CONTAINING THE TEXT, CAREFULLY COMPARED WITH THE ORIGINAL AND CERTIFIED BY THE SECRETARY OF PORTO RICO, OF ALL THE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE FIRST SESSION OF THE SECOND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, JANUARY 12 TO MARCH 12, 1903, INCLUDING THE ORGANIC ACT OF CON- GRESS PROVIDING FOR CIVIL GOVERNMENT AND THE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CON- GRESS AMENDATORY THEREOF, SUP- SAN JUAN, PORTO RICO. 1903. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF PORTO RICO. I, Charles Hartzell, Secretary of Porto Rico, do hereby certify that the copies of the acts and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly contained in this volume are correct transcripts of the text of the original laws and resolutions. Given under my hand at San Juan, this sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and three. CHARLES HARTZELL. Secretary of Porto Rico. ROLL OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. CHARLES HARTZELL, Secretary of Porto Rico, President. (Elected November 1, 1902, to serve two years from Jouuary 1st, 1903.) Aponte Jose R.. Cabrera, Carlos. Camuñas, Manuel. Carrión, Tomás Diaz Navarro, Herminio. Gomez, José R. Gimenez, José, García Salgado, Octavio.. Guzman Benitez, Juan de.. Montalvo, Loreto de Jesus. Nadal Santa Coloma, Ramon Nuñez, Fernando Palmer, Santiago R.. Quiñones, Francisco Mariano. Ramos, Juan R.... Rola, Dario J Rossy, Manuel F. Timothee, Pedro C. Sanchez Morales, Luis. Torregrosa, Luis A Veve, Santiago Vivoni, Pedro S.. * Deceased San German. San Juan. Mayaguez. Ponce. San Juan. Mayaguez. San Juan. San German. |