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inches long. In the center of this chain is a loop with a snap which goes around the cow's neck. This arrangement gives the greatest freedom, and allows the cow to lie down and get up without difficulty. If light partitions are used between the heads of the cows no difficulty will be experienced in their striking each other with their horns. This is by



far the least expensive of cow ties, and is at the same time one of the most satisfactory.


To feed a half-dozen calves at once is entirely possible if one uses the device shown here. A man b


who has one reports no more trouble with calves since he has used this. He rattles a couple of

buckets together, the calves come running up to the fence and soon have all their heads through the stanchions, to which they are easily fastened by throwing down lever, a, which draws the bar, b, into position. Then one may feed each calf without difficulty.

Leave a 4-inch space for the calves' heads. Make the rack of 1-inch lumber and it can be moved from one pasture to another and attached to the fence or a couple of posts. It can also be used for holding ewes at lambing time.


Make a slatted stall just high enough so the cow can't jump out, and wide enough to hold her comfortably, with nothing to spare, and narrower at the end, where her feed box should be placed as high from the ground as is comfortable for her to eat out of. This slatted stall should be long enough to have cleats through which a bar or two should be run behind the cow to keep her from backing out, and also places to run a bar in front of her hind legs about the hock joint, or as high up as possible so as not to interfere with milking. A hole about 18 or 20 inches wide is left open for this purpose from the ground up to the cow's flank, which allows easy and safe access to the udder, while the cleat and post prevent the cow from kicking outwardly at the milker, thus insuring safety.


Milkers who have trouble with restless cows that invariably either upset the pail or get a quantity of

dirt in it will find the stool shown here a remedy for their troubles. It is also very serviceable in fly time. The upright pieces forming the legs and ends of stools are made of 2 x 8inch pieces about I foot long. The supports for the bucket and the seat are To secure rigidity it is well to put three-cornered blocks under the seat and bucket board as brace stays. The most restless cow is not likely to upset the bucket from this stool.


made of inch boards.


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A very convenient stool for use in milking the cow in yard or field is shown in the cut. It is merely a onelegged stool to which is attached four straps connecting with a broad strap that is buckled around the waist. The stool is quickly fastened to the milker and is always in a position so one can sit down anywhere. Such a stool with a short leg would also be useful in the garden. Of course, if one pre


ferred four legs instead of one, the stool could be so made, but experience proves that the one-legged kind serves well.


A cheap and very useful milking stool is made of the reel from which barbed wire has been removed. Saw off the ends so it will set level and


cut a board to fit on top. Make a hand hole through the board as shown in the illustration and the stool is ready for use.


Much milk contamination is undoubtedly due to the careless handling of the milk stools. When the milker is through milking one cow he gives the stool a toss, then he picks it up again when he starts to milk the next cow and his hands become more or less contaminated from the stool and from

them the dirt drops into the milk pail during the milking.

When the milking is over, the stool is left in the yard or on the barn floor. It is so easy to make a small rack and to bore holes in the legs of the

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stool, so that they may be hung up. This keeps them out of the dirt and it is only necessary to brush them off carefully once in a while to keep them scrupulously clean.

The man who is constantly changing his mind usually has little to change.


Here is a handy transfer cart, made with wheels and crossarch of an old corn plow to carry a hog

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