793. Death of Devrieul, the Actor, 793. Congress
of the International, 947. The Spanish Elections,
947. Marriage of Pére Hyacinthe, 947. Death of
Charles XV. of Sweden, 947. Death of Archduke
Albrecht of Austria, 947.
Macdonald's Within and Without, 138. Leland's
Poems, 139. Household Edition of Dickens, 139.
Mrs. Spofford's Thief in the Night, 139. Fifty Years
Ago, 139. Autobiography and Memoir of R. and W.
Chambers, 140. Life and Times of Lord Brougham,
Vol. III., 140. Palmer's Desert of the Exodus, 141.
Trafton's The American Girl Abroad, 141. Field's
International Code, 141. Conant's Revision of the
Book of Proverbs, 142. Talmage's Sermons, 142.
Haweis's Music and Morals, 142. Olrig Grange, 297.
Bryant's Odyssey, 297. Taylor's Masque of the Gods,
297. Saxe's Fables and Legends of Many Countries,
297. Robinson's Bridge of Glass, 298. Annie Thom-
as's Maud Mohan, 298. Abbott's Laicus, 298. The
Science Primers, 299. Baird's Annual Record of
Science and Industry for 1871, 299. Wilson's Rise
and Fall of the Slave Power in America, 300. Bald-
win's Ancient America, 300. Theological Works,
300. Miscellaneous, 301. Miss Mulock's Works, 462,
Marlitt's Little Moorland Princess, 463. Lever's Lord
Kilgobbin, 463. Erckmann - Chatrian's Plébiscite,
463. A Rose-Garden, 464. My Little Lady, 464.
Flagg's A Good Investment, 464. Mrs. Whitney's
Pansies, 464. Abbott's History of Christianity, 464.
Chaplin's Life of Henry Dunster, 465. Joseph Maz-
zini's Life and Writings, 465. Lamon's Life of Abra-
ham Lincoln, 465. Yonge's Three Centuries of En-
Summary of Scientific Progress, 143. Meat Ex-
tracts not Nutritious, 145. Self-registering Earth-
quake Indicator, 145. Dry Earth the best Disinfect-
ant, 145. Galactine, 145. Action of Strychnine on
Vaso-Motor Nerves, 146. Life-Boat, 146. Origin of
Coal, 146. Rendering Kerosene inexplosive, 146.
Use of Caseine in Cotton Printing, 146. Young on
the Spectroscope, 147. Artificial Mellitic Acid, 147.
Pigments and Dyes used by the Ancients, 147. Sew-
age Committee of Birmingham, 147. Monzonite, a
new Mineral, 147. Keenan's Boiler Coating, 147.
Fires caused by Iron Rust, 147. Action of Light in
eliminating Oxygen from Plants, 148. Rivot Method
of extracting Gold and Silver, 148. New Ground for
Stereochromic Pictures, 148. The Prickly Comfrey
as a Fodder Plant, 148. Hydrate of Chloral as an An-
tiseptic, 148. Improvement in the Manufacture of
Sugar, 148. Phosphorescence of Marine Animals,
148. Anhydrous Alcohol, 149. Temperature of La-
vas, 149. Reactions of Alcohol, 149. Theory of Dis-
infecting Powders, 149. Antiquity of the Manufac-
ture of Iron, 149. On the true Temperature of the
Sun, 149. Ilsemannite, a new Mineral, 150. Croll
on Ocean Circulation, 150. Rosthornite, a new Fos-
sil Resin, 150. Extension of the Aurora of February
4, 1872, to the Southern Hemisphere, 150. Parasites
and Commensals of Fish, 302. Lombard on the Cli-
mate of Mountains, 303. Yellow bright Line of the
Solar Protuberance Spectrum, 303. Transplantation
of the Periosteum, 303. Origin and Development of
Fibrin from Albumen, 303. Chemical Intensity of
Total Daylight, 303. Treatment of Cholera by Hypo-
dermic Injection, 303. On Chlorophyl and its Deriv-
atives, 304. Secchi on the Aurora of February 4,
1872, 304. Physiological Action of Coffee, Tea, etc.,
304. Valson's Law, 304. Physiological Action of
Quinine, 304. Diamonds in Xanthophyllite, 305.
Synthetic Type of Fossil Mammals, 305. Embry-
ology of Terebratulina and Ascidia, and Protective
Coloration of Mollusca, 305. Adjustment of Ships'
Compasses, 305. The King-Crab not a Crustacean,
305. Mode of reproducing Manuscript, 305. Future
Eclipses of the Sun, 306. Determination of Height
of Auroras, 306. Xylol in Small-Pox, 306. Embalm-
ing among the Egyptians, 306. Cod-liver Oil Pills,
306. Micrococci in Measles and Scarlet Fever, 306.
Manageable Balloon, 306. Stones in the Stomachs
of Cod-Fish, 307. Furnace Slag for Road Ballast,
307. Nature of the Aurora, 307. Abietine, a new
Hydrocarbon, 307. Climatic Conditions of different
Regions, 308. Antagonism of harmless Serpents to
poisonous ones, 308. The Aurora of February 4, 308.
Have Trilobites Legs? 308. Memoirs of the Cam-
bridge Museum, 308. Elimination of Alcohol from
the System, 309. Report on Kerosene, 309. Proof
of the great Distance of the Aurora from the Earth,