| Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 384 páginas
...nature to decry, And pierce each fcene with philofophic eye. To thee were folemn toys or empty mew, The robes of pleafure and the veils of woe : All aid...griefs are vain. Such was the fcorn that fill'd the rage's mind, Renew'd at ev'ry glance on humankind ; How juft that fcorn ere yet thy voice declare,... | |
| 1765 - 414 páginas
...Attentive truth and nature to decry, And pierce each fcene with philofophic eye. To thee were folenan toys or empty fhew, The robes of pleafure and the...all thy mirth maintain, Whofe joys are caufelefs, and whofe griefs are vain. Such was the fcorn that fill'd the fage's mind, Renew'd at every glance... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1765 - 412 páginas
...to decry, . " And pierce each fcene with philofophic eyo. To thee were folemn toys or empty mew, . The robes of pleafure and the veils of woe : All aid...all thy mirth maintain, Whofe joys are caufelefs, and whofe griefs are vain. Such was the fcorn that fill'd the fage's mind, Renew'd at every glance... | |
| Collection - 1765 - 418 páginas
...pierce each fcene with philofophic eye. To thee were folemn toys or empty mew* * The robes of pleafqre and the veils of woe : All aid the farce, and all thy mirth maintain, Whofe joys are caufelefs, and whofe griefs are vain. Such was the fcorn that fill'd the fage's mind, Renew'd at every glance... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1770 - 402 páginas
...How wouldft then fltake at Britain's modifh tribe, Dart the quick taunt, and edge the piercing gibe ? Attentive truth, and nature to decry, And pierce each...all thy mirth maintain, Whofe joys are caufelefs, and whofe griefs are vain. Such was the fcorn that fill'd the fage's mind, Renew'd at every glance... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 412 páginas
...Nature to decry, And pierce each Scene with philofophic Eye. To thee were folemn Toys or empty Shew, The Robes of Pleafure and the Veils of Woe: All aid...caufelefs, or whofe Griefs are vain. Such was the Scorn that fill'd the Sage's Mind, Renew'd at ev'ry Glance on human Kind ; How juft that Scorn ere... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 páginas
...pierce each Scene with philofophic Eye. To tbee were folemn Toys or empty Shew, The Robes of PJeafure and the Veils of Woe: All aid the Farce, and all thy...caufelefs, or whofe Griefs are vain. Such was the Scorn that fill'd the Sage's Mind, Renew'd at ev'ry Glance on human Kind; How juft that Scorn ere yet... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 páginas
...Nature to decry, And pierce each hcene with phiiofophic Eye. To thee were fo'.emn Toys or empty Shew, The Robes of Pleafure and the Veils of Woe: All aid the Farce, and all thy Mirth maintain, VVhofe Joys are caufelefs, or whofe Griefs are vain. Such was the Scorn that fill'd the Sage's Mind,•... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1782 - 410 páginas
...How wouldft thou fhakc at Britain's modifh tribe, Dart the quick taunt, and edge the piercing gibe ? Attentive truth, and nature to decry, And pierce each...all thy mirth maintain, Whofe joys are caufelefs, and whofe griefs are vain. Such was the fcorn that fill'd the fage's mind, Renew 'd at every glance... | |
| 1782 - 500 páginas
...How wouldft thou fhake at Britain's modifh tribe, Dart the quick taunt, and edge the piercing gibe ? Attentive truth, and nature to decry, And pierce each...woe : All aid the farce, and all thy mirth maintain, Whofejoys are caufelefs, and whofe griefs are vain. Such was the fcorp that fill'd the fage's mind,... | |
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