Individual Diversity and Psychology in OrganizationsMarilyn J. Davidson, Sandra L. Fielden Wiley, 10/10/2003 - 464 páginas Workplace initiatives to manage diversity seek to fully develop the potential of each employee and turn their unique skills into a business advantage. Such fostering of difference enhances team creativity, innovation and problem-solving and is therefore an essential strategy for today's employers. Individual Diversity and Psychology in Organizations is an indispensable handbook for all those involved in managing diversity. Its academic and practice-oriented perspective is unique as it presents practical strategies and case studies alongside academic reviews, giving the reader a balanced overview of each topic. The team of expert authors examine international issues in diversity, such as:
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54 páginas correspondentes ao termo commitment neste livro
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Resultados 1-3 de 54
The Importance of Diversity in Innovation | 19 |
Diversity in the Context of Business Ethics | 41 |
Developing a Strategy for Measuring Organizational | 57 |
Direitos de autor | |
16 outras secções não apresentadas
Outras edições - Ver tudo
Individual Diversity and Psychology in Organizations Marilyn J. Davidson,Sandra L. Fielden Pré-visualização limitada - 2004 |
Individual Diversity and Psychology in Organizations Marilyn J. Davidson,Sandra L. Fielden Visualização de excertos - 2003 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
AA programmes achieve affirmative action approach argue assessment attitudes Australian behaviour business ethics career cent chapter climate commitment companies context demographic disability disadvantaged discrimination diverse workforce diversity initiatives diversity management diversity policy diversity training economic employees employment employment tribunal environment equal opportunities equity example focus gender gender diversity GI Jane global harassment identify impact important increased India individual industry innovation International interviews Journal labour leadership legislation Linnehan London male managerial managing diversity measures mentee mentoring networks OFCCP older workers organizational culture organizational effectiveness organizations outcomes part-time participants perceptions performance perspective positive practices problem promotion Psychology public sector race racial recruitment relationship Review role Sandra L selection sexual sexual harassment social specific stereotypes strategy studies suggests training programme UMIST University University of Warwick value diversity Women in Management workplace
Referências a este livro
Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases Tom Redman,Adrian Wilkinson Pré-visualização indisponível - 2006 |