Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 23, 2012-2013, Volume 23;Volumes 2012-2013

Jarna Petman
Bloomsbury Publishing, 28/01/2016 - 560 páginas
The Finnish Yearbook of International Law aspires to honour and strengthen the Finnish tradition in international legal scholarship. Open to contributions from all over the world and from all persuasions, the Finnish Yearbook stands out as a forum for theoretically informed, high-quality publications on all aspects of public international law, including the international relations law of the European Union.
The Finnish Yearbook publishes in-depth articles and shorter notes, commentaries on current developments, book reviews and relevant overviews of Finland's state practice. While firmly grounded in traditional legal scholarship, it is open for new approaches to international law and for work of an interdisciplinary nature.
The Finnish Yearbook is published for the Finnish Society of International Law by Hart Publishing. Volumes prior to volume 19 may be obtained from Martinus Nijhoff, an imprint of Brill Publishers.

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Stephen Humphreys
Florian Hoffmann
Maija Dahlberg
Samuli Miettinen
Ruth Donner
Sabine Frerichs
Padraig McAuliffe
Direitos de autor

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Acerca do autor (2016)

Jarna Petman

Executive Editor
Tuomas Tiittala
Jens Kremer

Søren Berg-Rasmussen, Rain Liivoja, Ukri Soirila, Silke Trommer

Associate Editors
Paolo Amorosa, María José Belmonte Sánchez, Kirsten Fisher, Dorota Gozdecka, Maija Häll, Tero Kivinen, Ida Koivisto, Susanna Mehtonen, Liisa Oravisto, Elina Paunio, Eliška Pirkova, Walter Rech, David Scott, Pamela Slotte, Raisa Uljas, Janne Valo, Tomas Wallenius, Kristian Wohlström

Informação bibliográfica