7. TO SLEEP. Fond words have oft been spoken to thee, Sleep! Call thee worst Tyrant by which Flesh is crost? 8. With Ships the sea was sprinkled far and nigh, Like stars in heaven, and joyously it showed; Some lying fast at anchor in the road, Some veering up and down, one knew not why. Come like a Giant from a haven broad; When will she turn, and whither? She will brook 9. TO THE RIVER DUDDON. O mountain Stream! the Shepherd and his Cot Though simple thy Companions were and few; 10. FROM THE ITALIAN OF MICHAEL ANGELO. Yes! hope may with my strong desire keep pace, And I be undeluded, unbetray'd; For if of our affections none find grace In sight of Heaven, then, wherefore hath God made As hallows and makes pure all gentle hearts. 11. FROM THE SAME. No mortal object did these eyes behold And hope of endless peace in me grew bold: The wise man, I affirm, can find no rest In that which perishes: nor will he lend |