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Notes and Queries

For this Department we cordially invite Questions, Comments and Criticisms on all Topics of interest to the Physician daily work for relief of the sick, thus making the Summary a valuable medium of communication between the medical Correspondents will give their names and addresses, but initials will only be printed when desired.

The queries in this issue awaits the Answers which our intelligent readers may be pleased to contribute for publication in our next.


Editor Medical Summary:

As the virus of rabies develops mostly during the hot summer months, I thought it to be a good idea to give you some good and new points about that terrible dis


Recently it was found that the virus of the rabies, develops itself invariably in the nervous system, brain and spinal cord, in the nerves and in the salivary glands, but it is not present, at the same moment, in every one of these parts. It may for example develop itself at the lower extremity of the spinal cord, and only after a time reach the brain.

Since the so-called Negri Bodies were discovered, diagnosis can be surely based on these organisms, which resemble accordingly the last experiments tubercles. Consequently only the consumptive animals and human beings will be exposed to the disease; and as the duration of incubation shows, it corresponds exactly with that of acute tuberculosis.

Preventive against the virus is the vaccine of the bulb of the rabbit and guinea pig. Probably at the same time preventive also against tuberculosis.

Guinea pigs reach more rapidly the maximum virulence of which they are susceptible. If such rabies with maximum virulence, be transferred again into the dog from guinea pig or rabbit, there is produced a dog virus which in point of virulence goes far beyond that of ordinary canine madness.

Successive inoculations from monkey to monkey elaborate viruses, which when transferred to rabbits, reproduces rabies in them, but with a progressively lengthening period of incubation. As I said, we have the organisms of rabies, but not the micro-organisms.

Negri Bodies are real homogenous, blue or dark blue bodies, stained blue and appearing in the microscope as fixed organisms. But they surely are responsible for the disease. If we do not find them in the brain, spinal cord or glands, there is no rabies at all and the public can be sure of it. During my stay in Fordham University we used nineteen refractory dogs and nineteen control dogs susceptible of taking the disease out of the nineteen control dogs six were bitten, of which six three have taken rabies. Seven received intravenous inoculations of which five have died of rabies; five were trephined and inoculated; and inoculated on the brain; the five have died of rabies. On the other hand, not one of the nineteen vaccinated dogs has taken rabies.

S. R. KLEIN, M.D., PH.D. Director Norwich Laboratory. 133 Cedar Street, Norwich, Conn.


Editor Medical Summary:

What changes will time bring in the theories of disease, and the treatment? Will the sera, antitoxins, etc., hold their place in the enthusiastic confidence of the medical world? I don't believe so. However valuable the antis may be I am honestly of the opinion that much damage has been done, by carrying the poisons too far, and it is a nice point how much to give in a given case. If the antibody is given greatly in excess of the needs of a case, there is no reason why serious consequences should not ensue. One thing certain, the kidneys pay the penalty. These fads have their day, and will be succeeded some day, by something as good, and a great deal safer.

The trouble in the toxin treatment, is, that it is depended on almost exclusively,

when a local and supporting treatment is neglected. I have great success in cases of diphtheria by spraying the throat with a mixture of carbolic acid, dioxogen, fluid hydrastis, glycerin and aqua dist. The throat is sprayed thoroughly every hour. I also give syr. ferri chlor., P. D. &. Co.'s, in dram doses every 3 hours. Also have patient inhale tinct. benzoin in hot water, keep it steaming in the room constantly. Concentrated nourishment is given, as well as stimulants, if needed. Patients get well and have no bad after effects. When the throat is clear, I put patient on a preparation containing strychnine. I cure more cases thus, than do those who give 30,000 and 40,000 units of antitoxin.

Jeffersonville, Ind.


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(Caused From the Use of Artificial Legs and



I want to call your attention to the photo exhibits in these cases before going into the substance proper of this paper.

These cases are not shown with the intention of criticism toward the doctor or the orthopaedic manufacturer. But were I to criticise, it would be the patient in most all


These cases are collected ones coming under my care, and, seemingly unusual as they may be, possibly might be of some interest to you. What I could collect of the individual history, their persistent determination in wearing these legs and shoes, is nothing short of folly. Practically the only reason they gave for abusing their limbs was that all they needed was nerve and the ointment they were using to toughen the tissues.

(Remarks from case marked No. 1, on Photo Exhibit.)

Said the only reason that he discontinued the use of the artificial leg was due to the fact that his stump became too large for the artificial socket, and that his rigors were so

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my observation, and I am satisfied he has a leg that will fit his stump. Unless you do this you will be criticised by the patient, when your intentions were only for the good.

The fitting of a limb means much to the cripple, and he looks to his doctor for help and advice. The future life for a cripple often is changed from his natural conditions. His rest at nights is mingled with pain and muscle jerks. His self-consciousness of being deformed, his nervous system wrecked, are causes of many patients developing into a dope fiend or an alcoholic.

I want you to understand I am not offering you any suggestions, and this subject may call for very little discussion. This paper's

object is to show these cases.

Our duty does not cease with an amputation and measuring for an artificial limb. The patient should be under your care, or some other doctor, until he is put into a walking condition where he can have comfort and service. You well know there is a slight tendency to have the operation done and over with as soon as possible; the earnest efforts of the orthopaedic manufacturer to demonstrate his leg, and the persistent effort of the cripple to hide from the world his deformity. These three facts, combined, often result in the patient abusing his doctor and limb manufacturer.

In correcting an injury you should be mindful of these facts: The patient's occupation, what his future prospects in work may be, his ability to care for himself; and last but not least, the intelligence of the individual, and his possible appreciation of your saving him all the tissue that his case will permit. I think it highly proper in such cases where it can be done, that the patient should know the kind of amputation or correction he is to receive.

In closing, the object of this paper is the cause and effect, mechanically, consequently I have omitted details of technique and pathology.


Paducah, Ky.

Fig. 4

give his stump in relationship to wearing the leg I do not recommend any limb to a patient unless he keeps himself under

Insanity costs every inhabitant in the United States $1 per year.

The U. S. Public Health Service has proven that typhus is spread by lice.


Editor Medical Summary:

The generations come and go! We are here to-day, and mayhap, gone tomorrow! The statesmen, ministers, physicians and capitalists of the future, are still in swaddling clothes! "Change and decay in all around I see."

Think of the awful toll of war; millions passing to the great beyond! What of the state of the dead? Hundreds of millions gone-where? There are many who believe in the unconscious state of the dead-i. e. till the resurrection, and the day (or time) of judgment! In an unconscious state, time is obliterated-a thousand years as one day! It's a horrible conception of a merciful God, that the wicked; the neglectful, the unbelieving should enter at death, to a state of endless torture?

"The gift of God, is eternal life.” There is no life out of Christ.

"He shall come, taking vengeance of them who know not the Lord."

The wicked shall be destroyed; therefore they will not livel Immortality is only promised as a reward of faith and obedience!

"There is a reaper, whose name is Death" And with his sickle keen;

He cuts the flowers with a breath,
And the weeds that grow between."

"Earth's joys grow dim, Its glories pass away."

"Swift to its close, ebbs out life's little day."

Cato, before he plunged the dagger into his heart, thus soliloquized: "It must be so; Plato, thou reasonest well! else why this pleasing hope, this fond desire,-this longing after immortality? Why should the soul back on itself, and startles at destruction? It's the Divinity that stirs within us; 'tis heaven itself intimates eternity to man.” Finally, "Thou, O soul, shall live on in perpetual youth,—amid the war of the elementthe wreck of matter-and the crush of worlds!"

'Twas Gray, in his elegy, who said, "The paths of glory lead but to the grave." Every mile post on life's journey, brings all mankind, great and small, saint and sinner, one day nearer the end. All the glory, honor, wealth and fame await the "inevitable hour."

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Editor Medical Summary:

While we are rightfully endeavoring to prepare our country against invasion, and in many ways looking ahead in every way toward the attainment of a state of prosperity, there are a few things which we seem utterly callous as to what may happen. We talk about stamping out this disease and that source of contagion, and yet apparently lie "supinely upon our backs until we are bound hand and foot."

It has been ascertained that in the brains of paretics the "spirocheta of syphilis" are found, and that if they or the substance containing them, is injected into an animal that syphilis can be produced. This leads us to inquire as to whether those who fondle dogs and cats and other animals might not themselves acquire syphilis in this manner, as well as many other diseases with which animals are known to be infected such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, mange, etc.

Now, why can we not rouse the laity to action? Why let such horrible diseases as syphilis and gonorrhea run rampant through the land? The following means by which one can acquire these diseases are hereby placed under appropriate headlines several of which are self-evident as to means of acquirement. 1. Actual sexual connection.

2. By kisses and contact with articles used by infected persons such as knives, forks, spoons, towels, soap, candies, unwashed fruit, etc.

3. By those who do our washing mixing our clothing with infected apparel, transmission from this infected wash-woman to the clothing, of the germs of disease. The premises of these should be inspected.

4. House servants infected with gonorrhea or syphilis. (All servants, barbers, etc., should present a clean bill of health ere being employed.)

5. Restaurants, barber shops, hotels, private balls and parties, soda fountains. (All utensils, plates, etc., should be most thoroughly disinfected.) It is quite noticeable that at some public functions many drink out of glasses which apparently have not even been rinsed. 6. Infected clothing, cars, etc.

In a general way much can be done by attention to hygienic laws and by Boards of Health, free of political influence, but when we come as to the best method to eradicate gonorrhea and syphilis we are beset by mountains of difficulty.

When man gets on the rampage, no appeal appears of any avail and much less can we influence idiots and imbeciles from contracting these diseases.

LAWS OF HYGIENE: The moral law may all be of some aid, but there are times when appeal to reason, to hygiene, to morality, are useless and hence these diseases like the glaciers keep moving on with increasing velocity.

PHYSICIANS: There is no use in passing a law that physicians must report venereal disease for they will not do so for various


FUTILE LAWS: If a law should be passed making it a felony when one transmits such diseases to others we should find endless litigation, and much difficulty in proving that a given case was conveyed by such and such a defendant. Hence little can be accomplished by this method.

STRONG GOVERNMENT: Perhaps some day when we have a Government "for and by the people" there may a condition arise that will become so imperative that the Government for the good, welfare and happiness of the human family, may by strong measures eliminate gonorrhea and syphilis.

MORALITY AND RELIGION: The development among the populace of a firm moral and religious sentiment may do much toward the eradication of these diseases, and appears the only course to successfully combat the havoc now being done by disease in general.

When we go back to the old-home idea and family life with children who will be welcome, then may we see a happier existence. But so long as we keep jumping around like a lot of chemical atoms and find no congenial place or

companion to attach ourselves to, we may expect degeneration and decay.

CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH: When we can have appointed by each county, municipality and state, boards of examiners before whom all who intend to marry shall go, and receive a certificate as to their fitness to enter the matrimonial state, then may we consider that we are on the road toward stamping out disease and raising a healthful progeny.

WOMEN AND MEN: When women arrive at that high state of moral tone and go back to the idea of home, children and family and truly care for and love their husbands, have less divorces and exact from men the same virtue as they intend to practice, we may expect some improvement in the health of a community. When men also become truly moral and determine to enter in the general moral uplift then we still further may see Hygeia in the ascendant then may we look for the eradication of syphilis and have children instead of dogs and cats for our companions.

HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION: It is contended that to do away with houses of prostitution, but scatters the germs broadcast. There is one way that control of disease could be of some avail and that is in those places where these prostitutes are allowed to keep open house the Government could have at each house a physician day and night, and see that every man is free from mucous patches, chancres and gonorrhea, as well as that each woman is in a healthful condition. If one should manifest any sign of disease have her sent to a Sanitarium under Government supervision until she is cured of the ailment.

If we desire strong men and women and healthy children we must in some way arouse among the laity the dangers to which we are daily heirs to.

J. G. B. BULLOCH, M.D. The Octavia, 1669 Columbia Road, N. W., Washington, D. C.

The full dinner pail-the open window -the clean well-make for health.

Efficient muzzling of dogs will eradicate rabies.

The protection of the health of children is the first duty of the Nation.

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