The Role of the Academic Economist in Litigation Support

Daniel Jonathan Slottje
North Holland, 1999 - 240 páginas
This book presents a series of chapters by several leading economists on how to perform economic analysis in support of litigation matters. For many years, academic economists consulted in litigation matters, but most did not discuss it as it was regarded as not 'pure economic research'. As more national economics consulting firms were established, specializing in litigation, and primarily made up of academic economists, the stigma (if ever there was one) disappeared. More than likely, young applied economists will not think twice now about working for a consulting firm, or even a consulting firm which specializes in litigation. This book examines exactly what forensic economists actually do.All the contributors have endeavored to stress the importance of using the economist toolbox properly, all with sterling results. As young economists contemplate a litigation consulting (or any private sector) career versus an academic one, it is hoped that this book will demonstrate that it is possible to achieve excellence in both fields simultaneously.

No interior do livro


Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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