Imagens das páginas

Mr. D. R. Scott has been appointed instructor in economics at the University of Missouri.

Dr. L. D. H. Weld, of the department of economics, University of Minnesota, has, in connection with his university work, been put in charge of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, and has also been given oversight of all coöperative enterprises in the state, the last session of the legislature having made a special appropriation for the study and supervision of coöperative societies.

At the University of Michigan the following promotions have been made: Professor E. D. Jones to professor of business administration, Professor David Friday to professor of political economy, and Mr. W. H. Hamilton to assistant professor of political economy. Appointments have been as follows: Mr. Bradshaw Langmaid, instructor in transportation; Mr. Russell A. Stevenson, professor of accounting; Mr. Warren S. Thompson, instructor in sociology; and Mr. George W. Dowrie, formerly associated with the department of political economy at the University of Illinois, professor of political economy.

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