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tity; and Honorable Mention is made of W. J. A. Donald, for a paper on The Canadian Iron and Steel Industry.

In Class B: First prize was granted to J. W. Myers, undergraduate in Cornell University, for a paper on Unemployment; and second prize to F. W. Eckert, of Northwestern University, for a paper on Government Regulation of Public Utility Securities.

The Department of Research of the Women's Educational and Industrial Union (264 Boylston Street, Boston) announces three paid fellowships and four honorary fellowships in economic research.

A commission has been appointed by the Canadian government to conduct an investigation into the increased cost of living in Canada, and into the causes which have operated in bringing about the advance.

The Bulletin of the British Library of Political Science, published by the London School of Economics, for January, 1914, contains a bibliography on state medical service.

Professor A. W. Flux has recently given the Newmarch lectures on "The National Output" as shown by the census of production. In his final lecture is demonstrated that the production per head in the United States was approximately double that shown by the census for the United Kingdom.

The Fabian Research Department announces through its chairman, Mr. Sidney Webb, that it will undertake during the next few months an intensive investigation of the working of part 1 of the National Insurance Act (sickness). The committee has divided itself into seven subcommittees, dealing with documents, medical, tuberculosis, maternity, claims, institutions and poor law, and approved societies.

The National City Bank of New York published in its January circular the text of the Federal Reserve Act, and announces that in succeeding numbers it will continue the publication of official orders and statements in regard to the development of the new system.

The Library of Congress has published a List of American Doctoral Dissertations Printed in 1912, prepared by Charles A. Flagg (Washington, 1913, pp. 106).

The National Tax Association announces that a new edition of volume II of the Proceedings of the Annual Conferences, which has been out of print, will be reprinted (A. E. Holcomb, 15 Dey Street, New York). The association also announces the publication of volume VII of the Proceedings, containing the papers presented at the conference held in October, 1913,

The Department of Social Ethics in Harvard University has published Bulletin No. 2 of the Social Research Council of Boston. In 1912 this council published a bulletin entitled A Preliminary List of Recent Social Investigations in Greater Boston. This second bulletin brings the list down to date of September, 1913. It notes the inclusion of a new type of research, reported upon in serial documents (Cambridge, Harvard University, pp. 38).

In the report of the Librarian of Congress for 1913, it is announced that the Library has secured the papers of Hugh McCullough, Secretary of the Treasury from 1865 to 1869.

Financial History of Massachusetts, by Dr. C. H. J. Douglas, originally printed in volume I of the "Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law," has been reissued by Longmans, Green and Company.

The English house of the Macmillan Company announces the publication of An Introduction to Economics for Indian Students, by W. H. Moreland; and Economic Notes on English Agricultural Wages, by Reginald Lennard. The American branch announces Violence and the Labor Movement, by Robert Hunter; Property and Contract in their Relations to the Distribution of Wealth, by Richard T. Ely; Why is the Dollar Shrinking: A Study of the Causes Underlying the High Cost of Living, by Irving Fisher; Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation, by J. A. Hobson; Where and Why Public Ownership Has Failed, by Yves Guyot; A Theory of Interest, by C. G. Hoag; The Influence of the Gold Supply on Prices and Profits, by Sir David Barbour; and Commercial Education in Germany, by Frederic E. Farrington.

A forthcoming book from Smith Elder & Co. is Principles of Property, by Boyd Kinnear.

Hodder and Stoughton will soon publish the second part of the Report of the Land Enquiry Committee, dealing with the question of urban land.

The publishing house of Murray announces the publication of Social Work in London, 1869-1912—a History of the Charity Organization Society, by Helen Bosanquet; and Study of the Land, by J. A. R. Marriott.

Beginning with the issue for January 17, 1918, the Survey has introduced a department devoted to the subject of social insurance,

In this number there appears an article on "Twenty Years of OldAge Pensions in Denmark," by Katharine Coman.

The March issue of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science is devoted to the subject of Reform in Administration of Justice.

The Southern Banker, of Atlanta, Georgia, and The Gulf States Banker, of New Orleans, Louisiana, have consolidated, and will be published under the name of the Southern Banker (New Orleans).

The Nation's Business for January 15, 1914, published a comprehensive summary of the work of promoting commercial training in the American universities which have special courses for this purpose. Courses in fourteen universities are described.

Messrs. L. Upcott, Gill & Sons (London, Drury Lane, W. C.) have begun the publication of The International Review of Commerce and Industry, a monthly, edited by T. Swinborne Sheldrake. The first number appeared in December, 1918. The price per number is 2s. In the first issue is an article by Professor Ashley on "Commerce and the Universities."

The Oxford University Press announces the publication of the Political Quarterly.

The publishing house of Teubner, Leipzig, announces the publication of an annual entitled Das Jahr 1913. Ein Gesamtbild der Kulturentwicklung, published under the editorship of Dr. D. Sarason. Among the articles to be noted are "Economics," by Professor A. D. Weber; "Finance," by Professor S. P. Altmann; "Trade and Industry," by Dr. G. Stresemann; "Commerce," by Professor O. Blum; "Agriculture," by Dr. W. Wygodzinsky.

The Archiv für Frauenarbeit is a journal recently established for the purpose of portraying the influence of wage-earning women upon economic development, whether through the professions, in business, or in the factory. It is edited by Dr. J. Silbermann, and published quarterly, each number containing about 100 pages, at a subscription price of 8 M. (Berlin, Kaufmännischer Verband für weibliche Angestellte E. V.). In its contents for the first year, 1913, were included descriptions of the conditions obtaining in various trades in which women are engaged, hours or labor, wage statistics, etc.; some account of trade unions, teachers' conferences, and other organizations of women; and articles on the advancement of women in the business world; woman suffrage; and the relations of women's work to men's work. The field covered is not entirely restricted to Germany.

The American Statistical Association celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary by meetings held in Boston February 13-14. Papers were read as follows: "The development and progress in statistics during seventy-five years," by S. N. D. North; "Coöperation between academic and official statistics," by Walter F. Willcox; "The service of statistics to economics," by David Kinley; "The service of statistics to sociology," by F. H. Giddings; "The service of statistics to history," by C. H. Hull; "The service of statistics to biology," by Raymond Pearl; "Economic and social progress of the United States during seventy-five years," by Frederick L. Hoffman; The present status of statistical work and how it needs to be developed in the service (a) of the federal government, by W. S. Rossiter; (b) of states, Adna F. Weber; (c) of the municipalities, by F. Spencer Baldwin; and (d) of private societies and organizations, by W. S. Gifford.

In addition to the above papers, which will be published in the regular Quarterly Publications of the association, a memorial volume will be prepared. This will contain contributions by a large number of prominent statisticians in foreign countries, setting forth the development of the world during the past seventy-five years and pointing out the present condition and probable future plans of development.

Appointments and Resignations

CORRECTION: Professors Gerhard A. Gesell, Charles H. Preston, Clare L. Rotzel, who were erroneously reported in the December number as being connected with the New York School of Commerce, are associated with the general extension division of the University of Minnesota, giving business courses.

Mr. E. D. Baker, of the University of Chicago, has been appointed assistant professor of rural economics in the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas.

Mr. C. E. Bonnett, of the University of Chicago, has accepted an appointment in the economics department of the University of New Mexico.

Professor John A. Brindley has been made head of the department of economics and political science at Iowa State College.

Mr. William R. Camp, chief of the marketing division of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, has been appointed professor of agricultural economics, a new department in the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts.

Mr. Fred C. Croxton, of the Federal Bureau of Labor, has been

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appointed chief statistician of the Industrial Commission of Ohio. This commission is planning to reorganize and expand the statistical work relating to labor and industry.

Dr. E. Dana Durand, of the economics department of the University of Minnesota, has been made expert in charge of the work of the Efficiency Commission appointed by Governor Eberhart to make recommendations for improving and reorganizing the state government.

Professor F. A. Fetter, of Princeton University, will act as leader of the group studying social and labor problems, on the tour of Europe the coming summer, under the business direction of the Institute of Educational Travel, of New York City. The chief topics studied will be social insurance, municipal employment agencies, labor organization, and various forms of charities and social betterment.

Miss Bertha E. Hazard has been appointed associate professor in home economics at Cornell University.

Mr. C. C. Huntington, formerly special examiner in the Bureau of Corporations of the Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., but now in charge of the work in accountancy at the Ohio State University, has been advanced from assistant professor to professor of economics and sociology.

Professor E. W. Kemmerer, of Princeton University, has leave of absence for the second term, and will be in Germany until September studying the German monetary and banking situation.

Dr. James B. Kennedy has been appointed professor of history and political economy in the Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Clinton, S. C.

Mr. Oswald Knauth, instructor in economics at Princeton, who has been on leave of absence during the first semester, has resumed his duties.

Mr. Lee D. McClean has entered upon his duties as instructor in economics at Bowdoin College.

Mr. Edward R. Pease, for nearly twenty-five years secretary of the Fabian Society, has resigned the office. W. Stephen Sanders has been appointed his successor.

Professor Carl E. Parry has resigned his position at the University of Michigan and accepted an appointment at the Ohio State University.

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