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A Compound Containing the Bile Salts Sodium Glycocholate, Sodium Taurocholate with Cascara Sagrada and Phenolphthalien, for

Hepatic Insufficiency, Intestinal Putrefaction, Habitual Constipation and Gall Stones.

TAUROCOL Directly Stimulates the Liver Cells, Producing an Abundant Flow of Bile Rich in Cholates, Solvent of Cholesterin and a Biliary Antiseptic.

Physicians are invited to send for samples, formula and literature. Taurocol Tablets are obtainable from the leading druggists and through the wholesalers.


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Halol Company

Physiologically Correct and
Clinically Effective

ALKALOL is alkaline in reaction, but its alkalinity is specific-it is a physiological alkalinity designed to meet definite indications successfully.

The good results promised by a consideration of its theoretical suitability are more than justified by its good effects.

ALKALOL is indicated in a wide range of conditions, and especially adapted to treating the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, eye, ear, urethra, vagina, rectum, etc.

Physicians will please write for sample
and our booklet. "Helping the Cell to
Help Itself."

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Magnesium Carbonate 0.38400

Sodium Chloride

Magnesium Sulphate


Calcium Sulphate

Lithium Chloride


Oxide of Iron



Nitrites and Nitrates








Literature on Request



1325 Widener Bldg.. Philadelphia







Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers





Every Doctor

should write for

"Pointed Opinions from the Medical Profession"

just off the press.

Also liberal free

sample of
Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey

sent prepaid for office practice,
on request.

We commend to all members
of the medical profession the
careful reading of this booklet,
with spe-

cial consideration to the actual observation of results in practice.



Rochester, New York

Sander & Sons' Eucalyptol

Whenever the true merit of a preparation is authoritatively established, imitation is sure to make its pernicious appearance. To counteract the injurious results of another of these fraudulent proceedings--in this instance affecting firm name and reputation-SANDER & SONS have been compelled to appeal to law, and in the action tried before the Supreme Court of Victoria, the testimony of a sworn witness revealed the fact that this witness suffered intense irritation from the application to an ulcer of the defendant's product, which was palmed off as "just as good" as SANDER'S EUCALYPTOL. SANDER & SONS had the satisfaction to obtain a verdict with costs against this imitator, who is perpetually restrained from continuing his malpractice.

Dr. Owen, in a report to the Medical Society of Victoria, and Dr. I. Benjamin, in the Lancet, London, both denounced, as others did before, on the strength of negative results, the application of unspecified eucalyptus products.

This forms convincing proof that only an authoritatively sanctioned article can be relied upon. SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTOL (Eucalypti Extract)

1. Has stood the test of Government investigation.

2. It was proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria by experts to be an absolutely pure and scientifically standardized preparation.

3. It is honored by Royal patronage.

4. It always produces definite therapeutic results.

Therefore, to safeguard the physicians' interests and to protect their patients, we earnestly request to specify "SANDERS' EUCALYPTOL when prescribing eucalyptus.

The Myer Bro. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., agents, will forward one original package (1 oz.) on receipt of One Dollar.





Save Your Waste Paper.-Paper is SO expensive these days, it will pay you to save and sell it. The February Woman's Home Companion says:

"Nowadays the economical housewife should save all her waste paper, for which she may obtain a fair price. Many hesitate because buyers demand that it be baled, but here are directions for making a simple baling press: Procure a large box, and lengthwise of the bottom cut a slot a few inches wide. Next, lay three or four stout strings lengthwise across the bottom inside. Have them a few inches apart, parallel to each other, and long enough to tie over the bale after the box has been packed full of paper. Having done this, provide a lining of old cloth, carpet or heavy paper, allowing the ends to extend over the box, as was done with the strings. Each day deposit your waste paper in the box, pounding it down occasionally to make it compact. When the box is stuffed full, draw the ends of the lining over the top and fasten the strings securely. The slot in the bottom of the box will enable you to force the bale out of the box."


What Rockefeller Says About Success.John D. Rockefeller says in the January Farm and Fireside:

"If I were to give advice to a young man starting out in life, I should say to him: 'If you aim for a large, broad-gauged success, do not begin your business career, whether you sell your labor or are an independent producer, with the idea of getting from the world by hook or crook all you can. In the choice of your profession or your business employment, let your first thought be, Where can I fit in so that I may be most effective in the work of the world? Where can I lend a hand in a way most effectively to advance the general interest? Enter life in such a spirit, choose your vocation in that way, and you have taken the first step on the highest road to a large success.'"'

A Handsome Biologic Handbook.-Every reader of this journal should write to The Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, for a copy of its beautiful new booklet, entitled "Biologic Remedies and How to Use Them." This is a good deal more than an advertising pamphlet; in fact, it is a real textbook of biologic therapy in which the essential facts are presented in simple, straightforward, untechnical English, making the topic intelligible and interesting to any physician. This booklet contains about 70 pages, and is illustrated with half-tone pictures and colored plates.

The first chapter presents the fundamental principles of biologic therapy; and there are also chapters describing the manufacture and uses of bacterins, antitoxins, serums, and vaccines. If you want to know when to give a bacterin or antitoxin, how to inject it, the dosage proper in each case, the reaction likely to follow, or why you sometimes fail, you will get the help you want here.

The book, as we have already said, will be sent free to anyone who will send his name to The Abbott Laboratories. Every user of biologic remedies should secure a copy and carry it in his pocket or satchel for help in emergencies.

Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers




March, 1916, to February, 1917, inclusive

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