Breaking the Silence: Overcoming the Problem of Principal Mistreatment of Teachers

SAGE Publications, 2003 - 188 páginas
This book exposes the various manifestations of mistreatment of teachers by principals, offering practical solutions for its prevention and correction. Information comes from a study involving interviews with elementary and secondary teachers from rural, suburban, and urban areas across the United States and Canada. The book provides tools necessary to identify destructive behavior and raises awareness of this common phenomenon in order to break the cycle of abuse. Key features include real-life examples and testimonials; specific forms and indicators of mistreatment, categorized into three levels; descriptions of the effects on schools and teachers, professionally and personally; and solutions for overcoming this problem. Seven chapters focus on: (1) "The Problem of Principal Mistreatment of Teachers"; (2) "The Many Faces of Moderate Mistreatment: From Discounting Teacher to Offensive Personal Conduct"; (3) "Escalating Mistreatment of Teachers: From Spying to Criticism"; (4) "Severe Mistreatment of Teachers: From Lying to Destruction"; (5) "The Effects of Principal Mistreatment of Teachers: Lasting Wounds and Damaged Schools"; (6) "Worlds of Pain: The Undoing of Teachers"; and (7) "Overcoming the Problem of Principal Mistreatment of Teachers: What Can We Do?" (Contains approximately 225 references.) (SM).

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Destroying Teacher Instructional Aids
What Happens to Those Who Resist or Demonstrate
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Acerca do autor (2003)

Jo Blase is a professor of educational administration at the University of Georgia, and a former public school teacher, high school and middle school principal, and director of staff development. She received a Ph.D. in educational administration, curriculum, and supervision in 1983 from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and her research has focused on instructional and transformational leadership, school reform, staff development, and principal-teacher relationships. Through work with the Beginning Principal Study National Research Team, the Georgia League of Professional Schools, and public and private school educators with whom she consults throughout the United States and abroad, she has pursued her interest in preparation for and entry to educational and instructional leadership as it relates to supervisory discourse. Winner of the W. G. Walker 2000 Award for Excellence for her coauthored article published in the Journal of Educational Administration, the University of Georgia College of Education Teacher Educator Award, the University of Colorado School of Education Researcher/Teacher of the Year, and the American Association of School Administrators Outstanding Research Award, Blase has published in international handbooks and journals such as The Journal of Staff Development, The Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Educational Administration Quarterly, and The Alberta Journal of Educational Research; her eight book editions include Empowering Teachers (1994, 2000), Democratic Principals in Action (1995), The Fire Is Back (1997), Handbook of Instructional Leadership (1998, 2004), Breaking the Silence (2003), and Teachers Bringing Out the Best in Teachers (2006). Blase has authored chapters on becoming a principal, school renewal, supervision, and organizational development; her recent research examines the problem of teacher mistreatment. She has published over 90 academic articles, chapters, and books, and she also conducts research on supervisory discourse among physicians as medical educators and consults with physicians in US hospitals and medical centers.

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