The American Economic Review, Volume 96American Economic Association., 2006 |
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Página 856
... quantiles . In practice , 0 - QPT seems more plausible at upper quan- tiles of the latent score distribution since jumps or leap- frogging by nontakers who win vouchers is unlikely above high quantiles . - = 00 percent of the Y ...
... quantiles . In practice , 0 - QPT seems more plausible at upper quan- tiles of the latent score distribution since jumps or leap- frogging by nontakers who win vouchers is unlikely above high quantiles . - = 00 percent of the Y ...
Página 999
... quantiles themselves . ) The QTE estimates we report below are constructed in exactly this fashion : to estimate the QTE at the qth quantile , we calculate the qth quantile of the given Jobs First distribution and then sub- tract the q ...
... quantiles themselves . ) The QTE estimates we report below are constructed in exactly this fashion : to estimate the QTE at the qth quantile , we calculate the qth quantile of the given Jobs First distribution and then sub- tract the q ...
Página 1000
... quantiles 83 and 87 , earnings are again equal ( though non - zero ) . Finally , for quantiles 88-97 , AFDC group earnings exceed Jobs First group earnings , yielding negative QTE estimates . The only quantile having a statistically ...
... quantiles 83 and 87 , earnings are again equal ( though non - zero ) . Finally , for quantiles 88-97 , AFDC group earnings exceed Jobs First group earnings , yielding negative QTE estimates . The only quantile having a statistically ...
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Palavras e frases frequentes
agent analysis assumption auction average behavior bidder bonus rate buyer certifier choice choose coefficient column concave condition consumers consumption correlation cost cotinine countries demand denote distribution earnings effect efficient effort levels endogenous enrollment equation equilibrium estimates exchange rate expected Figure firm gamble GATT growth higher human capital impact implies incarceration income increase incumbent individual investment Jobs Journal of Economics Lemma March CPS marginal marginal cost match May/ORG measure ment mixed strategy monthly contract Nash equilibrium nomic observed optimal order flow outcomes p-value paper parameter payoff percent period players predictions preferences price vector profits Proposition quantiles regression relative supply residual residual variance risk aversion rounds sample Section skills smoking standard strategy subsidy Table tariff Theorem tion topcode users utility functions variables variance wage inequality Walrasian equilibrium welfare workers zero