brethren, before he darted violently at my eyes, although he had previously evinced no displeasure at the introduction of my hand, and I was only able to protect them by bobbing my head suddenly, and receiving the attack in a less vulnerable quarter. As if roused by the sudden exertion, he then scrambled out of the nest to the extremity of an adjoining bough, from whence-being unable to follow him-I endeavoured to shake him off, but for a long time in vain. The obstinacy with which he maintained his hold was extraordinary, and even after losing his equilibrium, and hanging, head downwards, for a few moments, just as I fancied he was about to drop, he suddenly clutched the branch more firmly than ever, and writhing his elastic head upward, he seized a twig with his beak, which he held with all the tenacity of a parrot. I therefore continued to shake the bough, and after persevering in this operation for some minutes, he gradually relaxed his hold, and half fluttering, half tumbling through the horizontal branches of the tree beneath me, at last reached the ground in safety." —pp. 23, 24. Having safely lodged the young heron on the ground, from whence he was speedily transferred to the pocket of our author's shooting jacket, we must take our leave of Parham heronry, and accompany Mr. Knox on a snipe-shooting excursion in Ireland, in which the following curious circumstance took place : "Some years ago, when snipe-shooting on a range of strictly-preserved bogs in the West of Ireland, the merlin [a species of falcon] was, I may say, my daily companion. I find, by reference to memoranda of that date, that I commenced operations in the beginning of November, generally taking the field about eleven o'clock in the morning, and bagging, on an average, from ten to twenty couple of snipes during the day, besides a few hares, woodcocks, and wild ducks. I well remember the first time the merlin made his appearance with the obvious intention of sharing my sport. I had just entered one of these wet moorssurrounded by partially cultivated land-which, in favourable weather, are much more productive of sport than the extensive 'red bogs,' when a couple of snipe rose near the margin. Bang! bang! went both my barrels; and while one bird fell dead, the other, slightly but perceptibly wounded, ascended to a considerable height, and, from the direction of its flight, was evidently preparing to drop in a marsh which I had just left. While my eyes were fixed upon its movements, I perceived a merlin advancing rapidly towards it, and struggling through the air, as if afraid that, in spite of its exertions, it would still be too late. The snipe, although wounded, yet attempted to ascend higher, but, finding itself unequal to the task, yielded, as it were, to the breeze that was blowing freshly at the moment, and, contrary to its usual habit, flying down wind with extraordinary rapidity, seemed to trust to speed for its escape but swift as it was, its enemy was swifter still, and when, after the lapse of a few seconds, the two birds had become like specks in the distant sky, I could perceive that one of them gradually gained on the other, touched it, and then both melted into a larger dot, which slowly descended to the ground."-pp. 119, 120. This merlin subsequently became a regular attendant on shooting parties, and whenever a bird was wounded, and had some chance of escaping, the merlin pursued and made a prey of it. Space forbids us to give any further extracts from this amusing and well-written book. The frontispiece represents a heron descending to his nest, and certainly the weapons with which nature has furnished the young ones, who are represented as sitting in the nest, give one a very sufficient notion of the unpleasant position of our author when assailed by the heron's beak. XXIX.-Tetralogia Liturgica: sive S. Chrysostomi, S. Jacobi, S. Marci Divina Missæ: quibus accedit Ordo Mozarabicus. Recensuit, parallelo ordine digessit, notasque addidit JOANNES M. NEALE, A.M., Collegii Sackvillensis apud East Grinsted Custos. Londini impensis Joannis Leslie. THIS work is, on the whole, very creditable to the learning and research of its editor. It contains a harmony of the ancient Liturgies of St. Chrysostom, St. Mark, St. James, and the Mozarabic. These Liturgies represent respectively the rites of Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Spain. The Roman rite is omitted, having been already published by Daniel in connexion with other Western Liturgies. The Liturgies contained in the work before us, are taken from the best modern-printed editions without any attempt to collate MSS. Had the latter course been adopted, the Liturgy of Chrysostom, at least, would probably be shorter than as represented by Mr. Neale. This writer states, in his Preface, that he is of opinion that the Nestorian Liturgies represent a fifth Apostolic rite, distinct from the four Apostolic forms of Jerusalem, Alexandria, Ephesus, and Rome, to which Mr. Palmer and all subsequent writers on Liturgies have traced existing Liturgies. There is, unquestionably, a very peculiar type in the Nestorian Liturgies, and a question may fairly arise whether they do not represent an independent Apostolical rite: from such imperfect means of judgment as are within our reach, we are at present of opinion that they are not of Apostolic antiquity even in their order and substance. But we shall look with much interest to the discussion which Mr. Neale promises us on this subject. It is one of considerable importance, though of great difficulty from the apparent deficiency of the means of forming a judgment, in the very vague and im perfect accounts we have on the subject; and the absence of references to the early Fathers who might aid us. The Liturgies are succeeded by copious notes, chiefly selected from previous commentators. xxx.-The Temporal Benefits of Christianity exemplified in its influence on the Social, Intellectual, Civil, and Political Condition of Mankind, from its first promulgation to the present day. By ROBERT BLAKEY, Author of "The History of the Philosophy of Mind, &c." London: Longmans. THE author of this work appears to be an amiable and welldisposed person, and he has taken some pains in collecting materials for his work. The composition, however, in our opinion, does not rise beyond mediocrity. It is avowedly composed on the principle of "looking at the Bible apart from all denominational feelings and prepossessions ;" and the author hopes thus to avoid giving offence to any one. From what we have seen, he certainly does hold the balance very evenly, and it would be hard to guess of what complexion his own religious tenets may be. We find some odd specimens of spelling here and there. Amongst the rest Suarez is (in pp. 353 and 361) spelt Saurez; while in pp. 396— 398, we have the following curious enumeration of Synods, "Epaneuse"-"Aurelianeuse"-"Emeriteuse"-" Wormatieuse". "Matisconeuse"-" Pansieuse"-" Agatheuse"-" Rheneuse" "Lugduneuse"-Verneuse"-"Londineuse"-" Cabiloneuse, &c.-St. Ambrose (ibid.) is "St. Ambroise." Benedict XIV. is "Benoit XIV." In p. 329 we find a reference to "Tertulliani Apoligeticus." On the whole we are rather inclined to doubt whether our author's knowledge of languages extends beyond his mother tongue. XXXI.-Catechesis; or, Christian Instruction preparatory to Confirmation and First Communion. By the Rev. CHARLES WORDSWORTH, M.A., Warden of Trinity College, Glenalmond. London: Rivingtons. THIS will be found a work of very great value and utility to those who are engaged in preparing young persons for Confirmation, and for their first reception of the Holy Communion. It is altogether designed to aid in the work of catechizing; supplying the teacher with ample materials. On the whole the volume appears to be every thing that could be wished for such a purpose. Suitable devotions are introduced at the close of each chapter. XXXII.-Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister prohibited by Holy Scripture, as understood by the Church for 1500 Years. Evidence given before the Commission, &c. By E. B. PUSEY, D.D., Regius Professor of Hebrew, &c. To which is added, a Speech by E. BADELEY, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Oxford: J. H. Parker. THIS publication ought to be in the hands of every one who is desirous of making himself master of the Marriage question. The pamphlets of Messrs. Bennett and Keble contain the best and briefest statements of the scriptural arguments. The Church has reason to be deeply grateful to the many witnesses to her principles who have written on this most deeply important subject. We earnestly trust their efforts will be crowned with success. It is pretty evident that Mr. Wortley's Bill cannot pass in this session of Parliament; and so far we may feel thankful for the amount of success which has been gained; but it is understood that every possible effort will be made to push on the Bill in the next session, and we trust that all friends of morality, and all advocates for the Scripture Law of Marriage, will be ready at the proper time to offer a far more extended and well-organized opposition to this monstrous attempt, than they have yet done. pro XXXIII.-Sketches of Canadian Life, Lay and Ecclesiastical. Illustrative of Canada and the Canadian Church. By a PRESbyter of the DIOCESE OF TORONTO. London: Bogue. THE object of this work is to furnish to emigrants of the higher classes some suggestions as to the most profitable channels of investment and employment in the Canadas. The generality of books written for the use of emigrants are only calculated for the commercial and labouring classes; but there is a great want of instruction for that important class on which the civilization and religion of the Colonies so much depends-we refer to those fessional persons, and those junior branches of our gentry, who sometimes seek to recruit their diminished means by a removal to the Colonies. The Canadian Presbyter paints in very gloomy colours the life of a person of education seeking in a settlement in the Back-woods to improve his fortunes. His statements bear out what we have heard from competent judges, that a gentleman is still less likely to find pecuniary benefit from locating himself in a Canadian forest, and clearing ground for cultivation, than he would be in managing an English farm. His habits, and views, and feelings, unfit him in either case for the kind of life which enables a Canadian or an English farmer to gain his livelihood from the ground; and the result is, that his produce is consumed in the expenses of his undertaking, and he has to support himself and his family out of his capital. To labouring men and to farmers, the occupation of land for the purpose of clearing, brings far more extensive and certain advantages. The wages of the former are high, and soon raise him to independence; the frugal habits and previous employments of the latter enable him to realize the profits of his labour. The volume before us, however, points out to emigrants of the higher classes the certain advantages which a residence in Canada holds out, without any of the evils of the Back-woods. It states that a person possessing an income of 250%. may, provided the capital can be transferred to Canada, at once possess an income of 6007. or 7000. by investments in landed property, or by lending on good security; and that on the latter income he may keep his carriage, live in comfort and ease, and give his children a good education. If this be so, we should think any person possessing such a small property would act very unwisely in emigrating to the Back-woods, instead of settling in or near some of the principal towns of Canada, where he might have the advantages of civilized society. The views of the author on the subject of emigration are conveyed in the shape of a story, which records the adventures of a young man of good family, who emigrates to Canada, lives for a time in the Bush, then becomes a clergyman of the Canadian Church, and passes through the perils of the Insurrection, and concludes with giving the results of his experience. The style is light and playful, and the book reads very well, independently of the instruction which it conveys. We select a few passages as illustrative of the author's mode of treating his subjects. The hero of the tale (Vernon) has just made a purchase of uncleared ground on the banks of a lake, and having secured the services of a respectable labourer and his wife, he proceeds in a skiff with them to his settlement; and, after some discussion, operations begin in the following manner :— "Seizing one of the axes, Smith proceeded to cut down some small saplings, leaving a fork or 'crotch' at the upper end of one or two of them. They were some twelve or fifteen feet long, and were arranged in a conical form, like a marquee or an Indian wigwam, each pole being about a foot distant from each other, where they rested on the ground, and all running to a point at the top, where they were kept from falling by the forks that had been left at the upper extremities of some of them. When this framework had been completed to his satisfaction, Smith felled a large hemlock tree that stood close by, and as he cut off |