Imagens das páginas


Dur Most Inspiring Magazine”-Edwin Mor

"Electrical Expert"



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About a year ago I decided to buy a typewriter for home use. My first thought was to purchase one of the makes we were using in the office, which had been put in before I became buyer for the house. But when it came to digging up a hundred dollars for the machine-I just couldn't. Somehow or other it looked like too much money to me.

Then I thought about picking up a second-hand machine, but the price was about as high, and I had no assurance of service.

I was undecided as to what to do, when one evening at home I ran across an Oliver Typewriter

ad in a magazine. I remembered then

having read the advertising before and

being impressed with the story.

agreed with The Oliver Typewriter Company that if any typewriter was worth $100 it was this splendid Oliver.

Well, later when we found it necessary to replace some of the typewriters at the office, you may be sure I put in Olivers, saving the company a nice $36 on each. At first the girls were reluctant about changing machines, but after a week or two with the Oliver, they wouldn't have any other.


Before the War

"Why pay $100 for Any Typewriter""When You Can Buy a New Oliver for $64?" read the ad-then it went on to explain how The Oliver Typewriter Company had cut the price by selling direct and eliminating costly selling methods. It was clear to me as an experienced buyer how they could well afford to lop off $36 of the $100 by their new economical selling plan.

The ad brought out the fact, too, that I didn't have to pay the $64 in a lump sum. I could settle at the easy rate of $4 a month. Naturally that appealed to me, for it was as easy as rental terms.

But the thing that decided me was their free trial offer. Without my sending or depositing a penny, they would ship me an Oliver for five days free trial. I could use the typewriter for five days just as if it were my own, and if I wasn't satisfied, all I had to do was to ship it back at the Oliver Company's expense. Well, I mailed in the coupon and got an Oliver for free trial. To make a short story shorter, I was more than pleased with the Oliver. I fully

A Finer Typewriter at a Fair Price Over 900,000 Sold


Naturally now we are all Oliver enthusiasts-that's why I write this letter to you.

You just give the Oliver a trial and you'll be more than willing to buy me a good dinner when I arrive in New York next month. Yours, J. B.


That is the letter that saved me $36 on each of my typewriters. I not only equipped the office with the Oliver, but, like my friend, I also bought one for home use. Yes, I am more than willing to buy my friend a good dinner for his valuable advice

Any reader may order an Oliver direct from this ad by mailing the coupon. No money in advance. No deposit. No obligation to buy. Return or keep the Oliver as you decide after 5 days free trial. If you decide to keep the typewriter, you may take a year and a half to pay at the easy rate of $4 a month. Mail the coupon today-NOW.

Avoid disappointment-Order now to secure immediate delivery Canadian Price, $82


Typewriter Company

652 Oliver Typewriter Bldg. Chicago, Ill.


Save $36

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Volume V.


Number 2

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Why I Am a Middle-Aged Failure.
Landis, High Commissioner of Baseball
My Struggle for Recognition (Interview with Sarah Bernhardt)

Have You Ever Served Time as a "Town Pest?".
Alsberg, Foe of Food Fakers

How Jim Downes Paid Up (Conclusion)

Illustrated by Charles F. Jaeger

Clark Streeter

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THE NEW SUCCESS is published monthly at the St. James Building, 1133 Broadway, New York City, by THE LOWREY-MARDEN CORPORATION. Dr. Orison Swett Marden, President: J. W. D. Grant, Treasurer; Robert Mackay, Secretary; F. C. Lowrey, Chairman, Board of Directors; H. R. Wardell, Member, Board of Directors. Advertising Rates on Application.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.50 Per Year; Foreign, $1 Extra; 25c Per Copy. Copyright 1920 by the Lowrey-Marden Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Entered as Second-class Matter December 30, 1917, at the Post Office at New, York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Entered at Stationer's Hall and Copyright, 1920, in Great Britain.

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you step out of that business into another of a wholly different kind, and make good?

TINE years ago H. F. Harris was manager of a department of a newspaper in a little city out West. If that newspaper had suspended he would have had no choice but to find a position in a similar department with another


He was shut up inside a newspaper world-absolutely dependent upon it.

Mr. Harris determined to break over the barrier. He decided to

executive with the Maxwell, Studebaker and Willys-Overland motor car organizations. Seven years after he left the newspaper business, he was a recognized industrial engineer. He reorganized the Republic Motor operating basis, and developed the sales or

Truck Company, put it on an economical

ganization that made it one of the leaders of the world. In May, 1920, he completed his work as industrial engineer, president and general manager of the Bethlehem Motors Corporation, and came to New York.

Today he is recognized as an expert in the organization of industrial enterprises.

for thousands of men. It has enabled many a man to do in five years what would otherwise have taken many more. The man who has a working knowledge of all depart

ments of business can move from business to business, if the opportunity offers itself. He has ability to direct departmental heads because he knows thoroly the workings of their departments.

"Forging Ahead in Business"

know the departments of bus to WHAT was it which he brought THE full facts are in a book of 116 pages

that are common to all-and to know them so well that he could apply his knowledge as an executive to any business anywhere.

It was with this purpose that he turned to the Alexander Hamilton Institute.

He found in it what he wanted. To me the Institute was a wonderful guide in seeking out the short cuts and better methods in business." he wrote to the

with him that enabled him to do in seven years what others are satisfied to achieve in twenty?

The answer can be given in a single sentence: ability, of course, but with ability a working knowledge of the fundamentals of business which apply with equal force no matter what the character of the business may be.

entitled "Forging Ahead in Business." It is a book of self-confidence-the self-confidence of a man whose future is not at the mercy of any one business, because he has the sort of training that has a market value to any business anywhere. It will be sent without obligation. Send for your copy today.

Alexander Hamilton Institute 21 Astor Place, New York City

Institute. "It started me to thinking along The Institute shortens the road Business" which I may keep with

better business lines, and I do not hesitate to credit its work with a large measure of my business training, which I could not have received in any other way."

to success

Send me "Forging Ahead in out obligation.

HE Alexander Hamilton Insti- Name....
tute does not claim credit for the

Seven years are enough; tho success of H. F. Harris, or of any

some men take twenty WITHIN a year after he enrolled, Mr. Harris stepped out of the newspaper business into the automobile industry. In the next five years he was successively an

Print here



other man; tho Mr. Harris, and thousands of others, have been generous in their praise.

But the Institute does claim to have shortened the path to success



Canadian Address, C. P. R. Building. Toronto; Australian Address, 8a Castlereagh Street, Sydney

Copyright, 1921, Alexander Hamilton Institute

Modern Business

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