Imagens das páginas

of unchristian laws for making food dear by the power of taxation. Mr. Dahlinger's diagnosis is curiously related to his remedy: the high cost of living is the chief occasion for discontent-therefore, let us have meat exclusion bills, and all will be well.

A. P. WINston.

Pearre, Maryland.


ANDREE, K. Karl Andree's Geographie des Welthandels. Revised edition. Three volumes. (Frankfort a. M.: H. Keller. 1918. Pp. x, 527. 9.60 Μ.)

BARNES, W. C. Western grazing grounds and forest ranges. (Chicago: Breeder's Gazette. 1913. Pp. 390. $2.)

DADE, H. E. Die deutsche Landwirtschaft unter Kaiser Wilhelm II. Mutterland und Kolonien. I. Preussen. II. Bayern und die übrigen Bundesstaaten. (Halle: Marhold. 1918. Pp. ix, 708; vi, 590.)

DALLMAYER, A. Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Milchzentrifuge. (Hildesheim: Volkerei-Zeitung. 1918. 1 Μ.)

Davis, C., compiler. Live stock a producer of wealth. (Nashville, Tenn.: McQuiddy Prg. Co. 1913. Pp. 56, illus.)

EDER, P. J. Colombia. South American series. (New York: Scribner's. 1918.)

EMERY, G. D. The new mining law of Alaska. (Seattle, Wash.: Pioneer Prg. Co. 1918. Pp. 25, illus. 50c.)

FRANCOIS and VALLIER. Les industries agricoles et alimentaires. (Paris: Dunod & Pinat. 1918. Pp. 260. 4.50 fr.)

HALL, A. D. A pilgrimage of British farming. (London: Murray. 1913. 6s.)

HARBEN, H. D. The rural problem. (London: Fabian Soc. 1918. 2s. 6d.)

HURD, A. and CASTLE, H. German sea power: its rise, progress, and economic basis. (New York: Scribners. 1913.)

KROPOTKIN, P. Fields, factories and workshops: or industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work. New revised and enlarged edition. (New York: Putnam. 1913. Pp. 477.)

Those familiar with Kropotkin's Fields, Factories and Workshops, as it appeared in 1898, remember his attempt to portray the possibilities of intensive agriculture as illustrated in various countries, and the tendency towards decentralization in manufactures as shown by the comparative growth of small and large industries. The second edition of this volume which appeared last year adds statistical information from England, Germany, France, and other countries, for the intervening fourteen years, with a view of emphasizing still further the aforesaid tendencies. Kropotkin's book is mainly a discussion of "the advantages which civilized societies could derive from a combination of industrial pursuits with intensive agriculture, and of brain work with manual work." C.W. T. LEONHARD, R. Landwirtschaft, Landindustrie, Aktiengesellschaft. (Tubingen: Mohr. 1918. Pp. 52. 1.50 Μ.)

LEVAT, D. Les richesses minérales de Madagascar. (Paris: Dunod & Pinat. 1913. Pp. 360.)

LICHTENFELT, H. Die Geschichte der Ernährung. (Berlin: Reimer. 1918. 9 Μ.)

DE MARCILLAC. Les syndicats agricoles. (Paris: Gabalda. 1918. Pp. 270. 2 fr.)

MARKS, T. E. The land and the commonwealth. (London: King. 1918. 5s.)

MCCULLOCH, W. Conservation of water. Addresses delivered in the Chester S. Lyman lecture series, 1912, before the senior class of the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1918. Pp. x, 99. $2.)

This course of lectures by an engineer before technical students naturally gives chief attention to the engineering rather than the economic aspects of the subject. Nevertheless, it is of interest to laymen as containing in brief compass an intelligible statement of the principles and methods involved in water storage projects and of the interrelation of the different uses which water may serve; also valuable as restating in effective form many of the familiar arguments for the conservation of water resources. contents cover (1) an introductory chapter which is also a summary, (2) basic data essential to a comprehensive study of water storage, (3) water power, (4) water storage for water supplies, sanitation and irrigation, (5) water resources of New York state. There are some excellent illustrations, besides diagrams and maps, but unfortunately no index. E. V. R.


MERCIER, W. B. and SAVELY, H. E. The Knapp method of growing cotton. (Garden City: Doubleday, Page. 1918. Pp. 208. $1.) MUELLER, K. Die Frauenarbeit in der Landwirtschaft. (M.-Gladbach: Volksvereins-Verlag. 1913. 0.80 Μ.)

PFANNENSCHMIDT, E. Die landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsverhältnisse Argentiniens. (Munich: Duncker & Humblot. 1918. 2.40 Μ.)

RECTOR, F. L. Underground waters for commercial purposes. (New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1913. Pp. 98. $1.)

RICCI, U. Das statistische Bureau des Internationalen Landwirtschaftlichen Institutes. (Brunn: F. Irrgang. 1912. Pp. 34.) STAMER, M. Fischhandel und Fischindustrie. (Stuttgart: Enke. 1918. Pp. viii, 868. 12 м.)

TOLLEWACHE, B. The occupying ownership of land. (London: Murray. 1913. 2s. 6d.)

DE VUYST, P. Woman's place in rural economy. (London: Blackie. 1913. 3s. 6d.)

VON WALTERSHAUSEN, A. S. F. Die sizilianische Agrarverfassung und ihre Wandlungen 1780-1912. (Leipzig: Deichert. 1913. 10 Μ.)

WIETH-KNUDSEN, K. A. Bauernfrage und Agrarreform in Russland. (Munich: Duncker & Humblot. 1913.)

Agricultural project study bibliography; approved for vocational agricultural schools and departments. (Boston: Mass. Board of Educ. 1913. Pp. 48. Gratis.)

Conservation of national resources. (Boston: Am. Unitarian Assoc. 1913. Pp. 25. Gratis.)

Cotton crop movements. 1913-1914. (Liverpool: London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. 1913. Pp. 45.)

Geological survey of Canada.

1913. £5.5s.)

Three volumes. (London: Dulau.

An inquiry as to the coal resources of the world made by the executive committee of the Twelfth International Geological Congress, Canada, 1918.

The land. Report of the land enquiry committee. Vol. I. Rural. (London: Hodder & Stoughton. 1913. 1s.)

The land and the people. Times series. (London: Murray. 1918. Pp. 96. 1s.)

The mineral industry, its statistics, technology and trade during 1912. (New York: McGraw-Hill. 1913. Pp. xv, 1090, tables. $10.) Report of the fourth annual meeting held at Ottawa, January 21-22, 1913. (Toronto: Commission of Conservation. 1918. Pp. viii, 238.)

The conservation movement in Canada, which took its rise from the famous White House Conference of Governors and the subsequent North American Conservation Conference, resulted in the establishment of a permanent commission composed partly of exofficio members from various provinces, partly of appointed members, the latter comprising a number of university men. While the necessity was not so great in Canada as in the United States, especially in view of the fact that timber, mineral, and land, have not usually been disposed of together, nevertheless considerable practical work has been accomplished, notably the recent increase of the Rocky Mountain Forest Reserve to approximately 25,000 square miles. Incidentally, the four volumes of proceedings not only record the progress of conservation, but also contain in condensed form an immense mass of valuable information relating to the natural resources and economic development of Canada. The most important parts of the present volume are the reports on fur farming, the Ontario clay belt, and the forest reserves.

E. V. R.

A voice from the village. The labourer and the land. (London: Dent. 1918. Pp. 64. 1s.)

What farmers use in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin. (Minneapolis: P. V. Collins Pub. Co. 1918. Pp. 303. $1.)

Manufacturing Industries


VON DER, AA, K. Deutschlands Textilindustrie. (Leipzig: Teubner. 1918. 4.50 Μ.)

BIRK, M. Kopra-Produktion und Kopra-Handel. Probleme der Weltwirtschaft, 15. (Jena: Fischer. 1913. 6 Μ.)

DURAN, L. Raw silk, a practical hand-book for the buyer. (New York: Silk Pub. Co. 1918. Pp. 192. $2.50.)

HUEBENER, E. Die deutsche Eisenindustrie, ihre Grundlagen, ihre Organisation und ihre Politik. Handelshochschulbibliothek, 14. (Leipzig: Gloeckner. 1913. Pp. 226. 5.60 Μ.)

KINDL, F. H. The rolling mill industry; a condensed, general description of iron and steel rolling mills and their products. (Cleveland: Penton Pub. Co. 1918. Pp. iv, 76. $2.)

KLAUS, H. Die deutsche Oelmuellerei. Technisch-volkswirtschaftliche Monographien, 13. (Leipzig: Klinkhardt. 1913. Pp. 223. 4.50 Μ.)

KOEHLER, W. Die deutsche Nähmaschinen-Industrie.
Duncker & Humblot. 1913. Pp. vi, 333. 8 Μ.)


LINK, A. Die Lederindustrie. Ueber der Standort der Industrien, 8. Tübingen: Mohr. 1913. Pp. iii. 97. 8 Μ.)

LLOYD, G. I. H. The cutlery trades.

economics of small-scale production.

I. H. Lloyd. 1918. Illus. 12s. 6d.)
To be reviewed.

An historical study in the (University of Toronto: G.

MADELUNG, E. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Portland-ZementIndustrie. (Munich: Duncker & Humblot. 1918. Pp. iii, 99. 2.50 Μ.)

NORTON, T. H. Die chemische Industrie in Belgien, Holland, Norwegen und Schweden. (Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn. 1918. 4 Μ.)

PERLICK, A. Die Lufstickstoffindustrie in ihrer volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. (Leipzig: Klinkhardt. 1918. Pp. v, 140. 5 Μ.) STEUCKART, C. Die Baumwolle. (Leipzig: Voigt. 1914. Pp. vii, 59. 8 Μ.)

Statistics of the American and foreign iron trades for 1912. (Philadelphia: American Iron and Steel Institute. 1918. Pp. 160. $5.) Transportation and Communication

Freight Classification. By E. R. DEWSNUP. Routing Freight Shipments. By J. F. MORTON. Reducing Freight Charles to a Minimum. By J. T. STROMBECK. Freight Claims. By WILLIAM T. TRIMPE. Interstate Commerce and Railway Traffic Series. (Chicago: La Salle Extension University. 1913. Pp. 304;27;68; 62.)

These pamphlets put into form for convenient study much information of value to all persons who have to do with shipping and handling of freight. They were designed for students in the commerce course at the university.

Freight Classification consists of three pamphlets. The first deals with the application of classifications and exceptions. It shows the evolutionary process by which the present three great interstate classifications have been developed; the boundaries of the application of each of these classifications; the forces that have been operating for many years tending toward uniformity; and the progress that has been made to that end. The author believes that the inconvenience of the present diversity of classification has been overestimated. He loses sight, apparently, of the great difficulty under which carriers are laboring in an effort to build up a consistent rate structure over a whole country, subject to the same regulative authority, which will permit the free movement of traffic from one part of the country to another. It is now next to impossible to construct a tariff of through class rates between Central Freight Association territory and points in Southeastern Freight Association territory that does not violate the sum-of-the-locals provision of the fourth section of the Act to Regulate Commerce. The trend toward a uniform classification that will obliterate association boundaries will simplify the tariffs and the work of tariff builders, and is one that should be accelerated by all reasonable and proper means.

The second part of Professor Dewsnup's treatise is devoted to a comparative study of the rules of classification. The rules of Western Classification No. 51, of Official Classification No. 39, and of Southern Classification No. 39, are laid side by side, and their practical effect upon freight charges and methods of shipment compared. The third part is a discussion of the principles of freight classification and of rate theory. The value-of-service theory of rate making, as compared with the cost-of-service theory, is here discussed, with many references to the decisions of the

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