HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON FEDERAL EXPENDITURES, RESEARCH, AND RULES. U.S. Congress. Senate. OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS NINETY-SEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION PART 3 DOING BUSINESS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT JULY 2, 1981 KANSAS CITY, MO. Printed for the use of the Committee on Governmental Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., Delaware, Chairman CHARLES H. PERCY, Illinois TED STEVENS, Alaska CHARLES MCC. MATHIAS, JR., Maryland DAVID DURENBERGER, Minnesota WARREN B. RUDMAN, New Hampshire THOMAS F. EAGLETON, Missouri JOHN GLENN, Ohio JIM SASSER, Tennessee CARL LEVIN, Michigan JOAN M. MCENTEE, Staff Director IRA S. SHAPIRO, Minority Staff Director and Chief Counsel SUBCOMMITTEE ON FEDERAL EXPENDITURES, RESEARCH, AND RULES JOHN C. DANFORTH, Missouri, Chairman CHARLES H. PERCY, Illinois DAVID DURENBERGER, Minnesota LAWTON CHILES, Florida CHRISTOPHER R. BREWSTER, Chief Counsel and Staff Director PATRICIA A. OTTO, Chief Clerk G673 CONTENTS Bruce Patty, partner, Patty Berkebile Nelson Associates, Architects, Inc., nd regional director, Central States, American Institute of Architects; harles Garney, president, Garney Companies, Inc., and president, the eavy Constructors Association of the Greater Kansas City Area; and Villiam Dunn, Sr., president and chairman of the board, J. E. Dunn Con- ruction Co., chairman, Minority Business Advisory Council, Kansas City rea HUD Office, and first vice president, Associated General Contractors, ert Van Zant, vice president for program administration, Wilcox Electric, c.; James Brettell, executive vice president, Libby Welding Co., Inc.; and larence Thomas, administrative assistant to the vice president for market- g, DIT-MCO International Corp.... G. Dunkley, president, Eric's Foods, Inc.; Michael Cartwright, president, artwright Van Lines, Inc.; and Donald Loeb, president, Rite-Made Paper |