Agriculture, as affecting Population, i. 113-152; kinds of farm tenure, 113- 118; size of farms, 124-132; arable and grazing, comparative profit of, 137, 138; estimation of, among the Romans, 140-146; distinction of, as a mere mean of subsistence, and as a competing trade, 141; in connexion with Manufactures, 152-183; duty of Government to encourage, 181, seq.; Agriculture and Manufactures, on their relative claims to attention by the statesman, 201, seq.; progress of, during the eighteenth century, 237, 238; number of persons engaged in farming, calculations estimating, 240; affords the foundation of many ex- changes of production, 254; agricul- tural and manufacturing industry, their relative importance, 258, seq.; these two exhaust the labour of man, 259, 260; in what respect pre-eminent over manufactures, 260, 306; pro- sperity of, dependent more upon steadiness of an adequate, than upon the high amount of the average price, ii. 116.
Agriculture, Board of, see County Re- ports.
Aikin, (Dr. John,) quoted as to the em- ployment of children in Manufactures, i. 183, 184; on the progress of Inland Navigation about Manchester, in Yorkshire, Lancashire, &c., 241, 242.
Akenside, quoted as to the estimation
of Agriculture by the Romans, i. 141. Ale, great increase of its consumption, i. 236.
Alienation, English statute of, by Henry VII., ii. 202.
Allegiance to Government, a writing of Mr. Stewart, now lost, i. 9, 23. America, discovery of its silver mines, effects of, i. 448; United States of Northern, how affected by Manufac- tures, 157, seq.; beneficial influence of Education on the lower orders in, ii. 334, 335, 337. Anacharsis, his opinion in regard to the value of gold and silver, i. 338, 439. Anatocismus, on the laws regarding, ii. 194.
Anderson, (James, LL.D.,) his Obser-
vations, &c., 1777, adduced as to the influence of Manufactures upon Agri- culture, i. 177, 178; as to the Corn Trade, ii. 114.
Anglican Divines, see England, Church of.
Animal food and pasturage, in reference to the support of Population, i. 105, seq.
Animals, food being supplied, their multiplication depends on five cir- cumstances, i. 60. Anonymous Author, of The Grand Concern of England Explained, quoted touching the Poor, ii. 273; of Essay on the Right of Property in Land, praises the English Poor-Laws,
Antipater, (of Thessalonica,) quoted as to the employment of Water-Mills, i 191, 192.
Apprenticeships, see Corporations.
Arbuthnot, (Dr.,) quoted as to the pro- portion of the Sexes as born, i. 86, 87; adduced as to Roman Fortunes, 146, 147, 382; as to the Circulation of money, 381; examples of Prices in ancient Rome, 383, 448. Aristocracy, on, simply, and in general,
ii. 352, 353; on, in special, 376-386; what is meant in saying that Modera- tion is its principle, 379-382; in this form of government the nobles should be debarred from trade, 382, 383; its corruption, Oligarchy, 384; natural, in every community rising from ori- ginal differences, 417.
Aristotle, on Man as a social animal, i. 18; referred to touching Population and Marriage, 68; quoted as to the impossibility of perfect friendship to- wards more than one object at once, 74; his doctrine as to Usury, ii. 146- 148, 152; quoted as to the simple Forms of Government, 384, 385; al- leged to shew that each form of government is proportionally good or bad, 388; his Politics referred to,
Asgill, (Mr. John, M.P.,) adduced as to
an exclusive Territorial Tax, i. 300; ii. 239. Assessments periodical, the previous subsidies, and the more ancient Scut- age, Hydage, and Talliage, were vir- tually a Land-Tax, ii. 227. Athenians, their measure for maintain- ing the equality of landed property, ii. 196; formed Benefit Clubs, 306; on the Athenian Democracy, 362, 364, 403, 404; their government serves as Montesquieu's model of Democracy,
Auckland, (Lord,) on the Population of Great Britain in 1779, i. 234. Augustin, (Saint,) quoted as to the Polygamy of the Patriarchs, i. 83. Aulus Gellius, quoted in regard to Celi- bacy among the Romans, i. 92.
BACON, (Lord,) quoted as to Leges Le- gum, &c., i. 10; his Speech against Purveyors, 118, seq.; opposed to En- closures, 134; as to his calling Edu- cation "the Georgics of the Mind," 288; quoted, with approbation, ib.; as to the necessity of political institu- tions being accommodated to the character of their subjects, ii. 420. Balance of Powers in the British Con-
stitution illustrated, ii. 430, 431, 445, 449, 450.
Balance of Trade, ii. 23, seq.; 28, seq., absurdity of, shown by Smith, 31. Ballot, (the thing,) on the expediency of this mode of voting in Republics, ii. 359; adopted by the State of Mary- land, 433.
Bank Notes, the word commodity mis- applied to, i. 436, 445.
Baring, (Sir Francis,) how prices are re- gulated with reference to Circulation, i. 394, 395, 434, 447; opposed to any restriction upon Interest of money, ii. 160.
Barrington, (Bishop of Durham,) alleged as to Workhouses and the poor, ii. 303, 304. Barthélemy, (Abbé,) quoted as to the opinion of the ancients touching a tempered Monarchy, ii. 416. Baudeau, (Abbé,) quoted in regard to Productive and Unproductive Labour, i. 278.
Beccaria, (Marchese,) referred to as to Crimes and Punishments, i. 49; his opinion as to a low Interest for money, ii. 189, 190.
Beddoes, (Dr.,) on the use of opium by the poor, ii. 145.
Bedford, (Duke of,) in regard to Bills of Enclosure, i. 136, seq.
Bell, (Mr. Benjamin,) quoted as to the influence of Manufactures upon Agri- culture and Population, i. 158, 176; adduced in the same respect, 169; as to the possible increase of agricultural produce in this country, 202; on the proportion of our British importation and consumption of grain, in 1801 and previously, 285; on the proportion of different kinds of corn consumed in Great Britain, 369; on the amount of our importation of corn, ii. 108. Benefit Clubs, on, ii. 306-313; the author strongly in favour of, 311. Bentham, (Mr. Jeremy,) his Defence of Usury, ii. 156; quoted against the Usury Laws, 164, 165, 168, 170, 172, 194, 195; describes these laws in Russia as a dead letter, 181; his pro- ject to substitute escheat for taxation, 253; his Panopticon adduced, 326. Berkeley, (Bishop,) as to the intrinsic
value of the precious metals, i. 337; his query as to a rapid circulation of money, 379, 432. Berne, (Society of,) their Essays on the
Spirit of Legislation quoted, i. 54;
(Republic of,) its substitute for Taxa- tion, ii. 212; (Canton of,) an example of political happiness and prosperity, 386; its two Legislative Councils, 435. Bills of Exchange, invented by the Jews,
i. 41; a branch of trade altogether modern, ii. 153.
Births, proportion of, to Deaths and Marriages, i. 220, seq. Blackstone, (Sir William,) on the origin of Borough-English, ii. 200; quoted in favour of a restraint on Latter Wills, 204, 205; quoted, 208, 209; his ac- count of the English Land-tax, 225; of the aids in England called Tenths and Fifteenths, 226; adduced as to the practice of the Crown in rejecting Bills from the Legislature, 444; touch- ing the influences exerted by the other elements of the Legislature on the House of Commons, 450. Blake, (Mr. William,) quoted as to Cur- rency, i. 431, 432, 436. Blomefield, (Rev. Francis,) on the scar- city of the year 1595, ii. 262, 263. Boivin, (John,) his Latin translation of an Epigram of Antipater quoted, i. 192. Bolingbroke, (Viscount,) quoted as to the operations of nature, i. 430; as to a na- tural aristocracy in communities, 418. Bonar, (Mr. James,) his Notes of Mr. Stewart's Course of Political Economy Proper employed in the present work, i. xxi., seq., 198; Notes of Mr. Stewart's conspectus of Smith upon the Mercan- tile system, ii. 23-27.
Book Societies, effect of, in the cultiva- tion of the lower orders, ii. 347. Borough-English, on the origin of, ii. 200.
Botero, (John,) his claim to be the founder of Statistical science, i. 214. Bottomry, a species of virtual usury, ii.
Boulainvilliers, (Count de,) as to Col-
bert's injudicious encouragement of Commerce and Manufactures to the disparagement of Agriculture, i. 160. Bounties and Drawbacks, ii. 26, seq., 113, seq.; Author's opinion in regard to Bounties not decided, 117-120. Boyd, (Mr. Walter, M.P,) as to the principle by which the Price of com- modities is regulated, i. 394. Brackenridge, (Dr.,) on the Population of Great Britain during the war in 1756, i. 232.
Brand, (Rev. John,) adduced as to the Corn Trade, ii. 137, 138.
Breslau, the Bills of Mortality in that
city adduced as a valuable authority by Dr. Halley, i. 227. Bridges, (Mr. James, W.S.,) as supply- ing Notes of Mr. Stewart's Lectures on Political Economy, i. xxi., seg., 198; interpolations from his Notes of these Lectures, 198-200, 204-207, 208-211, 253-269, 302-396; ii. 3-47, 108, 109, 111-120, 137-139, 195-210, 254-349.
Brienne, (M. de,) his connexion with Turgot, ii. 80.
Britain, (Great,) the amount of its Po- pulation, i. 232; how the distinctions of rank do not here imply any con- trast of class or caste, but slide insen- sibly into each other, ii. 439, 442, 448, 449.
Brougham, (Mr., now Lord,) Review of
Lauderdale On Public Wealth, i. 277. Brown, (Dr. John, Author of the Esti-
mate,) quoted as to Education, i. 53, 54. Bullion: relation of a coined to a paper currency, i. 346, seq.; Parliamentary Bullion Report, framed by Mr. Fran- cis Horner, Notes of the Author on, 431-452.
Burdens upon farm tenants, i. 118-124. Burke, (Edmund,) quoted as to the in-
terference of the state, i. 17; adduced as to the British Corn Laws, ii. 114; holds that the wages of labour have more than kept pace with the expenses of living, 284; strictures on his praise of drinking, 314, 319; quoted as to the confliction of the British King and Parliament, 443.
Burnet, (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury,) contrasts the English and Scottish Poor-Laws, ii. 286, 287.
Bury, Chairman of the Quarter Sessions of, quoted with approbation as to the growth of native timber, ii. 46. Butler, (Bishop,) quoted as to Education, i. 51.
CADASTRE, or Territorial Valuation, in
different countries, ii. 241, 242; that of Sardinia, of Bohemia, of the Duchy of Milan, 242. Cæsar, (Julius,) quoted in regard to the usage of the ancient Britons touching Marriage, i. 72; as to the proportion of population among the Helvetii, 224; his description of a British and German pastoral state alluded to, ii. 201.
Call, (Sir John, Bart.,) on the Popula- tion of England and Wales, i. 243. Calvin, (John,) his liberal opinion in re- gard to Interest or Usury quoted, ii. 155, seq.
Campagnoni, (Citizen,) adduced as in favour of Polygamy, i. 92. Campbell, (John, LL.D.,) referred to as to the agriculture of Kent, i. 168; his Political Survey of Great Britain, quoted for the statistics of Food and Population in England, 370; quoted, ii. 113.
Canon Law, opposed to Usury or Inter- est, ii. 149.
Cantova, quoted as to the polygamy of the Caroline Islanders, i. 86. Capital, the accumulation of stock faci- litated by the introduction of money, 397, seq.; "Money breeds money,' an ancient proverb, 398. Carrington, (Lord,) his speech adduced in regard to the extent of waste lands in this kingdom, i. 202. Cary, (a Bristol merchant,) adduced as to Monopolies, ii. 18. Casaubon, (Isaac,) referred to as to the antiquity of Benefit Clubs, ii. 306. Casaux, (Marquis de,) against the pro- ject of an exclusive Territorial tax, i. 301; in favour of taxes on consump- tion, ii. 252.
Cassius, see Dion Cassius.
Castlereagh, (Lord,) on the Population of Ireland, i. 100, 245.
Cato, (M.,) quoted in regard to the farmer and the merchant, i. 182; in regard to usury and interest, ii. 148. Celibacy, regulations against, by the ancient legislators, especially the Ro- man, i. 92, 94; in modern states, true policy regarding, 95, seq. Censorial Office, abuse of, ii. 366, seq., 383.
Chalmers, (Mr. George,) as to the amount of population in England and Wales, i. 99, 243; in Ireland, 99, 245; quoted in favour of the policy of enclosures, 136; adduced as to the history of statistics, 216, seq.; as to the average population of houses in Britain, 217; as to the numbers of the population engaged in the various oc- cupations and trades, 240, 241; as to the progress of inland navigation, 242; as to the statistics of Scotland, 246; as to the rate of interest in England, 412; as to the progress of England in prosperity during the civil wars under
Charles I., 413; subsequently, 414; as to the Corn Trade, ii. 112; confir- mation of Adam Smith's doctrine touching the Corn Trade, 117; ad- duced as to the proportion between the price and produce of grain, 136, 138; quoted as to the good effects of the English civil wars, 440; noticed as republishing Charles Smith's Corn Tracts, 459.
Chalotais, (M. Carodeuc de la,) his speech on the Corn Trade referred to, ii. 68. Chamberlayne, (Dr. Hugh,) project for a land bank, and his paradoxical truths, i. 300, 301.
Chardin, (Sir John,) quoted in regard to the absolute monarchy of Persia, ii. 396.
Charters, (Rev. Dr.,) quoted as to the Scottish poor-rates, ii. 297. Checks, the necessity of, in all human political constitutions, ii. 417, seq.,
China, its over-population, i. 200; esti- mates of its population, 232; example of, contrasted with that of Holland, 284; rate of interest in, 420, seq.; in this country there is a land-tax pro- portioned to the produce, ii. 246. Christian, (Mr. Edward,) quoted as to the English law of usury, ii. 188; adduced as to the English land-tax, 227; quot- ed as to the history of the House of Commons, 447, 448.
Cicero, quoted on the exportation of gold, i. 34, 147; as to the priority of Concubinage to Marriage, 70; as to Marriage being the "Seminary of the Republic," 79; as to the comparative estimation of agriculture and other occupations, 145, 146; his opinion as to usury and interest, ii. 148; quoted as to compound interest, 194; on the mode of voting in the Roman republic, 358, 359; quoted passages from, in regard to forms of government, 416, 417; as to the legislative power in the Roman republic, 435; on love of country, 460.
Circulation of money, as to the effect of a slow and rapid, i. 378, seq., 437, seq.;
contrast of, among the ancient Ro- mans, and among our modern nations, 383; on circulation with regard to Banks, 431-452; the word Circula- tion, as a term of Political Economy, derided by Hume, ii. 219, 220; de- fended by the Author, ib.
Cities, considerations to be taken into account in reference to the statistics of their population, i. 229, seq.; less favourable to health and population than the country, ib. Clarendon, (Earl of) prosperous state of England under Charles I., i. 412; adduced as to the liberalizing effects of the English civil wars, ii. 440. Cocceii, (Henry de,) on the foenus nau- ticum, ii. 187; on compound interest, or anatocismus, as agreeable to the law of nature, 194; his opinion against the liberty of bequeathing property by Will, referred to, 204; his satisfactory defence of Polybius against Grotius, 415.
Coin Coining Metals, how it affects or determines their value, i. 349; equi- vocal meaning of the term, 377, seq. See Money.
Coke, (Sir Edward,) adduced as to what grains formed the ordinary food of the English people, i. 368; his Household Book quoted, ii. 57.
Colbert, his injudicious encouragement of Manufactures, i. 160; his mistaken policy in regard to population, 307. Collins, (David, Judge-Advocate in New
South Wales,) quoted on the evil effects of drinking, ii. 314-316. Colonus Partiarius, what kind of farm- tenant among the Romans? i. 113, seq. Colquhoun, (Peter, LL.D.,) on the po- pulation of London, i. 244; quoted as to street-banks, ii. 176; as to pawn- broking and swindling, 184; as to the amount of public charities in London about 1797, 264. Columella, quoted as to the Roman con- tempt of civic and pacific occupations, i. 144. Commerce, questions concerning the expediency of restrictions on its va- rious kinds, i. 45; progress of, during the eighteenth century, 237, 238; restraints on, by the Commercial System, ii. 22-47; ancient and mo- dern, difference between in point of extent, 151; in an aristocracy the nobles should be excluded from trade, 383.
Commercial spirit, beneficial influence of, in uniting mankind, ii. 399. Commoner and Roturier, how the words differ in their meaning, ii. 405. Commons, House of, steps of its pro- gress in independence stated, ii. 447, 448; influence both of the Crown and of the Peers on its composition and proceedings, 449; two different influ- ences, the direct and the indirect, at different periods operative upon this House, 450.
Commons, (Land in common,) how they may be turned to advantage and the increase of population, ii. 141. Competition in Trade, bad effects of dis- couraging, ii. 12, seq.; bad effects of inordinate encouragement to, 20, seq. Compound Interest, see Interest. Conclusion of the Course on Politics Proper, ii. 452, 453; an earlier, 459- 461; of the Course on Political Eco- nomy Proper, 458, 459. Concubinage, compared with Marriage, in reference to Population, i. 67-82. Constitution, constitutional, unconstitu- tional, their meaning in a political acceptation defined, ii. 422, 423. Consumption, taxes on, their advan- tages and disadvantages, ii. 252. Cook, (Captain,) quoted as to Poly- gamy in the Friendly Islands, i. 85, 86.
Corn, prohibition of its exportation, i.
121; corn, or whatever constitutes the ordinary food of the people, the best standard of valuation, 361, 362, 364; how this doctrine differs from that of Smith, 364; British legislation in re- ference to, ii. 112, seq. Corn-Dealer, utility of, in preventing scarcity, ii. 53, seq., 59; see Fore- stallers, Regrators, Engrossers. Corn-Tracts, see Smith, (Charles.) Corn-Trade, how to be used in reference to statistics, i. 246, 247; a favourite subject of speculation to Political Eco- nomists, 446; on, in general, ii. 47- 145; introduction to, 47, 48; inland corn-trade, 48-99; popular prejudices in France relative to, commemorated, 69, 70; unlimited freedom of, a pallia- tive of a dearth, 88, et antea; this policy sanctioned by a unanimous decision of the Court of Session, the supreme tribunal of Scottish law, 90; the reverse of this decided by English Judges, 90-95; of the importation of corn for home consumption, 100-109;
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