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Among other tax documents and pamphlets to be noted are: Report of the State Board of Equalization of California for 1915-1916 (Sacramento, pp. 148); Report of the Committee on Exemptions of Real Property made at the Seventh New York State Conference on Taxation held at Rochester January 11, 1917 (pp. 26); The Federal Estate Tax Law and Regulations (New York Guaranty Trust Company, pp. 53); and The Excess Profits Tax Law (New York Guaranty Trust Company, pp. 18).


The Report of the Nevada Industrial Commission, 1913-1916 (Carson City, 1917, pp. 107) reviews the administration of the Nevada industrial insurance act for a period of three years.

Bulletin No. 3 of the Workmen's Compensation Bureau of Pennsylvania contains its Rules and Rulings (Harrisburg, 1916, pp. 32).

The following insurance pamphlets have been received from the Insurance Society of New York: The Commission Clause, by William J. Greer (1917, pp. 18); Use and Occupancy; Profits and Commissions; Rents and Leasehold Insurance, by L. Levy (1917, pp. 15); Cancellation and Substitution, by M. Conboy (pp. 33).

The subject of Social Insurance is discussed in pamphlets by Edson S. Lott, President of the United States Casualty Company; Politics v. Workmen's Compensation Insurance (1916, pp. 12); Fallacies of Compulsory Social Insurance, an address delivered before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, December 28, 1916 (pp. 11); Different Methods of Workmen's Compensation Insurance (1916, pp. 14).

The REVIEW is indebted to Robert F. Foerster for abstracts of articles in Italian periodicals, and to R. S. Saby for abstracts of articles in Danish and Swedish periodicals.


(Abstracts by W. M. Adriance and A. N. Young)

CHAPIN, F. S. The experimental method and sociology. Sci. Mo., Feb., 1917. Pp. 12.

The first of a series. The present article deals with the utopian community experiments at New Harmony, Brook Farm, etc. CLARK, J. M. Business acceleration and the law of demand: a technical factor in economic cycles. Journ. Pol. Econ., Mar., 1917. Pp. 19. A study of the way in which variations in the demand for finished product are reflected back to (more extreme and sudden) variations in demand for "equipment" or "means of production." In the mechanics of this latter demand Professor Clark finds a significant part of the explanation of crises.

ELLWOOD, C. A. Objectivism in sociology. Am. Journ. Sociol., Nov., 1916. Pp. 16.

A criticism of the objectivist position that "the scientist has no right to explain human phenomena by, or take refuge in, the mind." This is not accepted by Professor Ellwood, who holds that "to describe social processes partly in objective and partly in subjective terms, is exactly the procedure which we must adopt."

FISHER, I. The rate of interest after the war. Ann. Am. Acad., Nov., 1916. Pp. 8.

Will tend to rise, both in Europe and in the United States.

FITE, W. Moral valuations and economic laws. Journ. Philosophy, Psychol

ogy & Scientific Methods, Jan. 4, 1917. Pp. 23.

The inaugural lecture of Professor Fite as professor of ethics at Princeton University. Emphasis is placed upon personal, moral, and social factors in our economic life, as contrasted with the alleged domination of entirely impersonal economic "laws."

JEVONS, H. S. The relation of economic science to social progress. Indian Journ. Econ., Apr., 1916. Pp. 38.

The substance of a lecture delivered at the central Hindu College, Benares. An application of economic reasoning to Indian problems. MITCHELL, W. C. Wieser's theory of social economics. Pol. Sci. Quart., Mar., 1917. Pp. 32.

A review of Wieser's Theorie der Gesellschaftlicher Wirtschaft, published in 1914. The first review of this book available for English readers. Professor Mitchell says that the book "sums up, systematizes and extends the doctrines previously worked out by the author, his master and his fellow disciples," and that "in the literature of the Austrian School it merits the place held by Mill's Political Economy in the literature of the Classical School."

PIGOU, A. C. Interest after the war and the export of capital. Econ. Journ.,

Dec., 1916. Pp. 12.

Interest rates may be expected to be somewhat higher even if export of capital is restricted or prohibited. If export is left free, rates are likely to be much higher.

PUCCINI, R. L'etica religiosa e l'economia sociale. Riv. Intern., Nov., 1916. Pp. 19.

VINER, J. Some problems of logical method in political economy. Journ. Pol. Econ., Mar., 1917. Pp. 25.

Advocates the joint use of induction and deduction in economic reasoning.

Problems of economic instruction. Papers read at the eleventh conference of the Western Economic Society, held at the University of Chicago, November 10 and 11, 1916. Journ. Pol. Econ., Jan., 1917.

Includes the following articles: "Courses in economics and methods of instruction at Northwestern University" (pp. 10), by F. S. Deibler, which gives special attention to the work in commerce, and to the seminar method of developing the research spirit on the part of selected seniors; "The place of economic theory in graduate work" (pp. 9), by J. A. Field, which asserts that economic theory should not be a thing apart from other economic studies but should mean "the organization of scientific knowledge" and not "the impalpable substance of abstruse reflection"; "Graduate work in economics" (pp. 7), by W. F. Gephart, which claims that training in organization of material and in generalization is more important than mere fact gathering; "The relation of law and economics" (pp. 11), by E. A. Gilmore, which shows that, because the sciences of law and economics are so intimately related, students of economics should have broader training in the basis subjects of law; "The Amherst program in economics" (pp. 13), by W. H. Hamilton, which is a broad discussion, in outline form, of the program in economics in its relation to the college curriculum as a whole; "The relation of engineering to economics" (pp. 5), by J. F. Hayford, which states that a general course in economics, not specially adapted, broadens the field of outlook of the engineering student; "Economics and the science of business" (pp. 5), by E. D. Howard, which maintains that theoretical economics is not the basic science of business; "Graduate work in preparation for teaching" (pp. 7), by F. L. McVey, the theme of which is that less attention be given to mere descriptive material and more to history, contact with practical problems, and "the essential groundwork of theory"; "A balanced curriculum in business education" (pp. 22), by Leon C. Marshall, which presents the belief that the elementary courses in economics should be followed by a series of "functional immediate courses," then by advanced courses, business administration being stressed throughout. "Business training-if the economist chooses frankly to coöperate with it can give to the economist the community respect he desires."

Economic History, United States

(Abstracts by E. L. Bogart)

ALDRICH, O. W. Slavery or involuntary servitude in Illinois prior to and after its admission as a state. Journ. of Ill. State Hist. Soc., July, 1916. Pp. 17.

A discussion primarily of the constitutional and legal provisions concerning slavery.

BAKER, H. E. The negro in the field of invention. Journ. Negro Hist., Jan., 1917. Pp. 17.

An interesting account of the contributions made by negroes to inventions, by an assistant examiner in the United States patent office. BARBA, P. A. The General Swiss Colonization Society. German-American Annals, Dec., 1916.

The society was organized in Cincinnati in 1857 and purchased 4000 acres of land in Indiana, where it laid out Tell City.

BRADLEE, F. B. C. The Eastern Railroad: an historical account of early railroading in eastern New England. Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., Jan., 1917.

A continuation of an interesting and valuable study.

CARROLL, M. P. The influence of missions on present-day California. Univ. Calif. Chronicle, Oct., 1916.

CLARK, D. E. Recent liquor legislation in Iowa. Iowa Journ. Hist. & Pol., Jan., 1917. Pp.. 29.

A short historical account of temperance legislation since 1850, but with special emphasis on the period since 1909.

COONC, E. A. Reminiscences of a pioneer woman. Wash. Hist. Quart., Jan., 1917. Pp. 9.

Covers the period from 1847 to about 1884.

COTTERILL, R. S. Southern railroads and western trade, 1840-1850. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., Dec., 1916.

An account of the unsuccessful efforts of the South to divert the growing western trade from the North Atlantic ports.

COULTER, E. M. Effects of secession upon the commerce of the Mississippi

Valley. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., Dec., 1916.

DEWAVRIN, M. Les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et le conflit européen: le mouvement économique. Rev. Pol., Oct. 15, 1916. Pp. 28.

An account of the industrial, commercial, and financial developments in the United States during the years 1914-1916.

DODD, W. E. The social and economic background of Woodrow Wilson. Journ. Pol. Econ., Mar., 1917. Pp. 25.

The combination of the West and South which elected Wilson simply repeats a century old protest against favors to special interests. DOwD, J. The African slave trade. Journ. Negro Hist., Jan., 1917. Pp. 20. A brief account of the slave trade from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the present day.

N. J. Hist.

The beginnings of the Morris and Essex Railroad. Pro. of
Soc., Apr., 1917.

FOSTER, H. M. Memories of the national road. Ind. Mag. of Hist., Mar., 1917. Pp. 8.

An account of the road in Indiana from 1827 to 1847.

FREEMAN, J. E. A century of sugar refining in the United States. Autumn Leaves, Nov., 1916.

HANSEN, F. The great handcart train from Iowa City to Salt Lake City. Journ. of Hist., Oct., 1916.

HEBARD, G. R. The first white women in Wyoming. Wash. Hist. Quart., Jan., 1917. Pp. 4.

They were the wives of missionaries who went out there in 1886. HENDERSON, R. Richard Henderson: the authorship of the Cumberland compact and the founding of Nashville. Tenn. Hist. Mag., June, 1916.

HIGGINS, F. The wilderness road. Ind. Mag. of Hist., Mar., 1917. Pp. 5. A slight sketch.

HOBBS, F. W. Textiles the backbone of New England. Bull. Nat. Assoc. Wool Mfrs., Jan., 1917. Pp. 26.

A popular address.

HOLMER, C. N. The gold fever of '48 and '49. Mag. of Hist., Sept.-Oct., 1916. Pp. 14.

Consists chiefly of biographical notes about prominent men concerned in the gold discoveries.

LAYTON, J. E. Sources of population in Indiana, 1816-1850. Bull. of Ind.
State Library, Sept., 1916.

LENHART, J. The Capuchins in Acadia and northern Maine (1632-1655).
Rec. of Am. Catholic Hist. Soc., Mar., 1917. Pp. 18.
Concluding instalment.

LITTELL, H. Development of the city school system of Indiana, 1851-1880.
Ind. Mag. of Hist., Dec., 1916.

Concluding instalment.

LONGMIRE, D. First immigrants to cross the Cascades. Wash. Hist. Quart., Jan., 1917. Pp. 8.

Account of an expedition made in 1853.

MARSHALL, T. M. Commercial aspects of the Texas Santa Fé trade. S. Hist.

Quart., Jan., 1917. Pp. 19.

Deals with the early forties.

NOYES, A. D. United States, a financial power after the war. Scribner, Dec., 1916.

A thoughtful statement of the effects of the European war upon the financial status of the United States.

OLNEY, W., JR. The Western Pacific Railroad. Univ. Calif. Chronicle, Oct., 1916.

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