Annual Report of the Secretary of WarU.S. Government Printing Office, 1937 |
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Palavras e frases frequentes
act of June active duty Adjutant General's Department Aggregate Air Corps airplanes Area Area Area Arm or service arms and services Army Industrial College assignment Cavalry Chemical Warfare Service Chief Civilian Conservation Corps Coast Artillery Corps Commanding Corps Corps Corps Corps of Engineers Detachments miscellaneous Eighth Corps Area ended June 30 enrollment equipment Field Artillery Finance Department fiscal year 1937 fiscal year ended flood-control following table shows grades headquarters increase Infantry June 30 lieu Medical Department Military Academy military training camps mobilization National Defense Act National Guard Ninth Corps number of enlistment Ordnance Department Panama Canal Department percent personnel Philippine Department Philippine Scouts Quartermaster Corps regiments Regular Army Reserve Corps Reserve officers retired list Secretary of War Seventh Corps Area shows the number Signal Corps Sixth Corps Area Staff strength Third Corps Area Training Corps troops United States Army United States Soldiers War Department warrant officers
Passagens conhecidas
Página 15 - June 29, 1944, with a view to insuring the territorial integrity of the Philippines, the mutual protection of the Philippines and the United States of America...
Página 51 - ... inclusive, or as a student at service schools, other than those of the noncombatant branches, at any time, shall be regarded as satisfying the requirements of service with combatant arms. Existing laws in so far as they restrict the detail or assignment of officers are hereby repealed. The...
Página 83 - ... hold their present grades on the retired list through an advancement of one grade under the act of Congress approved April 23, 1904, making a total of...
Página 70 - General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant...
Página 15 - Affairs, should be created to study trade relations between the United States and the Philippines and to recommend a program for the adjustment of the Philippine national economy.
Página 49 - The Secretary of War shall annually report to Congress the numbers, grades, and assignments of the officers and enlisted men of the Army, and the number, kinds, and strength of organizations pertaining to each branch of the service.
Página 41 - War for transmittal to Congress, a full statement of the financial and other affairs of the Home. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The government and control of the United States Soldiers...
Página 47 - That hereafter, and beginning with the first calendar month after the passage of this act, there shall be deducted each month from the pay of each enlisted man and warrant officer on the active list of the Regular Army, exclusive of the Philippine Scouts, a sum not to exceed 25 cents, which sum shall be passed to the credit of the permanent fund, United States Soldiers...
Página 90 - Section 48 of the National Defense Act, as amended by the act of June 5, 1920 (41 Stat.
Página 5 - It should be borne in mind that modern aircraft cannot be quickly improvised. The construction of airplanes necessarily takes considerable time. Hence, our peacetime strength should approximate rather closely our requirements in war. Furthermore, in a major war our air arm would probably be engaged almost immediately on the opening of hostilities. Therefore, it is desirable that it be practically on a war footing in time of peace.