INDEX ABBOTT, WILBUR C. National Ideals and Preparedness, 66: 187-91. ABRAMS ALFRED W. Visual Instruction in New York State, 67: 270-2. ABSENCES AND LATENESS, THE REDUCTION OF, IN INDUSTRY. John S. Keir, 71: 140-55. Acceptances: debentures and, 94: 135; Edge Law and, 139. Accidents: compensation for, 80: 49; disabled and, 96; distribution, 70: 259, 307; insurance policy, 233; prevention, 79: 264; industrial, 149; statistics, 81: 78; prevention, 134. See War Risk Insurance, Red Cross. ACCIDENT PREVENTION. David S. Beyer, 70:238-43. Accounting, science of, 82: 43. ACLAND, F. A. Canadian Legislation Concerning Industrial Disputes, 69: 157-69. ADAMS, C. A. Industrial Standardization, 82:289-99. War ADAMS, HENRY C. Borrowing as a Phase of Adamson law, 69: 5; purpose, 216; union attitude toward, 278. ADDAMS, JANE. The Potential Advantages of the Mandate System, 96: 70-4. ADDINSELL, H. M. Public Service Bonds, 88:63-72. ADDITON, HENRIETTA S. Work Among Delinquent Women and Girls, 79: 152-9. Adjudication, compulsory, 96: 23. ADMINISTRATION, LABOR'S INTEREST IN. Major-General William Crozier, 91: 153-8. ADMINISTRATION, SOME EFFICIENCY METHODS OF CITY. John Allder Dunaway, 64: 89-102. ADMINISTRATION, STATE, INTERWORKINGS OF, AND DIRECT LEGISLATION. F. W. Coker, 64: 122-33. Administration: 64: essentials of efficiency in government, 78; importance of governor's position in, 30; law making and, 229; new science of, 224; of public affairs, efficient, 77. Administrative efficiency, law making and, 64: 77, 131. ADMINISTRATIVE EFFICIENCY, THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT AND. Edgar Dawson, 64: 11-30. ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS GROWING OUT OF THE IMMIGRATION LAWS. Louis F. Post, 93: 194-8. Aeroplanes, 66: 194. Africa: trade in, 96: 172; trade with United States, 94: 5. AFTER-CARE OF OUR DISABLED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, THE. Curtis E. Lakeman, 79: 114-29. AGNEW, P. G. The Work of the Bureau of Standards, 82: 278-88. Agriculture: blight on, 78: 46; Board of, 28; in China, 94: 90; coöperation in, 82: 9; development, 74:46, 210, 285; education in, 67: 224, 239; in England, 78: 28; 81: 201; as industry, 92: 131; in Japan, 93: 92; labor's wages, 89: 46; leaders in, 94: 118; machinery, 83: 95; markets for, 270; labor and, 78: 11; output, 136; preparedness, 66: 225; prices in, 82: 41; production, 83: 25; profits, 87: 39; survey of, 74: 222; towns and, 78: 18; thrift, 87: 234; unemployment, 65: Sup., 31; Women's Land Army, 78:28. See Markets, Farms, Farm ers. Agriculture, Department of; functions of, 95: 10, 12, 18, 26, 56, 64; earnings, 74; personnel, 84. AIR, COMMAND OF THE. Robert E. Peary, 66: 192-9. Aircraft: 96: construction, 45; cost of, 57; development of, 140. Air power, 66: 193, 197. Alabama: 77: Sup., provisions, 8, 33, 46, 64, 67, 69, 75, 82, 92, 94, 96, railroad security issues in, 76: 183. Aland Island case, 96: 3, 12, 17, 28. Alaskan Railway, expense of, 95: 11,18, 35-8; government operation, 76: 15, 80. Alcohol: drive on, 79: 145; in camps, 145; relation to prostitu prostitution, 148; restriction, 78: 13. See Prohibition. ALCOHOL AND SOCIAL CASE WORK. Mary P. Wheeler, 77: 154-8. ALDERMAN, L. R. School Credit for Home Work, 67: 162-6. ALEXANDER, CHARLES BEATTY. The Need for a Budget System in the United States, 78: 144-8. Alexander-Armies ALEXANDER, MAGNUS W. Collective Bargaining-Some Fundamental Considerations, 90: 57-63; Hiring and Firing: Its Economic Waste and How to Avoid It, 35: 128-44. ALGER, GEORGE W. The Organization of Alien Land Law, 93: 64, 85. ALLEN, E. G. Adopting Standards to Meet Trade Training Requirements, 65: 205-7. ALLEN, WILLIAM H. Education Through Official Publicity, 67: 284-90. Alliances; foreign, 96: 144; formation of, 66: 12. ALLIED INDEBTEDNESS TO THE UNITED STATES. John Foster Dulles, 96: 173-7. Allies: barley production, 74: 16; economic program, 66: 96; government credit to, 94: 5; policy towards Germany, 92: 11; potato production, 74: 21; reparation for, 96: 179; rye, 74: 13; wheat, 9. Allotments, 79: 56, 71, 107; 80: 119, 134. See War Risk Insurance. Allowances: 79: 56, 71, 107; 80: 119, 134. See War Risk Insurance. Alsace-Lorraine, as a cotton-producing region, 92: 99. America: coöperation between England and, 66: 64; democracy in, 64: 198; 72: 10, 28; duties, 127; economic conditions, 66: 258; financial position, 68: 34, 151; foreign born women, 64: 204; influence, 66: 126; internationalism, 72: 7; needs, 66: 99, 145, 162; international right and, 72: 49; overworld trade, 22; principles, 101; Japan and, 129; unpreparedness, 14; surplus wealth, 68: 320. See United States. AMERICA AND DURABLE PEACE, JAPAN. Toyokichi Iyenaga, 72: 124-8. AMERICA MUST CHAMPION, THE INTERNATIONAL RIGHT. Roland G. Usher, 72: 49-57. AMERICA, THE NATIONS AND THE LEAGUE. Thomas R. Marshall, 84: 194-200. AMERICA, PLANNING THE FUTURE. Henry A. Wise Wood, 72: 19-23. AMERICA, THE RIGHTS OF SMALL NATIONS IN. Oswald Garrison Villard, 72: 165-71. American: cities, political conditions in, 64: 227-31; commerce, promotion, 68: 316; institutions, 64: 56; isolation, end of, 72: 1; nationalization, 68: 47; securities, mobilization, 68: 97; standards, preservation, 72: 68. AMERICAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Jay E. Fitzgerald, 94: 122-6. AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP AND THE JAPANESE. Roy Malcolm, 93: 77-81. AMERICAN CITIES, THE LIBRARY EXTEN 2 SION MOVEMENT IN. Arthur E. Bostwick, 67: 250-6. AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, THE WORLD CONFLICT IN ITS RELATION ΤΟ. Walter Lippmann, 72: 1-10. AMERICAN FIRE WASTE AND ITS PREVENTION. AMERICAN IDEALISM IN THE WAR. Joseph AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS, THE EFFECT ON, American Jewish Relief in the World War, AMERICAN LABOR, IMMIGRATION AND. Har- IN AMERICAN PARTICIPATION EUROPEAN AFFAIRS, THE MONROE DOCTRINE AND. William E. Lingelbach, 96: 33-41. AMERICAN POLICY AND EUROPEAN OPINION. Walter E. Weyl, 66: 140-6. AMERICAN POLICY OF ISOLATION, THE MONROE DOCTRINE AND THE, IN RELATION TO A JUST AND DURABLE PEACE. John H. Latané, 72: 100-9. American Red Cross: activities, 79: 8,39; 80-7, 92, 133, 186. See Accidents, Home Service. American, Pattern and Model Company, relation of, to unions, 69: 211-12. American, Railway Association, 76: 28. American, Social Hygiene Association, 79: 179. Americanization: factors, 67: 273; of immigrant, 93: 273; meaning, problem of, 183; promotion, 67: 254. AMERICANIZATION. Carol Aronovici, 93: 134-8. AMERICANIZATION: A CONSERVATION POLICY FOR INDUSTRY. Frances A. Kellor, 65: 240-4. AMERICANIZATION, PROMOTING. Helen Varick Boswell, 64: 204-9. AMERICA'S CHANGING INVESTMENT MARKET: 68. AMERICA'S FUTURE FOREIGN POLICY, ISOLATION OR WORLD LEADERSHIP? George Nasmyth, 66: 22-5. AMERICA'S INFLUENCE AND POWER, EFFECT OF PREPAREDNESS UPON. William J. Stone, 66: 125-9. AMERICA'S INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND FOREIGN POLICY. George Louis Beer, 66: 71-91. AMERICA'S NEED FOR AN ENFORCED PEACE. Talcott Williams, 66: 92-4. AMERICA'S RELATION TO THE WORLD CON- AMERICA'S WORLD INFLUENCE, THE TRUE ANDERSON, CHANDLER P. Freedom of the ANDERSON, LIEUTENANT GEORGE J. Making the Camps Safe for the Army, 79: 143-51. ANDERSON, GORDON BLYTHE. The Effect of the W War on New Security Issues in the United States, 68: 118-30. ANDERSON, MARY. Wages for Women Workers, 81: 123-9. ANDREWS, FANNIE FERN. American Rights and Interests in the Mandatory System, 96: 95-7; The Central Organization for a Durable Peace, 66: 16, 21. ANDREWS, JOHN B. National Effectiveness and Health Insurance, 78: 50, 57; Social insurance, 69: 42-9. ANGELL, NORMAN. Freedom of Discussion in War Time, 78: 194-204; Public Opinion in Foreign Policies, 66: 136-9. Anglo-American alliance, arguments for, 66: 88. Anglo-French loan, 68: 129, 155. ANNUITIES, LIFE. M. Albert Linton, 70: 20-37. Annuities: in France, 95: 155; deferred, 70: 32; meaning, 193; rates in Great Britain, 22; reversionary, 32-4; variations of regular, 31. ANTI-JAPANESE AGITATION FROM A BUSINESS MAN'S STANDPOINT. Reginald H. Parsons, 93: 72-4. ANTI-JAPANESE MOVEMENT, THE DEVELOPRobert Newton Lynch, MENT OF THE. 93: 47-50. ANTI-JAPANESE QUESTION IN CALIFORNIA, THE. Baron Shimpei Goto, 93: 104-10. Antitoxin, tetanus, 80: 12. APPLETON, W. A. A Labor Attitude toward Production-an English Point of View, 91:76-8. APPLICATION FORM, THE VALUE OF THE. Chas, P. Avery, 65; 219-22, Appropriations: governmental, 95: 4; military, 64: 31; naval, 31; waterway, 46-7. ARBITRATION, THE ADVANTAGES AND DEFECTS OF COMPULSORY. Frank T. Carlton, 69: 150-6. Arbitration: advantages, 69: 151, 250; appeal to, 187; between nations, 66:52: compulsory, 90:69 ff.; 96: 116, 118; definition of, 102; disadvantages, 69: 181; international, 96: 115, 129; labor and, 82: 114; methods, 66: 52; optional character, 84: 213; war or, 96: 133. ARBITRATION LEGISLATION, FEDERAL. L. E. Hoffman, 69: 223-8. ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION, GOVERNMENT. James T. Young, 69: 268-79. ARBITRATION NOT ESSENTIAL TO AN EFFECTIVE WORLD ORGANIZATION. George W. Wickersham, 96: 114-18. ARBITRATION PLAN OF WILLIAM FILENE'S SONS COMPANY, THE. Joseph H. Willits, 69: 205-7. ARBITRATION TREATIES, OUR COMPULSORY, SHOULD BE AMENDED. George W. Wickersham, 72: 200-7. ARBITRATION, THE TREND OF VOLUNTARY ARDZROONI, LEON. The Philosophy of the ARENS, HERMANN F. and BANCROFT, JAMES R. Causes Affecting the Value of Bonds, 88: 200-11; The History of Bond Prices, 188-99. Argentina, agricultural resources, 74: 54; hours of labor, 83: 224. ARGENTINA. Joseph Wheless, 68: 165-7. Arizona: provisions, 77: Sup., 20, 33, 71, 92; railroad security issues in, 168, 186. Arkansas: Minimum Wage Commission, 69: 34; provisions, 77: Sup., 88; railroad security issues in, 177, 185, 216. Armaments: commission on, 96: 14; competition, 72: 95; construction, 95: 303; dispensing with, 96: 154; expenditures for, 177; increase of naval, 99; increased, 66: 128, 201; large, 239; limitation, 33; 84: 180, 197, 205, 213; maintenance of, 96: 156; meaning of, 49 ff.; plans, 66: 141; reduction, 72: 95; 96: 7, 9, 46, 140, 160; rivalry, 95: 223. ARMAMENTS AND CASTE. Simeon Strunsky, 66: 237-46. ARMAMENTS, CURTAILMENT OF. Frederick C. Hicks, 96:56-62. ARMAMENTS BY INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT, LIMITATION OF. Frank W. Mondell, 96: 53-6. ARMAMENTS, REDUCTION OF. John Jacob Rogers, 96: 62-7. Armenia: government, 96: 5; mandatory of, 84: 23, 27, 38; massacres in, 96: 22; problem of, 84: 5, 15. Armies: Civil War, 64: 34-6; civilian authority over, 33; reduction in size, 72; 93; reduction of, 96; 57, Armistice: 82: 1, 7, 30; 92: 81; signing of, BABSON, ROGER W. The Rural Credits 81: 87, 90; War plans and, 33. Arms traffic; 96: 92; control of, 82. Arms, ammunition and, 96: 7. Army: 66: 159, 161-5, 215; bill passage, 222; British system, 81: 2; demobilization in England, 82: 69, disease in, 78: 37, 59; housing industrial, 78: 20; maintenance, 75: 115; meat consumption, 74: 86; personnel, 81: 1; protection by, 96: 2; public health and, 92; reorganization, 66: 217; standing, 81: 17; supplies, 87: 132; support of, 96: 47; tests, 77: 62; types, 66: 175. ART, APPRECIATION OF MUSIC, LITERATURE AND, AS A SOCIAL AIM. A. Duncan Yocum, 67: 1-12. Asia Minor, history of, 84: 32; trade with United States, 94: 5. ASKEW, SARAH. Library Work in the Open Country, 67: 257-66. Assembly of the League: 96: 3, 5, 73, 75, 104, 113, 126, 131; Council and, 9; mandates and, 90; organization of, 22; work of, 13. See League of Nations. ASSEMBLY, TWO ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE 95: 123, 128, 130, 139, 142-5. Assessors, local, standards for, 95: 270-9. Assimilation, 93: 17, 24, 29, 135, 183, 191, 202, 212; biological, 19, 103; cultural, 94; economic, 211; physical, 92; psychological, 19; sociological, 103; of young people, 156. ASSIMILATION AND GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION. Frank Julian Warne, 93: 181-5. ATTITUDE OF PUBLIC OPINION TOWARDS CONGRESS. Henry Jones Ford, 78: 204-10. ATWATER, HELEN W. A Guide to the Na tion's Dietary Needs, 74: 108-18. ATWOOD, ALBERT W. Reaching the Individual Investor, 75: 19-22; Requisites of a Good Investment, 87: 151-4. AUFHÄUSER, S.; Industrial Councils in Germany, 92: 48-53. Austria: bankruptcy of, 96: 15, 24; economic and industrial, 92: 27; expenditures, 75: 14; federalization, 72: 156; hours of labor, 83: 211; industrial distribution, 78: 2; railroad operation, 76: 71; war supplies, 78: 1. Austria-Hungary: change of, 96: 166; collapse, 84: 74; copper exports, 94: 74; relations with Serbia, 84: 53, 67; tariff and, 94: 161, 175; U. S. commerce in, 167; wheat production, 74: 7. Australasia, industrial legislation, 69: 164. Australia: government, 64: 6; hours of labor, 83: 208; industry in, 94: 178; railroad operation in, 76: 160; trade with, 94: 87. Autocracy, definition, 72: 8. Automobiles, duties in France, 94: 205. AVERY, CHAS. P. The Value of the Application Form, 65: 219-22. Act and Its Effect on the Investment Market, 68: 235-43. Bacteriology, advent, 80: 11-13. BAKHMETEFF, BORIS. War and Finance in Russia, 75: 191-200. BALCH, EMILY GREENE. The War in Its Relation to Democracy and World Order, 72: 28-31. BALDENSPERGER, H. L. The Garbage Pail, National Thrift Barometer, 87: 128-35. BALDERSTON, R. W. Present Day Industrial Conditions in Germany, 89: 211-18. Balkan states: free development, 72: 132. BALLANTINE, ARTHUR A. The General Sales Tax is Not the Way Out, 95: 212-20. BALLANTINE, HENRY WINTHROP. Evolution of Legal Remedies as a Substitute for Violence and Strikes, 69: 140-9. BANCKER, J. W. Records and Reports of Work, 65: 252-72. BANCROFT, JAMES R., ARENS, HERMANN F. and. Causes Affecting the Value of Bonds, 88: 200-11; The History of Bond Prices, 188-99. Bank credit: 82: 144; amount, 75: 143; expansion, 85, 137, 144; 89: 249; extension of, 87: 62; increase, 75: 100; influence on prices, 87: 63; use of, 75: 74. Bank notes: France, 75: 196; Great Britain, 108. Bank of England, 68: 111. Bankers: 93: 209; business and, 85: 170; English exporters and, 94: 147; financing and, 136; investments, 88: 35; reconstruction and, 94: 127; trade council and, 119. Banking: amalgamations, 94: 183; British, 95: 294; commercial, 88: 34; English exporters and, 94: 147; foreign investment, 88: 144; foreign ign trade and, 94: 116; in Germany, 82; international credit, lit, 95: 222; investment, 88: 35; leaders in, 94: 118; modern methods, 209; national associations, 95: 8; trade and, 82: 24; Treasury Department and, 95:20. See Banks, Finance, Money. Banking Association, First Federal Foreign, 94: 135. BANKING, COÖPERATION IN INTERNATIONAL. John E. Rovensky, 83: 179-85. Banking power, concentration; 78: 128. Banking system, in United States, 68: 282. Banking theory of thrift, 81: 44. Banks: actions on loans, 78: 114; advances by, 75: 74; amalgamation, 83: 238; deposits, 82: 316; Edge Law and, 94: 133, 149; in England, 87: 172; 94: 101; establishment of, 96: 174; extension of acceptances, 82: 349; federal land, 88: 96; 68: 239; federal reserve, 78: 118; 82:34; foreign trade and, 94: 117; in Germany, 94: 214; international, 149; investments, 75: 125; joint stock land, 68: 241; in Italy, 87: 194; land, 95: 298; in Mexico; 71: Sup., 15; national, 95: 13; relation to manufacturing, 85: 181; rural credit in Costa Rica, 68: 174; school savings, 87: 170, 193, 207; taxes on, 95: 116. See Banking, Money, Mortgages, Bonds, Finance, Currency. Bar: associations, 73: 106; discipline, 129-30; educational reforms, 225; ethical standards, 210; responsibility of members, 6-8; supervision, 115. BARAKAT, MRS. LAYYAH A. A Message BARRON, MARY L. State Regulation of BARGAINING TARIFF, EQUALITY OF TREATMENT AMONG NATIONS AND A. William S. Culbertson, 94: 160-74. BATES, D. M. The Manager's Part, 85: 94-103. BAUGHMAN, RUBY. Elementary Education for Adults, 93: 161-8. Bargaining, collective, 91: 17; Midvale plan, 85: 139; Philadelphia plan, 121, right to, 12; theory of, 131. BEAN, B. C. Some Principles of Maximum Production, 90:113-17. BEARD, CHARLES A. Training for Efficient Public Service, 64: 215-26. BEARDSLEY, H. M. Discussion of Invested Earnings, 86: 152-5. BECHT, J. GEORGE. Training Children to a Wise Use of Their Leisure, 67: 115-22. BECK, JAMES M. A World Association Impractical Under Present Conditions, 96: 146-52. A Yearning for World Peace, 72: 208-16. BEER, GEORGE LOUIS. America's International Responsibilities and Foreign Policy, 66: 71-91. BELGIAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE, THE REVIVAL OF. Harry T. Collings, 94: 20-4. Belgium: American Red Cross in, 79: 23-39; Assembly and, 96: 22; central reconstruction committee in, 82: 146; children, 79: 30; coöperative movement, 74: 278; foreign trade and, 82: 26; industry in, 83:28; invasion, 72: 4, 110, 209; manufacture and, 82: 4; national unity, 72: 149; neutralization, 72: 89; refugees, 79: 23, 32-7; railroad operation, 76: 71, 160; restoration, 74: 40; welfare work, 79: 25. Belgium: invasion, 66: 89, 221; neutralization, 67. BELGIUM, LABOR SITUATION IN. Ernest Mahaim, 90: 102-6. BELGIUM AND THE RED CROSS-A PARTNER- Belligerents: interests, 72: 66; service, 189. Bench: discipline, 73: 129; ethical standards, 210; personnel, 172; supervision, 115. Beneficiary: advantages of income policies for, 70: 9-13; income to, 3-7. BENSON, O. H. Accomplishments of Boys' and Girls' Clubs in Food Production and Conservation, 74: 147-57. BERGLUND, ABRAHAM. Discriminatory Duties on Imports in American Bottoms, 94: 185-96. BEWAREDNESS. Henry D. Estabrook, 66: 181-6. BEYER, DAVID S. Accident Prevention, 70: 238-43. BEYER, O. S. Plans for Extending Coöperative Buying and Selling in the United States, 89: 193-6. BEYER, O. S., JR. Railway Efficiency and BIGELOW, A. C. The Sheep Industry of the Birth-rate, Japanese, in California, 93: 22, 62, 90. THE. BLIND AS INDUSTRIAL WORKERS, Lucy Wright, 77: 28-35. BLAKEY, ROY G. America's New Conception of Thrift, 87: 1-3; Government Restriction and Promotion of Foreign Trade, 94: 202-8; Shifting the War Burden upon the Future, 75: 90, 104; Thrift and Readjustment, 82:30, 38. BLAISDELL, THOMAS C. Education for Parenthood, 67: 47-53. BLANCHARD, RALPH H. Insurance of the Catastrophe Hazard, 70: 220-6. Blind: 80: deaf and, 38; home service and, 137; occupations for, 63, 75, 87, 91; proportion in Canada, 141; treatment, 79: 126. See Rehabilitation. BLOCH, J. FREDERIC. The Financial Effort of France During the War, 75: 201-6. BLOOMFIELD, MEYER. Discussion, 90: 42-3. BOGART, E. L. The United States as a Creditor Nation and the Development of the Export Trade, 94: 37-43. BOHEMIAN QUESTION, THE. Charles Pergler, 72: 155-60. BOHEMIANS AND SLOVAKS-NOW CZECHOSLOVAKS. Jaroslav F. Smetanka, 93: 149-53. Bolivia, exports, 74: 54. |