NOTES Since March 1, 1917, the following names have been added to the membership of the American Economic Association: Anderson, Gordon B., Jr., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Carpenter, R. V., Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., New York, N. Y. Crosgrave, Lloyd M., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Dublin, Louis I., 1 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Dunham, A. W., Care of National City Bank, 55 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Dupont, Ernest E., Houma, La. Eiseman, Samuel, 120 East 23d St., New York, N. Y. Emerson, Guy, 31 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Fisk, Harvey E., 62 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Forney, E. H., The Belle Springs Creamery Co., Abilene, Kans. Freeman, Herbert C., River View Mano, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. Graham, T. Bertrand, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., New York, N. Y. Harris, Joseph P., Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Cleveland, O. Kahn, Walter B., 37 Mellen St., Cambridge, Mass. Kawasaki, K., Nagaimachi, Yamagataken, Japan Landers, T. E., Capital City Dairy Co., Columbus, O. Matthies, G. E., Seymour Mfg. Co., Seymour, Conn. Monroe, William S., 64 East Elm St., Chicago, Ill. Nissen, John J., Nissen Baking Co., Portland, Maine Stecker, Margaret L., 80 Bible House, Astor Place, New York, N. Y. Taylor, Amos E., Chester, Pa. Titsworth, H. H., The Clay Products Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Wagner, John M., Houghton, Mich. Walbridge, Henry D., 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Warn, Charles E., Suite 912, S. W. Life Bldg., Dallas, Texas Wilder, Edward T., Kansas City, Mo. At the tenth annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, held at Chicago, April 26-28, 1917, W. R. Stevens, of the University of Minnesota, read a paper on "Fur trading companies in the Northwest, 1763-1816," and Theodore C. Pease of the University of Illinois, a paper on "Nauvoo, a possible study in economic determinism." At the twenty-second annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science held at Ann Arbor, March 28-31, 1917, the section of economics, under the chairmanship of Professor Frank T. Carlton, considered the following program: "Railway maintenance of way expenses and cost accounting," A. Bradley, of the University of Michigan; "The future of the country church," Robert Phillips, of the University of Michigan; "Effect of the European war upon the supply of capital and the rate of interest in the United States," David Friday, of New York University; "Descriptive economics," H. C. Adams, of the University of Michigan; "Labor income scheme of farm business analysis," W. O. Hedrick, of Michigan Agricultural College; "The relation of government to economic efficiency," E. H. Ryder, Michigan Agricultural College; "Some tendencies in American municipal indebtedness," F. E. Clark, University of Michigan. Association meetings to be held in the near future are: National Conference of Charities and Corrections, at Pittsburgh, Pa., June 618 (Secretary, Mrs. G. Sharrot, 40 Court House, Minneapolis, Minn.); National Housing Association, at Chicago, October 15-17 (Secretary, Lawrence Veiller, 105 East 22d St., New York); National Association of Jewish Social Workers, at Pittsburgh, Pa., June 8-6 (Secretary, M. M. Goldstein, 356 Second Ave., New York); National Federation of Settlements, at Pittsburgh, June 2-5 (Secretary, Robert A. Woods, South End House, Boston); and National Women's Trade Union League, at Kansas City, Mo., June 4 (Secretary, Emma Steghagen, 139 North Clark St., Chicago). The Yearbook of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, for 1916, contains the report of Professor Henry W. Farnam, chairman of the Department of Economics and Sociology. In this he discusses the difficulties under which this department has worked and its future. More recently the department has been discontinued and in its place there has been organized a voluntary association composed of collaborators who were formerly members of the Carnegie department. This new group is known as the Board of Research Associates in American Economic History and is made up of the following members: Henry W. Farnam, chairman, Victor S. Clark, John R. Commons, Davis R. Dewey, Henry B. Gardner, Emory R. Johnson, E. W. Parker, Henry C. Taylor, and Walter F. Willcox. The Carnegie Institution has turned over to this board the balance of appropriations credited on its books, and to this there has been added a private appropriation which practically doubles the fund. The Department of Economics and Sociology of the Carnegie Institution has already published the index of the economic material in the Documents of the States, prepared by Miss A. R. Hasse, and which covers thirteen states. About sixty-five monographic studies have been published through various agencies, independent of the Carnegie Institution. Two histories have been published: History of Commerce, by Professor Emory R. Johnson; and History of Manufactures to 1860, by Dr. Victor Clark; the History of the Labor Movement, by Professor John R. Commons and his associates, will be published within a short time by the Macmillan Company; and the History of Transportation to 1860, prepared under the direction of B. H. Meyer, is also announced. The American Association of Financial Statisticians was organized in New York, April 13, 1917. Professor Charles W. Gerstenberg, of New York University, was elected president. Washington University (St. Louis) is about to establish a School of Commerce and Finance based upon two years of prescribed preliminary work. Besides Professors W. F. Gephart, Isaac F. Lippincott, and C. E. Persons, of the present university staff, there will be added Professor George E. Putnam, of the University of Kansas, and Professor R. G. Rodkey, of the University of Michigan. The New York University School of Accounts has announced that it will offer its department for free auditing of the books of philanthropic organizations of New York City, the work to be done by advanced students under the supervision of Professor Wildman. The American Academy of Medicine announces two prizes, to be awarded in 1918 and 1921 respectively, for essays on the following subjects: for 1918, "The principles governing the physician's compensation in the various forms of social insurance"; and for 1921, "What effect has child labor on the growth of the body?" The prize for the 1918 essay is to be $100 and for 1921, $250. The legislature of Iowa has recently appropriated $25,000, annually, to finance child welfare research at the State University of Iowa. The following persons have been appointed members of the federal Tariff Commission: Professor Frank W. Taussig, of Harvard University, Daniel C. Roper, David J. Lewis, William Kent, William S. Culbertson, and Edward P. Costigan. Professor E. L. Bogart, of the University of Illinois, Professor S. S. Huebner, of the University of Pennsylvania, Professor E. D. Jones, of the University of Michigan, Hastings Lyon, and Miss A. R. Hasse will teach in the Summer School of Columbia University, July 9August 17, 1917. The books and statistical collection of Alexander Del Mar have been added to the library of the American Bankers Association (5 Nassau St., New York). This collection consists of several hundred books, thousands of pamphlets, manuscripts, clippings and notes, covered by an index of about 15,000 cards. The Investment Bankers Association of America (111 West Munroe St., Chicago) has issued its Fifth Annual Proceedings. Pamphlets and forms relating to trade acceptance may be obtained from the National Association of Credit Men, 41 Park Row, New York City. The following pamphlets have been added to the Social Insurance Series published by the Social Insurance Committee of the American Medical Association (535 North Dearborn St., Chicago): No. 5, Social Insurance, two lectures by I. M. Rubinow; No. 6, Medical Organization under Health Insurance, by Dr. Alexander Lambert; and No. 7, Statistics of the Medical Profession. In the series of Columbia War Papers issued by Columbia University there are to be noted: No. 6, Food Preparedness, by Professors Seager and Chaddock; No. 7, How to Finance the War, by Professors Seligman and Haig; and No. 8, Farmers and Speculators, by Professor B. M. Anderson, Jr. The Consumers' League of Cincinnati (30 Pickering Bldg.) has published several bulletins dealing with the conditions in mercantile establishments in Cincinnati: No. 1, June, 1915, Conditions of Saleswomen in Mercantile Establishments; No. 2, June, 1916, A Study of Living Conditions in Rooming Houses; No. 8, June, 1916, Facts about Retail Stores; and No. 4, A Study of Restaurant Kitchens. Various memoranda in regard to coöperation can be obtained from the Coöperative League of America (70 Fifth Ave., New York), which publishes the Coöperative Consumer. Professor Emory R. Johnson's volume on Ocean and Inland Water Transportation is being revised and rewritten and will appear in the fall under the title Principles of Ocean Transportation. The Oxford University Press have published Small Holdings and Allotments in Oxfordshire, by A. W. Ashy. Routledge & Son (London) announce Chatham's Colonial Policy: a Study of the Fiscal and Economic Implications of the Colonial Policy of the Elder Pitt, by Miss Kate Hotblack. Further new books to be noted are: Macmillan: Economic Moralism, by James Haldane Smith; The Economic Annals of the Nineteenth Century, vol. II, 1821-1830, by the late Prof. William Smart; Workmen's Compensation, by J. E. Rhodes; The City Worker's World in America, by Mary K. Simkhovitch; Community: A Sociological Study, by R. M. McIver. Appleton: An Introduction to Social Psychology, by Charles E. Ellwood. McGraw-Hill Book Co.: Public Utility Rates, by H. Barker. Houghton Mifflin: Inheritance Taxes, by Hugh Bancroft; Is Civilization a Disease? by Stanton Coit; Speeches and Addresses, 19151917, by Henry Cabot Lodge. |