J. B. SAY'S
analysis of, 358 a; S. SIMPSON on, 760 b;
and Stock, A. SMITH on, 414 be; Transfer-
ability of, W. BAGEHOT'S Postulates of P. E.,
148d; A. R. J. TURGOT on, 594 ab; Wage and
Auxiliary, 216 b.-Combinations of, U.S. A.,
810 b. -Fixed Capital dist. fr. Circulating,
A. SMITH on, 414 c.-- -Labour and, A. E. F.
SCHÄFFLE and, 750 be; U.S. A., C. D. WRIGHT
on, 810 bed.-Mobility of, H. SIDGWICK on,
759 ab.--Productivity of Capital, and Cost
of Prodn., 220 be; Indirect processes and
amount of Produce, 221 abc; measured by
saving of Time, 220 a; and law of dimin.
Utility, 221 d; and utility theory of Value,
220 abd.

[ocr errors]

Capital Levy and National Debt, 694 b.
Capitalists compd. with Employers: 210 d.
CAREY, H. C.: S. NEWCOMB on, 698 c; infl. on

A. L. PERRY, 720 c; on Population, move-
ment of, 166 cd; on Protn., 234 d; infl. on
E. C. SEAMAN, 754 b.

Catallactics, sci. of Exchange: 663 d, 664 a.
Centralisation: in Fr., 301 bc.

CHADWICK, Sir E.: 757 c; on Eng. Poor Law,
156 d, 158 a.

CHALMERS, T. syst. of Poor relief, 159 d; on
Productive Labour, 210 b; Stationary
state, 466 d.


Charity W. PALEY on, 55 c; and P. E., Art
of, and Ethics, 138 d; L. Ricci on, 310 a;
Uses, law of restraints on, 588 a, 601 ab.-
Charitable Endowments, rel. of State to,
587 C.- - Charity, State, Allotment,
F. M. L. NAVILLE on, 12 b.

CHILD, Sir J.: Navigation Laws, 11 c.
Christian Socialism: 12 b, 86 c, 371 d, 769 a,
773 c; E. V. NEALE, 12 b; C. PECQUEUR,
86 c; C. SECRÉTAN, 371 d.

Citizen Medvl., rights of, 627 ab.
City, Medvl. Decline of independence, 552 ab;
free Self-governing communities, 552 cd;
Villes Neuves, Eng. and Fr., 627 c.
Civil List: Pensions, 90 b.

Civil Service U.S.A., Spoils syst., 454 abc.
Classical Sch. Econ. Man, 133 c; Optimism

of, 97 d; or Orthodox Sch., 44 d; U. RAB-
BENO opposed to, 735 a; illustn. of Rela-
tivity, 279 b; crit. by K. F. H. ROESLER,
319 b.



Classification: J. B. SAY and, 357 d; and
meth. of Statistics, 467 d-468 b.
Clearing Produce Clearing, and Exchange,
fluctuations in since 1873, 210 c-211 b;
Futures and Options, 212 be; Glasgow, iron
trade and warrant syst., 211 b; Liverpool,
corn, cotton, and tea, 211 cd, 542 c; London
clearings, 212 b, 542 c; Silver and London
clearings, 212 bc; Time bargains, 542 c.
COBDEN, R. Cobden Club founded by T. B.
POTTER, 732 c.

Cognati: 65 d.

Coinage: Act of 1816, repealed by Viscount
SHERBROOKE, 392 a; Act of 1920, 745 a, 756
d-757 a; Debasement of, 43 ac, 204 d; Irish,
J. SIMON on, 402 c; Sir D. NORTH on, 24 d;
R. RUDING on, 332 a; A. SMITH on, 418 d;
T. SNELLING on, 426 cd.-Coinage, Mint
charges for, Brassage and Seignorage, 372
c.-Remedy (Mint), 745 a; Seignorage,
756 d-757 a.-Coinage, Silver, standard
fineness of, altered, 745 a, 757 a.

Coins: Bezants, 445 c; Daric, 445 c; Den-
arius, 445 c; Denier, 445 d; Dollar, Brit.,
557 d, 558 a; Dollar, Hong Kong, 557 d,
558 a; Dollar, Maria Theresa, 557 d, 558 a;
Dollar, Mexican, or Peso, 557 c, 558 a,
683 d; Dollar, Spanish hard, 111 b, 266 d,
557 b, 558 a; Dollar, U.S.A., Trade, 557
d, 558 a; Doubloon, 111 c, 243 b; Ducat,
558b; Five-Franc Piece, 446 d; Florin or
Gulden, Dutch, 446 a; Franc, 111 c, 446 d;
Guilder, 558 b; Guinea, 19 bcd; Kreutzer,
446a; Leü, Lev, 480 a; Lira, 445 d; Livre,
445 d, 446 d; Marc, 445 d; Mark, Ger., 446
a; Maundy money, 539 a; Moidore, 204 d ;
Napoleon, 1a; Noble, 23 bc; Obol, 445 c;
Ochr-el-guerch, 31 c; Öre, 39 b, 42 b;
Ounce, 45 a; Pagoda, 53 d; Penni, 88 b;
Penny, Copper, 88 d; Penny, Silver, 88 cd;
Peseta, 97 bc, 111 c; Pfennig, 102 d, 446 a;
Piastre, 108 d, 557 c; Pie, 108 d, 541 a;
Pistareen, 111 bc; Pistole, 111 c; Pollards
and Crockards, base and clipped money,
150 abcd, 560 b; Pound, Egyptian, 178 a;
Pound, Eng., 178 a, 445 d; Pound, Turkish,
178 a; Quadruple, 111 c, 243b; Quartillo,
245 b; Quattie, 245 cd; Quinarius, 248 d;
Real, 266 d; Rei, 276 c; Rin, 313 a;
Rixdaler, 314 d; Rouble, 329 cd; Rupee,
333 d-335 c, 746 c-747 b; Sceatta, 361 ab;
Schilling, 361 be; Scudino, 370 a; Scudo,
370 a; Sen, 376 d; Sequin or Zecchin, 380 a;
Sestertius, 386 a; Shilling, 111 c, 392 d,
393 a; Sixpence, 409 b; Sol, 444 a;
Soldo, 444 a; Solidus, 445 cd; Sou, 445 d,
446 d; Sous de cloche, 447 a; Sovereign,
448 c; Stiver, 361 c, 478 c; Stotinki, 480 a;
Testoon, 532 ab; Threepence, 539 ab;
Tical, 541 ab; Tokens, hist. of, 547 bed;
Toman, 547 d, 548 a; Trade coins, 557 b-
558 b; Unite, 600 a; Yen, 557 d, 683 a-
684 b.-Coins, Imaginary, or Money of Ac-
count-Ora, Anglo-Saxon, 39 b; Tael,
China, 511 d; Thrymsa, Anglo-Saxon, 540 b.
COKE, R.: Navigation Laws, 11 c.
Collective bargaining, U.S.A.: C. D. WRIGHT,
810 d.

3 G



Collectivism: compd. with Anarchism, 431 d ;
A priori application of P. E., princ. of State
control, 146b; Collective ownership, Mr. Keir
Hardie on, 771 c; Nationalist (U.S.A.), 5 a;
compd. with Positivism, 172 d; and Social-
ism, 431 d, 769 b, 771 abc, 772 d, 774 a;
immobility of, 772 d; F. VIDAL on, 621 c.
Colonies T. PAINE on, 54 b; Sinecures,
Colonial, abuses of, 403 d, 404 ab; Sinking
fund and colonial loans, 407 d; A. SMITH on
colonial empire, 417 b, 421 d, 422 a; Trans-
portation, 576 c; J. TUCKER on, 589 ab;
A. R. J. TURGOT on, 590 c.— -Colonies, Gov.
of, by Companies: T. POWNALL on, 180 b.-
Colonies, Gov. of, Old syst.: A. SMITH'S
crit. of, 421 d, 422 a.-Colonies, Self-
governing Preferential Trading, 785 bcd, 786
abcd, 787 a; J. Chamberlain on, 785 bcd;
Five Resolutions as to, 785 d; Trade with
Canada, 785 bd, 786 d.-Colonial Conferences,
785 bcd, 787 a. -Colonial Lands, E. G.
WAKEFIELD'S syst., 648 ab.

Colonisation Plantation syst., hist. of, 113 a;
Sir W. RALEGH on, 259 d; Earl of SELKIRK
on, 375 d-376b; Roman Territorium, 531 b;
and Emigration, E. G. WAKEFIELD on, 648
ab.-Colonisation on Communist princ., R.
OWEN, 49 cd; J. WARREN, 658 d.
Combination: 313 c, 559 a; and Wages, J. S.
MILL on, 564 d. -Combination, U.S.A.: of
Capital, 810 b; of Labour, 810 bcd;
S. NEWCOMB on, 698 cd, 699 b.
Commerce and Armed Neutrality, 39 d, 58
b; S. JOHNSON on, 320 b; Notables Com-
merçants (Fr.), 25d; G. PALMIERI on, 56 d;
PLATO on, 114 be; and Quarantine, 244 d,
245 a; L. ROBERTS on, 315 ab; F. SASSETTI
on, 354 bc.-Commerce, Dictionary of, M.
POSTLETHWAYT, 176 d; R. ROLT, 320 bc;
SAVARY family, 176 d, 355 b.

Commercial Education: lectures, etc., on rail-
way questions, 741 c, 744 d-745 a.
Commercial Instr.: Negotiable, 156; Promis-
sory Note, 228 b.

Commercial Morality, H. SPENCER on, 778 bc.
Commercial Policy: Edward I., 459 d, 460 d,
461 a, 560 b, 627 bc; Edward II., 461 abc;
Edward III., 461 bc, 487 a, 559 d, 560 b;
Edward IV., 462 b; Edward VI., 487 d; 18th
centy., 487 d; Elizabeth, 487 d, 561 a;
Henry II., 559 d; Henry IV., 462 b; Henry
VIII., 460 b, 561 a; James I., 561 c; John,
627 c; Richard II., 461 b.

Commercial Treaties: Assiento, 409 c, 447 b,
597 b; of Charlemagne, 559 d; Intercursus
Magnus, 560 d; Navigation clause, 8 b;
W. PITT's, with Fr., 1786, 111 d-112 c; and
Reciprocity, 267 d; A. SMITH on, 417b;
Utrecht (1474), 560 d; Utrecht (1713), 447 b.
Common or open field system of land tenure :
F. SEFBOHM on, 755 d.

Communication: Way, right of, 659 d.-
Communication, means of, Turnpike
Trusts, 595 d.

Communism: E. CABET'S Icarie, 603 bc; T.
CAMPANELLA'S Civitas Solis, 603 a; Sir T.
MORE'S Utopia, 602 d; PLATO's Republic,
114 d, 602 c; compd. with Socialism, 232 bc,

775 a; W. WEITLING on, 663 a.-Commun-
istic dictatorship (Bolshevism), 775 b, 776
ac.-Communism in Amer., Economites,
G. RAPP'S, 49 bc, 262 ab; New Harmony,
R. OWEN'S, 49 cd, 706 bed, 811 d, 812 bc.
Companies: Afrn. early, 275 d, 418 d; Darien,
78 cd; Dutch E. Ind., 273 b, 561 d; E. Ind.,
36 cd, 68 b, 72 ab, 151 b, 275 d, 333 d, 334 &
417 d, 418 d, 561 d, 595 b; Eastland, 275 cd,
621 b; Greenland, 595 b; Hudson's Bay,
376b; India, Fr., 508 b; London, 119 a, 630
b; Merchant Adventurers, 68 b, 275 c, 560 đ,
561 a, 665 a; Mississippi, 508 ab; New
England, 119 6; Plymouth Adventurers,
118 119 bc, 630 b; Royal Afrn., 275 d;
Russia or Muscovy, 275 c, 335 c-336 b, 561 b;
Sierra Leone, 537 c; South Sea, 295 c, 418 d,
447 a-448 b; Taylors, Merchant, 524 b-525
a; Turkey or Levant, 275 c, 418 d, 561 b,
594 c-595 c; Virginia, 119 6, 629 d, 630 ab.
Jnt.-Stk. Companies, Commandite, société
en, 68 d, 69 a; Limited Partnerships Act,
1907, 713 bcd; Memorandum of Assoc.,
185 ab; Preference Shares, 185 ab; Pro-
moter, 228 c; Prospectus, 233 cd; Qualifi-
cation, 243 bd; Registration of, 713 cd,
782 cd; Shareholders, 390 a; Shares,
390 b; Fr. Sociétés Commerciales, 438 d-
439 b; Ultra Vires, 598 c; Watering
Stock, 659 c; Winding-up, 670 b.-
Companies and Partnership, compd., 71
abcd; Eng. and Ital., 68 ab.-Regulated
Companies, Hist., 275 cd; and Interlopers,
276 a; Objects and const., 275 d, 276 a;
effects of Regulns., 276 b.-Companies,
Trading, competition with Interlopers, 276
a; Jnt.-Stk. and Regulated, 418 d, 561 b;
A. SMITH on, 418 d, 419 a.

Compensation: for Tenants' Improvements,

529 c.

Competition: justifications for Interference with,
296 c; Physiocrats on, 105 b; G. D.
ROMAGNOSI on, 321 c; S. NEWCOMB's faith in,
698 cd, 699 a; J. TUCKER on, 588 cd; and
Value in Exchange, 608 ab.

COMTE, A.: Positivism and crit. of Deductive
Sch., 171 c; A. E. SCHÄFFLE compd. to,
750 a; Sociology, word invd. by, for Social
Sci., 167 b, 172 a, 368 a, 428 d, 430 d; on
Solidarity, 444 b; on Statics, social, and
social dynamics, 465 d.

Conciliation: Prud'hommes, conseils de, 239
bc, 558 d, 559 a; and Trade disputes, 559 b.
CONDILLAC, E. B. de: on Exchange, 218 a;
on Prodn., 217 c.

Consolidated Fund: Origin of, 111 d.
Conspiracy, law of: 313 c, 559 a.

Consumers' Surplus, and utilitarian maximum:
V. PARETO on, 711 d.

Consumption: as department of P. E., 216 a;
rel. to Prodn., 215 d, 377 c.-S. N.
PATTEN's theory of, 716 ab; J. RUSKIN on,
747 c.-Productive Consumption, 216 d;
W. N. SENIOR on, 219 b.-Unproductive
Consumption, J. S. MILL on, 600 b; J.
POLLEXFEN on, 151 bc; not used by A.
SMITH, 600 a; F. A. WALKER on, 600 c.
Continental syst. : effects on Brit. trade, 41 d,

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