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" After my death I wish no other herald, No other speaker of my living actions, To keep mine honour from corruption, But such an honest chronicler as Griffith. "
The Life of Samuel Johnson: Comprehending an Account of His Studies and ... - Página xxxvi
por James Boswell - 1822 - 1847 páginas
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 570 páginas
...greater Honours to his Age Than Mm could give him; he dy'd, fearing God. Kath* After my Death, I wim no other Herald, No other Speaker of my living Actions, To keep mine Honour from Corruption, But fuch an honeft Chronicler, as Griffith. Whom I moil hated living, thou haft made me With thy religious...
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King Henry VIII. Coriolanus

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 466 páginas
...little : And, to add greater honours to his age Than man could give him, he dy'd, fearing God. KatA. After my death I wish no other herald, No other speaker of my living adlions, To keep mine honour from corruption, But such an honest chronicler as Griffith. Whom I most...
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Boswell's Life of Johnson: Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour ..., Volume 1

James Boswell - 1799 - 640 páginas
...that those persons in whose possession they are, will favour the world with them. JAMES BOS WELL. ' After my death I wish no other herald, ' No other...chronicler as Griffith '.' SHAKSPEARE, Henry VIII. [Act IV. Sc. 2.] 1 See Dr. Johnson's letter to Mrs. Thrale, dated Ostick in Skie, September 30, 1773...
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Life of Johnson: Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the ..., Volume 1

James Boswell - 1799 - 648 páginas
...that those persons in whose possession they are, will favour the world with them. JAMES BOS WELL. '• After my death I wish no other herald, ' No other...chronicler as Griffith '.' SHAKSPEARE, Henry VIII. \Act IV. Se. 2.] 'See Dr. Johnson's letter to Mrs. Thrale, dated Ostick in Skie, September 30, 1773...
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The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D: Comprehending an Account of His Studies ...

James Boswell - 1799 - 496 páginas
...that those persons in whose possession they are, will favour the world with them. JAMES BOS WELL. " After my death I wish no other herald, " No other speaker of my liviqg actions, " To keep mine honour from corruption, " But such an honest chronicler as Griffith."*...
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Public Characters

1801 - 622 páginas
...V{0 .m CT 170 k CHARACTERS OF l800-l80I. -I wish no other herald, " No other speaker of my ; thing actions, " To keep mine honour from corruption, ** But such an honest chronicler." HEN. VII1. Act 4, Sc. 2. *' ———— Hie nigrcc succus loliginis; hxc est " ^Erugo mera; quod vitium...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 426 páginas
...: • And,, to add greater honours to his age Than man could'give him, he died, fearing God. Kath. After my death I wish no other herald, 'No other speaker...corruption, But such an honest chronicler as Griffith. Whom I most hated living, thou hast made me, With thy religious truth, and modesty, Now in his ashes...
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Public Characters, Volume 4

1804 - 646 páginas
... , PUBLIC . CHARACTERS OF 1801-1802. SECOND EDITION. f ZET -I wish no other herald, "No other speaker of my living...from corruption, " But such an honest chronicler.—" „ HEN. VIII, AcT 4, SOENE9. -1) LONDON: PRINTED FOR RICHARD PHILLIPS, NO. 71, ST. PAUL'S. By J. Adiardf...
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Public Characters, Volume 5

1803 - 598 páginas
... BODLEIAN LIBRARY The gift of Miss Emma E I. Dunston PUBLIC CHARACTERS -t wish no other herald, " No other speaker of my living...from corruption, " But such an honest chronicler." . HEN. VIII. Act4,Sc.2. " _____ Hie nigrz succus loliginis; hsec cst " JErugo mera; quod vitium procul...
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Shakespeare's King Henry the eighth, a historical play, revised ..., Volume 226

William Shakespeare - 1804 - 80 páginas
...: And, to add greater honours to his age ;. Than man could give him, he died, fearing heaven. Kath. After my death I wish no other herald, No other speaker...from corruption, But such an honest chronicler as Cromwell : Whom I most hated living, thou hast made me, With thy religious truth, and modesty, , ....
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