CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. AUSTRIA. [Translation.] Count Meysenbug to Mr. Motley. VIENNA, April 28, 1865. The undersigned has the honor to acknowledge the receipt from the honorable J. Lothrop Motley, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, of the esteemed note concerning the frightful act perpetrated against the President, Mr. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, and to state that he at once laid the said note before his most gracious master, the Emperor. The imperial government could not receive the news of this horrible event without the deepest indignation, which has made upon it the more painful impression as shortly before it had seen reason to instruct its minister at Washington to express to the government there its sincere congratulations upon the brilliant results which promised a speedy end to the bloody contests in the States of the Union. The horrid crime of which Mr. LINCOLN was the victim could not but inspire the government of his Majesty the Emperor with the more sincere grief as at no time have the relations between Austria and the United States borne a more friendly character than during the official term of Mr. LINCOLN. The imperial government cannot but cherish the liveliest desire that the hopes of a happy future for the United States, which in this country it was believed might be confidently based on the distinguished characteristics, the wisdom, and moderation of the lamented President, may be fulfilled under his successor, and the peaceful relations between the United States and foreign powers be preserved undisturbed. In conclusion, the undersigned feels it his duty to give expression to the t sincere wish of the imperial government that it may please Providence to preserve to the country still further the eminent Secretary of State, whose life has also been in danger from murderous hands. The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew to the honorable minister the assurance of his distinguished consideration. In the absence of the minister of foreign affairs, the under secretary of state, His Excellency J. LOTHROP MOTLEY, MEYSENBUG. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary [Translation.] : SESSION OF THE HOUSE OF DEPUTIES. The session opened at 10.40. GENTLEMEN: The news of the tragical fate which has befallen the President of the United States, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, through a murderous hand, at the very moment in which the cause of the northern States, and with it the cause of freedom and civilization and humanity, was victorious, has--I believe I may announce-deeply moved all circles and all classes of society in our fatherland also. From the very beginning of that eventful and bloody struggle, which has lasted several years, Austria was always on the side of the North; and on the day on which the news of the last victory of the northern States reached Washington, the man who now stands at the head of the United States declared that the sovereign of the state to which we belong, from the beginning an enemy of every rebellion, had always stood on the side of the North. I think that it becomes this house, which represents the population of Austria, to express its sympathy for the cause of the northern States, its sympathy for the tragic fate of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the plain, simple man who has risen out of the people to be placed at the head of the greatest state, and I move that the president should summon the house to signify, by rising from their places, this its double sentiment-sympathy for the tragic fate of President LINCOLN sympathy for the cause of the northern States. The PRESIDENT. I doubt not that the house shares the views and feelings which the deputy Berger has expressed, and will be ready to give proper evidence thereof by rising from their seats. The assembly rises. During this ceremony the ministers are in their places as deputies. : [Translation.] VIENNA, April 27, 1865. BARON: It is with the deepest indignation that the imperial government has heard the news of the horrible crime which has put an end to the days of President LINCOLN, and also that of the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State, Mr. Seward. : The more the success obtained by the northern States in the bloody strife with the South caused us to experience satisfaction, from seeing therein the security for the early re-establishment of peace over the vast territory of the republic, the more must we deplore this day the tranquil end of the eminent statesman whose energy, combined with wise moderation, has so powerfully contributed to these brilliant results, and caused the hope for his country of a future of peace and prosperity. We love, at any rate, to think that the sad event which has happened will not bring about any change in the conciliatory interests of the American government, and that its enlightened efforts will continue to tend towards an early pacification of countries so long ravaged by civil war, as well as towards the maintenance of friendly relations with foreign powers. I invite you, baron, to express yourself in these terms to the Secretary of State, by rendering you the eventual interpreter of the wishes we form for the preservation of the life of Mr Seward. Receive, baron, the assurance of my distinguished consideration. The Under Secretary of State, for the Minister of Foreign Affairs [Translation] NEW YORK, June 14, 1865. SIR: I have received by the European mail of yesterday a despatch from my government, dated 18th May, which charges me to express to his Excellency President Johnson the felicitations of my august court on the occasion of his advent to the presidency of the United States. Finding myself still not in condition, in consequence of the breaking of my arm, to go to Washington to acquit myself of these orders of my court, I take the liberty to send to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the above-mentioned despatch, in the original, begging you to place it before his Excellency the President. Let me be allowed to add, that I participate in the most lively manner in the sentiments of which I am charged by Count de Mensdorff to be the interpreter in respect to yourself, and that I offer the most sincere wishes for the complete restoration of that health so precious in so many respects. Begging you, Mr. Secretary of State, to return to me, after using it, the aforesaid despatch, I seize this occasion to reiterate to you the assurance of my most distinguished consideration. Hon WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. WYDENBRUCK. [Translation.] VIENNA, May 18, 1865. BARON: I have received the despatches you have done me the honor to address to me up to the 2d instant. By one of these despatches you transmit a copy of the note of the Acting Secretary of State, Mr. William Hunter, enclosing the official announcements of the tragic events of the 14th April, and of the advent of Mr. Andrew Johnson to the presidency of the United States, as well as the answer you made to that communication. Having already previously had occasion to request you, baron, to signify to the government of the United States the deep share we have taken in the calamity which has plunged the American people in sorrow, it remains now that I should ask you to express to Mr. Andrew Johnson our felicitations on the occasion of his accession, which we hope will not bring about any change in the relations, so satisfactory, which subsisted between the two countries during the presidency of Mr. LINCOLN. Please, baron, to say to Mr. Seward, when occasion may offer, how happy we are to hear of the progress of his cure, and accept the assurance of my distinguished consideration. BARON DE WYDENBRUCK, Washington. MENSDORFF. [Translation.] IMPERIAL LEGATION OF AUSTRIA, Washington, April 18, 1865. Mr. SECRETARY: I can scarcely find words to express my consternation at the news of the tragic event, the subject of your respected missive of this day, which deprived President LINCOLN of his life. No one participates more sincerely than I do in lamenting the sad catastrophe that has filled the American nation with mourning; for, though but recently arrived in this country, I had learned to appreciate the rare and eminent qualities of him whose loss we deplore this day. It is my painful duty to announce the sad news to my august court. It will certainly be received with a feeling of affliction; and I think I may add that the entire Austrian nation will sympathize deeply with the American people in their distress for the great calamity that has overwhelmed them. The abominable attempt upon the lives of the Secretary of State and his son has also filled me with horror. I thank Heaven the crime was not accomplished; and I sincerely desire the speedy and perfect recovery of the intended victims. I will also hasten to inform my august court of the inauguration of Mr. Andrew Johnson as President of the United States. Have the kindness to accept the expression of my most distinguished Mr. PRESIDENT: We, the undersigned, members of associations of the several branches of commerce and industry in the contiguous cities of Bielitz and Biala, in the interior of the Austrian dominions, who have always followed with the liveliest interest and the sincerest sympathy all the events that affected the country and the people of the United States, take the liberty to beg of you, Mr. President, to receive the expression of our most heartfelt sympathy for the terrible loss the Union has sustained in the death of President LINCOLN. Amidst our rejoicings over the triumph of the Union we received the intelligence of this great calamity. Sorrow and deep affliction followed our exultation, and the deepest abhorrence for the terrible crimes to which this great and wise man fell a sacrifice, and which brought his faithful co-laborer in the difficult undertaking, the Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, to the brink of the grave, fills every heart. With terrible violence the noble leader was deprived of the happiness to enjoy with his self-sacrificing and devoted people, after the most tremendous struggle, the fruits of a long-hoped-for peace. May the final complete victory of the good cause, and the great work of re-establishing the Union to its former greatness, be reserved for you, Mr. President. That reverence for law and justice, as well as love for liberty, which the people of the United States have ever manifested during this great war, will support you. * |