Imagens das páginas

the Director General shall be deemed to be references to the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property (also called the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI)), or its Director, respectively.

(2) (a) States which are members of any of the Unions but which have not become party to this Convention may, for five years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, exercise, if they so desire, the same rights as if they had become party to this Convention. Any State desiring to exercise such rights shall give written notification to this effect to the Director General; this notification shall be effective on the date of its receipt. Such States shall be deemed to be members of the General Assembly and the Conference until the expiration of the said period.

(b) Upon expiration of this five-year period, such States shall have no right to vote in the General Assembly, the Conference, and the Coordination Committee.

(c) Upon becoming party to this Convention, such States shall regain such right to vote.

(3) (a) As long as there are States members of the Paris or Berne Unions which have not become party to this Convention, the International Bureau and the Director General shall also function as the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property, and its Director, respectively.

(b) The staff in the employment of the said Bureaux on the date of entry into force of this Convention shall, during the transitional period referred to in subparagraph (a), be considered as also employed by the International Bureau.

(4) (a) Once all the States members of the Paris Union have become Members of the Organization, the rights, obligations, and property, of the Bureau of that Union shall devolve on the International Bureau of the Organization.

(b) Once all the States members of the Berne Union have become Members of the Organization, the rights, obligations, and property, of the Bureau of that Union shall devolve on the International Bureau of the Organization.

1. Berne Convention of 1886 and annexed acts.







(Original text)


Les pays contractants sont constitués à l'état d'Union pour la protection des droits des auteurs sur leurs œuvres littéraires et artistiques.


Les auteurs ressortissant à l'un des pays de l'Union, ou leurs ayants cause, jouissent, dans les autres pays, pour leurs œuvres, soit publiées dans un de ces pays, soit non publiées, des droits que les lois respectives accordent actuellement ou accorderont par la suite aux nationaux.

La jouissance de ces droits est subordonnée à l'accomplissement des conditions et formalités prescrites par la législation du pays d'origine de l'œuvre; elle ne peut excéder, dans les autres pays, la durée de la protection accordée dans ledit pays d'origine.

Est considéré comme pays d'origine de l'œuvre, celui de la première publication, ou, si cette publication a lieu simultanément dans plusieurs pays de l'Union, celui d'entre eux dont la législation accorde la durée de protection la plus courte.

(English translation)


The contracting States are constituted into a Union for the protection of the rights of authors over their literary and artistic works.


Authors of any one of the countries of the Union, or their legal representatives, shall enjoy in the other countries for their works, whether published in one of those countries or unpublished, the rights which the respective laws do now or may hereafter grant to nationals.

The enjoyment of these rights is subject to the accomplishment of the conditions and formalities prescribed by law in the country of origin of the work, and cannot exceed in the other countries the term of protection granted in the said country of origin.

The country of origin of the work is that in which the work is first published, or if such publication takes place simultaneously in several countries of the Union, that one of them in which the shortest term of protection is granted by law.

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L'expression "œuvres littéraires et artistiques" comprend les livres, brochures ou tous autres écrits; les œuvres dramatiques ou dramaticomusicales, les compositions musicales avec ou sans paroles; les œuvres de dessin, de peinture, de sculpture, de gravure; les lithographies, les illustrations, les cartes géographiques; les plans, croquis et ouvrages plastiques, relatifs à la géographie, à la topographie, à l'architecture ou aux sciences en général; enfin toute production quelconque du domaine littéraire, scientifique ou artistique, qui pourrait être publiées par n'importe quel mode d'impression ou de reproduction.


Les auteurs ressortissant à l'un des pays de l'Union, ou leurs ayants cause, jouissent, dans les autres pays, du droit exclusif de faire ou d'autoriser la traduction de leurs ouvrages jusqu'à l'expiration de dix années à partir de la publication de l'œuvre originale dans l'un des pays de l'Union.

Pour les ouvrages publiées par livraisons, le délai de dix années ne compte qu'à dater de la publica

(English translation)

For unpublished works the country to which the author belongs is considered the country of origin of the work.


The stipulations of the present Convention apply equally to the publishers of literary and artistic works published in one of the countries of the Union, but of which the authors belong to a country which is not a party to the Union.


The expression "literary and artistic works" comprehends books, pamphlets, and all other writings; dramatic or dramatico - musical works, musical compositions with or without words; works of design, painting, sculpture, and engraving; lithographs, illustrations, geographical charts; plans, sketches, and plastic works relative to geography, topography, architecture, or science in general; in fact, every production whatsoever in the literary, scientific, or artistic domain which can be published by any mode of impression or reproduction.


Authors of any of the countries of the Union, or their legal representatives, shall enjoy in the other countries the exclusive right of making or authorizing the translation of their works until the expiration of ten years from the publication of the original work in one of the countries of the Union.

For works published in incomplete parts ("Livraisons") the period of ten years commences from


(Original text)

tion de la dernière livraison de l'œuvre originale.

Pour les œuvres composées de plusieurs volumes publiées par intervalles, ainsi que pour les bulletins ou cahiers publiés par des sociétés littéraires ou savantes ou par des particuliers, chaque volume, bulletin ou cahier est, en ce qui concerne le délai de dix années, considéré comme ouvrage séparé.

Dans les cas prévus au présent article, est admis comme date de publication, pour les calculs des délais de protection, le 31 décembre de l'année dans laquelle l'ouvrage a été publié.


Les traductions licites sont protégées comme des ouvrages originaux. Elles jouissent, en conséquence, de la protection stipulée aux articles 2 et 3 en ce qui concerne leur reproduction non autorisée dans les pays de l'Union.

Il est entendu que, s'il s'agit d'une œuvre pour laquelle le droit de traduction est dans le domaine public, le traducteur ne peut pas s'opposer à ce que la même œuvre soit traduite par d'auteurs écrivains.


Les articles de journaux ou de recueils périodiques publiés dans l'un des pays de l'Union peuvent être reproduits, en original ou en traduction, dans les autres pays de l'Union, à moins que les auteurs ou éditeurs ne l'aient expressément interdit. Pour les recueils, il peut suffire que l'interdiction soit faite d'une manière générale en tête de chaque numéro du recueil.

En aucun cas, cette interdiction ne peut s'appliquer aux articles de discussion politique ou à la repro

(English translation)


the date of publication of the last part of the original work.

For works composed of several volumes published at intervals, as well as for bulletins or collections ("cahiers") published by literary or scientific societies, or by private persons, each volume, bulletin, or collection is, with regard to the period of ten years, considered a separate work.

In the cases provided for by the present article, and for the calculation of the period of protection, the 31st of December of the year in which the work was published is admitted as the date of publication.


Authorized translations are protected as original works. They consequently enjoy the protection stipulated in Articles II and III as regards their unauthorized reproduction in the countries of the Union.

It is understood that, in the case of a work for which the translating right has fallen into the public domain, the translator cannot oppose the translation of the same work by other writers.


Articles from newspapers or periodicals published in any of the countries of the Union may be reproduced in original or in translation in the other countries of the Union, unless the authors or publishers have expressly forbidden it. For periodicals it is sufficient if the prohibition is made in a general manner at the beginning of each number of the periodical.

This prohibition cannot in any case apply to articles of political discussion, or to the reproduction

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