Health Policy and Politics

Ms Alison Hann
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 28/12/2012 - 206 páginas

What is the relationship between politics and health policy in the UK? How are the interests of the medical profession, civil society and the state weighed and balanced in the making of health policy? Health Policy and Politics offers a sophisticated critical analysis of policy-making in the National Health Service. The team of contributors comprises established academics who have been actively involved in both research and policy-making in this field. They examine the 'macro' level of policy-making at governmental level, and then consider professional institutional relationships and struggles, and interpersonal decision-making and power relations within small organizations and departments. Unique in the variety of perspectives and topics covered, the volume will be required reading for those teaching and studying on a range of courses in health, social care and public policy, and for health professionals within the NHS.

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Acerca do autor (2012)

Alison Hann is Lecturer in Health Economics and Policy Studies at the School of Health Science, University of Wales, Swansea, UK.

Alison Hann, Nick Boyd, Calum Paton, Stephen Peckham, Mark Exworthy, Martin Powell, Ian Greener, Arturo Alvarez-Rosete, Susan Pickard, Stephen Harrison, Ruth McDonald, Anna Coleman, Chris Nottingham, M-L. O'Driscoll, Gillian Olumide, Kathryn Jones.

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