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UNITED STATES.-Congressional: Soldiers' Home-

stead Bill, 151. Bill reducing Taxation, 151. Repeal

of Laws giving Portions of Fines and Penalties to

Informers, 151. Petition for Aid to establish State

Universities for Women, 151. Bill to promote Ship-

building and Commercial Interests, 151. Statue of

Admiral Farragut to be erected in Washington, 151.

Bill appointing Shipping Commissioners, 151. River

and Harbor Improvement Bill, 151. Texans request

the Government to protect them from Mexican Raid-

ers, 151. Interoceanic Ship-Canal, 151. Civil Serv-

ice Order issued by the President, 151. Civil Service

Regulations, 152. Pacific Mail Subsidy Bill, 310.

Amnesty Bills, 310, 311. Mr. Sumner's Supplemental

Civil Rights Bill, 310, 311, 473. Amendment of the

Enforcement Act, 311, 473. Habeas Corpus Suspen-

sion Act, 311, 473. Supplemental Apportionment

Bill, 311. Fortification Bill, 311. President's special

Messages relating to Protection of Immigrants and

Persecution of Jews in Roumania, 311. Repeal of

Duties on Tea and Coffee, 151, 311. Tariff Bill, 151,

311. Tariff and Tax Bill passed, 473. Internal Taxa-

tion abolished, 151. Cable Subsidies, 311. Centen-

nial Celebration of the Declaration of Independence,

311. Supplemental Article to the Washington

Treaty, 311. Senator Ferry's Re-election, 311. Mr.

Sumner's Resolutions recommending Arbitration for

the Settlement of International Difficulties, 473. Bill

for Distribution of Arms to Southern States, 473.

Bill for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 473. Bill

providing for better Accommodations for Immi-

grants on Railways, 473. Congressional Seats all

filled first Time since the War, 473. Morse Memorial

Meetings, 152. State Elections, 152,793, 947. Political

Conventions, 152, 312, 473, 633, 793, 947. Liberal Repub-

lican Convention, 312. National Republican Nomina-

ting Convention, 473. Democratic National Conven-

tion, 633. Grant and Wilson nominated for President

and Vice-President, 473. Greeley and Brown nomina-

ted, 312; Indorsed by Democratic Convention, 633.

Bill to incorporate New York and Philadelphia Rail-

road, 152. Mormon Vote on State Constitution, 152.

Equal Rights of Sexes in Illinois, 153. Major-Gen-

eral Robert Anderson buried, 153. Charters for New

York City, 153, 311, 312. Vanderbilt's Under-ground

Railroad, 153. New York City Election Law, 311.

New York Registry Law, 312. Adjournment of New

York State Legislature, 312. Impeachment Proceed-

ings against Judges Cardozo and Barnard, 312. Dis-

asters, 153, 313, 474, 633, 793, 947. Obituaries, 153, 313,

474, 633, 793, 947. Strike of Workmen in New York,

312. Religious Statistics, 312. Methodist General

Conference, 473. Presbyterian General Assembly,

473. World's Peace Jubilee and International Musical

Festival, 473. Strikers' Riot at Williamsport, Penn-

sylvania, 633. Death of James Gordon Bennett, 474.

Impeachment of Judge George G. Barnard, 793.







Boston Board of Trade give a Banquet to the Jap-
anese Embassy, 793. The Debt of the States, 793.
Imports at New York for 1871-72, 793.


dent Juarez, 633. Seizure of Cuban Privateer Pi-

oneer, 633. General Caballos as Captain-General of

Cuba, 633. Fort Monarca, at Nuevitas, struck by

Lightning, 633. Order of Jesuits in Guatemala abol-

ished, 633. Postal Convention between the United

States and Ecuador, 633.

EUROPE.-Opening of the Alabama Claims Tri-

bunal at Geneva, 153; further Proceedings, 474, 634.

947. The British Budget, 153. English University

Boat-Race, 154. Explosions, 154, 634. Sentence of the

Fenian O'Connor, 154. Death of Rev. F. B. Maurice,

154. Death of Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, 474. Death

of Charles James Lever, 474. Death of Rev. Norman

Macleod, 474. Memorial for Copyright Treaty with

the United States, 313. Scripture Studies in English

Schools, 313. The San Juan Boundary Question sub-

mitted to the Arbitrator, 474. Important Wages

Bill, 474. Boat-Race between the Atalantas and an

English Rowing Club, 474. International Prison

Congress, 634. English Ballot Bill, 634, 793. Propor-

tional Representation Bill in the House of Commons,

634. British Railway Statistics, 634. International

Statistical Congress, 634. President Thiers's Ad-

dress to the French Assembly, 154. Rochefort sails

for the Penal Colony, 154. French Communists sen-

tenced, 313, 793. French Army Bill amended, 474.

The Remains of Louis Philippe to be brought from

England, 474. The French Assembly Tax Bill, 634.

Letter of the ex-Emperor Napoleon on the Sedan

Surrender, 474. Opening of the German Parliament,

with the Emperor's speech, 154. The German Army

for 1873, 313. German Bill proscribing the Jesuits,

474, 633. Address of the Pope to the German Literary

Club of Rome, 634. Population of Germany, 634.

Unveiling of the Stein Monument, 634. Signing of

the Treaty for the Evacuation of French Territory

by the Germans, 634. Austrian Religious Societies,

634. Spanish Elections, 154, 634. Señor Castelar's

Speech, 154. Resignation of General Del Rey, 154.

Insurrection in Spain, 313. The Spanish Budget,

313. The Spanish Regular Army, 313. Reorganiza-

tion of the Spanish Cabinet, 474. Explosion of the

Spanish Steamer Guadayea, 474. Attempt to assas-

sinate the Spanish King and Queen, 634. Postal

Convention between Russia and Italy, 154. Riot in

Kharkof, South Russia, 313. Police Interference

with the Internationals at Copenhagen, 314. Resig-

nation of the Dutch Cabinet, 314. Ratification of

the Swiss Constitution, 314. Great Floods in Aus-

tralia, 314. Riot in Belfast, Ireland, 793. Marriage

of Mademoiselle Nilsson, 793. Recess of the French

National Assembly, 793. Death of the Duke of

Guise, 793. King Amadeus and Provincial Slavery,


793. Death of Devrieul, the Actor, 793. Congress
of the International, 947. The Spanish Elections,
947. Marriage of Pére Hyacinthe, 947. Death of
Charles XV. of Sweden, 947. Death of Archduke
Albrecht of Austria, 947.


Macdonald's Within and Without, 138. Leland's

Poems, 139. Household Edition of Dickens, 139.

Mrs. Spofford's Thief in the Night, 139. Fifty Years

Ago, 139. Autobiography and Memoir of R. and W.

Chambers, 140. Life and Times of Lord Brougham,

Vol. III., 140. Palmer's Desert of the Exodus, 141.

Trafton's The American Girl Abroad, 141. Field's

International Code, 141. Conant's Revision of the

Book of Proverbs, 142. Talmage's Sermons, 142.

Haweis's Music and Morals, 142. Olrig Grange, 297.
Bryant's Odyssey, 297. Taylor's Masque of the Gods,
297. Saxe's Fables and Legends of Many Countries,
297. Robinson's Bridge of Glass, 298. Annie Thom-
as's Maud Mohan, 298. Abbott's Laicus, 298. The
Science Primers, 299. Baird's Annual Record of
Science and Industry for 1871, 299. Wilson's Rise
and Fall of the Slave Power in America, 300. Bald-
win's Ancient America, 300. Theological Works,
300. Miscellaneous, 301. Miss Mulock's Works, 462,
Marlitt's Little Moorland Princess, 463. Lever's Lord
Kilgobbin, 463. Erckmann - Chatrian's Plébiscite,
463. A Rose-Garden, 464. My Little Lady, 464.
Flagg's A Good Investment, 464. Mrs. Whitney's
Pansies, 464. Abbott's History of Christianity, 464.
Chaplin's Life of Henry Dunster, 465. Joseph Maz-
zini's Life and Writings, 465. Lamon's Life of Abra-
ham Lincoln, 465. Yonge's Three Centuries of En-


Summary of Scientific Progress, 143. Meat Ex-

tracts not Nutritious, 145. Self-registering Earth-

quake Indicator, 145. Dry Earth the best Disinfect-

ant, 145. Galactine, 145. Action of Strychnine on

Vaso-Motor Nerves, 146. Life-Boat, 146. Origin of

Coal, 146. Rendering Kerosene inexplosive, 146.

Use of Caseine in Cotton Printing, 146. Young on

the Spectroscope, 147. Artificial Mellitic Acid, 147.

Pigments and Dyes used by the Ancients, 147. Sew-

age Committee of Birmingham, 147. Monzonite, a

new Mineral, 147. Keenan's Boiler Coating, 147.

Fires caused by Iron Rust, 147. Action of Light in

eliminating Oxygen from Plants, 148. Rivot Method

of extracting Gold and Silver, 148. New Ground for

Stereochromic Pictures, 148. The Prickly Comfrey

as a Fodder Plant, 148. Hydrate of Chloral as an An-

tiseptic, 148. Improvement in the Manufacture of

Sugar, 148. Phosphorescence of Marine Animals,

148. Anhydrous Alcohol, 149. Temperature of La-

vas, 149. Reactions of Alcohol, 149. Theory of Dis-

infecting Powders, 149. Antiquity of the Manufac-

ture of Iron, 149. On the true Temperature of the

Sun, 149. Ilsemannite, a new Mineral, 150. Croll

on Ocean Circulation, 150. Rosthornite, a new Fos-

sil Resin, 150. Extension of the Aurora of February

4, 1872, to the Southern Hemisphere, 150. Parasites

and Commensals of Fish, 302. Lombard on the Cli-

mate of Mountains, 303. Yellow bright Line of the

Solar Protuberance Spectrum, 303. Transplantation

of the Periosteum, 303. Origin and Development of

Fibrin from Albumen, 303. Chemical Intensity of

Total Daylight, 303. Treatment of Cholera by Hypo-

dermic Injection, 303. On Chlorophyl and its Deriv-

atives, 304. Secchi on the Aurora of February 4,

1872, 304. Physiological Action of Coffee, Tea, etc.,

304. Valson's Law, 304. Physiological Action of

Quinine, 304. Diamonds in Xanthophyllite, 305.

Synthetic Type of Fossil Mammals, 305. Embry-

ology of Terebratulina and Ascidia, and Protective

Coloration of Mollusca, 305. Adjustment of Ships'

Compasses, 305. The King-Crab not a Crustacean,

305. Mode of reproducing Manuscript, 305. Future

Eclipses of the Sun, 306. Determination of Height

of Auroras, 306. Xylol in Small-Pox, 306. Embalm-

ing among the Egyptians, 306. Cod-liver Oil Pills,

306. Micrococci in Measles and Scarlet Fever, 306.

Manageable Balloon, 306. Stones in the Stomachs

of Cod-Fish, 307. Furnace Slag for Road Ballast,

307. Nature of the Aurora, 307. Abietine, a new

Hydrocarbon, 307. Climatic Conditions of different

Regions, 308. Antagonism of harmless Serpents to

poisonous ones, 308. The Aurora of February 4, 308.

Have Trilobites Legs? 308. Memoirs of the Cam-

bridge Museum, 308. Elimination of Alcohol from

the System, 309. Report on Kerosene, 309. Proof

of the great Distance of the Aurora from the Earth,

309. Bromide of Potassium in Epilepsy, 309. Thaw-

ing frozen Ground, 309. A Thread Alga in the

Stem of a Dicotyledonous Plant, 309. Ejection of

young Birds from Nests by young Cuckoos, 309.

Defective Brain and deformed Features, 310. New

Photo-lithographic Process, 310. Action of Salt of

Potash on Vegetables, 310. Apomorphia of no thera-

peutic Value, 310. New Woodbury Photographic

Process, 467. Death of A. J. Spring, of Belgium,

467. Combination of Chloroform and Morphine in

Anesthesia, 467. Action of the Gastric Juice on

Calomel, 468. Origin of Pearls in Oysters, 468. Up-

heaval of the Swedish Coast, 468. Non-conducting

Composition for Roofs, 468. Cyprinus Orfus as an

ornamental and Food Fish, 468. Improved Manu-

facture of Red-Lead, 468. Bed of Glauber's-Salt,

469. New Fire-Engine, 469. Characters of Bacteria,

469. Buttons, etc., from Soap-Stone, 470. Compar

ison of Antiseptics, 470. Mushet's Special Steel, 470.

Cellulose in Animal Matter, 470. Cause of the Varia-

tion of the Magnetic Pole, 470. Stranding of a Jap-

anese Junk on the Aleutian Islands, 470. Friable

Gold Coin, 470. Compound Nature of Cathartine,

471. Action of Saline Waters in Dyeing, 471. Anhy-

drous Alcohol, 471. Millipora Limestone, 471. Re-

lation of Glycogen to Muscular Action, 471. New

Netting Machine, 471. Mixture of Brackish and

Marine Faunas, 471. Combination of Aldehydes and

Phenols to form Colors, 471. Teeth in young Stur-

geons, 472. Iodine as a Disinfectant, 472. Silvered

Steel Cutlery, 472. Effect of the red Rays on the

Assimilation of green Plants, 472. New detonating

Mixture, 472. Window Photographic Process, 472.

Grandidier on the Zoology of Madagascar, 626. Ef-

fect of Tobacco on Man and Animals, 626. Venom-

ous Fish in the Mauritius, 626. Cupro-Ammonium,

626. Nature of Cryptococcus, 627. Ice Experiment,

627. Transparent Stereoscopic Pictures, 627. Fos-

sil Birds of the Mascarene Islands, 627.

Districts, 627. Recent Observations on Bacteria,

628. Effects of Quinine on white Blood Corpuscles,

628. Chinamine, a new Cinchona Alkaloid, 629. Mem-

oir by Le Verrier, 629. Phenomena associated with

a Hydrogen Flame, 629. Secchi on Solar Protuber-

ances and Spots, 629. Comparative Climate of Hill-

Tops and Valleys, 629. Cellulose in Animal Tissues,

629. Apes in Thibet, 629. Phosphorescence of Py-

rosoma, 630. Ratio of Barometer Depression to the

Height of the Tides, 630. Belgian Bats and their

Parasites, 630. Giant Raptorial Birds in New Zea-

land, 630. Physiological Properties of Opium Al-

kaloids, 630. Gelatine Moulding, 631. Nitrate of

Silver from Silver Alloy, 631. Crotonate of Chloral,

631. Modification of Blood Globules, 631. Absorp-

tion of Insoluble Matter by Animal Membranes, 631.

Fossil Birds of France, 631. Relation of Sun Spots

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