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158, 184, 190.-Their pet names. 322.--How many times was Washington elected President?-When did he begin his first and end his second term? -Name in chronological order the principal events of his administration. -Who succeeded him, and by what process was Adams chosen? 191, App. 14.-When did Adams begin and end his term?-What important events occurred within that time?-Give an account of Adams's French troubles? Of the death and burial of Washington.—The principal acts of Washington's life.-What were the Alien and Sedition laws? The Embargo? 205.

Administrations of Jefferson and Madison.-How many times was Jefferson elected?-Describe the process of each. 195, App. 14.-What were the principal events of his administration?-Give the particulars of Ohio's admission. Could slavery exist in Ohio, and why? 330.-Give the previous history of Ohio. 28, 103, 190.-Give an account of the expedition of Lewis and Clarke. 196, 257.—Of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. -Why was the Territory desirable? How far west did it extend?--What States and Territories now cover it? 320.-Give an account of the war with the Barbary States.-What and where were those States?-Give an account of the Hamilton-Burr duel.-Of Burr's after life. -The Clermont's first voyage.-British aggressions, including the frigate Leopard's offence. -What was the first capital of the U. S.? 325.-How long was it the capital? What city was the capital when Washington was inaugurated? When John Adams was?-When each of the successive presidents was? -What facts are stated in connection with the name of Com. Preble?Decatur?-Fulton?-Give a connected statement of Burr's career. 141, 195, 200.-When was Madison inaugurated, how many terms did he serve, and when did he retire from office?-When was war declared against Great Britain?-Who declared it?-Has the President the right to declare war? App. 11.-What were the causes of the war? 204, 205.Give a full account of Gen. Hull's movements, with their result.-Of the frigate Constitution's first battle.-Her further history. 338. (The frigate, in good repair, is still in existence.)-Give an account of Perry's victory on Lake Erie.-Of Harrison's movements and final success.-Of Pike's gallantry and death.-Brown and Scott's invasion of Canada, with its several triumphs. — MacDonough's success on Lake Champlain. British operations against the nation's capital. Against Baltimore.-Against New Orleans.-Of the Indian aid given to the British during the war.Of Jackson's success against the Indians. 211.--Harrison's against them. 205, 211.-Jackson's against the British.-Name the principal land battles, with their commanders, and the result in each case. 338.-Same of the naval battles.-Which was the most important of the land battles, and why?-In which battles were the commanders killed, naming the killed? Which battles were fought in the State of New York?-Michigan?-Ohio?-Canada?-Maryland?-Louisiana ?--How long did the war last? What was the object of the Hartford Convention?-State all you can of its origin, character, and doings.--Give the date and other facts about the treaty of peace. Ans. 216. It settled none of the important issues that caused the war. The one respecting the impressment of seamen is not yet settled. (See p. 264.)--In what war were the U. S. next involved? 216.--How was it caused?--Give a full account of it.--What further did Decatur accomplish? 218.--What had he accomplished eleven years before?--What States were admitted to the Union during Madison's

Examination Questions.


administration, giving the dates of admission? 340.-Give the previous history of Louisiana. 45, 198, 218.--Of Indiana. 164, 219, 330.

Administrations of Monroe and J. Q. Adams.-When was Monroe inaugurated, how many terms did he serve, and when did his administration end?-Name eight of its important events.-Give the particulars of Jackson's invasion of Florida.-Of the purchase of Florida.-The boundaries of the U. S. after the purchase.-The names and dates of admission of the five States that joined the Union. The previous history of each.—Their pet names. In which could not slavery enter, and why? 330.-What was the Missouri Compromise?--What events led to its adoption?-What were the consequences of the Compromise?--What is meant by the Monroe Doctrine? What events led to it, and who first asserted it?-State all the facts you can about Lafayette. 152-221.-How was the second Adams elected President, and when was the beginning and the end of his term? -Give the facts about the death of his father and of Jefferson.-Has the death of any other ex-President occurred on our national anniversary? Ans. Monroe died on the 4th of July, 1831.-State how opinions changed respecting the tariff.-What is meant by internal improvements?-What was Adams's part respecting them?

Administrations of Jackson and Van Buren.-What political parties were arrayed against each other in the closing part of Adams's teria, and with what result?-Give the date of Jackson's inauguration, the number of his terms, and the date of his retirement from office.-What practice, as regards public office, did he begin?-What is meant by Civil Service Reform?-Name four important events of Jackson's administration.-Give the facts in relation to his opposition to the U. S. bank.-In relation to the Nullification movement.-What was Calhoun's part in that movement?-Henry Clay's?-Gen. Scott's?--What had Scott previously done? 212.-Explain the doctrine of State Rights.—In what two notable cases was it asserted? 228, 256.-Give the facts as to date of admission, previous history, and pet names of the States that joined the Union during Jackson's administration.—Who was Jackson's successor, stating when his term began and ended?--What particulars can you give of Van Buren's administration?

Administrations of Harrison, Tyler, and Polk.-When did the administration of each begin and end?--Name the important events of each.--The four States that entered the Union.-Give the facts as to date of admission, previous history, and pet names of Florida, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin.-State all you can of the life and deeds of Harrison. 205-235.-Why was the admission of Texas to the Union advocated, and why opposed?— Give the result and consequences of the discussion.--A full account of Taylor's campaign.-Of Scott's.-Who captured the City of Mexico?What part, giving details, did Santa Anna have in the war?-How long did the war last, giving the first and last dates?-How did we get possession of New Mexico?-Of California?-How were these afterward made secure to us?-Give the particulars of the two purchase treaties made with Mexico. 242, 243.-What States and Territories now cover all the region acquired?

Administrations of Taylor, Fillmore, and Pierce.-When did the administration of each begin and end?--State all you can of the life and deeds of Taylor. 230-244.-What was the Wilmot Proviso and its history?-Give

an account of the gold excitement, its incidents, and first great political result. 243-247.-Give the facts as to admission, previous history, and pet name of California.-Give the particulars of the Compromise of 1850. -By what name is that Compromise also known? Ans. The Omnibus Bill.—What two statesmen were prominent in bringing it about?-What had Henry Clay previously done?-Webster? 147-248.-What was the Fugitive Slave Law?-How did we acquire Utah ?-Give the early history of the Mormons.-What was the Missouri Compromise? 221.-Why was it important? What was its fate? 249.-How, when, and why was it repealed? What was the effect of the repeal?-Give an account of the Civil War that followed. 249-254.-Of the treaty with Japan. 250.

Administrations of Buchanan, Lincoln, and Johnson.-When did each begin and end? Give the facts as to the political parties of 1856, their principles, candidates, and the issue.-As to the Dred Scott case. 333.As to the election of Lincoln and its consequences.--What was the remote, and what the immediate, cause of the war?-Give the entire war history of Fort Sumter. 256-290.-Of the Southern Confederacy, by whom formed, and for what purpose, the name of its president and of its two successive capitals.-How many and what States were included in the Southern Confederacy?-Give a narrative of the events for and against it up to Lincoln's inauguration. 255-258.-When was he inaugurated?— What were the subsequent events of that year?-Give the particulars of the battle of Bull Run.-Of operations in Missouri.-Naval operations.-The Trent affair. --Name the events of the next year.--Give an account of the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson.-The battle of Shiloh.-Foote's operations.-Capture of New Orleans.-The Monitor-Merrimac battle.— McClellan's Peninsula campaign.-Lee's first invasion of the North. Burnside's campaign.--Name six important events of the third year.— Give an account of the Emancipation Proclamation.-Hooker's campaign. -Who were the four successive commanders of the Army of the Potomac? -Name the three most important battles fought by that army, with the commanders on both sides, and the results.-Give an account of Lee's second invasion of the North.--Of the battle of Gettysburg, with the dedication of its field.--Grant's success at Vicksburg.-All the operations, in succession, for opening the Mississippi. 265-281.-Of Rosecrans's success and failure in Tennessee and Georgia.--Of Grant's success in Georgia. -Name six important events of the fourth year.--Give an account of the Red River expedition.-All the facts about the Alabama steamer, her origin, career, and fate.-All about Farragut's success in Mobile Bay.Sherman's march to and success at Atlanta.-His march thence to the sea, and then toward Richmond. Ans. 287–293. Johnston surrendered to him.-Thomas's success in Tennessee.-Sheridan's in the Shenandoah valley.-Grant's entire movement against Richmond. 287-291.-What places did Grant capture?


Why is Fort Sumter mentioned in the history of the war?-Baltimore? -Norfolk?-Harper's Ferry?-Wilson's Creek?-Belmont?-Island No. Vicksburg? Williamsburg? - Murfreesboro?- Port Hudson?— Chattanooga?-Fort Pillow?-Atlanta?-Cedar Creek?- Wilmington?— Give an account of the movements and acts of Grant during the entire war. Same of McClellan.-Of Sherman.-Sheridan.-Lee.-Jackson.— Banks.- Beauregard.- Bragg.-Burnside.- Butler.- Farragut. — Fremont.- Hood.-Hooker, A. S. Johnston.-J. E. Johnston,- Lyon.

Examination Questions.

McDowell. - Meade. Semmes.

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Wilkes. - Which surrendered their armies and to whom?-In which battle was Jackson killed?- A. S. Johnston?-Who succeeded him in the command?-Who succeeded J. E. Johnston in the Peninsula battles?-What battles did Lee fight in Maryland and Pennsylvania, and with what result?-Give the date and place of his surrender to Grant.-Who was the Secretary of War during the greater part of the war? Ans. Edwin M. Stanton.-Who was Secretary of State? 293.-What was England's course towards the North during the war? 264, 289.-France's course?-How did the North obtain means to carry on the war?-The South?-What loss in human life did the war cost? Ans. Half a million men laid down their lives, three hundred thousand on the part of the North in defending the Union, two hundred thousand on the part of the South.-What great social change was one of the results of the war?-Give an account of Lincoln's death.Name the three wars in which Gen. Scott was engaged.

Name, with date of admission, the six new States that came into the Union during the three administrations.-What vast territory did we also acquire?-Give the steps that led to the admission of West Virginia. -Give the previous history of Nebraska, Minnesota and Nevada.-Of Oregon. 196,257.-By what process was slavery banished from the United States? 276, 296.-What further rights were given to the former slaves, and by what process? 296,298, App. 22.—What were the Reconstruction Acts? 296.-How did Congress and the President differ and what were the consequences? 296. 297.

After the Civil War.-Give the names of the Presidents from the close of Johnson's administration to the present time, stating when the term of each began and ended.-Name four important events of Grant's administration.-What do you understand by the Alabama Claims? 298. -How were they settled?-Give the facts as to the Fishery Dispute. 176, 299, 308.-As to Hayes's election. 304.-State what you can of Hayes. 308.-Of Garfield and his death.-Of Arthur.-Of Cleveland.

Territory. Give the history of the settlement, step by step, of the northern boundary of the U. S. 235,320,299.-What were the limits of the original territory? 320.-What State cessions were made for the common benefit? Ans. 190. Virginia's claim, by reason of crown grants, extended northward to the Great Lakes, and was strengthened by Clark's success during the Revolution (164). As part of the region had also been granted by the crown to other colonies, the claims were conflicting (195).—What seven acquisitions have been made to the original territory of the United States? 320.-In whose administration was each acquired? Which were acquired by purchase?-Which, in consequence of war?-What States and Territories now cover each ?-State the particulars by which the first acquisition was made. 196.-The second. 220.— The third. 320. The fourth. 236. The fifth. 242. The sixth (Mesilla Valley). 243. The seventh. 297. — What territory came from France?-From Spain?-From Mexico?-From Russia?-How did we acquire the gulf region between Florida and Louisiana? Ans. By the treaty of 1819, as a part of Florida -Give the previous history of Florida. Ans. Spain held Florida till 1763, then ceded it to Great Britain, but in 1783 received it back.-Which is the oldest city in the United States?-Give the history of the District of Columbia. App. 12.What is meant by Mason and Dixon's Line? 91.--Give its history.

The Presidents, Etc.-How many Presidents have there been? 335, App. 24.-Name them, stating when each was inaugurated and how long he served.-State how each came to be President, whether by election or by the death of a predecessor, and from what State he came.-Which died in office?-Which were killed by assassins?-Which are still living?—Which were soldiers in war?-Which, after leaving the presidential chair, were members of Congress. Ans. The second Adams was for many years till his death (in 1848) a member of the House of Representatives. Johnson was elected to the United States Senate, but died in the fifth month of his term.-Why has Virginia been called the Mother of Presidents? 321. -Name the seven. App. 24.--In whose administration did the 2d war with England occur? The war with Mexico?--In what three great wars have the U. S. been involved since the Revolution?-Give the date of the beginning and ending of each.-Which was fought on foreign soil? —Repeat the notable sayings of which the following are clues, giving the name of the author in each case and the circumstances of its utterances: God be praised, I die happy (111), In the name of the Great Jehovah (135), Wait till you see the white of their eyes (136), I regret that I have but one life (150), Molly Stark will be a widow (158), I am not worth purchasing (162), Don't give up the ship (208), We have met the enemy (211), I'll try, sir (212), The Union must be preserved (229), Never surrender (239), A little more grape (239), Shoot him on the spot (257), Unconditional surrender (265), Fight it out on this line (287).

Civil Progress. What was the population of the thirteen colonies at the breaking out of the Revolution? 112.-At the last census?—When was that census taken?-What is meant by the Federal Union?-How many states now compose the Union?-Name five Americans who earned distinction as inventors 186-304.-Seven, as historians.-Ten, as statesmen.-Five, as poets.-Five, as novelists.-- With what invention is Elias Howe's name associated? - Fulton's name?— Whitney's? — Cyrus W. Field's?-Morse?-Between what two cities was telegraphic communication first established? 236.-In what year? Who invented the telephone? Ans. It is not known with certainty, but the names of Bell, Edison, Dolbear, and Gray appear most prominent in connection with the invention.—Give the early history of railroads in the country.-Of steamboats. -Canals.-Who was the "Father of the Erie Canal?" Ans. De Witt Clinton, Governor of the State of New York.-Mention three great internal improvements and the administration to which each belongs.Where are officers educated for the U. S. army?-For the U. S. navy?

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