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2. Came on for trial in the Court of Exchequer the Excise case, Regina v. Smith, in which the defendant, an extensive distiller in Whitechapel, was charged with making use of a concealed pipe for the conveyance of spirits between the distillery and the rectifying house. After a trial of eight days the jury found for the Crown, but expressed an opinion that no evidence had been adduced to show that the pipe referred to, and the existence of which could not be denied, had been fraudulently used by the defendant. The case was ultimately compromised, the Government accepting 10,000, and an obligation that the premises would be instantly altered in accordance with the Excise requirements.

- Yarmouth Suspension Bridge gives way under the pressure of a crowd congregated to see a professional clown drawn down the river in a tub by four geese. Daring efforts were made by spectators of every rank to bring sufferers ashore, but the calamity was so unlooked-for and overwhelming in its magnitude, that on reckoning the loss the fearful total amounted to seventy-nine, mostly women and children, either drowned in the river or dead from injuries received by falling balustrades. At the inquiry following the calamity, Mr. Walker, engineer, who had been sent down by the Home Office, stated that the suspending chains were of bad construction, imperfectly welded, and of an inferior quality of iron. It was also ascertained that the bridge had been widened without any increase of the suspending power. Referring to the observation that as many people had frequently been on the bridge before, he said: "When a bridge has been frequently loaded to the utmost which it will bear, it becomes weaker and weaker each time, and it may ultimately give way, although at first it was sufficiently strong to resist the weight put upon it." The engineer, Mr. Brunel, thus calculated the strength: the section of the chain at the centre of the span 296 square inches; a square inch of iron breaks with 27 or 29 tons, but 174 tons is taken as the impairing weight, i.e. the weight at ach it begins to stretch. There is therefore the weight the bridge will actually bear, 6 x 17 tons 5180 tons, while 296 × 5 1480 tons is the greatest load that can put upon it, being 100 lbs. per square foot, a crowd standing close together.

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3-Died at St. John's Wood, London, 47, Thomas Hood, who "sang the Song dhe Shirt."

3. The elevation of Mr. W. F. Mackenzie the office of a Lord of the Treasury having cated considerable discussion from its coindence with a change of vote on the Maynooth estion, he this day made the following exanation on the hustings at Peebles when eking re-election: "I always voted against Lae small grant because I thought it was too al(great laughter, hissing, and hooting)—— but I over and over again declared, and my

friends knew my opinion, that if a larger grant had been proposed I would have voted for it. (Cries of "Oh!" and laughter.) I assure you it is true. I voted against the small grant be cause I thought it did mischief. I voted for the larger grant, not because I was certain it would do better, but because I thought the experiment ought to be tried."

7.-The Court of Directors issue instructions to the Governor-General of India regarding the principles which would guide them in the construction of railways there, applications for making which on an extensive scale had been received from private parties. They conceived that "remuneration for railroads in India must for the present be drawn chiefly from the conveyance of merchandise, and not from passengers. It cannot admit of question, that wherever railroad communication can be advantageously introduced and maintained, it is eminently deserving of encouragement and co-operation from the Government." The peculiar difficulties to which the Court drew the attention of the Governor-General were,-periodical rains and inundations; the action of violent winds and the influence of a vertical sun; the ravages of insects and vermin; the destructive effects of spontaneous vegetation; the unprotected state of the country through which the railway would pass; and the difficulty and expense of securing the services of competent and trustworthy engineers. The Court proposed to depute to India three skilful engineers to suggest some feasible line of moderate length as an experiment for railroad communication in India.

The French Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of 227 to 144, carry a vote of 14, 130,000 francs for the fortifications of Paris.

8.-Opening of the Free-trade Bazaar in Covent Garden Theatre. The whole area of the pit and stage was boarded over and transformed into a "Norman Gothic Hall," filled to overflowing with the products of manufacturing industry. The grandeur of the exhibition and the excellence of the arrangements were universally admitted. About 100,000 people visited the bazaar during the seventeen days it was open, and the large sum of 25,0467. was added to the funds of the League. The stalls were attended to by 400 ladies, the wives and daughters of leading Free-traders.

9. Sir James Graham introduces the Government bill to endow three new colleges in Ireland for the advancement of learning. At a meeting of prelates in Dublin, a resolution was adopted expressive of thankfulness for the kind and generous intention of the Government to extend the benefits of academical education. In the United Secession Synod, Edinburgh, Dr. Heugh's motion, declining to open up the Atonement controversy again, was carried by 243 against 118 who voted for Dr. Hay's amendment, asking discussion on the ground that recent decisions in the Synod had given rise to much dissatisfaction and dissension

12.- Died, aged 78, Professor Augustus William Von Schlegel, German critic, poet, and philologist.

18. Died at Contin, Ross-shire, in his 65th year, William Laidlaw, author of "Lucy's Flitting." He was for many years the friend and steward of Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford.

Don Carlos renounces his claim to the throne of Spain in favour of his son, the Prince of the Asturias.

20.-Fatal duel on the shore near Gosport between Mr. Seaton, late of the 11th Hussars, and Lieut. Hawkey, of the Royal Marines. They had quarrelled and insulted each other at an entertainment in the King's Rooms, Southsea Reach, some days before. They fired at fifteen paces; in the second round Mr. Seaton fell, mortally wounded in the abdomen. Lieut. Hawkey instantly fled with his second.

21.-The Maynooth Bill read a third time in the House of Commons. The debate was protracted, but dull.

In reply to an address from the Corporation of Dublin, the Queen said: "Whenever I may be enabled to receive in Ireland the promised welcome, I shall rely with confidence on the loyalty and affection of my faithful subjects."

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26.-Sir John Franklin sails from Sheerness with the ships Erebus and Terror on his last Arctic Exploring Expedition. He passed his first winter in a harbour at the entrance of Wellington Channel, after which date no letters were received from Sir John, his officers, or crew. His official instructions were: push to the westward without loss of time in the latitude of about 744°, till you have reached the longitude of that portion of land on which Cape Walker is situated, or about 98° west. From that point we desire that every effort be used to endeavour to penetrate to the southward and westward, in a course as direct towards Behring's Straits as the position and extent of the ice, or the existence of land at present unknown, may admit. We direct you to this particular part of the Polar Sea as affording the best prospect of accomplishing the passage to the Pacific."


Fire in Raggett's Hotel, Dover-street, Piccadilly. It broke out about midnight, and consumed nearly the whole building. The house being unusually full, the greatest confusion ensued when the inmates suddenly found the flames filling the passages and staircases. Mrs. Round, the wife of the member for Maldon, Mr. Raggett sen., the proprietor, Miss Raggett, and a nurse in the service of the Earl of Huntingdon, were either suffocated in their rooms or killed by throwing themselves from windows. Much valuable property in jewellery and furniture was destroyed.

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series of nine resolutions relating to the condition of the labouring classes in so far as they were affected by protective duties, the law of settlement, and emigration. They were nega tived on the 28th (the Derby day), when the number requisite to make a House could with difficulty be kept together.

28. At the evening sederunt of the Free Assembly, Dr. Chalmers introduces MM. D'Aubigné of Geneva, Monod of Paris, and Kuntze of Berlin, as a deputation from foreign Churches.

The old part of the city of Quebec almost entirely destroyed by fire. Between 1,500 and 2,000 dwellings were consumed, and from 10,000 to 12,000 people rendered homeless. One of the most painful incidents was the destruction of the hospital, to which, as being considered entirely out of the reach of the con flagration, numbers of sick persons of all classes were carried. The building became ignited by the flakes of fire carried by the wind, and many of the unfortunate inmates, unable to help them selves, perished in the burning pile. On the 1st of July following the remaining portion of the city suffered severely from a similar visita tion: 1,300 houses were then destroyed, and 13 blown down to arrest the progress of the flames.

29.-A new Convention between Great Britain and France for the suppression of the slave-trade signed at London.

30. Mr. O'Connell and the other traversers hold a levee in the Rotunda, when numerons addresses from corporations and societies are presented. At the conclusion the Liberator an his friends were drawn in a triumphal car through the streets.

31.- Railway opened between Peterborough and Northampton.

June 2.-The second reading of the May nooth Bill moved in the House of Lords by t Duke of Wellington. He was interrupted a the outset of his speech by the Duke of New castle, who wished to know whether the Queet had granted permission to propose such a bill a question which Lord Brougham sharply re buked as the most unconstitutional he had eve heard proposed in Parliament. -The Earl Roden moved for an inquiry into the teachin at Maynooth, and alluded with sorrow to the insult threatened by Repealers to "Th Glorious and Immortal Memory," in so far a they intended to hold one of their monste meetings on the banks of the Boyne on the July. "The Protestants of Ireland conside they have been betrayed, and they are no thinking how they may best secure the safe of their families, their children, their altar and their homes. He would tell her Majesty Government that their best and warmest friend the Protestants of Ireland, who had stood them in many a difficulty, were disgusted wi their conduct." The motion for a second rea ing was supported by the Archbishop of Dubl

and the Bishop of St. David's, and opposed by the Bishop of London and the Bishop of Cashel. On a division, Lord Roden's amendment was rejected by 155 to 59 votes.

2.-The Irish Colleges Bill read a second time the House of Commons. (See May 9.)

The stewards of the Jockey Club expel Wiliam Day, Bloodsworth, and Stebbings, for aspiring to injure Mr. Gully's horse, Old England, in the race for the Derby. On the 18th mother case of fraud was established against John Day junior, in connexion with the runng of the Melody colt for the Derby of 1840. 3. On the motion of Mr. Hume, the Premier consents to bring the meritorious services of Sir H. Pottinger under the notice of the Crown. A pension of 1,500l. was voted later in the


4.-Mexico declares war against the United States on the Texas question.

- Thomas Steele, O'Connell's Head Pacificator, and Head Repeal Warden for Ireland, issues a proclamation denouncing the Molly Maguires of Leitrim and Cavan for rejecting "the gentle and balmy counsel of your country's almost sanctified benefactor and father, and the solemn adjuration of the clergy from their altars. You outcast traitors," he concludes, "who give strength to Ireland's enemies, your country disclaims you-I abhor you!"

6.-Fancy dress ball at Buckingham Palace, illustrating the period of 1740-50.

8.-O'Connell, after a series of ovations commencing at Dublin, enters Cork in state in his triumphal car. The next most prominent object In the procession was a venerable minstrel sitting

der the shade of an ivied branching oak, -ing the harp which had been used before De Liberator at Tara, on the memorable 15th August, 1843. On the same car were an Irish chieftain, two Irish knights with pages, d four members of the Repeal Committee.

Died, aged 78, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States from 1829 to 1837. 9.-Lord Stanley obtains leave to introduce

into the Upper House providing for compensation in certain cases to tenants of land in Ireland.

10.-Mr. Villiers' annual motion on the Laws defeated by a majority of 254 to

16.-The Maynooth Endowment Bill passes e House of Lords, the majority for the third Ring being 131.

17.-Died, aged 67, the Rev. R. H. Barham, her known in the literary world as "Thomas Igoldsby," author of "Ingoldsby Legends."

18. After an interval of some weeks, the Anti-Corn-Law Leaguers resume their weekly meetings. It was reported that the sum raised daring the past year, including the returns from the bazaar, amounted to 116,6877.

18. Mr. Charles Buller's motion, that the House resolve itself into a committee to consider the state of the colony of New Zealand and the case of the New Zealand Company, negatived by 223 to 172 votes. The debate was protracted over three nights, and assumed the form of a review of the entire colonial policy of Ministers.


19.-Horrible outrage in Algeria on a body of Arabs by French troops. The Ouled Riahs, finding themselves closely pursued by the troops under Colonels Pélissier, St. Arnaud, and De l'Admirault, took refuge in one of the caverns with which their country abounds. After surrounding the cavern, a few faggots were lighted and thrown before the entrance, to convince the Arabs that the French had the power, if they pleased, of suffocating them in their hiding-place. The Colonel then threw in letters offering to them life and liberty if they would surrender their arms and their horses. At first they refused, but subsequently replied that they would consent if the French troops were withdrawn. This condition was considered inadmissible, and more burning faggots were thrown in. A great tumult now began, and it was known afterwards that it arose from a discussion as to whether there should be a surrender or not. The party opposed to a surrender carried their point, but a few of the minority made their escape. Pélissier, wishing to spare the lives of those who remained in the cavern, sent Arabs to exhort them to surrender. They still refused, and certain women, who did not partake of the savage fanaticism of the majority, attempted to fly, but their husbands and relations fired upon them, to prevent any escaping from the martyrdom which they had themselves resolved to suffer. Colonel Pélissier then suspended the throwing of the burning faggots, and sent a French officer to hold a parley with the Ouled Riahs, but his messenger was received with a discharge of fire-arms, and could not perform his mission. This state of things continued till the night of the 19th, when losing all patience, and no longer having a hope of otherwise subduing these fanatics, who formed, it was said, a perpetual nucleus of revolt in the country, the fire was rendered more intense than it had yet been. During this time the cries of the unhappy wretches who were being suffocated were dreadful, but gradually nothing was heard beyond the crackling of faggots. The troops entered, and found 500 dead bodies. About 150, who still breathed, were brought into the fresh air, but a number of them died afterwards.

20. In the Court of Exchequer Mr. Wakley, M. P., obtains a verdict of 150/. damages against the proprietor of the Medical Times for a libel charging him with ruining various medical associations, by taking them under his protection.

Discussion in the House of Commons on the railway gauge question arising on a mo

tion for the further consideration of the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway Billa line proposed by the Great Western Company with a broad gauge against another promoted by the London and Birmingham Company with


narrow gauge. The Board of Trade reported in favour of the latter, the Select Cominittee of the House in favour of the former. Mr. Cobden's motion for a Commission to inquire into and secure uniformity of gauge was defeated by 247 to 184 votes, Sir R. Peel and Mr. Labouchere deprecating interference with the decision of the committee as detrimental to the authority of the House. A Commission under Letters Patent was issued on the 5th July, empowered to inquire whether uniformity of gauge was expedient or practicable. The commissioners were Sir J. M. F. Small, R. E., G. B. Airy, Greenwich Observatory, and Professor Barlow, of Woolwich Military Academy.

23. Grand naval review at Spithead, in presence of the Queen, Prince Albert, the Lords of the Admiralty, and other distinguished visitors. Her Majesty arrived at the feet on the 21st, and was received on board the flag-ship St. Vincent, by Rear-Admiral Hyde Parker and Captain Rowley. The royal party afterwards visited the Trafalgar and Albion. To-day, on the royal yacht reaching Spithead, the yards were manned, and a general salute fired from all the ships of the fleet. was remarked that at no time since the peace of 1815 had the roadstead exhibited so great an amount of actual naval strength. A variety of evolutions having been gone through by each of the divisions, the day's display was concluded by the passage of her Majesty through the squadron on her return to Cowes.


In the Court of Queen's Bench, Henry Gompertz and W. R. Witham were found guilty of conspiring to defraud George Pitt Rose, late a captain in the 9th Lancers, of bills or acceptances to the amount of about 17,000!.

25.-Ratification of a treaty of commerce petween Great Britain and the Two Sicilies.

28. The foundation-stone of St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, laid by Prince Albert.

Tamatave, Madagascar, bombarded by two English and French gunboats, in retaliation for the harsh measures adopted by the Queen towards foreign traders.

In the course of a debate on the Irish Colleges Bill, Mr. Roebuck described certain followers of O'Connell as deserving of little respect either for their position or intellect. The member for Sligo, Mr. Somers, sent him a challenge to "justify" his words, whereupon Mr. Roebuck replied that he would bring the matter under the notice of the Speaker, as he was determined that the free expression of opinion should not be coerced or checked in his person. Mr. Somers had assumed that Mr. Roebuck was too well read in the old

history of chivalry not to understand what was meant in the demand to "justify" the expressions. Mr. Roebuck, in reply, hoped the member for Sligo was sufficiently learned in the old laws of the country to be aware of the position in which he had placed himself. The challenge was brought under the notice of the House to-night, when Mr. Somers withdrew his note and apologised for its terms.

28.--Died in Cumberland-terrace, Regent's Park, aged 47, Sir William Follett, AttorneyGeneral to her Majesty. This eminent pleader was buried with much solemnity in the Temple church, the procession being composed of Benchers of the Inner and Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn, with many the judges and other dignitaries.


30. In the Arches Court, Sir Herbert Jenner Fust gives judgment in the suit promoted by the Bishop of London against the Rev. F. Oakeley, of Margaret Chapel. The judge elaborately analysed Mr. Oakeley's letter to the Bishop, in which he claimed to hold the same principles as Mr. Ward, and challenged him to institute proceedings. The pro moters of the suit, said Sir Herbert, have suf ficiently proved their case that Mr. Oakeley had rendered himself liable to ecclesiastical censure. If the proceeding had been under the statute of Elizabeth he must, in the first instance, have been called upon to retract his error, and if he refused be deprived of his preferment; but, as the proceeding was under the general law, the punishment was left to the discretion of the Court. The Court now revoked Mr. Oakeley's licence, prohibited him from preaching within the province of Canterbury till he retracted his errors, and condemned him in the cost of proceedings.

The police, on attempting to put down a faction fight at Ballinhassig Fair, near Cork, are set upon by both parties, and used sc severely that they fire in self-defence from temporary police-station in which they had taken refuge. Six of the fighting party wer killed on the spot and twenty-five wounded.

Mr. Smith O'Brien declines to serve of a Railway Committee, on the ground that h attends Parliament exclusively on Irish business

July 1.-A detachment of troops from Auck land, under Colonel Despard, defeated by New Zealand natives while attempting to carry the fortified camp of the chief Heke. One-third o the men engaged fell in the attack, and durin the eight days that operations were continued the fourth of the whole number engaged-abou 500-were either killed or wounded. camp was ultimately taken, and Heke retire into the interior.


2. Great gathering of Scottish Dissenter in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, for the purpos of enabling the friends of the voluntary prim ciple to adopt such measures as may appea best calculated to avert the evils arising from

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4.-Conflagration at Smyrna, destroying a great part of the city. In the Frank quarter thirty houses and shops, the hospital of St. Anthony, three-fourths of the establishment of the Sisters of Charity, with the Armenian church and school, fell a prey to the flames.

9.-The bill of Lord-Advocate Rutherford for regulating admission to the secular chairs of Scotch Universities thrown out on the second reading, by a majority of 116 to 108. Mr. Macaulay took charge of the bill on this occasion, and commented in strong terms on the inconsistency of the Government in dispensing with tests in Ireland one day, and insisting on them in Scotland the next, to support an ecclesiastical faction bent on persecution without even the miserable excuse of fanaticism.

10.-Discussion in the House of Lords concerning a petition presented by the Marquis of Breadalbane from the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. It detailed at some length the grievances to which the Church was bjected by the refusal of proprietors in different parts of Scotland to grant sites for erectg places of worship, and prayed the House to aford relief.

- The Irish Colleges Bill read a third time in the House of Commons.

12. Sir John Franklin forwards his last despatch to the Admiralty from the Whalefish Hands. The expedition was spoken by the Frince of Wales, whaler, on the 26th, the latest

e of any intelligence regarding the disco

Tererers at sea.

The report of a Select Committee apted to inquire into the affairs of the South Eastern Railway Company, issued to-day, cenres the proceedings of Mr. Hignett, Solicitor

the Board of Crdnance, Mr. Wray, the Keiver-General of Police, and Mr. Bonham.

15.-Lord Palmerston's resolution opposing de admission of Spanish sugars under treaty, jected by 175 to 87 votes.

16.-The "Press" admitted to inspect the decorations of the summer-house in Buckingham Face gardens. The opening was made the ject of a ballad by Mr. Thackeray in his "Lyra Hibernica," then appearing in Punch.

Died, John Adolphus, a leading criminal Reader, and author of various historical works.

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Died, aged 65, Viscount Canterbury (Charles Manners Sutton), Speaker of the House of Commons from 1817 to 1835.

22. In the course of a discussion in Committee on the Irish Colleges Bill, Lord Stanley intimates that the Government intended to erect a central University to which the colleges could be affiliated.

24. Came on at Taunton, before Mr. Baron Platt, the trial of James Majaval, Francisco Serva, and eight other of the Spanish pirates charged with the murders on board the Felicidade. (See March 2.) The main facts of the case having been brought out as mentioned above, Mr. Serjeant Manning submitted there was no case to go to a jury. In the first place, the Court had no jurisdiction, as the transaction took place in a foreign ship, and the parties were not within the peace of our Lady the Queen. Next, the Felicidade was not legally taken, and the men were not in legal custody, as they were not carrying on the slave-trade. The Felicidade had no slaves on board, and therefore the prisoners had a right to endeavour to escape, and they were justified in any act they might have committed with a view to accomplish that end. These men were not bound by the laws of any country of which they were not cognizant. In summing up, Baron Platt pointed out that the sea was the highway of nations, and all rovers and thieves and pirates who infested that highway were liable to punishment as much as highway robbers on land. They were the enemies of all nations, and might be hunted down by any Power whose flag could overcome and take them, for the highway of the seas received concurrent dominion from every country on the earth. He also thought, that not only was the Felicidade legally taken, but the prisoners were in the legal custody of the Queen's officers when they commenced to slay and drown. The jury returned a verdict of Guilty against seven of the pri soners, who were sentenced to death. [The technical objections taken at the trial were argued before the judges in the Court of Exchequer on the 15th November. The conviction

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